
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Salem(Tamil Nadu, South India) Temple!


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Ratha Yatra- Salem, Tamil Nadu, India Part-2


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Ratha Yatra- Salem, Tamil Nadu, India Part-1


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Electricity or Humanity?

In order for us to get the comfort of electricity at home,there are
thousands of people including children working so hard in the coal
mines. For money,those working in coal mines risk their life&health.
The dust in the mines get inside their lungs and cause serious
respiratory complications.

Also coal is a natural resource which will not Last longer for the
increasing power demands of the cities.

Actually we have not increased the standard of living but only
degraded further.One lives comfortably by exploiting the other.This is
sinful. If we could promote agriculture,everyone will be happy and can
lead a simple peaceful life.

When there's no oil,everything gets stranded. No job, No food,
Nothing. The current education does not provide knowledge to
understand agriculture&to grow our own food which should have been a
mandatory part of the syllabus.

Our life subsist on foodgrains and is a simple fact for anyone to
understand. Food grains depend on rain and rain is produced by
Yagya-Sacrifices to Lord Vishnu.


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City is hell! All is well to dwell in farm communities!

The politicians dont let people think themselves. They make people
think what they want them to think. In this way the foolish people
loose their mind,body,intelligence energy in various unwanted
activities in the name of job.When commuting to the office,I see How
horrible,life in the city has become.
Simply suffering day in and day out,thinking that one fine day when I
become rich,I'll be the most happiest person.Everyone is thinking I
will die,if I dont get to work in the office or factory. Our lives are
dependent on food grains. And food grains are produced by rains. If we
grow our own food,life is all simple and more leisure and a pleasure
in the path of self-realization.
By creating different identities of groups of different sentiments
without proper religious principles, people are turned to athiestic
demons devoid of God consciousness.
Better late than never. We can save our lifetime by living in harmony
with nature in the farm communities. And I am looking forward to
actively involve in such projects in the near future. It may look like
we are heading in a different direction in the agri-based
civilization,when the whole world goes in one direction which is
simply to make money and enjoy that by drinking, illicit-sex, eating,
having fun in the sun &other so called recreation.
This oil-based civilisation is going to collapse sooner or later and
Srila Prabhupada confirmed this in his writings.


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  • Technorati - The Mercy of the Lord Part 3

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Date: Sun, 03 Jul 2011 05:04:23 +0000
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The Mercy of the Lord Part 3

Posted: 01 Jul 2011 11:41 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2005)

The other way to get the dust is by following in the Footsteps of the Lord.
Lord Krishna is also acting as the spiritual master of the three worlds;
Lord Krishna is acting as the Supreme Teacher; Again and again, Lord
Krishna is teaching transcendental knowledge in various ways!

In one way we see a description of Lord Krishna when he lives in Dwarika,
of how he performs his daily activities. He rises early in the morning, at
the first crowing of the rooster. He is right up, although embraced by his
queen. He is not caring and just gets up and takes His bath – I do not
remember the full sequence, but He gives cows in charity to the brahmanas;
He engages in morning meditation in Krishna's case He meditates on Himself
because He is the Supreme Lord, and is meditating on the Supreme Lord. So
one should not think that we should meditate on ourselves, it means that we
should meditate on the Supreme Lord – and Krishna is doing some.

So Krishna in His meditation on the Supreme Lord is showing by example,
what our daily activities should be. So by following in the Footsteps of
the Personality, one also gets the dust of His Lotus Feet. So following in
this process has been indicated and followed by Krishna Himself. Krishna
accepted a bone fide spiritual master. Krishna always worshiped the

We see that when Sudāmā came, Krishna immediately stepped down from the
throne, and put Sudāmā on there, and worshiped him to get him the laxmi. In
this way, we see how Krishna sets many standards! And by following these
standards very carefully, we also get the dust of the Lotus Feet of
Krishna! This is another way! So this is very important that we somehow or
other go for it!

If we approach Krishna in a humble way – not in an argumentative way but
in a submissive way in a way of listening to the transcendental
instructions that Krishna gave, then we can very quickly understand that
devotional service to Him is everything!

