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For God there is no evil, just good.
Just as my chest is as important to me as my back, if there is pain in my back I take care of it.
I do not ignore it thinking that the front is more important.
Evil is compared to the back of God.
It is not different from His front, or goodness.
If everything is good from God's point of view, then how can there be evil?
It is just like the sun.
On the body of the sun there is no shadow.
We create shadow by turning our back to the sun.
Similarly, when we turn away from God there is evil.
Evil is the absence of good, just as darkness is the absence of sunlight.
If you keep yourself always in the light, where is the question of darkness?
God is all-good.
So if you keep yourself always in God consciousness, then there is no evil.
And why was the world created with evil men?
Why was the police department created?
Because there is a necessity.
Some living entities want to enjoy this material world, therefore God creates it.
He is just like a father who gives a separate room to his mischievous children to play in.
Otherwise, the naughty boys would always disturb Him.
This world is something like a prison.
Therefore, there is suffering here.
In the prison house you cannot expect comfort, because unless there is suffering, there is no lesson for the prisoners.
Evil is undoubtedly created by God, but this was necessary due to the human being's misuse of his free will.
God gives man good directions, but when man is disobedient, evil is naturally there to punish him.
Evil is not desired by God, yet it is created because it is necessary.
The government constructs prisons not because it wants to but because they are necessary.
The government prefers to construct universities so that people can attain an education and become highly enlightened.
But because some people misuse their independence and violate the state laws, prisons are necessary.
We suffer due to our own evil activities.
God does not desire to create evil, but man's evil activities oblige God to create an evil situation.
- Srila Prabhupada
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