
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

To overcome the stages of Prakrtena (Bodily concept of life)

by Jyoti Pahuja on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 at 1:39pm
Stages of Prakrtena (Bodily concept of life) -Sneha, love, affection,Moha and illusion.

Sneha: This morning I was reading the statement of a fisherman who caught Caitanya Mahaprabhu in His trance, and by touching Caitanya Mahaprabhu he became spiritually ecstatic, but he thought that he has become ghostly haunted: "Here is a ghost." And he was thinking, "I am ghostly haunted, so if I become mad, who will take care of my wife and children?" This is the position. The fisherman was actually, spiritually, by the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, simply by touching Him, he was so much spiritually advanced that he was chanting, dancing, crying -- means all the symptoms of spiritual ecstatic transformation was visible in his body -- but he thought that he had gone mad on account of touching the body, ghost. He was thinking like that. And the man thinking was that "If I become mad like this, then who will take care of my wife and children?"

Love: I have got personal experience in Kanpur, I was sitting in my room, and one monkey was outside the door with his (her) kitty to take something out of my eating. But by chance the small kitty entered through the bars of the window within the room, and I saw the mother became almost mad immediately: "Oh, my son has gone inside, and it will not be allowed to come again." Anyway, I managed to push the small kitty to go away; then she was relieved.

Moha or Illusion: Aboy was raised by his aunt very liberally. Then, gradually, the boy became, in bad association, a thief. And the aunt was encouraging, "Oh, it is a very good business. You are bringing so many things without any labor." So out of affectionshe did not chastise the boy when he was stealing. Then he, at the end, became a murderer. So he committed a murder. Then when he was to be hanged, so the government men inquired, "What is your last wish?" "Now, I want to speak with my aunt through the ear." Then he was allowed. And the aunt was generally crying that "My nephew is going to be hanged." So he caught up her ear with the teeth and cut it. So he said, "My dear aunt, if you would have chastised me in the beginning, then today, this position, that you are crying and I am going to be hanged, this would not have happened. But you did not do that. Therefore you are uselessly crying now, and this is your punishment: I cut off your ear with the teeth." A very good instruction.So the so-called sneha, if it is not properly done thenNature's regulation is so strict that you cannot avoid the consequence. That is not possible. These are practical.

Affection: Another time, In front of our residence there was another neighbor. So the old man had his daughter-in-law. So she was beating her one child. So I inquired through my servant, "Why this young woman is beating her child?" Now, then the servant brought me the news that this boy gave parata to his elder brother who is suffering from typhoid. The typhoid... In typhoid fever, solid food is forbidden strictly, but the boy did not know. He asked his younger brother that "If you steal one parata and if you give me, I am very much hungry." So he became very sympathetic to his brother, and he gave the parata. And the boy was ill; he aggravated the illness. So as soon as the mother heard that he gave a parata to him, he (she) began to beat: "Why did you give?" Now, it was charity, it was affection and sympathetic, but the result was beating with shoes. So if we do not know where affection should be there, then we are under the laws of nature; we shall be punished if it is not properly done. There is punishment.

Therefore it is said, prakrtena atmana. By worldly relationship, Sneha, affection; moha, illusion are there. All these activities are simply moha andillusion. It has no value. Therefore devotional service means vairagya-vidya. People do not know what is devotional service. Devotional service means... Just like Kunti was praying, "My dear Krsna, kindly help me how can I give up this affection of my family, the Pandavas and the Vrsnis." This is required.

Actually, the perfection of life is no more affection for anything material: brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati [Bg. 18.54]. That is the beginning. We are not cruel; But we know, we should know, that this is not required. This is simply moha. This is simply moha. This is illusion. It has no meaning. It is simply entanglement. That one must know. That is called Vairagya-vidya.
Srila Prabhupada lecture (SB 1.8.7/ 27.10.1974)

As Queen Kunti said that "My affection may increase for you," Vairagya-vidya means not only simply give up affection of this material, but you increase your affection for Krsna.


