
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna eBook Club | Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.CH4.09] eBook Club | Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.CH4.09]

Chapter 4

Transcendental Knowledge

(Purport to 4.06 continued)

At the time of the Battle of Kurukshetra, He had many grandchildren at home; or, in other words, He had sufficiently aged by material calculations. Still He looked just like a young man twenty or twenty-five years old. We never see a picture of Krishna in old age because He never grows old like us, although He is the oldest person in the whole creation—past, present, and future. Neither His body nor His intelligence ever deteriorates or changes. Therefore, it is clear that in spite of His being in the material world, He is the same unborn, eternal form of bliss and knowledge, changeless in His transcendental body and intelligence. Factually, His appearance and disappearance are like the sun's rising, moving before us, and then disappearing from our eyesight. When the sun is out of sight, we think that the sun is set, and when the sun is before our eyes, we think that the sun is on the horizon. Actually, the sun is always in its fixed position, but owing to our defective, insufficient senses, we calculate the appearance and disappearance of the sun in the sky. And because Lord Krishna's appearance and disappearance are completely different from that of any ordinary, common living entity, it is evident that He is eternal, blissful knowledge by His internal potency—and He is never contaminated by material nature. The Vedas also confirm that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is unborn yet He still appears to take His birth in multimanifestations. The Vedic supplementary literatures also confirm that even though the Lord appears to be taking His birth, He is still without change of body. In the Bhagavatam, He appears before His mother as Narayana, with four hands and the decorations of the six kinds of full opulences. His appearance in His original eternal form is His causeless mercy, bestowed upon the living entities so that they can concentrate on the Supreme Lord as He is, and not on mental concoctions or imaginations, which the impersonalist wrongly thinks the Lord's forms to be. The word maya, or atma-maya, refers to the Lord's causeless mercy, according to the Visva-kosa dictionary. The Lord is conscious of all of His previous appearances and disappearances, but a common living entity forgets everything about his past body as soon as he gets another body. He is the Lord of all living entities because He performs wonderful and superhuman activities while He is on this earth. Therefore, the Lord is always the same Absolute Truth and is without differentiation between His form and self, or between His quality and body. A question may now be raised as to why the Lord appears and disappears in this world. This is explained in the next verse.


Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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Real meaning of association with devotees.

From: Jyoti Pahuja

Those great souls who have surrendered their life at the lotus feet of the Lord, their lotus feet are considered to be the boats which carry us across the ocean of birth and death. So to associate with such persons is most valuable and precious in this entire human life.
Within our existence we work how many hours a day? We work for money eight-nine hours a day. How many hours on spending money? How many hours a day are we protecting our wealth and resources? What is the value of money. It cannot give you happiness, it cannot give you peace, it cannot save you from the repetition of birth, disease and death.
But association of saintly persons – that alone can bring you eternal peace and everlasting happiness and carry you across the ocean of birth , old age disease and death.
Do you know what Lord Jesus Christ said when he left this world? They were all sitting for dinner - it is called the last supper. Lord Jesus Christ got a bowl with scented water and went to each of his devotees to wash their feet. The first devotee Peter said,"My Lord Jesus I cannot allow you to do this. You are my master. You are the representative of God. How can I allow you to touch my dirty feet, what to speak of washing them? Lord Jesus Christ said, " No, if I am your master, you must obey. I must show you by my example that I am the servant of the feet of all my devotees. If you want to be my servant you have to follow my path and be the servant of the feet of all my devotees."
And then he washed each and everyone's feet. As the water was going along their feet, they were thinking, "My God! This is the extent to which my Guru (spiritual master) wants me to be the servant of the devotees." After he finished the feet washing ceremony, he said, "I have one last commandment to give all of you – To love one another as I love you. You must see how much I love each one of you. If you want to be my servant you must love one another."
This is what it means to associate with devotees, we develop that loving atmosphere amongst us – The atmosphere of love and trust, the atmosphere of seeking out the nectar from each devotee.
However, if one is not striving to improve and go forward, the current of this world will force one to go backward…like swimming in a river—upstream. So, association of people who are striving to be determined helps us to become determined and inspires us to live a life in the spirit of service.
- His Holiness Radhanath Swami

"Just as in climbing a mountain we leave behind the earth where we stand, to reach the heart of God we have to leave behind unfavorable earthly attachments. Sincere spiritual practice is an uphill climb, and no matter how many difficulties we face, we have to continue looking upward with hope. The mountain provides all support for those who strive to reach its top. Similarly, if we are sincere, the Lord will provide us with the means to reach His supremely merciful heart." (HH RNS)


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Celebrating Independence or Bondage?

by Jyoti Pahuja on Sunday, August 15, 2010 at 2:36pm
The unsuspecting fish, who knew nothing but a life in the river, went about its routine like any other day, but in an instant was ripped out of its reality to meet with death. Like that fish, we routinely live our lives hardly aware that, at the least expected moment , the yellow-eyed hawk of fate in the form of crises, tragedy or even death, may wrench us out of our comfortable environment. We regularly hear of it in the news or see it around us but rarely take seriously that it could happen to us. Perhaps the lesson here is to guard against complacency and give a higher priority to our spiritual needs.

If the fish swam deeper, the hawk would not be able to reach it. Similarly, if we go deeper into our connection to God, we will find an inner reality so deep and satisfying that it lifts the consciousness to a place where we could deal with the effects of unforeseeable fate with a stable, detached mind."

HH Radhanath Swami


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Krishna cares and wants us to be back!

Krishna, Embracing a Gopa who returns back!

Krishna, Embracing a Gopa who returns back!


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  • Powerful influence on our attitude and personality is what you we to ourself within the mind, and what we believe to be true.
  • It is not what happens to us, but how we respond internally to what happens to us, that determine our thoughts and feelings, our mental strength, and, ultimately, our actions.
  • By controlling our inner dialogue, or “self-talk,” we can positively influence every other dimension of our life.
  • We are continually faced with challenges and difficulties, with problems, with temporary setbacks and defeats. 
  • They are an inevitable part of life. 
  • But, as we draw upon our resources to respond effectively and intelligently to each challenge, we grow and become a stronger and better person. 
  • In fact, without those setbacks, we could not have learned what we needed to know and developed the qualities of character that we need in order to progress. 
  • Much of our ability to succeed comes from the way you deal with life. 
  • One of the characteristics of advanced human beings is that they recognize the inevitability of temporary disappointments and defeats, and they accept them as a normal and natural part of life. 
  • They do everything possible to avoid problems, but when problems come, advanced people learn from them, take action, and continue onward in the direction of achieving the ultimate goal of life.

Posted by at 14:26

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