
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna



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via Gita Coaching by on 8/30/10

Regarding your question about thinking about sex, is that also one form of illicit sex or against our four principles? Yes, even thinking sex is the same as illicit sex, but one who is not advanced cannot avoid it. But that does not disturb our regular procedure.

We should strongly follow all the regulations and principles and chant and these thoughts will come and go away. Thinking will come; even great saintly persons like Lord Siva are not free of thoughts that come, so what to speak of you. So we must say that such thinking is no offense because you are accustomed to this habit.

But beyond thinking are feeling and willing, so even thoughts of sex connection may come, that is difficult even for saintly persons to avoid, still, in the further stages of feeling and willing we can easily conquer over this sex urge. Willing should be avoided and acting stopped, or else there is offense of breaking this basic prohibition of illicit sex-life.

Because thinking comes I shall give it practical shape: that is nonsense, but because it is an old habit we are unable to check it unless we can understand the nature of feeling, willing and then action, and how by proper use of intelligence and prevent thoughts which must come from maturing into actions -- that is the practical application of Krishna Consciousness regulative principles.

Even Lord Caitanya Himself said that sometimes when I see a wooden form of a woman, my mind becomes agitated but that does not mean that we should give it practical shape, that is intelligence. One must be convinced that sex-life without exception means trouble, therefore he is able to stop it at the thinking stage by not allowing it to be felt, much less willed and acted.

- Srila Prabhupada's letter to Kirtiraja -- Mayapur 28 February, 1972


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Intelligence - Putting Things Into Practice


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 8/27/10

Bhakta Frederick was so much very enthused from Kadamba Kanana Swami's association in Sweden this month. He asked some very interesting questions, jumped up and down in all the Kirtans, came to drop Maharaja to the airport and then...sent us here at the KKS blog a wonderful transcript from Kadamba Kanana Swami's talk!

After Maharaja's talk at the Sweden Hare Krishna farm we had took some photos.
Here's one of me and our new friend Bhakta Frederick! Thank's for the nectar below!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden August 2010)

It is said when we become pure devotees of Krsna, then Krsna Himself will be seated within our heart. Then we will see Krsna directly, the Supreme Lord, within our heart. And then He will directly reveal so many things to us. Then one simply acts as the agent of the Lord -so that is another level of intelligence, and that is the desired level of intelligence. That is complete, when intelligence has really penetrated fully unto the level of the heart - Not just all very intellectual but, because we begin to put things into practice, that intellectual knowledge also becomes realized and when the knowledge is fully realized, then intelligence happens on the platform of the heart, and then Krsna is steering that intelligence!Anyway, then it is fully full intelligence. So like that we are gradually increasing our intelligence in devotional service - Not necessarily that we'll in the beginning will only be able to do simple mathematical formulas and if you chant Hare Krsna for 20 years you'll be doing quantum mechanics! It's not exactly like that. Not automatically, but one's intelligence becomes deeper and more complete and one will see everything in it's full perspective, because intelligence is meant to place things in a proper perspective, that is the essence. Otherwise one will take part in sources of misery which are in relation to the material senses.
So many sources of misery, and due to ignorance we take part in these sources of misery. That ignorance can be simply a lack of knowledge, total ignorance, that we have no idea what's going on, or it can be a more subtle type of ignorance where we know : we know it's bad, and still we do it, because we don't really , we don't know in full depth how bad it is. We think:
"Yes, it's bad, but it's also good, and it's a combination of two, and the good is not so bad, and I'll take the bad with the good, and after all the good looks a lot better than the bad!"
and then we go for it!
The good always looks good, but it's never as good as it looked, and the bad, when you get it, it's always worse than it looked before! That seems to be the nature of good and bad, so keep that in mind, when you're observing the situation. So in this way in intelligence we are seeing on a deeper level. We're seeing what is beneficial in my relationship with Krsna.
It says "preyas, sreyas," immediate and long-term, okay; the long term, the relationship with Krsna. Difficult to come to that point, hm.. Difficult. As we are going through life, so many times, we just choose the wrong thing. We just choose, knowingly we choose the wrong thing. We just choose something temporary in this world, and it's just:
'Love, this love and that love and so much love'
and then -- so much misery!
Yeah, it's amazing. It happens, it happens. So again and again, it happens, and we think:
"Oh, this time it's real. Absolutely. This time it's different. I tell you, this time it's different!"
It's not any different at all, okay! It's not. It's the same! It's the same as all the other times!
Exactly the same, again and again!
That's what Bhagavatam is telling us [we] say:
"No, no, no. The Bhagavatam doesn't know what it's talking about. That's a book, and this is life! You know? And, you know, everything in life can't be in a book!"
NO NO NO It is! It's all in the book! It really is, it's all there!
Everything that's there in life, is actually in Bhagavatam. It's not that something hasn't been included in the Bhagavatam. It's all there!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden August 2010)


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Taste Coming From Doing The Best We Can


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 8/27/10

Click ' read more ' below for more from this talk!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 25th August 2010, Finland)

Thinking feeling and willing are related to the mind and the senses, so when the feeling is so strong:

'But I have to do it!'