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Krsna never forces anyone - He waits for our sincere desire

by Jyoti Pahuja on Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 2:21am

We are all under the modes of material nature. We are born, we get our education and get successfully brainwashed. We are forced to grow and forced to die. If we want to return to our original enlightened stage, we must be very very determined. We must pray to Krsna, please help me. I am fully under the laws of nature.

When Krsna sees our sincere desire, he makes a wonderful arrangement. From within our heart he hears. He cannot be cheated. He waits for our sincere desire to awaken and then He will guide us. He will arrange our life in such a way that we don't entangle ourselves. He comes like a thief in the night. We don't see him but all of a sudden our life goes in a certain direction.

Whenever we try to be very successful in illusion, then everything goes wrong but Whenever we go towards Krsna then everything goes right. So Krsna arranges many things because He loves us. When He sees a little sincerity, He intervenes and makes us meet the devotees or attracts us to read books about Him. We then get free from bad habits and become steady. No matter what happens, the devotee then will be very steady and will feel some higher taste.

Even if the devotee is offered a million dollars to leave Krsna, He will never give up. Then he will develop the genuine love. This happens with a sincere desire.

How to develop this desire?

In two ways.

First Way-Either maya kicks us and finally we say: 'I can't stand this anymore, please take me Krsna.' That may take many lifetimes. But if we want to become Krsna Conscious, why not do it in this life?
Second Way-If we hear about Krsna, we become attracted to his divine qualities. Krsna invites us, just hear about Me and become attracted to Me. Nice Prasadam, good association, wonderful knowledge and successful life. Please don't fool around for too long.
Although He intervenes, ultimately He waits for our desire. Krsna does not force anyone.

HH Sacinandana Swami


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He is Advaita-No distinction between His body and Himself

Chapter 4

Transcendental Knowledge 

(Purport to 4.05 continued)

That is the difference between the part-and-parcel living entity and the Supreme Lord. Although Arjuna is addressed herein as the mighty hero who could subdue the enemies, he is unable to recall what had happened in his various past births. Therefore, a living entity, however great he may be in the material estimation, can never equal the Supreme Lord. Anyone who is a constant companion of the Lord is certainly a liberated person, but he cannot be equal to the Lord. The Lord is described in the Brahma-samhita as infallible (acyuta), which means that He never forgets Himself, even though He is in material contact. Therefore, the Lord and the living entity can never be equal in all respects, even if the living entity is as liberated as Arjuna. Although Arjuna is a devotee of the Lord, he sometimes forgets the nature of the Lord, but by the divine grace a devotee can at once understand the infallible condition of the Lord, whereas a nondevotee or a demon cannot understand this transcendental nature. Consequently these descriptions in the Gita cannot be understood by demonic brains. Krishna remembered acts which were performed by Him millions of years before, but Arjuna could not, despite the fact that both Krishna and Arjuna are eternal in nature. We may also note herein that a living entity forgets everything due to his change of body, but the Lord remembers because He does not change His sac-cid-ananda body. He is advaita, which means there is no distinction between His body and Himself. Everything in relation to Him is spirit—whereas the conditioned soul is different from his material body. And because the Lord's body and self are identical, His position is always different from that of the ordinary living entity, even when He descends to the material platform. The demons cannot adjust themselves to this transcendental nature of the Lord, which the Lord Himself explains in the following verse.

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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SMS Updates Of the Week!