'bahūnāṁ janmanām ante

jñānavān māṁ prapadyate

vāsudevaḥ sarvam iti

sa mahātmā su-durlabhaḥ' (B.G. 7.19)

Otherwise it may take many many births before we can actually understand
that devotional service is the goal of life!

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Who is freed from all sins?

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.10.03]
yo mam ajam anadim ca
vetti loka-mahesvaram
asammudhah sa martyeshu
sarva-papaih pramucyate
He who knows Me as the unborn, as the beginningless, as the Supreme Lord of all the worlds—he only, undeluded among men, is freed from all sins.
As stated in the Seventh Chapter (7.3), manushyanam sahasreshu kascid yatati siddhaye: those who are trying to elevate themselves to the platform of spiritual realization are not ordinary men; they are superior to millions and millions of ordinary men who have no knowledge of spiritual realization. But out of those actually trying to understand their spiritual situation, one who can come to the understanding that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the proprietor of everything, the unborn, is the most successful spiritually realized person. In that stage only, when one has fully understood Krishna's supreme position, can one be free completely from all sinful reactions.
Here the Lord is described by the word aja, meaning "unborn," but He is distinct from the living entities who are described in the Second Chapter as aja. The Lord is different from the living
entities who are taking birth and dying due to material attachment. The conditioned souls are changing their bodies, but His body is not changeable. Even when He comes to this material world, He comes as the same unborn; therefore in the Fourth Chapter it is said that the Lord, by His internal potency, is not under the inferior, material energy, but is always in the superior energy.
In this verse the words vetti loka-mahesvaram indicate that one should know that Lord Krishna is the supreme proprietor of the planetary systems of the universe. He was existing before the creation, and He is different from His creation. All the demigods were created within this material world, but as far as Krishna is concerned, it is said that He is not created; therefore Krishna is different even from the great demigods like Brahma and Siva. And because He is the creator of Brahma, Siva and all the other demigods, He is the Supreme Person of all planets.
Sri Krishna is therefore different from everything that is created, and anyone who knows Him as such immediately becomes liberated from all sinful reactions. One must be liberated from all sinful activities to be in the knowledge of the Supreme Lord. Only by devotional service can He be known and not by any other means, as stated in Bhagavad-gita.
Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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Srila Bhakti Vinoda Thakur!

Personally I like all his songs which is the essence of devotion to the Lord..

Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Jaya Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur! The Precept to ISKCON & the Worldwide Sankirtan Movement
Today marks the disappearance day of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur. How do you adequately glorify such an exalted devotee of the Lord? Do we glorify how he uplifted Vaishnava Siddhanta which had eroded significantly? Do we praise his commitment to Vaishnva theology despite being born into opulent circumstances and having government responsibilities? Do we glorify his sadhana where he kept a very regulated schedule in order to further Mahaprabhu's mission? Do we praise his discovery of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's birthplace? Or perhaps do we glorify what perhaps made him the happiest...the rapid spread of the glorification of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Krishna!
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur would stay up until the late hours of the night writing, translating, commenting and annotating vedic texts. He published in English and sent the books to other corners of the world! The first globalization of the sankirtan movement. These books landed in Britain, Germany, America and yes even in Canada at our very own McGill University. Not only were the books recieved but they were read and recieved acclaim and thus the bhrad-mrdanga started...the broadcasting of this transcedental knowledge all over the globe. 
In his writings, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur stated, "Soon there will appear a personality who will preach the holy name of Hari all over the world." And this was mere months before the appearance of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. Meditate on that single statement for a few moments to appreciate the gravity of this prediction. And there is more...much much more. For example, Srila Bhakitvinoda Thakur avidly wrote a magazine journal called Sajjana-Tosani in which he writes, "Oh for that day when the fortunate English, French, Russian, German, and American people with take up banners, mrdangas, and kartalas and raise kirtan through their streets and towns."  
And thus in the title the declaration that Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur represents the precept to ISKCON and the worldwide sankirtan movement!
Jaya Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur!
I know there are many distractions and much to read so we are trying to keep our posts short but we really want to share one wonderful quote...
"There is no vow like chanting the holy name, no knowledge superior to it,
no meditation which comes anywhere near it, and it gives the highest
result. No penance is equal to it, and nothing is as potent or powerful as
the holy name. Chanting is the greatest act of piety and the supreme
refuge. Even the words of the Vedas do not possess sufficient power to
describe its magnitude. Chanting is the highest path to liberation, peace
and eternal life. It's the pinnacle of devotion, the heart's joyous
proclivity and attraction and the best form of remembrance of the Supreme
Lord. The holy name has appeared solely for the benefit of the living
entities as their lord and master, their supreme worshipful object and
their spiritual guide and mentor. Whoever continuously chants Lord
Krishna's holy name, even in his sleep, can easily realize that the name is
a direct manifestation of Krishna Himself, in spite of the influences of
~ Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Harinam Cintamani


