
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Celebrating Independence or Bondage?

by Jyoti Pahuja on Sunday, August 15, 2010 at 2:36pm
The unsuspecting fish, who knew nothing but a life in the river, went about its routine like any other day, but in an instant was ripped out of its reality to meet with death. Like that fish, we routinely live our lives hardly aware that, at the least expected moment , the yellow-eyed hawk of fate in the form of crises, tragedy or even death, may wrench us out of our comfortable environment. We regularly hear of it in the news or see it around us but rarely take seriously that it could happen to us. Perhaps the lesson here is to guard against complacency and give a higher priority to our spiritual needs.

If the fish swam deeper, the hawk would not be able to reach it. Similarly, if we go deeper into our connection to God, we will find an inner reality so deep and satisfying that it lifts the consciousness to a place where we could deal with the effects of unforeseeable fate with a stable, detached mind."

HH Radhanath Swami


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Krishna cares and wants us to be back!

Krishna, Embracing a Gopa who returns back!

Krishna, Embracing a Gopa who returns back!


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  • Powerful influence on our attitude and personality is what you we to ourself within the mind, and what we believe to be true.
  • It is not what happens to us, but how we respond internally to what happens to us, that determine our thoughts and feelings, our mental strength, and, ultimately, our actions.
  • By controlling our inner dialogue, or “self-talk,” we can positively influence every other dimension of our life.
  • We are continually faced with challenges and difficulties, with problems, with temporary setbacks and defeats. 
  • They are an inevitable part of life. 
  • But, as we draw upon our resources to respond effectively and intelligently to each challenge, we grow and become a stronger and better person. 
  • In fact, without those setbacks, we could not have learned what we needed to know and developed the qualities of character that we need in order to progress. 
  • Much of our ability to succeed comes from the way you deal with life. 
  • One of the characteristics of advanced human beings is that they recognize the inevitability of temporary disappointments and defeats, and they accept them as a normal and natural part of life. 
  • They do everything possible to avoid problems, but when problems come, advanced people learn from them, take action, and continue onward in the direction of achieving the ultimate goal of life.

Posted by at 14:26

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Why Chant Hare Krishna?

by Jayadvaita Swami
from Back to Godhead magazine, May-June 1994

Here’s a page full of reasons. I’ll spare you the footnotes, but each reason is fully upheld by evidence from Vedic writings like Bhagavad-gita, the Upanisads, and the Puranas.
  • Chanting Hare Krishna awakens love of God. 
  • Chanting Hare Krishna brings liberation as a side benefit along the way.
  • When you chant Hare Krishna, you automatically develop knowledge and detachment. 
  • Chanting Hare Krishna gets you out of the endless cycle of birth and death. 
  • It is the most effective means of self-realization in the present Age of Quarrel. Nothing else works nearly as well. 
  • Chanting Hare Krishna cleanses the heart of all illusions and misunderstandings. 
  • By chanting Hare Krishna, you become free from all anxieties. 
  • Chanting Hare Krishna brings you to self-realization—and shows you how to act as a self-realized soul. 
  • It keeps you ever mindful of Krishna, the reservoir of pleasure. 
  • There are no hard and fast rules for chanting. You can chant anywhere, any time, under any circumstances. 
  • Krishna Himself is fully present in the transcendental sound of His name. And the more you chant, the more you realize it. 
  • All other Vedic mantras are included in the chanting of Hare Krishna. So just by chanting this mantra, you get the benefit of all others. 
  • Chanting Hare Krishna purifies not only you but every living entity around you. Whoever hears the chanting gets spiritual benefit. 
  • A person who chants Hare Krishna develops all good qualities. 
  • You can chant Hare Krishna softly for personal meditation or loudly with your family or friends. Both ways work. 
  • Srila Prabhupada chanted Hare Krishna, and so did great souls in the past. So why not you? 
  • It’s free. Chanting Hare Krishna never costs you money. 
  • Chanting Hare Krishna brings the highest states of ecstasy. 
  • There are no previous qualifications needed for chanting Hare Krishna. Young or old, anyone can chant—from any race, any religion, or any country of the world. 
  • Even if you don’t understand the language of the mantra, it works anyway. 
  • Chanting Hare Krishna brings relief from all miseries. 
  • Chanting Hare Krishna is easy. When the best way is also the easiest, why make life hard for urself? 
  • Chanting Hare Krishna invokes spiritual peace—for you and for those around you. 
  • When you chant Hare Krishna, Krishna Himself becomes pleased.
  • When you chant Hare Krishna, Krishna dances on your tongue. 
  • By chanting Hare Krishna you can return to Krishna’s world, the eternal abode of full happiness and knowledge. 
  • Chanting Hare Krishna frees you from the reactions of all past karma. Chanting Krishna’s name en once, purely and sincerely, can free you from the reactions of more karma than you could possibly incur.
  • Chanting Hare Krishna counteracts the sinful atmosphere of Kali-yuga, the present Age of Hypocrisy and Quarrel. 
  • By chanting Hare Krishna you can relish at every step the full nectar that’s the real thirst of the soul. 
  • The more you chant Hare Krishna, the better it gets. 
  • If you look through all the Vedic scriptures, you’ll find nothing higher than the chanting of Hare Krishna. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.


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Fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real.

When you can look a coming storm in the face without fear, you have mastered your life.

Release your fears to make room for possibility.

Why is it we're most afraid to do the one thing we need to do most?

When your burning desire for success is greater than your deepest fear of failure, you have the power to create valuable results in your life.

Fear stops us from loving and closes our hearts.

Replace fear with love.

Focus on love rather than fear. Anything IS possible!

Banish fear by just changing your thought.

What if fear didn't exist? How differently would you live your life today?

The fear of the storm is always worse than the storm itself.

Follow your heart - not your fears.

Fear of failure has stopped greatness in its tracks.

If you're going to use your imagination, imagine GOOD things happening!

The most important thing we can do each morning is wash away any negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.

Instead of time spent worrying, imagine what we could have achieved if we’d spent that time dreaming, planning and doing?

Many proudly say they don’t fear death, yet live their lives as if they fear living.

Fear can only be present when we're disconnected from God. Reconnect now by chanting His names.
Posted by at 10:59

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