
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

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From: Brahmacarya <>
Date: Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 2:38 PM

Ditch of Materialistic Life

Posted: 26 Jan 2010 06:27 PM PST

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu said the following to Srila Raghunatha Dasa Goswami when Raghunatha left his home to become a renunciant.

Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "The mercy of Lord Krsna is stronger than anything else. Therefore the Lord has delivered you from the ditch of materialistic life, which is like a hole into which people pass stool."

Srila Prabhupada's commentary:
According to the law of karma, everyone is destined to suffer or enjoy according to a certain material standard, but the mercy of Lord Krsna is so powerful that the Lord can change all the reactions of one's past karma, or fruitive activities. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu specifically drew attention to the mercy of Lord Krsna. That mercy is more powerful than anything else, for it had saved Raghunatha dasa from the strong bondage of materialistic life, which the Lord compared to a hole where people pass stool. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave His verdict that those addicted to the materialistic way of life are like worms that are living in stool but cannot give it up. A grha-vrata, one who has decided to live in a comfortable home although it is actually miserable, is in a condemned position. Only the mercy of Krsna can save one from such misery. Without Krsna's mercy, one cannot get out of the filthy entanglement of materialistic life. The poor living entity cannot give up his materialistic position on his own; only when granted the special mercy of Krsna can he give it up. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu knew very well that Raghunatha dasa was already liberated. Nevertheless He emphasized that Raghunatha dasa's life of material comfort as a very rich man's son with a very beautiful wife and many servants to attend him was like a ditch of stool. The Lord thus specifically indicated that ordinary men who are very happy with material comforts and family life are in no better position than worms in stool.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Antya 6.193


Lord Caitanya lovingly interacts with Raghunatha Dasa Goswami

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Srila Prabhupada speaks on: "One Machine-Hundred Unamployed"-Must Read!!

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From: Pragosh das <>
Date: Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 4:31 PM
Subject: Srila Prabhupada speaks on: "One Machine-Hundred Unamployed"

"One Machine-Hundred Unamployed"

Vrndavana, March 15, 1974


Take a test

Prabhupada: should call learned. Arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati-buddhih. You take it...

Nitai: Yes.

Prabhupada: ...this quotation from Padma Purana, and distribute it by transcribing to all our devotees.

Nitai: That's the verse that says that one is a resident of hell...

Prabhupada: Yes. Naraki.

Nitai: ...if he considers the Deity...

Prabhupada: Naraki.

Nitai: Yes.

Prabhupada: Arcye visnau... [break] ...when it will teach military art, with tilaka, soldiers will, "Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna..." (laughter) We want that. Marching with military band, "Hare Krsna." You maintain this idea. Is it not good?

Hrdayananda: Yes, Prabhupada.

Prabhupada: When there will be military march of Krsna conscious soldiers. Anyone who does not believe in Krsna, "Blam!" (laughter) Yes. The same process as the Mohammedans did, with sword and Koran, we'll have to do that. "Do you believe in Krsna or not?" "No, sir." "Blam!" Finished. (laughter, Prabhupada laughs) What do you think, Madhudvisa Maharaja? Is that all right?

Madhudvisa: Yes.

Prabhupada: (laughing) What these communists can do? We can do better than them. We can kill many communists like that. (laughter) Then it will be counteraction of communist movement. And you think like that. "Why you are sitting idly, no employment? Come on to the field! Take this plow! Take this bull. Go on working. Why you are sitting idly?" This is Krsna consciousness movement. Nobody should be allowed to sit down and sleep. They must find out some employment, either work as brahmana or as a ksatriya or as a vaisya. Why there should be unemployment? The same example. Just like I am, this body is working. The leg is working, hand is working, brain is working, belly is working. Why there should be unemployment? You just stop this unemployment, you will see the whole world is peaceful. There is no complaint. And they'll very happily chant Hare Krsna. Hm? Nobody's working in this field. They're all drawn to the cities to work in the factory. Condemned civilization. That communist emblem, what is that?

Devotees: Hammer and sickle.

Prabhupada: Yes. That is good.

Indian: Yeah, good.

Prabhupada: But no hammer. Only this... What is called?

Devotees: Sickle.

Prabhupada: No hammer. That will be our emblem. Only sickle. Not hammer. The hammer has hammered the whole human civilization. So just make a counter-emblem. The communists will appreciate.

Devotee: Sickle and tilaka.

Prabhupada: Eh?

Devotee: A sickle, and then a tilaka.

