H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: sits in
just like enemies conquer by positioning themselves@strategic points
in d battlefield.Lust pervades d entire body,senses r d
outlets4lust.Mind is d centre of all senses&is also called sixth
sense.Mind has2functions
What2accept&reject is dictated by intelligence.Corrupted Intelligence
drags down one2d level of dog.StrongerIntelligence ctrls mind.A ctrld
mind is d best friend of conditioned soul while unctrld mind is d
worst enemy within d self.With mind v created our present body.Just as
air carries smell,mind carries soul from1body2another :(
Ignorance is no xcuse.LawsOfNature r so strict that no 1 can escape d
reactions of their actions.A BurningFire is impartial2child/adult.Just
as a calf find his mother even in d midst of 1000s of cows,d reactions
of actions hit d doer without fail.Moment by moment,v r sowing seeds
by our thots,words,deeds.
As a fire is covered by smoke,mirror by dust,embryo by womb,d living
Entities r covered by different degrees of Lust.Lust covers d real
knowledge of d self&is d Eternal enemy of d living beings,bound in
this World.There4 in d very beginning curb this lust(symbol of sin)
which burns like fire-BG
Sun appears2rise&set in our deficient eyes.But,it is there always.Same
way d Lord appears&disappears in this world2rescue d fallen souls from
miserable condn&take back2SpiritualWorld.But Fools think,He is 1among
d conditioned souls,ctrld by nature,like us.He's never ctrld by
any.He's d SupremeController.
What is BhagavadGita?
3.ScienceOfGod,LivingEntities,Nature,Time,Karma&their relation.
4.Medicine4d deha-atmis(those that r considering body as d self)&
wandering across different planets in infinite no of universes birth
after birth
5.Has info abt material,spiritual world,liberation,heaven,hell,devas,asuras
6.Karma,Jnana,Bhakti yoga&d destination of Karmi,Jnani,DevoteeOf d
Lord explained.
7.Spoken by Lord Sri Krsna,5000 yrs ago.
1.Senses r higher than d Sense Objects
2.Mind is higher than senses
3.Intelligence is still higher than Mind
4.He(d Soul) is above all these.
Senses pull d mind,mind pulls d intelligence,when intelligence is
lost,d soul is dragged down2d level of dog&all Godly qualities r
BG SMS updates of the week!
The 26 Qualities of a Devotee
- Kind to everyone
- Does not quarrel with anyone
- Fixed in the Absolute Truth (Krishna consciousness)
- Equal to everyone
- Faultless
- Charitable
- Mild
- Clean
- Simple
- Benevolent
- Peaceful
- Completely attached to Krishna
- Has no material hankerings
- Meek
- Steady
- Self controlled
- Does not eat more than required
- Sane
- Respectful
- Humble
- Grave
- Compassionate
- Friendly
- Poetic
- Expert
- Silent
The 26 Qualities of a Devotee
Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:
Kadamba Kanana Swami:
(full transcript)
Srila Bhakti Siddhanta pointed out that if we publish a newspaper about a small town here and there is nothing new. But about Krishna there is unlimited information so there really isn't no need for anything else. One can just find out more about Krishna and there is still more to find out - -it's not the same old news that you have to chew for a few days! There's really always something new about Krishna.
So if we just look at that and just make it more and more famous, whatever we know about Krishna just share it with others and spread the fame and the Glories of Krishna- then automatically everybody will become enlivened. This is Krishna consciousness: Sharing the Glories of Krishna, the Name of Krishna, Prasadam, food stuffs offered to Krishna and that's what we will really taste in life - - and everything else what taste do you get?
If you read that news of the day whatever it is called...the dog paper! Something like that! If you read that dog paper, that's what it is, it's just about dogs: That dog and that dog, you know dogobama barks again! ....
The truth of the matter is that people are indeed concerned with doggish things, taking this junk and that junk, doggish things.
But Krishna consciousness is very nice, every word is purifying us, every word is uplifting us, everyword is liberating us , every word is destroying suffering.
If we have a problem with the material world and we say that there is too much suffering , every word of Krishna consciousness kicks it away!
We say: "but it doesn't work I tried ,"
No just like a medicine you take it and say "oh it doesn't work, it doesn't work, it makes it worse"
Doctor will say "No No just keep taking it and it it will work, it will work"
So if we carry on with this chanting of Hare Krishna and hearing about Krishna it will destroy all suffering!
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm 2010)
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Words Describing Krishna Destroy All Suffering
Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 30/03/2010)
Through forgiveness we can rise above this material condition- it is a fact -it is not so easy. But when I was about to join the Hare Krishna Movement I thought:
'Now! now it will be wonderful, because from now on I will be together with many nice people, just like me!'
And then when I joined, I saw that this HORRIBLE GUY! - The one that I always detested! Everything about him, I always thought was disgusting!
He had also JOINED! I never expected that! That was something that I hadn't calculated. It was a major problem that I had to face!...
So it does take some work to rise above our sort of inborn entity towards some devotees and to kind of appreciate them.
But the Vaishnava approach is simply to look at a person and count all his glories! ALL his glories, activities. See everyday; rise up early; see enthusiasm; see the sacrifice someone makes! If we just add up all the service, that the devotee is doing, than it's not difficult to appreciate it, then one can overlook the faults!
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 30/03/2010)
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Count the glories of the other person
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