
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Daily BG sms earlier in feb 10

1.Action,2.Food,3.Sacrifices,4.Austerity,5.Charity,all these fall
under different modes such as goodness,passion,ignorance. Action in
1.Goodness-appears like poison in d beginning but nectar in d 2.Passion appears nectar initially but poison
later.3.Ignorance-miserable@all times-BG

"The non-permanent appearance of happiness&distress&their
disappearance in due course is like d summer&winter seasons.They arise
from sense perception.1 must learn2tolerate them without being
disturbed.A person who isnt disturbed by
happiness&distress&steady@both is certainly eligible4liberation"-BG2

As a person puts on new garments giving up older1s d Soul similarly
accepts new material body,giving up old&useless1s.d Soul can never b
cut in2pieces by any weapon,nor burnt by fire,nor moistened by
water,nor withered by d wind.Soul is
unbreakable&insoluble,unchangeable,immovable&eternally d same-BG2.13

"How've these impurities come upon u. They r not@all befitting a man
who knows d valueOfLife. They lead not2higher planets but2infamy.Do
not yield2this degrading impotence.It doesnt bcome u. Give up such
petty weakness&arise O chastiser of enemy"-Krsna2Arjuna in
BhagavadGita:Chapter 2

While speaking learned words u r mourning4what is not worthy of
grief.Those who r wise lament,neither4d Living nor4d dead.Never was
there a time v didnt exist nor in d future shall any of us cease2be.As
d embodied Soul passes from boyhood2youth2old age,d Soul similarly
passes in2another body@death",BG2.11

A Person who is not disturbed by d incessant flow of desires that
enter like Rivers in2d Ocean which is ever being filled but always
remain still(Ocean unagitated even during rainy reason),can alone
achieve LastingPeace&not he who Strives2Satisfy such
Desires-LordSriKrsna In BhagavadGita (SongOfGod) 2.70

"Now I am confused abt my duty&ve lost all composure bcoz of this
miserly weakness.In this condition I am asking U2tell me4certain what
is best4me.Now I am Ur disciple&a Soul surrendered unto You.Pls
instruct me! I can find no means2drive away this grief which is drying
up my senses"-Arjuna2Krsna,BG:2.7

When d embodied living being ctrls his nature&mentally renounces all
actions,he happily resides in the City Of Nine Gates(d material
body)&he is free from bodily activities-Bhagavad Gita

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Daily SMS msgs earlier in March

ThoseWhoseMinds r nt developed&who isnt situated in SelfRealization
cant c how d body is changing.2day,There r many so-called yogìs doing
some GymnasticExercise&r satisfied if d body is WellBuilt&Healthy.They
r nt SelfRealized.Only those who realized Self,World,d SupremeLord can
c things as they r-BG15.11

D Foolish cant understand how a LivingEntity quits his Body,What form
of Body he's going2take in next Life,not even why is he living in d
PresentBody.But1who is trained in SpiritualKnowledge can c all this&is
Fortunate.Those that r always fooled by lust&desire lose all
power2understand this Truth-BG:15.10

D LivingEntity in d MaterialWorld carries his different conception of
life frm1body2another,just as d air carries aromas.Thus he
takes1kindOfBody&again quits it2take another kind of body(not
necessarily human)&obtains a certain type of
Ear,Eye,Tongue,Nose&SenseOfTouch which r grouped abt d Mind-BG:15.8-9

Other than our uncontrolled&misguided mind,there is no Greater Enemy
within d World. But d best of friends when in control-Bhagavad Gita

He who sees everything in relation2dSupremeLord&who sees all
LivingEntities as His parts&parcels&who sees d SupremeLord within
everything never hates anything or any being.But1cannot c properly
unless1has heard frm a SuperiorSource&d HighestSource is d VedicWisdom
which is spoken by d LordHimself-Isopshd

ActualPeaceFormula:2day every1 is after Lasting peace.LordSriKrishna
says,"D sages knowing Me as d ultimate Beneficiary of all
Sacrifices&Austerities,d Supreme Lord of all d Planets&Demigods& d
Benefactor&Well-Wisher of all d Living Entities attain Peace from d
great pain of material miseries"-BG:5.29

Whatever state of being one remembers when 1 quits d body,that state 1
will attain without fail-BG:8.6.Those that learn the art of dying
conquer death&attain immortality by reunion with God in His world
while others defying d supremacy of d Lord check their lives birth
after birth in different bodies.