Prabhupada: Yes, that is good idea. Guptaji? Come here. (Hindi)

Gupta: (Hindi for few sentences)

Prabhupada: Rascal civilization, rascal government. And people are transferred into rascals. (Hindi) Annad bhavanti bhutani [Bg. 3.14]. Without anna, how they can live? There is no arrangement for anna. They're simply passing resolution, legislative laws. And no anna. Just see what kind of wretched government it is. Everywhere. There is no anna. Annad bhavanti bhutani. The first duty of government is to see that everyone is happy, without any anxiety. These preliminary necessities of life, ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam, there must be sufficient arrangement for these preliminary necessities of life. One must eat sumptuously. Not over-eating, indulgence. No. But he must have sufficient food to keep up the health. Similarly, he must have place to sleep. We, we are prepared to offer everything. And be Krsna conscious. This is our mission. Not by eating and sleeping, become rogues and thieves and rascals. That we will not allow. That is varnasrama-dharma. (Hindi conversation for a few sentences) Why unemployment? There is no scarcity (of) water. Just have a big well. Electricity pump water. Oh, immediately, it will be all green. Immediately. (Hindi for a while) Jayo! Hare Krsna! [break] ...all round, for the benefit of the human society. You'll be honored everywhere. Everywhere, any part of the world. And automatically these bogus avatara, incarnations, God, and yogis and swamis will be all doomed. You see? These rascal society, avatara, "Bhagavan," incarnations, yogis, these rascals will be doomed.

Gupta: These (indistinct) ought to be finished. They cannot remain.

Prabhupada: No! (Hindi) ...that glowworm. Glowworm (Hindi) beautiful (Hindi) darkness hai. (Hindi) So long people were in darkness, they were beautiful. Now there is sunshine.

Gupta: Yes.

Hrdayananda: Prabhupada is the sun.

Prabhupada: (Hindi) [break] ...the anxiety of Prahlada Maharaja, "How these rascals, who have made a plan for happiness of a few men, gorgeous plan." And they're... For happiness of the government servant. That's all. You know in Delhi there is Planning Commission? What is that plan? That people may starve, and Indira Gandhi and company may flourish. That's all.

Gupta: I think, Maharaja, they are coming to the office at twelve and going back at one, doing nothing, and...

Prabhupada: But what they have got to do?

Gupta: They are not doing...

Prabhupada: Just like I have seen in London the Parliament. When they had some so-called empire... Now the Parliament is useless, useless. The Parliament members and the Lords, House of Lords, House of Commons, they are now useless. They have got some old books only. In Parliament. I have seen. Some old books. Old books means all the speeches are recorded in books. And who is going to read them? Almiras, so many... I have seen in Parliament. Hundreds and thousands of speeches recorded and bound up very nicely. Who is going to read them? Simply waste of time.

Gupta: They are increasing the load like this.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Gupta: Donkey's load. Go on increasing, increasing.

Prabhupada: Therefore this example is given: ass. For nothing, not for himself. He'll be given a little grass. The grass is available here. But still, he's engaged. Employment. Ass will reap, eat little grass. Grass is available everywhere. But still, he'll work for others, loading, overloading. This is ass. He has no sense, "So why I have taken so much overload? I can get grass anywhere. Let me remain free." But he has no such sense. Neither he will be allowed. (laughs) This is ass. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna... [break] ...there are many babajis. They are collecting capatis and smoking bidi, and have one or two women. That's all. It is going on. So they should be drawn: "Come on! Chant Hare Krsna and take the plough." Not that you become Rupa Gosvami simply by smoking. They are thinking they have become Rupa Gosvami. Rupa Gosvami lived like that. So they think by changing the cloth, loincloth, they have become Rupa Gosvami. And whatever nonsense they like, they can do. [break] ...taken and all these babajis should be employed, "Chant Hare Krsna and draw plough." Then it will be nice.

Jayadvaita: In America too, the...

Prabhupada: Eh?

Jayadvaita: In America too, the big intellectuals and professors, they can also be... We can have ploughs for them.

Prabhupada: Yes, because they're wasting time. Better produce some food. At least, your food. You are living at the cost of others. What is the value of your philosophy? That... To... In the Bhagavad-gita: etaj jnanam, tad ajnanam yad anyatha. To search out the Absolute Truth, that is jnana, knowledge, philosophy. Anything else, that is ajnanam. [break] ...I think it is so that if you cannot use your plot of land, then it will go to the government. Is it not?

Gupta: Yes.

Prabhupada: So similarly, if the government cannot utilize, it comes to us. We shall work. Is it not good?

Gupta: Very good.

