
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Drama:Who is a Fool Part-1


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Drama:Who is a Fool Part-2


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BG SMS Updates of the week!

1 who has not connected with the SupremeLord can have neither
transcendental intelligence nor a steady mind without which there's no
possibility of peace.How can there be any happiness without
peace?-BG#2.66.How to attain peace then? Refer BG#5.29.

"1 who neither rejoices nor grieves,who neither laments nor
desires&who gives up auspicious&inauspicious things-such a devotee is
very dear2Me"-Krsna.BG#12.17

Primarily one(a spiritual practitioner) develops Bhakti by d mercy of
great souls or by a small drop of Lord's mercy-Narada Bhakti Sutra#38

"If u cant fix ur mind upon Me without deviation,follow d regulative
principles of Bhakti Yoga.In this way develop a desire2attain Me",Lord
Sri Krishna.BG#12.9

"If u cant Practice d Regulative Principles of Bhakti Yoga,then just
try2work4Me,becoz by working4Me u will come2d perfect Stage",Lord Sri
Krishna in BG#12.10.

People who depend more on their imperfect senses cant realize d
Supreme Lord.Most people want2know everything by their experimental
knowledge.But it isnt possible2know everything by imperfect
experimental knowledge.V claim2observe everything with our imperfect
senses but v must admit it's within a range.One has2accept d father's
identity from mother,experimenting is waste of
time.Similarly,d Vedic literature is like mother which when accepted
eases things.

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No medicine can cure oldage&disease

Youth is often blind2d warnings of oncoming old age&death.An active
young person may think such warnings r4 old timers,who dont know
how2enjoy.No medicine in this world can avoid disease&OldAge,altho
some may cover d symptoms4a shortwhile.D only medicine that can
actually bring relief is GodConsciousness-MukundaMalaStotra#37

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No medicine can cure oldage&disease

Youth is often blind2d warnings of oncoming old age&death.An active
young person may think such warnings r4 old timers,who dont know
how2enjoy.No medicine in this world can avoid disease&OldAge,altho
some may cover d symptoms4a shortwhile.D only medicine that can
actually bring relief is GodConsciousness.

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