Displays of Devotion without the knowledge of God's greatness r no
better than illicit Lover's Affairs-NaradaBhaktiSutra#23
Some good thoughts.Stop looking@what has left u&start focussing on
that u r left with.Never expect Gratitude,but never fail2express
Gratitude.Seek His grace2outperform but never pray4other's
downfall.Every time d World tells u,"u cant",shut it up by ur
results.When d World says,"u can" reply that u'll prove
As a person puts on new dresses giving up old ones,d soul similarly
accepts new MaterialBodies giving up old&useless ones.D soul can never
b cut in2pieces by any weapon,nor burnt,nor moistened by water,nor
dried by wind.This individual soul is
unbreakable,insoluble,everexisting,unchangeable-BG#2.22-24 :-o
When Prabhupada was asked-Is there a Stage of spiritual advancement
from which 1 wont fall back? He said Yes. Very encouraging is nt it :)
If u r unable2work in this consciousness of Me,then try2act giving up
all results of ur work.Charity4good cause is always
recommended2purify1s mind-KrsnaBG12.11
If u cant Practice2give up d results of ur action,then cultivate
knowledge but meditation is better than knowledge&sacrifice is better
than meditation-BG#12.12
O Arjuna!,surrendering all ur works un2Me,with full knowledge of
Me,without desires4profit,with no claims4proprietorship&free from
V say MyHand,MyLegs,my head,my body,my country,my mother,my
father."My" refers2what?Under misconception v understand my body as
myself.As per Vedic Lit. this body is made of 3elements
fire,water,clay.But I am within d body as Consciousness(Soul).V feel
pain/pleasure due2consciousness.Else it's dead matter
6 changes of body.
1.Takes birth@certain time
2.Then grows
3.Growth stops
4.Produces byproducts in d form of sons&daughters
5.Wrinkles&gets old
6.Dies out when too old.
But when d body is finished he(soul) is still within d subtle body of
mind,intelligence,false ego&this subtle body carries him2another gross
body.I've a mind&u've a mind.I cant c urs&u cant c mine.Same way our
intelligence&beyond that is our soul.It's nt possible2learn by