Prabhupada: There must be some law like that. The government has taken from the public because it is not being worked out. Now we shall work. Give us this land. (Hindi) "You have taken from the public. Why should you not give us?" So that there will be no question, even government does not, we shall go and occupy, occupy, and go on tilling. What the government will...? Public will support us.

Gupta: Again it is being distributed to their relations, those who are in the power, and then they do not work again.

Prabhupada: Again

Gupta: Then it remains...

Prabhupada: Then whatever field is not being worked, we occupy them, and begin to work. And invite all the unemployed, "Come and join us. We shall give you food, shelter, everything." [break] Krsna is setting example. Krsna is saying that "I have already arranged the result of this fighting. Everyone will be killed." Nimitta-matram bhava savyasacin. But still, He is inducing Arjuna to work. Not that He's already (indistinct), "I am your friend, Krsna. Everything will be done." "It will be done, but you have to work."

Gupta: Maybe a friend or not.

Prabhupada: This is philosophy. Not that "Because I am friend, I will do, and you will sleep and get dysentery." No. You have to work. Everything is already arranged, but you must work. That is wanted. Otherwise, why Arjuna was induced to fight. Krsna has already arranged. And Arjuna also: "Yes." Karisye vacanam tava [Bg. 18.73]. "Whatever you say..." This is Krsna consciousness. [break] ...politician, Balavanta? He's not here. So let him preach that "We shall, if you take our Krsna consciousness movement, there will be no unemployment." He can at least give this manifesto to the..., "There will be no more unemployment." People will be very nice, very glad to hear. Now this machine, this machine nonsense means unemployment. One machine will work for hundred men. So hundred men becomes unemployed, and one technician, he gets all the salaries. To work on the computer, com...

Devotee: Computer, yes.

Prabhupada: Machine. And he's very expert. He'll take three thousand dollars. And others will be unemployed. This is going on. And they are thinking: "Advancement of civilization." Advancement of civilization means "Exploit others and you become happy." This is advancement of civilization. "Others may die for such, out of starvation, and one man takes all the money and spends it for wine and women and motor car." That's all. This is advancement of civilization. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. This is Vedic civilization. "Let everyone be happy." That is Vedic civilization. And the demonic civilization, they're: "Let everyone suffer; I become happy. That's all." And Vaisnava is thinking, "For my salvation it is already guaranteed." But he is thinking, "How these poor people will be saved?" Soce tato vimukha-cetasa maya-sukhaya bharam udvahato vimudhan [SB 7.9.43]. Prahlada Maharaja. This is Vaisnava's position. Para-duhkha-duhkhi. He's unhappy by seeing others unhappy. For himself, he has no unhappiness. Para-duhkha-duhkhi. Krpambudhir yas tam aham prapadye [Cc. Madhya 6.254]. This is Vaisnava philosophy. Vaisnava shall work hard, undergo all tribulation, for others. He has no problem. A Vaisnava has no problem. Because he has taken shelter of Krsna, he has no problem. Kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati [Bg. 9.31]. Krsna also gives guarantee, "Anyone who has taken shelter of My..., he is saved. I will give him protection." Krsna says, aham tvam moksayisyami sarva... Everything is there. For Vaisnava there is no suffering, personally. But he is very much anxious: "How these rascals will be happy?" That is his business. "These rascals are misled. They are going astray, unhappy. So how they should be happy?" So that is Vaisnava's business. So the Vaisnava, therefore, will have no politics. Politics means planning for one's own happiness. That is politics. So in our society there should be no diplomacy, no politics. Everyone should be eager how to do good to others. That is Vaisnava. If he's planning something, that "I shall be leader," "I shall be doing something," that is not Vaisnavism. That politics is not good.

Devotee: It seems that people are so attached to sense gratification, if we tell them we want to stop all these facilities for drinking, cinema, women, like that, they become angry.

Prabhupada: So that, that is natural. If you give good instruction to a rascal, he'll be angry. Murkhayopadeso hi prakopayati na samayati (?). Murkha, a rascal, if you give him good instruction... But give him practical. "Come here. Sit down. Take prasadam. Chant Hare Krsna. And help me by doing this." In this way you have to... Just like a child. Child does not want to go to school, but some, by... Find out some means so that he'll be induced. That is intelligence. He'll be angry, naturally. He's a rascal. He'll be angry. That is not unnatural. Murkhayopadeso hi prakopayati na samayati (?). Just like a snake. You feed the snake with milk. It will increase the poison. That's all. Practically attract. Practically attract. That is the Hare Krsna movement will practically attract the people. If the world affairs are adjusted according to our Krsna conscious plan, there will be no difficulty for all the nations, all the countries. They will be happy. So we have to educate people gradually. And by our example, living example, we'll have to attract. (pause)

Local people: (calling out in distance) Harilalji! Harilalji!

