
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Krishna Prasadam - Moraya upma, baked potatoes and salad


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All varna and no ashrama makes a devotee a dull boy ;-)

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All varna and no ashrama makes a devotee a dull boy ;-)

Varna should be centered around ashrama, otherwise it is a disaster. Ashrama is the shelter for the conditioned soul. In the ashrama worshipping and satisfying Vishnu is the primary goal.

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Don't ever smell the food you cook for offering

By smelling we contaminate the food or any substance that we offer to The Lord. It's for this same reason we are not supposed to smell the flowers or the incense before offering.

After offering of course it is transcendental and we can pass on the flowers to be smelled by devotees.


Metallic objects are cleaned by earth(sand/clay)

Wollen cloth is cleaned by simply drying up in the air

Body is purified by taking bath.Mind/Soul is purified by Mantra/chanting the Holy names of The Lord.

Rain water is purified by stagnation for 10 days.

Large water bodies such as rivers or running Water are not contaminated.

Small water bodies or ponds are contaminated by regular usage.

Earthen pots and few other objects covered by dirt are purified over a period of time when exposed to sunlight.

Usually objects that are made of earth are cleaned by water or air.

All purification happens over a period of time and so time is also a major factor in the purification process.

By thinking of The Lord constantly, the mind and soul can be kept pure always.

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I am not this dream

From Śrīla Prabhupāda: "So here is the recommendation. Try to become Krsna conscious. And then you'll not be disturbed with all these external, ephemeral changes of the material world. Not only of this body, practically..., practically one who is advanced in spiritual life, he's not agitated by the so-called political upheavals or social disturbances. No. He knows these are simply external, ephe... Just like in the dream. It is also a dream. The... Our present existence, it is also dream, Exactly like we dream at night. In dreaming, we create so many things. So this material world is also a gross dreaming. Gross dreaming. That is subtle dreaming. And this is gross dreaming." "I am not this dream" 72/11/21 Hyderabad, Bhagavad-gita 2.15

Courtesy: Kalachandji Katha


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Krishna Prasadam -Rice, Spinach and Dhal, water melon


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Love or Hate?

When you love someone, you love everything about that person, whereas if you hate someone, you will hate everything about that person. This is how a mind influenced by 3 modes of material nature works.

A person who loves God does not hate anyone in the world but only love with compassion. By regularly contemplating on the words of God from scriptures like Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavatham, one can easily transcend the influence of material modes of nature.

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Krishna Prasadam-Green peas Pulav and Panneer Sabji


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It is from the rope of their desires that they will one day hang

The demoniac have unlimited desires, and driven by those desires they are drowning in the ocean of sense gratification until the moment of death (pralaya-antäm). The demoniac possess determination, but only for sense gratification. Päça means "rope." Äçä-päça-çatair means that they are caught in the net of attempting to satisfy their myriad desires. It is from the rope of their desires that they will one day hang.




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The real purpose of religion

The real purpose of religion

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, September 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, BYS lecture)

spiritual worldWe have an interesting story about a female saint in the Islamic tradition.
One morning, she came out of her house carrying two buckets, one with fire inside and the other, with water. And people saw her and said, "Oh! What are you going to do with all that fire and water?"

She said, "With the fire, I'm going to burn heaven, and with this water, I'm going to put out the flames of hell."

"You're going to burn heaven?"

She said, "Yes, I'm going to burn heaven because most people are only interested in spirituality because they want to attain heaven, and others are into spirituality because they're afraid to go to hell. I'm going to burn heaven and put out the flames of hell so that people will take up the real purpose of religion, which is to develop love of God."




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Krishna Prasadam- Rice, Yoghurt, Channa Dhal Sabji


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8 Wonders of the Jagannath Temple

8 Wonders of the Jagannath Temple in Puri are as follows–

1.Flag always flaps in opposite direction of air.

2.From any place in Puri you, will always find the Sudarshan Charka (Charka at top of Temple) facing you.