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  • Technorati - The Mercy of the Lord Part 2

The Mercy of the Lord Part 2

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 03:00 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2005)

The dust of Krishna's Lotus Feet can also give devotional service. Somehow or other we must go after the dust on Krishna's Lotus Feet!

'So how is it attained?'

It maybe attained in serving the deity. In the Nectar of Devotion Book, it is said that one of the form of deity worship is that the pujari must touch the Lotus Feet of the Lord, while he is on the alter. So that is a prescribed duty of worship. It is a nice prescribed duty where you have to touch the Lotus Feet of the Lord. It's there in the scripture. So in that way pujari service is quite special – there's no doubt about it!

The dust of the Lotus Feet of the Lord is transcendental. Everything about Krishna is spiritual, and therefore the dust of His Feet is totally spiritual! Now within the concept of approaching the feet of the Lord is also the concept of approaching the most humble part of the Lord – not the face, but the feet. In order to approach the Feet, one must bow down. So therefore it is said in the Bhagavad Gita:

'man-manā bhava mad-bhakto
mad-yājī māṁ namaskuru
mām evaiṣyasi satyaṁ te
pratijāne priyo 'si me'. (BG.18.65)

That devotees must bow down to Krishna, and such a devotee that bows down attracts the mercy of Krishna. In other words, it is through humility that one attracts the mercy of Krishna. So in the concept of the dust of the Lotus Feet of the Lord is a concept of humility. The humility is included there which one can attain the dust from the Lotus Feet of the Lord.

Another concept – it is said that besides taking the dust directly off the Lord, which is difficult for us, because where do we have access to the dust of the Lotus Feet of the Lord? We cannot directly see the Lord, face to face, so where do we get that dust if we take this literally in the physical sense? As I mentioned the deities is the one option, because the deities are mostly the manifestation of the Lord, and is available to those who are even not capable of seeing the Lord.

The other place where the dust of the Lotus Feet of the Lord is available is in Vrindavan, because it is mentioned that in the story of Kaliya – we may recall, that it is described in the beginning of the story of how all the residents in Vrindavan were moving around in Vrindavan, which was covered by the Lotus Footprint of Krishna that even the animals would never step on the Lotus Footprints of Krishna. So, in this way the entire dust of Vrindavan was marked by the Lotus Footprints of Krishna, and therefore very clearly transcendental – and the dust of the Lotus Feet of Krishna. So Vrindavan dust is of that nature, that it is the direct dust of the Lotus Feet of Krishna, and as such – there we can collect as much as we can get. We can take that dust in various ways – either on our head.

I have seen devotees who came to Vrindavan and who fell down in that dust, and were bathing in it! They were lying there and throwing all the dust on themselves, as much as possible – rolling around, put a little more….stand up again…pay obeisance again…and do it again! They did this as a means to attain the mercy of Krishna.

We also know that when Akrūra came into Vrindavan, and that when he saw the Footprints of Krishna, there in Vrindavan – that he fell down on the ground and rolled in the dust of those Footprints immediately, when he dived off his chariot. It is very aristocratic – right… driving a beautiful chariot….nicely decorated….. a royal chariot….beautiful royal clothes and he just dived into the dust! So this spirit is the glorified spirit! So we can get the dust of the Feet of the Lord, from the Lotus Feet of the deity in Vrindavan!