Prabhupada: Hare Krsna. Jaya. At least they are remembering Harilalji by seeing us. So much benefit was in that. Eh?

Gupta: When we pass, people say "Hare Krsna, Hare Rama."

Prabhupada: This is the test of Vaisnava. If one is actually Vaisnava, then by seeing him one will chant Hare Krsna. This has been created all over the world. Yes. Wherever we go, they chant Hare Krsna. Even at midnight in Athens. Yes. That we have experienced. This is the definition given by Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Jayadvaita: Prabhupada, if Krsna had already done all the work at Kuruksetra, so why was He so eager to have Arjuna work?

Prabhupada: Huh?

Jayadvaita: Because He'd already done the work.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Jayadvaita: Why did He want Arjuna to work?

Prabhupada: Just to show example, that "Don't sit idly, rascal. Work." Krsna has already done, but you must work. This is the example.

Jayadvaita: People will argue that "Why should we work? If we can make an arrangement for being idle..."

Prabhupada: Eh?

Jayadvaita: People argue that "If we can make an arrangement to be idle, then it's nice. We've worked so hard. Now we can be idle. That's nice."

Prabhupada: Then, that, if you become idle, you'll be diseased. You'll have dysentery. That's all. That will not help you. You'll have to suffer. That, that, that stage has already come. Because so many rascals are idle, now there is so many things want. So you'll suffer. If you don't work, then you'll suffer. (end)

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk -- March 15, 1974, Vrndavana

© 2001 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with permission.

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Nice quotes from HH Radhanath Swami

Nice quotes from HH Radhanath Swami


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Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami, Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 1, Chapter 19-Must Read!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami, Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 1, Chapter 19

Devotional service is very simple. It can be attained in a moment. It is a matter of changing perspective. We just have to change our idea that we are the controller and enjoyer to the idea that God is the controller and enjoyer. The whole thing is to convince our mind that devotional service is OK. We worry about losing our identity. If I give up my material identity, will I be maintained? Will things go OK?

We are materially attached because we are in illusion thinking that the material world is eternal and full of happiness. Thus the Bhagavatam is always reminding us that this world is temporary and full of misery. It is not required to tell people that material endeavor is useless since by knowing this world is temporary and miserable, people can figure it out.

Vedic principles involve applying transcendental ideas to the material world.

When devotees would criticize other devotees Srila Prabhupada would correct them by telling them to first take up the service of those they were criticizing, and then they could criticize.

An uttama-bhakti (first class devotee) can be in bhava or prema . From bhava one can fall down, as did King Bharata. So a first class devotee can fall down, contrary to what some people think.

Varnasrama is to insure the depth and quality of the relationships between people so they are satisfied physically, mentally, and emotionally, and can thus peacefully execute their spiritual duties. It is not an economic system. Economics is there so that the other can go on.

Fire analogy: Let say you have a big pile of wood. Some is dry. Some is wet. Some has mud on it. Some has lichens growing on it. And you have a little flame. So what do you focus on, the little flame or the big pile of wood with all its little defects? If you focus on the flame, in time the pile of wood will become a lump of ashes. A devotee focuses on the flame.

In varnasrama one is classified according to one's prominent interests, activities, and abilities, as persons may have characteristics of multiple varnas or asramas.

It is not a problem that people have anarthas (unwanted desires) in the heart. It is a problem when they do not identify them and try to purify or remove them.

Bhaktivinoda Thakura advised that periodically we should analyze our situation and try to increase the quality of our service. If we understand where we are actually at, then we can see how to progress.

Our strategy should be to adjust our situation so the anarthas do not bother the spark of devotion we are fanning. While doing this cultivation, we should focus on the spark of devotion not the anarthas.

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Manu Samhita: Principle and Implementation-Powerful points to ponder upon!

Manu Samhita: Principle and Implementation

June 4, 2008 - 1:04pm — sita-pati
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1 year 32 weeks ago

Being the moderator of this site I get the privilege of promoting my comments to posts. I'd also like to use this as an opportunity to direct your attention to this comments exchange between Krishna-kirti Prabhu [website] and Amara Prabhu [website].

Discussions amongst devotees about how the people in general may be benefited are very auspicious.

Personally I have studied the edition of Manu Samhita pictured here, and also another similar dharma-sastra called the "Yakñavalkya-smrti".

