
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

None of the expert swimmers can survive4long in d Ocean!

O Mortal beings,u've submerged urselves fully in d ocean of
MaterialExistence,which is filled with waves of misfortune.No matter
how expert1swimmer may b,1 cant survive4long in d ocean.Constant
chanting of HolyNames of d Lord is d only way out of this tossing
waves of d ocean of repeated birth&death-MM#16

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Sure2Die&Sure2b Born Again-Surety bond ;)

D athiest assumes,all is over after death&v will rest in peace.But
from VedicKnowledge,v find there's life after death.1who has taken
birth is sure2die&after death,1 is sure2take birth again-BG#2.27.
1must take up DevotionalService2d Lord2avoid repeated
birth&death-KingKulasekhara in MukundaMalaStotra#13

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We meet up with what v dont like!

This World is a place where v meet up with things that v dont want&r
separated from what v Love.Either v hanker4something v lack or lament
upon losing something valuable.V may sail smoothly in d sea of human
affairs.But When distress strikes,It's natural2seek shelter.A pious
soul turns2God@such times-MM11

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You'll be Lost! When?

"If u become conscious of Me,u will pass over all d obstacles of
conditioned life by My grace.If however u dont work in such
consciousness but act thru false ego not hearing Me,u will be
Lost",LordSriKrsna2Arjuna in BG#18.58.These msgs&much more r also
archived in my blog

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Freedom from Reaction!

1who is SelfControlled&unattached&who Disregards all
MaterialEnjoyments can obtain by PracticeOfRenunciation,d highest
perfect StageOfFreedomFromReaction#18.49

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