
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Killing some one,rewards or punishes?

When a soldier kills som1 out of his own idea,he'll be put behind d
bars.Whereas when he kills som1 in d war as per d order of
commander,he'll b rewarded.Likewise,when v act as per d will of God(as
given in vedic lit.) v'll not b bound by it's reactions but when v act
against d will of God,v'll b punished


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The ultimate well-wisher in us

None in this world is our real well-wisher.It's more of mutual
give&take.When1party stops giving or d other1 is unable2give,then d
relationship breaks.It's d case with even d most intimate so-called
lovers.D SupremeLord seated within d heart of every1 is our ultimate
well-wisher,tho v only take from Him!


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Failure in the beginning is quite natural.

In d beginning there may b some failures which is quite natural.Just a
child is trying2stand,he may fall down but dat doesnt mean he shud
give up d idea.There'll come a time wen v'll become perfect in serving
d Supreme which is our real position.So v shud try2serve d Supreme
Lord immaterial of d failures.

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Surrendering to Krsna


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 1/25/11

Surrendering to Krishna means that Krishna has given many directions. Surrendering to Krishna doesn't just mean: thinking of Krishna, remembering Krishna…. Krishna…. Krishna. Seeing someone with a flute and a peacock feather – and you think - Krishna. No it means Krishna in total - Krishna with the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna with the instructions, Krishna who tells you what to do and what not to do – that's the problem with Krishna – He's not only sweet and playing the flute, but He tells you what to do and what not to do. That's why people rather have an impersonal God, which would be much easier because he doesn't give any instructions – but Krishna He tells you;

"Do this and don't do that. You can offer this to me, but you cannot offer that to me!"

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Radhadesh, January 2011)


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Violence is also necessary,at times!

In d Battle of Kurukshetra,d Lord wanted2teach people in general dat
violence is also necessary in a situation where good arguments
fail.There were many attempts2avoid d war by d Lord Himself yet d
opposite party was determined2fight.It was necessary4d Lord2establish
religious principles,which was lost.


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