Here's my contribution:

Srila Prabhupada said:

"Manu gave the law known as Manu-samhita, which is full of directions based on varna and asrama concerning how to live as a human being. These are very scientific ways of life, but under the rule of demons like Hiranyakasipu, human society breaks all these systems of law and order and gradually becomes lower and lower. Thus there is no peace in the world. The conclusion is that if we want real peace and order in the human society, we must follow the principles laid down by the Manu-samhita and confirmed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna."

- Srimad Bhagavatam 7.8.48

In this quote Srila Prabhupada makes a distinction between the time, place, and circumstance specific rules in Manu Samhita and the principles that these implement. Smrti-sastra is generated by empowered brahmanas for the specific situation that it addresses.

"We do not want all these rituals. Chanting Hare Krishna is our only business. According to the Manu-samhita you are all mlecchas and yavanas. You cannot touch the Manu-samhita, what to speak of translating it. So if you try to follow the Manu-samhita then you become a mleccha and yavana and your career is finished"

- Letter to Madhusudhana, May 19, 1977

We might take the particular point which Srila Prabhupada has broken out from Manu Samhita (about women not being CEOs) and highlighted in this commentary, as being specifically indicated by his Divine Grace as normative and desirable, and I'm happy to do that.

At the same time, as Madhava Ghosh pointed out [in this comment], the healthy implementation of the normative role of women cannot be separated from implementation of the normative qualification of men. Varnasrama is about qualification, not just birth. You're not a man just because you were born with male genitals. You have to man up and step up to the role.

When Men are Men, Women are Women

As His Holiness Bhakti Vidya Purna Maharaja put it so succinctly: "When men are men, women are women."

That's a simple yet powerful statement with profound implications in terms of both ideal and strategy for implementation.

A lot of problems come when unqualified men demand that roles be respected when qualification is not present. This is the same dynamic that lead the people to reject the varnas at the time of Buddha. Similarly people have rejected traditional gender roles.

Just as both Buddha and Sankara demonstrated at their relative points in the course of social development, we need intelligent readjustment. We have to keep the goal in sight like the pole star ("normative view" in the language of Krishna-kirti prabhu), and work our way back onto the "royal road" of varnasrama (as Srila Prabhupada describes it Bhagavad-gita—the safer path).

There's not much point dogmatically following the same route the road follows when you've stepped off it. We have to negotiate the actual terrain we are on, and make our way simultaneously forward, and back onto the road.

If we want to see traditional gender roles remanifested in a contemporary context, then we need to understand the essence of them, and also understand how their misuse has lead to their abandonment. Then we can create something that is at the one time contemporary, natural, organic, and functional.

First Deserve, then... you don't even have to Demand

From Satsvarupa Goswami's ISKCON in the 70s:

"If we gain political power, will we follow Manu-samhita?

"First gain power, he said. Then yes, Manu-samhita. Actually everything is in the Gita and Bhagavatam in gist. Manu-samhita is based on varnasrama and that is in the Gita, I created the four orders. First we would divide society into orders by quality and work, not birth. Someone made a brahmana would have to act like a brahmana or else he would be punished."

So first gain power. That means become qualified to lead before demanding that others follow.

As the maxim has it: "He who thinks he leads but has no-one following is merely taking a walk".

"Actually the qualified brahmanas are meant to give direction to the kings for proper administration in terms of the scriptures like the Manu-samhita and Dharma-sastras of Parasara. A typical king is the ideal of the people in general, and if the king is pious, religious, chivalrous and munificent, the citizens generally follow him."

- Srimad Bhagavatam 1.9.27

Qualification is a pre-requisite, and then implementation follows naturally. As Prabhupada points out here, if you have the qualification, you don't need to spend so much time arguing with people about how they should follow you, you just spend your time actually leading them. In the words of Srila Prabhupada, "first deserve, then desire".

So a lot of our time might be better spent focusing on our own qualification than railing at people for not following. It's a poor workman who blames his tools, and a poor leader who blames their "followers."

Andy Stanley puts it: "As soon as you blame your followers you've stopped leading".

This is not to devalue the valuable work that is done by thinkers who contemplate normative views and discuss implementation pathways. However, especially for new devotees their initial focus is better directed to the essential practices of bhakti, such as sadhana, study of sastra, and cultivating Vaisnava qualities and relationships.

I've found that if people respect you as a person they naturally respect what you say. When you give them relevant advice on their personal situation they are more likely to follow it. Change begins with us and then goes one person at a time. A brahmana is one who thinks globally (in fact universally, and beyond), and acts locally. He becomes an empowered agent of positive change.


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