
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Better Safe Than Sorry (part 3)


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 12/14/10

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 11th Dec 2010)

Ashrama that's a matter of choice. There is no ashrama which is free from austerity- every ashrama brings it's austerities one has to simply adjust to it. Every ashram requires lots of adjustment but that is required for us to be successful to rise above the karma. We don't know what karma is still there, the aprarabda karma is stored within the heart - it is stored in the heart, so many sinful reactions from so many lifetimes, we don't know what is there. We don't know what reactions are still to come.
It is mentioned that Ajamila at the time of being a student, he was a brahamin. It is said that he was the best student among all the others, he was exemplary and there was no one like him. So, his teachers were very impressed by him and they were just wondering what kind of karma does this Ajamila have and so therefore one day they thought let's consult an astrologer.
So, the astrologer calculated the birth chart of Ajamila and he saw to his astonishment that soon Ajamila would go into a very dark phase and then he would fall down in his brahaminical standards and would get involved in illicit activities with a prostitute. He could see it in the chart and the teachers were shocked! ...

They knew it that, ' Yes the astrologer is qualified'
and therefore they immediately made arrangements for Ajamila to get married.
They said 'You get married' and they said:
'You just stay here in the ashrama, no need to go looking for a job.'
They made maximum arrangements for his protection, but it was not successful because the sinful reactions stored within the heart from the previous life finaly caught up with him and over took him even though the stars seemed to be good. Therefore the nature of aprarabda karma cannot be over seen and obviously in the age of kali it is already going for 5000 years, we can appreciate that we have had many births before in this age of kali and most likely during those births engaged in so many sinful activities and if some of them were human then we are responsible.
The human birth is the one birth where one is held responsible - that we have to understand. We cannot accept that things will be smooth and that we will not be attacked by possiblly strong material desires.
We were studying in Mayapur the pastimes of Dhruva Maharaja in the Bhakti Vaibhava course and I was teaching, so I was really studying and reading commentaries and this and that and then I came across in the Vishnu Purana that it is stated that Dhruva Maharaja in his previous life was a brahamana. As a brahamana he was very qualified and in due course of time he became friends with the king and in his friendship with the king, Dhruva Maharaja started to develop desires to have similar opulence as the king - and then we see in his next life he becomes Dhruva. He is denied to sit on the thrown and is denied to sit on the laps of his father and becomes very angry and what does he want? ….a kingdom greater than his father and grandfather and where did it come from?
We can see it was a desire which was already there from his previous life and he carried it with him, just see. So, we cannot expect that we will not be attacked by some very powerful material desires since the aparabda Karma is not so good in the age of Kali. The un-manifested karma stored in the heart is not so good. Therefore it will happen to us, - we will be attacked with strong desires and we will develop the inclination to act against our better knowledge.
Then we should remember that now I am a victim of external forces - this is not me. I am simply a play ball on the waves of karma. I am simply being controlled by external forces, this is not me. One has to understand that karma works in this way and we become controlled simply by previous impressions. This way one must be detached of even what may come in the future.
One already has to have a detached attitude when desires come that:
'I will not take it serious'
In this way we have to prepare a mentality that if material desire knocks on my door.
"No, sorry, no thank you, not interested - even if it is cheap I am not buying. No!"
Like that one has to fix himself. That is only possible for one who fixes himself while chanting the Holy Name. Try sincerley to conquer the mind while chanting the Holy Name and to fix our mind on hearing the chanting and if we simply do that then we can get the strength to be fixed also in ordinary dealings.
Just like inattentive chanting leads to inattentive service. I was just talking to the mridanga player of how mridanga playing is the most difficult thing.
Why is mridanga playing so difficult? It is difficult because it is not about different beats or of different bols or of different mantras, it is not about intricate rhythms, that is the secondary part - the primary part is all about hearing.
A good mridanga player is one who listens, who is totally attentive to the kirtan and is following very carefully to what he is hearing. That's extremely difficult and that is only possible if one chants attentively. If one is an inattentive chanter one will be an inattentive mridanga player for sure. One will do everything inattentive, one goes through life as if in a cloud and just walking like that in the cloud one would inadvertedly do so many things that one later wonders why did I do that and later on forgets.
The sage, who when he was a child grabbed a little stick and pierced an insect and later was visited when he was an adult suddenly in the middle of the night by these strangers that came asking for shelter. He then gave them shelter and an hour later the soldiers arrived and they were arrested - they were all thieves and they were going to kill these thieves and the sentence was that they were going to be pierced by lance. The sage was almost pierced by a lance and somehow or other it was found out and the sage was released.
The sage got so upset, How is this possible? How is this that I was almost been pierced by a lance? I am going to find out and check this out with Yamaraja. So he went to Yamaraja to find out what it was and it turned out that it was his karma as a child piercing an insect with a stick.
Alright so, we are simply attentive in spiritual life, attentive to take shelter, attentive in our chanting, attentive to take shelter, attentive to act properly, attentive to act accordingly to the desire of Krishna.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 11th Dec 2010)


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Better Safe Than Sorry (part 4)


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 12/14/10

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 11th Dec 2010)

Srila Prabhupada says surrender is to follow all rules and regulations - because surrender means to take shelter, surrender means that one sees the need to take shelter, surrender is not a fight with one's mind and desires.
One might think that surrender is a fight with my mind and desires:
"My desires are different, I know I should surrender but I don't feel like it. I have lots of desires."
No, that's not the issue, the issues is that we have not understood how much at risk we are, how much in danger we are, we have not understand how much we need to take shelter - if we thoroughly understand that how much we need shelter, then we say :
"These desires, these are dangerous, I might get burnt, No No, not going to do it. I am going to take shelter." ...

