ThoseWhoseMinds r nt developed&who isnt situated in SelfRealization
cant c how d body is changing.2day,There r many so-called yogìs doing
some GymnasticExercise&r satisfied if d body is WellBuilt&Healthy.They
r nt SelfRealized.Only those who realized Self,World,d SupremeLord can
c things as they r-BG15.11
D Foolish cant understand how a LivingEntity quits his Body,What form
of Body he's going2take in next Life,not even why is he living in d
PresentBody.But1who is trained in SpiritualKnowledge can c all this&is
Fortunate.Those that r always fooled by lust&desire lose all
power2understand this Truth-BG:15.10
D LivingEntity in d MaterialWorld carries his different conception of
life frm1body2another,just as d air carries aromas.Thus he
takes1kindOfBody&again quits it2take another kind of body(not
necessarily human)&obtains a certain type of
Ear,Eye,Tongue,Nose&SenseOfTouch which r grouped abt d Mind-BG:15.8-9
Other than our uncontrolled&misguided mind,there is no Greater Enemy
within d World. But d best of friends when in control-Bhagavad Gita
He who sees everything in relation2dSupremeLord&who sees all
LivingEntities as His parts&parcels&who sees d SupremeLord within
everything never hates anything or any being.But1cannot c properly
unless1has heard frm a SuperiorSource&d HighestSource is d VedicWisdom
which is spoken by d LordHimself-Isopshd
ActualPeaceFormula:2day every1 is after Lasting peace.LordSriKrishna
says,"D sages knowing Me as d ultimate Beneficiary of all
Sacrifices&Austerities,d Supreme Lord of all d Planets&Demigods& d
Benefactor&Well-Wisher of all d Living Entities attain Peace from d
great pain of material miseries"-BG:5.29
Whatever state of being one remembers when 1 quits d body,that state 1
will attain without fail-BG:8.6.Those that learn the art of dying
conquer death&attain immortality by reunion with God in His world
while others defying d supremacy of d Lord check their lives birth
after birth in different bodies.
A prayer2dLord,I know no one but You as my Lord&U shall remain so even
if u handle me roughly by Ur embrace or make me broken hearted by not
being present before me. U r completely free2do anything&everything
becoz U r always my worshipful Lord
unconditionally-LordChaitanya,Sikshastakam Verse 8.
When one is consumed by the sorrows of life,3 things give him
relief;offspring,a wife and the company of Lord's
Charity performed expecting some return or with desire4fruitive
results(such as heaven) or in a grudging mood is Charity in d mode of
passion.Charity @ impure place,@improper time,2 unworthy
persons,without proper attention&respect is Charity in
Ignorance.Charity in Goodness is recommended-BG.17.22-23
A person who sees action in inaction&inaction in action is really in
knowledge.Even d learned r confused abt what action is&what inaction
is.There r 3 types of action.1.Karma-prescribed duties as given in d
Vedas 2.Vikarma-wrong actions(against
VedicCommands)3.Akarma-actions4which there is no reaction-BG
Austerity of d body consists in d worship of d SupremeLord,d
Brahmanas,d SpiritualMaster&superiors like d father&mother&in
speaking words dat r truthful,pleasing,beneficial&nt
agitating2others&also in regularly reciting vedas-BG:17.14-15
Out of fear of the Supreme Lord, the wind blows, the sun distributes
its heat, and death chases everyone.(Taittiriya Upanisad 2.8)
Food prepared >3hrs before being eaten,food that is
tasteless,decomposed&putrid & food consisting of remnants&untouchable
things is dear2those in d mode of darkness (ignorance) BG.17.10. At
times it is foolish2b wise where ignorance is bliss!
Foods dear2those in Goodness increaz longevity,purify1s existence&give
strength,health,happiness&satisfaction.Such foods r
juicy,fatty,wholesome&pleasing2d heart.Foods that r too bitter,too
sour,salty,hot,pungent,dry&burning r dear2those in d
ModeOfPassion.Such foods cause distress,misery&disease-BG17.8-9
Fear is a dominating force in life. Fear of disease, failure,
disappointing others or economic ruin. Fear of enemies, thieves,
cheaters, or a multitude of other possibilities include doubt in one's
direction of life. But faith is the supreme personality of Godhead is
only way out.~The Journey Home, Radhanath Swami.. Hare Krsna..hav a
blessed day..
Either pure or impure, or having passed through all conditions of
material life, if one can remember the lotus-eyed Krishna, he becomes
externally and internally clean.
-Garuda purana
Three M's while chanting 1.method of chanting. 2. Mood of japa.3.
Mellow of chanting.
If one takes charanamrita with clean heart he is protected from
untimely death n is protected from all kinds of diseases. Have a krsna
conscious day..
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