
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Spiritual Father!


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via .: Prabhupada Letters :. Anthology by letters on 7/8/10

1967 July 8: "So far remembering me and Krishna, it should be simultaneous. I am your Spiritual Father, and Krishna is your Spiritual Husband. A girl can never forget either her father or her husband."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1967


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Safety warning!


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via Jayadvaita Swami Blog by Nama Rupa devi dasi on 4/18/10

Maya... is a fierce competitor. So there is no room for thinking, "Now I just have to, kind of, make it through the next few years and not really screw up too badly and everything will be all right. Give myself a little slack." Maya will say, "He is weak, get him!"

We should be careful. Such a valuable thing- we have gotten Krishna consciousness. So closely we should guard it. Just like we see here, all those warnings are there during the Mayapur festival, "If you have any valuables- be careful." And always there is somebody who is not careful who goes walking around with their passport or with their money. And some slick thief gets him. And the rest of us think, "I should be very careful with my money, I should lock it up, I should..."

So if we are that careful about our money, about our passports, about our airline tickets- how careful should we be about our Krishna consciousness, about our freedom from material existence, about our going back home back to Godhead?

Oh, if I lose my Krishna consciousness it is OK as long as I do not lose my passport.

We should be so careful.

SB 2.3.15 24/03/2006 Mayapur


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How to Conquer the Mind


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via KKSwami Blog by (Hina) on 8/13/10

This morning I established that we can conquer the mind actually, and I explained how to conquer the mind: By making the intelligence strong through hearing: And engaging the senses in devotional service: And hearing means hearing Bhagavatam and hearing the holy name. Then we spoke in the morning about Karma;

" What if my Karma is so bad?"

" Don't worry, Krsna will smash it!"

"But, then what about my chanting. If my chanting is so bad?"

"Don't worry, as long we try to chant nicely than all good results will come".

So it is quite difficult to not attain perfection in this movement. Generally we think that it's very very difficult to get love of God, and we think that, "Well is there anybody on the planet who has love of God? .... Anybody?"

Some people think, " I don't think so".

But if we look at it. It is said in the scripture (Sanskrit). There it is stated that even the madhyama-adhikārī has prema for Isvara. Prema - love for the Supreme Lord. How is it that a madhyama-adhikārī has Krsna Prem? Isn't the madhyama-adhikārī only the intermediate devotee? Yes maybe, but it is stated such madhyama-adhikārī has the prema for the Supreme Lord! Maybe, not as much as prem as uttama-adhikārī. But, it is prem. The same word prem is used. So it is not something else that he has. Maybe, it is the beginning of love of God. But, it is already there. Prabhupada also saw it like that.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami 24th June 2010)


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Above the Horizon


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via KKSwami Blog by (Hina) on 8/7/10

Thus all the learned scholars came to discuss the glory of the holy name. (Sanskrit)
Some of them said, " That by chanting the holy name of the Lord, one is freed from the reactions of all sinful life!"

Others said, " Simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord, a living being is liberated from material bondage!"

Haridas Thakur protested, "These 2 benedictions are not the true result of chanting the holy name. Actually by chanting the holy name without offences - one awakens his ecstatic love for the lotus feet of Krsna. When a person is actually advanced and takes pleasure in chanting the holy name of the Lord, who is very dear to him - he's agitated and chants very loud. He also laughs, cries and becomes agitated. And chants just like a mad man - not caring for outsiders. Liberations and extinctions of sinful life are 2 side products of chanting the holy name of the Lord

An example, is found in the gleams of the morning sunlight. As the sun rising immediately disappears all the world's darkness, which is deep like an ocean. So the holy name of the Lord if chanted once without offences – disappears all the reactions of the living beings sinful life. All glories to the holy name of the Lord, which is auspicious for the entire world."

So Haridas is requesting if all the scholars can explain the meaning of that verse.

But everyone said, "No! no Haridas please you explain it!"

So, Haridas said, " Well actually before the sun rises, the light of the sun is already visible in the sky. In the early morning before the sun just comes above the horizon. The sky begins to light up. So in that way, the holy name is also rising. First, there is just the light emanating from the sun in the sky - this is called nāmābhāsa. And then later, one will actually see the full manifestation of the sun or of the holy name. With the first glimpse of sunlight, the thieves ghosts and demons immediately disappear. So similarly, the first hint of that offenceless chanting of the holy name of the Lord has awakened. Disappeared the reactions of sinful life immediately".

( Kadamba Kanana Swami 24th June 2010 )


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All Sacrifices are Made for Krsna


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via KKSwami Blog by (Hina) on 8/4/10

All sacrifices are made for Krsna- Why? Because Krsna is the proprietor of everything. One man met Srila Prabhupada in Mayapur and he was very wealthy, and Prabhupada said;

"So what is your business?"
The man said, "We manufacture glass".
Prabhupada said, " Oh how do you manufacture glass?"
He said, " Oh it's made from silicium".
And Prabhupada said, " And how do you get that ?"
"We get it from sand".
Prabhupada said, "Where are you getting the sand? From where are you getting the sand?"
And because it was a sadhu asking the question he said," From God!"
And Prabhupada said, "Yes, that's right! So you are taking something that belongs to someone, and then you are changing it a little bit: Then you are selling it in the market. What do you call that ? Pukha chore (laughter)… pukha chore".

Absolutely right?! You go to the chore bazaar and that's what you get! It's changed a little bit, and there you go. So this is the essence - that's stealing. So in this way everything came from Krsna.

( Kadamba Kanana Swami, Leicester, England, May 2010)


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