'Because I feel it! I feel that it's right and I have to do it'
'But the intelligence says it's wrong'

'No but I feel it!'
'No, intelligence says it's wrong!'

'But I FEEL IT!!!'

...The sword of transcendental knowledge, and it is Krishna who gives it, Govinda – because after all it was Govinda who spoke the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna. He spoke the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna so He gave transcendental knowledge but it is very difficult to apply that transcendental knowledge.
That we all know very well that the knowledge of the Gita is compared to the sword of knowledge/ it is every sharp- so it has to be applied with intelligence. Intelligence is sharp, intelligence is cutting. It is sharp, sharp intelligence. So we are cutting with the intelligence- the sword of knowledge, sharp intelligence. So that means it can be painful – because with intelligence one knows what to do but the mind and senses don't feel like it- and still one has to do.
That is intelligence, therefore Intelligence means that one acts according to prescribed duty, that is intelligent…
…thinking feeling and willing are related to the mind and the senses, so when the feeling is so strong:
'But I have to do it!'
'Because I feel it!'
'I feel that it's right and I have to do it'
'But the intelligence says it's wrong'
'No but I feel it!'
'No, intelligence says it's wrong!'
'But I FEEL IT!!!'
So one has to act upon the platform of intelligence , not on the platform of feelings. That is the difficulty so therefore anybody who acts on transcendental knowledge is intelligent. So therefore all us of should act, male or female, on transcendental knowledge – but this is difficult.

It is very difficult to control the mind and control the senses which are : thinking feeling and willing- so strong. A thought comes to our mind, maybe a good idea:
The mind says 'Yes Yes Yes Yes a good idea, Good Idea!'
And then the next thing: ' YES I want it! Want it now!!!!'
So strong!
The senses push so much and they have no mercy, they are demanding, very demanding. But with the sword of knowledge (sanskrit) one has to say 'No, I cut!' Cut.
But the difficulty is to do that. Very difficult. So it said that Lord Balarama gives us that strength to lift that sword. He gives us the strength to act upon knowledge and to cut our material desires. So that is interesting and Balarama gives us that strength by giving us devotional service – because Balarama makes unlimited arrangements in serving Krishna. By engaging in devotional service one becomes inspired. By engaging in devotional service one becomes very powerful and inspired and in this way we can actually do it on the taste that is there in devotional service.
One might say well there is a lot of austerity in devotional service. There is austerity but it is not the main thing, the main thing is taste. Taste in Kirtan, taste in Prasadam…or the taste of having made a sacrifice to Krishna. So there is no doubt that the source of our strength is not austerity.
It is said that austerity (Sanskrit), that is part of spiritual life but that is not the all in all. That is not the all in all. On the strength of austerity, how long can one last?
Just like when we have to carry bricks. How many bricks can you comfortably carry; six at a time? Eight at a time/? May be the first time you can even do ten at a time! But after a while ten at a time becomes very difficult to lift. After a while even eight becomes hard..even two!
If we have to lift hundreds or thousands of bricks then even to lift the last two hurts the arms, the back and everything! And it become a strain! So that is the nature of austerity. It is like a weight that we are lifting and with time we become fatigued. Therefore no matter how austere we are there is a limit to austerity. But the taste that comes in devotional service of just doing the best we can..
...just like in my early days in Krishna consciousness, one of my services was to prepare a room for a programme for a guest – and they said ;
'Quick quick quick, go in there and go clean the room!'
Quickly I cleaned the room, I quickly swept it, because it was quick and I quickly put the dust under the carpet! But then I thought:
'No! I can't do that because now I am cleaning for Krishna and Krishna is seeing under the carpet as well! So I lifted the carpet back up and took everything from the carpet and now it was for Krishna. And just the fact that we are trying to do a first class job is so satisfying. It gives that feeling:
'Yes I did the best I could!'
'I really tried my level best and I know I did.'
So therefore I can feel that:
'Yes I am satisfied with my performance because I tried my best!'

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 25th August 2010, Finland)


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SMS updates of the weak(week ;))!

The Lord accepts the least qualification of the living entity and
awards him the highest reward. That is the standard of His character.
Therefore, who but the Lord can be the ultimate shelter???
Srimad Bhagavatham#3.2.23

D occupational activities,a man performs according2his own position r
only so much useless labor if they do not provide attraction4d message
of d Personality of Godhead-SB#1.2.8

4my own pleasure,I never Fear2commit any sin.Im devoid of pity&Im full
of selfishness.Im Sorry@other's happiness.Im an inveterate liar.Indeed
I delight in others' miseries-Amara Jivana,Bhakti Vinoda Thakur.
"Having awakened faith in My narrations,being disgusted with all
material activities,knowing that all sense enjoyment leads2misery,but
still being unable2renounce sense enjoyment,My devotee shud remain
happy&worship Me with faith&conviction.Even tho sometimes he is
engaged in sense enjoyment,My devotee knows it gives miserable
results&he sincerely,repents such activities-SB#11.20.27-28

Those who fix their minds on My personal form and are always engaged
in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith are considered by
Me to be most perfect.
(Lord Sri Krsna - Bhagavad gita 12.2)

For one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me,I am never
lost, nor is he ever lost to Me-(Lord Sri Krsna - Bhagavad-Gita 6.30)


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