3.Normally during day-time, air comes from sea to land and during evening, the vice-versa occurs. But in Puri it's totally opposite.

4.No bird or planes fly above the Temple.

5.The shadow of the main dome is invisible at any time of the day.

6.The quantity of cooked food inside the Temple remains same for the entire year. But that same quantity of prasadam can feed few thousand people and 20 lac people, Still it won't get wasted.

7.In the Temple kitchen, 7 pots are kept on each other and cooked on firewood. In this process the contents in the top pot get cooked first and then the bottom one.

8.After entering from Singhadwara's first step (from inside of the Temple), you can't hear any sound produced by the ocean. But, when you cross the same step (from outside of the Temple) you can hear it. This can be noticed clearly during evening.



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Krishna Prasadam- Veggie noodles and Avacado milk shake


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Krishna Prasadam - Chapatis, Lima beans Sabji


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Krishna Prasadam - Rice, Pepper Rasam, Brocolli


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Sweets and snacks for Deepavali


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[srilaprabhupadanectar] Remembering Srila Prabhupada - Satisfying saintly person


Satisfying saintly person

Lecture notes

If one satisfies a saintly person, that means he satisfies Krsna.

Because you are educated doesn't mean you can understand Krsna, but if you approach as His bhakta, servant. Krsna is very rare, durlabham, but He is adurlabham, very easily handed over by His devotee.

Big devotees keep Bhagavan in their hand. Devotees never describe themselves as big bhaktas.

Perfect means to take your subordinate position.

- From "ISKCON In The 1970s" by HH Satsvarupa dasa Goswami

Please Chant: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare And Be Happy




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Krishna Prasadam - Chapatis, Panneer mutter Sabji


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Krishna Prasadam - Chapatis, Panneer Mutter Sabji


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Cancer in a Can: The Shocking Truth Behind Pringles


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Words of wisdom

One should feel satisfied with the following three things; his own wife, food given by Providence and wealth acquired by honest effort; but one should never feel satisfied with the following three; study, chanting the holy names of the Lord (japa) and charity-Canakya Pandit



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Dvadasi Krishna Prasadam - Kitcheri, Brocolli


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One will not incur sin even if he kills the whole universe when situated in proper consciousness

Every action is covered by some kind of fault in this world. Arjuna asks that because the activities of ksatriya are in the mode of passion, so is it not better for him to become a brahmana for it will be pure?

Krishna says, even fire is covered by smoke so by changing the varna one will not be able to overcome the faults. Even the actions of Brahmanas have faults but one shouldn't consider those faults while doing their prescribed duties according to one's nature. It is better to perform one's own duty imperfectly than to perform another's duty perfectly because one will not incur sin by performing the prescribed duties of one's own nature even when it is faulty.

If Arjuna were to act with proper consciousness while killing in the battlefield for establishing righteousness according to religious principles, he would never incur sin. If one works in proper understanding that everything is carried out only after the sanction of the Supreme will and sees the self as instruments then one will not incur sin even if he kills the whole universe what to speak of Bhisma or Drona?

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Better to die than to run away from fighting

> If you don't fight as a Kshatriya and try to renounce your prescribed duty as troublesome to become a mendicant then my illusory energy will once again impel you to act like a Kshatriya because that's your nature and you will fall down from your position. Even if you die in the battle, it is better for you to fight according to religious principles as a matter of duty- Lord Sri Krishna to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita.
> Yours
> Dinesh

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Krishna Prasadam - Sabhudana, Avacado milk shake


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Material or spiritual - what makes the difference ?

Anything or anyone acting as an obstacle for material sense enjoyment, becomes our enemy because of our strong desire to gratify our own senses. But spiritual enjoyment is so pleasurable that we will naturally want everyone else also experience the same pleasure which we experience because we get even more when we give to others.

When we become morose at something or someone in our way to sense enjoyment, it's a guideline for us to know that we are in illusion.

