
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Wrong Way Prabhu!


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 12/5/10

Devotee: How can we check if we're going in the wrong way?

Maharaja: By not being independent, but by being in the association of the devotees- Because the devotees, they will protect us.
Therefore we stay in the association of devotees, closely.
The devotees, they will tell us if we're going in the wrong way, oh yes they will. Don't you worry! They will do that. They are very merciful. Devotees are always ready to tell us:
"You're going in the wrong way, Prabhu!" - especially the senior Vaisnavas, their instructions carry more weight, so we take shelter of them as much as possible.

Transcribed by Bhakta Fredrick
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, October 2010, Melbourne)


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The Vaisnava Must Be Generous


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 12/5/10

At one point I became the temple president in Vrindavan, which is quite a responsibility – big ashrams and so many things. I did that for a few years. At that time I was a grhasta, and then one day early in the morning someone knocked on my door. It was Radha Govinda Swami, and he would knock on my door and then as soon as I opened it – he would offer obesciences. So I too offered obesciences. Then he would just walk away. The next day the same thing happened. For one week he came to my door and offered obesciences, and at each time I said;

" Maharaja please, Maharaja no…… Maharaja what are you doing ? I'm just a grhasta and you are a Sannyasi – what are you doing?"

So after one week he said;

"No it is my duty. I must offer my obesciences. After all you are our father".

I had never thought of that - that I was the father of all the devotees. I thought that I was the temple president and in charge here and responsible of the place. But then I was the father and it had never occurred in my brain – especially Radha Govinda Mahraja's father. I had never thought of that! (laughter)....

He taught me something – since I must say that I started to think about it. That I have to be more like a father: Taking care, and being more kind: More loving and at the same time I must take charge and lead people in the right direction. So it gave me a sense of leadership – a sense of caring and not just being a good administrator.

So something changed. Instead of pulling out a manager's pocket handbook - 37 tips for efficient management. Suddenly I had to be a father. So we are not accustomed to being merciful. We are not accustomed to be a vaisnavas – we don't know what it means. We tend to become serious about our spiritual life because we want to get out of the material world, but we forget that a vaisnava is just an ocean of mercy and we maintain a certain amount of harshness. You know with our dealings, we are insensitive – we are still too self centered. Too self centered in our own experience: Our own need furthering our foreground and we just steam roll other people in human relationships.

This is the symptom of the mode of ignorance actually. This harshness – this insensitivity is due to the mode of ignorance of a vaisnava, because a vaisnava is accepting the wellbeing of others as much as his own! Therefore, a vaisnava is gentle - that means a vaisnava must be generous, and must not only think, " What about myself, but what about the other person?" That we saw in the advanced devotees who really cared for others!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, October 2010)


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The individual self(soul) neither kills nor is killed!

Neither he who thinks himself2b killed nor who thinks others get
killed is in Knowledge becoz d real self(Soul) cant b killed by any
means(d individual soul cant b Cut in2pieces by any weapon,nor burnt
by fire,nor dried by wind,nor drownned by Water)but is just covered by
body which is subjected2perish-BG


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Diseased condition!

When getting cured frm a disease(having been bed ridden4long),it may
appear,walking is new&unnatural&even v may've2practice2walk.Same way,v
r now diseased with d material disease
of enjoying d senses.It may appear unnatural2practice
DevotionalService2God.But it is our real nature which is


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*Important Note

A stock clerk was sent to clean up a storeroom in

Maui , Hawaii .

When he got back, he was complaining that the storeroom was really filthy and that he had noticed dried mouse/rat droppings in some areas. 
A couple of days later, he started to feel like he was coming down with stomach flu, complained of sore joints and headaches, and began to     vomit. 

He went to bed and never really got up again. Within two days he was     severely ill and weak. His blood sugar count was down to 66, and his face and eyeballs were yellow. He was rushed to the hospital where h e was diagnosed to be suffering from massive organ failure. He died shortly     before midnight. 
No one would have made the connection between his job and his death, had it     not been for a doctor who specifically asked if he had been in a warehouse     or exposed to dried rat/mouse droppings at any time. They said there is a virus (much like the Hanta virus) that lives in dried rat and mouse droppings. 

Once dried, these droppings are like dust and can easily be breathed in or ingested if a person does not wear protective gear or fails     to wash face and hands thoroughly.

An autopsy was performed on the clerk to verify the doctor's suspicions. This is why it is extremely important to ALWAYS carefully rinse off the tops of canned sodas or foods, and to wipe off pasta packaging, cereal boxes, and so on. 

Almost everything you buy in a supermarket was stored in a warehouse at one time or another, and stores themselves often have rodents. 

Most of us remember to wash vegetables and fruits but never think of boxes and cans.

The ugly truth is, even the most modern, upper-class, super store has rats and     mice. And their warehouse most assuredly does! 

Whenever you buy any canned soft drink, please make sure that you wash the top with running water and soap or, if that is not available, drink with a straw.

The investigation of soda cans by the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta discovered that the tops of soda cans can be encrusted with dried rat's urine, which is so toxic it can be lethal. Canned drinks and other foodstuffs are stored in     warehouses and containers that are usually infested with rodents, and then they get transported to retail outlets without being properly cleaned. 

Please forward this message to the people you care about. 


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