Four days in the Czech summercamp – part II

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 12:41 AM PDT

On Saturday morning Kadamba Kanana Maharaja together with Dhanavir Maharaja, instead of the Bhagavatam class, gave initiation to several devotees. Guru-Maharaja initiated two Czech devotees with the new names Janame Jaya Dasa and Jay Kesava Dasa. The ceremony was held in the temple room whereas the Yajna was performed in a tent outside.

Guru-Maharaja mainly spent the remainder of the last two days giving darshan to the devotees and participating and dancing in the many kirtanas, espacially those led and rocked by Trivikrama Maharaja. He also gave one Bhagavatam class on Sunday morning.

On Sunday afternoon Guru-Maharaja left to go back to Modra to get one night of good sleep before the major journey to South Afica on Monday.

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  • Technorati - Prabhupada Chanting In Tompkins Square Park

Prabhupada Chanting In Tompkins Square Park

Posted: 29 Jun 2011 02:00 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Simhachalam, 2011)

The tree in Tompkins square park that witnessed Prabhupada's chanting…that tree became completely transformed – what did that tree possibly do, for how many lifetimes was this tree a pious soul to become that paticular tree which was sharing in that mercy?

Now that tree is being worshipped by so many devotees – and the nice thing is that it is not organised, there is no schedule that:

'Ok, now this one and then this one has to do worship'

'The devotees from the east will take over and then……'

No, the worship of the tree is just going on, every day there are fresh garlands on the tree – nobody knows who does it.

That is far out, when I think of this tree in Tompkins square park how garlands just appear on that tree.

It is not just organised, it is wonderful, it means that the hearts of so many devotees has just been captured by Srila Prabhupada and this scene of Srila Prabhupada chanting there in Tompkins Square Park.

Just as one can meditate on pictures of Lord Nrshingadeva – Lord Nrshingadeva coming out of the pillar; one can mediate on Prabhupada under that tree in Tompkins Square Park, and that picture can be fixed in our mind.


Four days in the Czech summercamp

Posted: 29 Jun 2011 12:57 PM PDT

I appologize for the delay of the pictures, but I had a major issue with the old computer I was working with, in other words I dropped and broke it. That is why now, in this first post done with the new computer, I want to really thank Paramesvara Prabhu and Gopali Mataji for so kindly and spontaneously sponsoring a new laptop. It's now due to their kindness that you can enjoy these pics!

From the kirtana weekend in Slovenia, it was off to Modra in Slovakia. There Guru-Maharaja took two days of rest, just doing one evening program, to get ready for the upcoming summercamp in Czech. The camp started with a warm welcome by the Czech devotees, performing nice kirtanas. Later the kirtana was taken over by Dhanavir Maharaja, who arrived shortly after Kadamba Kanana Swami, on Thursday afternoon. In the evening Guru-Maharaja gave a nice class about obstacles and solutions on our way to pure chanting.
The next day Bhakti Vidya Purna Maharaja and Trivikrama Maharaja also arrived, and both, Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami with his seminars and classes and Trivikrama Maharaja with his old fashioned, rocking kirtanas and amazing Prabupada storys, inspired the whole camp.

Whereas the weekend in Ljubljana was focused on bhajanas, the Czech camp realy was built on fiery and ecstatic kirtanas, which got everyone to dance. Enjoy part one of the pictures!

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O fish like soul, why have you fallen into the entangling nets of Maya?