A prayer2dLord,I know no one but You as my Lord&U shall remain so even
if u handle me roughly by Ur embrace or make me broken hearted by not
being present before me. U r completely free2do anything&everything
becoz U r always my worshipful Lord
unconditionally-LordChaitanya,Sikshastakam Verse 8.

When one is consumed by the sorrows of life,3 things give him
relief;offspring,a wife and the company of Lord's

Charity performed expecting some return or with desire4fruitive
results(such as heaven) or in a grudging mood is Charity in d mode of
passion.Charity @ impure place,@improper time,2 unworthy
persons,without proper attention&respect is Charity in
Ignorance.Charity in Goodness is recommended-BG.17.22-23

A person who sees action in inaction&inaction in action is really in
knowledge.Even d learned r confused abt what action is&what inaction
is.There r 3 types of action.1.Karma-prescribed duties as given in d
Vedas 2.Vikarma-wrong actions(against
VedicCommands)3.Akarma-actions4which there is no reaction-BG

Austerity of d body consists in d worship of d SupremeLord,d
Brahmanas,d SpiritualMaster&superiors like d father&mother&in
speaking words dat r truthful,pleasing,beneficial&nt
agitating2others&also in regularly reciting vedas-BG:17.14-15

Out of fear of the Supreme Lord, the wind blows, the sun distributes
its heat, and death chases everyone.(Taittiriya Upanisad 2.8)

Food prepared >3hrs before being eaten,food that is
tasteless,decomposed&putrid & food consisting of remnants&untouchable
things is dear2those in d mode of darkness (ignorance) BG.17.10. At
times it is foolish2b wise where ignorance is bliss!

Foods dear2those in Goodness increaz longevity,purify1s existence&give
strength,health,happiness&satisfaction.Such foods r
juicy,fatty,wholesome&pleasing2d heart.Foods that r too bitter,too
sour,salty,hot,pungent,dry&burning r dear2those in d
ModeOfPassion.Such foods cause distress,misery&disease-BG17.8-9

Fear is a dominating force in life. Fear of disease, failure,
disappointing others or economic ruin. Fear of enemies, thieves,
cheaters, or a multitude of other possibilities include doubt in one's
direction of life. But faith is the supreme personality of Godhead is
only way out.~The Journey Home, Radhanath Swami.. Hare Krsna..hav a
blessed day..

Either pure or impure, or having passed through all conditions of
material life, if one can remember the lotus-eyed Krishna, he becomes
externally and internally clean.
-Garuda purana

Three M's while chanting 1.method of chanting. 2. Mood of japa.3.
Mellow of chanting.

If one takes charanamrita with clean heart he is protected from
untimely death n is protected from all kinds of diseases. Have a krsna
conscious day..

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If you find yourself struggling with chanting or the four regulative principles.

Tips for the Struggle

If you find yourself struggling with chanting or the four regulative principles, don't be alarmed, it is natural and to be expected for any individual who makes sacrifices (mental or physical) in order to progress spiritually. In fact, expect challenges as you move forward, be prepared for them and gradually work through them rather than evade them, otherwise they will only come back again and again. Find your own level of manageable practice, even though initially it may appear to be a compromise, gradually work up to the ideal, it may take weeks……., months………, or even years! But, sincerely persevere and the Lord within the heart will reciprocate.

Whenever there is a human impulse, our tendency is to respond immediately without even contemplating the outcome. In reality there exists a short moment between an impulse and a response, catch yourself during this short moment, think first, then act. If this thinking is based on principled directions (or scripture), you will succeed in holding back the force of unwarranted impulses.
Remember, whilst striving for the highest spiritual principles, we still have responsibilities to our spouses, children and friends. We must be conscious of their needs before imposing our own.

In all cases of upholding any vows, the key principle is DESIRE, half of the battle is won if we ourselves make a conscious decision to follow a practice rather than feel obliged to do so – so desire it!

Things to do

· Pray to Krishna for strength and direction. · Learn to take shelter in chanting, this will help to transform your heart. · Find your own maintainable level of devotional practice, one which will gradually enable you to reach the ideal rather than an unrealistic and unachievable end which will only frustrate you. · Associate with those who have a slightly higher level of practice than you do (those who are also struggling but maintaining higher standards). · Practice some level of self discipline, it is the genuine path to higher enjoyment.

-- HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaj


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Last week msgs back up-those who missed my sms can catch up here

"Fools make fun of Me when I come here in d HumanForm,thinking I am1
among d conditioned souls.They dont know my Supreme Ctrl over all that
It looks as if d Lord is subjected2d laws of nature when He
appears&disappears here.Sun appears2rise&finish@nite.But is
there@nite,v r unable2c B-)

Even d learned r confused abt wat is action&inaction.Every action
gives either good/bad results.A person who sees action in
inaction&inaction in action is really in knowledge.Inaction isnt
possible&is condemned.Action in PerfectKnowledge(self,Supreme,nature)
is Akarma(no reactions2actions)&is recommended.

V r eternal(ever existing) but becoz v r Influenced by d
mind,senses,sense enjoyment,v r struggling&fatigued.When v become too
much fatigued, Krsna comes&gives us good counsel saying,u rascal,give
up all these desires&surrender to Me,I'll give u protection"-BG#15.7

"Moment by moment by moment,v r advertising ourselves by d way v
talk,by d way v dress,by d way v behave2show v r such&such.V bcome
what v think"-By a sannyasi

Humanity is divided in2 2Sections 1.Regulated
1.Those that follow d principles of prescribed duties in d scriptures
r never Lost.2.Life of an unregulated person,b it
civilized/uncivilized,educated/uneducated,strong/weak but with no idea
of next life/salvation like animals is Miserable-6.40

"It is undoubtedly very difficult2ctrl d mind,but is possible by
suitable Practice&Detachment.For1whose mind is unctrld,SelfRealization
is difficult work.But he whose mind is ctrld&who tries by proper means
is assured of success.That is My Opinion."-Lord Srì Krishna in
Bhagavad Gìtà Chapter#6 Verse#35-36

V have no experience seeing something coming out of Nothing.Which
means everything comes out of something.Creation has a Creator,not
Void.S v need qualification 2c d Creator,God.C thru eyes of Vedic
Scriptures.If d President doesnt come in front of my eyes,he doesnt
exist! Makes Sense?NonSense is nt it?

Who is that Supreme Person from whom everything comes? If it were
possible2trace our ancestry(who is d father of my grand father&his
father&his father....)V wud arrive@1 Person2Whom there's no Father.He
is d Supreme Lord.He is d coz of all causes but there's no
coz4Him.Such is d Supreme Lord I Worship :)

Just becoz v cant live in other planets doesnt mean no life exist in
other planets.If v dont want2accept things beyond our experience it's
our foolishness.V cant live in water :(,it doesnt mean no life exists
in water.Fishes live in water.V cant live in fire that doesnt mean no
life exists in fire :-o

If a dog with bread in mouth sees himself in d water,he thinks another
dog is trying2take bread so he'll lose even what he had.This is d
difference b/n human&animals.A Lion so powerful but saw another lion
in d well&jumped inside,he was finished.Becoz he's an
animal.Moral:Human Intelligence is Powerful.

ThoseWhoseMinds r nt developed&who isnt situated in SelfRealization
cant c how d body is changing.2day,There r many so-called yogìs doing
some GymnasticExercise&r satisfied if d body is WellBuilt&Healthy.They
r nt SelfRealized.Only those who realized Self,World,d SupremeLord can
c things as they r-BG15.11

B4giving up this present body if 1 is able2tolerate d urges of d
MaterialSenses&check d force of desire&anger,he's well situated&happy
in this world.1 who's able2ctrl d forces of
talk,anger,mind,stomach,genitals,tongue is called
Gosvämi/Svämi(Go-senses,Svämi-ctrler).Such is d SelfRealized&is

Wall,hand cuff,chain are used to keep the prisoners in jail. But
nature is so perfectly designed that keeps the prisoners here by
beautiful women-SP

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Today's sloka

"Wat is d position of an unsuccessful yogi who practices devotional
service2d Lord in d beginning&later deviates/gives up d practice
due2worldly mindedness? Will
he bcome like a scattered cloud with no position in any sphere,failing
in both material&spiritual life? ",Arjuna2Lord Sri Krsna in

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