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Krishna Prasadam - Rice, Arbi Gravy and Tapioca based fryums


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The purpose of food is to increase the duration of life, purify the mind and aid bodily strength.


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Strictness, Inquiries Into the Absolute, Digest 421

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Digest 421, October 29th, 2013. Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami Maharaja

You are invited to send your questions to His Holiness Romapada Swami at with the word "Question" included in the subject line  or  submit your question at


I am a very sinful soul, I cannot follow very strict laws as other devotees always do. All I can do is share some simple information with other interested people. Otherwise I am the worst among devotees.

I know that assocication with sadhus is the cure for my depleted condition, but I feel intimidated by their strictness. What to do?


I would like to respond to your question in two parts.

1. The Strictness of a Sadhu

You have the impression that a sadhu is a strict personality, perhaps so strict that their presence is intimidating.

Please carefully consider the following. As a follower of Srila Prabhupada, and particularly one who serves His Divine Grace as a sannyasi or guru, one MUST be a "strict follower". This specific quality was expressed by Srila Prabhupada as one of the primary qualifications of a guru: one must be a strict follower of his spiritual master.

Some scriptural references express this mandate.

SB 3.28.20 "A sadhu is a strict follower of devotional service."

Gopal Tapani Upanisad "By remembering Me, one who follows no vows becomes a strict follower of vows."

Just as a genuine sannyasi or guru is one who follows the footsteps of Srila Prabhupada, please carefully consider HOW LENIENT WAS SRILA PRABHUPADA
- in his interactions with guests, with new devotees, as well as his own disciples, who were pushing forward his mission with great effort and getting results!

In the course of my years of devotional service, I have learned the essential lesson of being super lenient and totally non-judgmental with others, while remaining personally very strict with my own standards and behaviors.

Here is a nice scriptural reference which supports that realization:

Bhakti-rasamTta-sindhu (1.2.200):

laukiki vaidiki vapi ya kriya kriyate mune hari-sevanukrlaiva sa karya bhaktim icchata

"A devotee may act as an ordinary human being or as a strict follower of Vedic injunctions. In either case, everything he does is favorable for the advancement of devotional service because he is in KTnŠa consciousness."

Please do not feel judged when associating with a sadhu, simply due to the fact that the sadhu is personally strict with themselves.

A compassionate sadhu will not carry a stick, a rod to chastize others who are not prepared to make the same sacrifices they make. Doing that might have a reverse effect on some individuals.

Here is an expression used by Srila Prabhupada, which conveys the same message: "Bees are attracted by honey, not by vinegar."

A sadhu can detect who is a bee-like devotee. When detecting the sincerity of such a person, honey-like appreciation and recognition for the gifts Krishna has given that soul is extended, encouraging their talents and energy to be utilized in Krsna's service -- while gradually and gently extending efforts to uplift that soul's character.

2. * A devotee's strengths, and a devotee's weaknesses *

Until one becomes a perfected soul, one will have strengths and weaknesses.

I have learned an axiom in devotional service which I would like to share with you.

To improve from whatever position one is situated in, along the path of one's spiritual journey -

a. Do those things very nicely, regularly, with maximum attention, which give one spiritual strength!
b. From the strength gained from these activities, BORROW STRENGTH from there, and apply it to the areas where there may be spiritual weakness.

In this way, one can progress spiritually from any position.

I encourage you to consider how the above axiom might apply to you, in your ongoing Krishna conscious life.

Previous questions and answers are available with subject classification at
Digests 1-242 are included as a PDF file at:
Brief biography of His Holiness Romapada Swami:

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Do the prescribed duties as a matter of duty without attachment

One should do the prescribed duties until one gets the desire to constantly hear the pastimes of Me. When purified by the desires through prescribed duties which are performed as a matter of duty, you will attain the desire to surrender to Me completely - Lord Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita chapter 18.


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