Arjuna:How am I 2 understand that millions of yrs ago,u gave this
science of BG 2Sun God,Vivasvan?
am Achyuta(infallible from My position)&not changing My body.My
transcendental body never deteriorates.u were also there when I
instructed this BG to Vivasvan.I can remember all but u cant-BG#4.4-6

Oh Lord,It is difficult2approach U,4people possessing 1.Janma-Birth(Hi caste)
3.Shruta(Hi Education)
4.Shri(bodily beauty)
QueenKunti in SB

A plea2Lord Nitai.My heart is very sinful&not attracted2Ur holy
name.Shame fills my mouth.In how many lives I've neglected spiritual
progress which is why I am in such a state.U r friend of sinners,an
ocean of mercy.If U abandon me now,ur glorious reputation as saviour
of fallen will greatly stain. How many yavanas have u already
delivered? With my own ears I heard you delivered them.If in Ur heart
U r not averse2me,then dont push me away :(

How've these impurities come upon u? They r not@all befitting a man
who knows d ValueOfLife.They lead not2higher planets but2infamy.Being
a Kshatriya,there's no better engagement4u than fighting.Either u'll b
killed in d battle&go2heaven or u'll conquer EarthlyKingdom&Enjoy

O God,feeling Ur separation,Im considering a moment2b like aeons.Tears
r flowing from my eyes like torrents of rain.I feel all vacant in this
world in Ur absence.Whether U handle me roughly by Ur embrace or make
me broken hearted by not being present b4 me,U r my worshipful

One who is able2Ctrl d 6 Urges of d body,
&Engage them Properly in God Consciousness is Qualified2Accept
Disciples all over d World-Nectar Of Instruction,Verse#1

V've2Transform ourself2avoid EternalSuffering birth after birth

Avidya(Ignorance)->Vidya(Knowledge of d real self as Soul&ServantOfGod)

Kama(Lust2enjoy d self)->Prema(LoveOfGod&All LivingEntities)

Good&Bad,bound2reactions)->Seva(Service2God,Akarma-Inaction in
action.No reactions) :)

Only by d association of a Genuine representative of God,1will b able2ctrl d
6faults(Overeating,Over-endeavoring4material objectives,Collecting
more money than required,unnecessary talks,negligence
Of scriptural rules,bad association),
Get6good qualities(
Enthusiasm,Patience,Confidence,Determination2perform favourable
activities4DS,resolution2abandon d association of worldly
minded&discipline2follow d footsteps of Acharyas),Get6holy
association(giving/accepting gifts,revealing1's inner
thots,confidential talks on DS,accepting&giving spiritual


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A Piteous Plea to Nitai-Fitting one for me!!


iteous Plea to Nitai

Krishna Das

(Refrain) jaya jaya nityänanda räya

aparädha päpa mora tähära nähika ora

uddhäraha nija karuëäya

All glories! All glories to Nityananda Ray! Please do

not think of my sins and offenses. Kindly deliver me.

ämära asata mati tomära näme nähi rati

kahite nä bäsi mukhe läja

janame janame kata kariyächi ätma-ghäta

ata-e se mora ei käja

My heart is very sinful and is not attracted to your

holy name. I do not like to speak of these things.

Shame fills my mouth. In how many repeated births

did I destroy any chance that I had to make spiritual

advancement? That is why I am in such a state.

tumi-o karuëä-sindhu pätaké janära bandhu

ebära karaha yadi tyäga

patita-pävana näma nirmala se anupäma

tähäte lägaye baòa däga

You are an ocean of mercy. You are the friend

of the sinners. If you abandon me now, then your

peerless and glorious reputation as


(purifier of the fallen) will be greatly stained.

pürube yavana-ädi kata kata aparädhé

tarä-icha çuniyächi käne

kåñëa-däsa anumäni öhelite näribe tumi

yadi ghåëä nä karaha mane

How many

yavanas and other offenders have

you already delivered? With my own ears I heard

how you delivered them. I, Krishna Das, think this:

O my Lord, if in your heart you have not become

averse to me, then do not push me away.



— Jagadbandhu Bhadra (editor).

Gaura-pada-taraìgiëé. Sri Gauranga

Press. Calcutta. 1931. Bengali.

— Unknown translator. The Acarya's Songs and Poems Glorifying

Lord Gauranga and Lord Govinda. Found in the Vaiñëava Folio

Archives. Compiled by Sri Narasingha Caitanya Matha. No date

Source : Bindu


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