Therefore this is the spirit that we understand that life after life we have already been in this material world. How many times have we been in touch with the devotees? We don't know, But assuming that we did, we still did not attain success but this life has to be different because this lifetime we have come in touch with Srila Prabhupada's movement - the siddhanta is crystal clear….
Somehow or other we have become connected to a glories samprdaya which has been brought to us by various acharyas who have made everything crystal clear and its Srila Prabhupada took all that and make it intelligible to us.
One time one disciple of Prabhupada was reading a book of Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja. Prabhupada was in Mayapur and Prabhupada saidto him:
"What are you reading?"
"Oh! It's a book of your Guru Maharaja, Srila Prabhupda"
and Prabhupada said:
"Nobody can understand the writings of my Guru Maharaja - he wrote those books for me."
So, Srila Prabhupada made it all intelligible to us, he brought it all home to us and what we all have to do is to take shelter and that's the one thing we need to do and if we don't then we are not at all safe.
Our bad kali yuga aprarabda karma, and may be some karma from the Dwarpar yuga, who knows, some karma left over from the Treta yuga and possibily some karma from the Satya yuga is still haunting us today. Therefore, we need shelter at every step, therefore we are very carefully taking shelter at the Lotus Feet of Srila Prabhupada and all the followers of Srila Prabhupdada.
In the association of the followers of Srila Prabhupada we become more fixed at his feet and all the loose screws become tighten. Everyboday has a few loose screws in this age of kali, if you know what I mean! But in the association of the followers of Srila Prabhupada gradually little by little the loose screws become tightened. So, in this way I pray that I may always serve the Lotus Feet of Srila Prabhupada in the association of his followers and servants and that I may serve their Lotus Feet. Any questions?...

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 11th Dec 2010)


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establish the supremacy of Krishna bhakti


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 12/14/10

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Delhi, 2010)

This process of bhakti is not a process of tapsya, ..a little tapsaya in the beginning but there is so much bliss as one is advancing in Krishna consciousness. So much taste and therefore it is the process which is joyfully performed. That is the reason why bhakti is far superior than the teachings of mayavada…..
Therefore our mission is to drive out the influence of nirvesesa and sunyavada in this world and to establish the supremacy of Krishna bhakti everywhere. This must be done very forceful, very strongly, we can not be soft in this matter.
Yesterday I was reading on the plane, it was a long flight so I did a lot of reading:
There was a description where Prabhupada was asked:
"What about RamaKrishna?"
Prabhupada said: 'He is a rascal" ...

Prabhupada was not at all careful about it, he was adamant.
Prabhupada spoke very strong, he said that:
"He engaged in so much sexual activity, that he became impotent"
Prabhupada had no good words for him at all. And for Vivekenanda Prabhupada also said: "a woman monger"
He said it so strongly.
One might say how can he speak so strong but it is a fact that this is the situation in this age of kali.
Those who won't take to the process of bhakti, they can not maintain – they can not maintain because there is no satisfaction in any other path, no lasting satisfaction - Therefore there is the greatest risk that one will fall prey to the material energy, but if one fully absorbed in serving Krishna, then one will only want more and more service to Krishna and this is the perfection of life.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Delhi, 2010)


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Holding Any Weapons?


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 12/14/10

We learn to see the material energy in connection with Krishna. We see that Krishna is behind everything and yet …Krishna never sets a foot out of Vrndavana – because the Lord is involved in His pleasure pastimes.
Srila Prabhupada describes how he had a German God brother who was a sanyassi called Sadanandan Swami and he said that this swami previously was a very evolved scholar. He came to India and he took darshans in various temples – and he saw Durga Devi with ten arms, weapons in different arms, many forms of the Lord, Shiva with a trident – he saw all these various forms of the Lord and then he saw Krishna. He saw how Krishna was not holding any weapons – he saw that Krishna was holding only a flute and he thought
'Ah this is the Supreme Lord, this is the Supreme because he doesn't have a job"
The Supreme Lord does not have any work to perform and yet by his energies everything is manifest.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Delhi, 2010)


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Dayanidhi - The compassionate Lord Krishna

Excuse me again, original sender for the loop back to your mailbox. Thought it is good to share with other devotees too.


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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 12/14/10

Duryodhana was bereft of his fortune and duration of life because of the intricacy of ill advice given by Karṇa, Duḥśāsana and Saubala. When he lay on the ground with his followers, his thighs broken although he was powerful, the Lord was not happy to see the scene.




The fall of Duryodhana, the leading son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, was not pleasing to the Lord, although He was on the side of Arjuna and it was He who advised Bhīma how to break the thighs of Duryodhana while the fight was going on. The Lord is constrained to award punishment upon the wrongdoer, but He is not happy to award such punishments because the living entities are originally His parts and parcels. He is harder than the thunderbolt for the wrongdoer and softer than the rose for the faithful. The wrongdoer is misled by bad associates and by ill advice, which is against the established principles of the Lord's order, and thus he becomes subject to punishment. The surest path to happiness is to live by the principles laid down by the Lord and not disobey His established laws, which are enacted in the Vedas and the Purāṇas for the forgetful living entities.


[ SB 3.3.13 ]



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