Whose name does Krishna chant?
Krishna chants Radha's name with deep attachment
kalindi-tata-kunja-mandira-gato yogindravad yat-pada-
jyotir-dhyana-parah sada japati yam premasru-purno-harih
kenapy adbhutam ullasad-rati-rasanandena sammohitah
sa radheti sada hrdi sphuratu me vidya para dvy-aksara
In the forest bower by the banks of the Yamuna,
Krishna is fixed in meditation like a yogi
on the light emanating from Radha's toenails.
Muttering Her names with eyes overflowing with tears,
His body overcome with an unbelievably joyful thrill of desire.
May those two syllables magical of Radha's name
always reverberate in my heart.
(Prabodhananda Sarasvati, Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi, 96)