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Song Name: Ar Keno Maya Jale
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Gitavali (Section: Sreyo-Nirnaya Song 2)
ār keno māyā-jāle poḍitecho, jīva-mīn
nāhi jāno baddha ho'ye ro'be tumi ciro-din (19)
ISKCON desire tree
ati tuccha bhoga-āśe, bandī ho'ye māyā-pāśe
rohile vikṛta-bhāve danḍya jathā parādhīn
ekhona bhakati-bale, kṛṣṇa-prema-sindhu-jale
krīḍā kori' anāyāse thāko tumi kṛṣṇaādhīna

1) O fish like soul, why have you fallen into the entangling nets of Maya? You have not understood that being bound up by those nets you will have to remain in this material world for a long, long time.
2) After becoming captive in Maya's snare due to your desires for insignificant enjoyments, you remain transformed in a spiritually diseased condition, punishable just like a disobedient servant.
3) Now, by the power of devotional service, always remain subservient to Lord Krsna, swimming and frolicking freely in the nectarine ocean of Krsna-prema.


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My World: Dull & Unconscious

My World: Dull & Unconscious:
Dull & Unconscious
I was ill, but today not,
Thanks to my God a lot!
This world is full for fear,
It seems no shelter anywhere.
Fear inside, fear outside,
No peace in any side.
Fear of poverty, fear of lose,
Takes away one's life's force.
Viu, viu, viu the sound of an ambulance cry,
Hear it everyday, it became for me dry.
Everyday someone dies,
But my eyes for that blind.
Heart shock, cancer or a simple rope,
Takes away someone's divine hope
By Maral Alimova

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My World: Crying of the soul

My World: Crying of the soul:
I will be fully ever lost,
If don't put on head the dust,
Of the feet of the most beloved,
Dear people to the Lord.
My mind's word is "want!"
Knows only thing to hurt.
Seeing mouse like bad in others,
Not feeling the elephant in its.
Covered by passion, sometimes,
Other times with ignorance.
Only know about sleeping,
Or the sources pleasure taking.
What's the use of up waking early?
Even thou my mind is sleepy.
"loosing time, rascal!" soul cries,
Why still you are not enough wise?
"tik, tik, tik, listen time walks!"
What's the use of mundane talks?
They only create desire mislead,
And pushes to do useless deed.
While chanting the Holy Names,
Mind for journey hardly longs.
Can't keep, catch and beat,
Enough! Anymore, impossible tolerate!
Crying loudly, hot tears from eyes,
Please, someone hear my voice!
To whom can I go with bowl?
Begging mercy for my soul.
What is water? What is bread?
What is air? What is cloth?
Where is home? Where is love?For my crying lonely soul?
By Maral Alimova

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My World: Very close but Unachievable

My World: Very close but Unachievable: Cry, cry, cry my soul cry!
But the reason who knows why?
Want to eat, want to catch,
But it is impossible to do that.
Oh Holy Name, You are so sweet!
I fell down into Your feet!
Nothing, nothing in this world I need!
Just want to be engaged in Your deed.
No, no it is not me who is eloquent,
It is You who give intelligence to make intelligent
By Maral Alimova

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My World: Ass's life!

My World: Ass's life!: Ass's life!
Day and night comes and goes,
But still I keep I up, my nose.
With pride thinking that,
My turn will be the last.
Life is short, time is passing,
I spend it for eating and sleeping.
Also mating and defending,
My life's mainly including.
For what too long to wait?
Just fame I want a lot.
For that only, I hardly work,
Not feeling the moving sticks of clock.
Colleagues rude me, the partner rule,
Even thou I stay in this role.
As a camel who is enjoying,
By his own fresh blood soaking.
Senses are like running horses,
It is true without any doubts.
They run in search for pleasure,
Thinking that here is the treasure

By Maral Alimova

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  • Technorati - The Mercy of the Lord 1

The Mercy of the Lord 1

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 02:47 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2005)

It is said that the worshiper is causing disturbance to the Lord. Prabhupada gives the example about the thief who is wearing his stripped t-shirt and his black mask. He is standing outside the gate, looking at this house and praying:

"My dear Lord, tonight let me get a fat catch in big big villa!"

In the big big villa there is a man who is praying:

"Oh my Lord let all my wealth be protected from thieves".

So, it is as if both of them are grabbing the arm of the Lord and pulling in different directions. Still the material world is an intense place, and within the material world there is plenty of suffering!

Now philosophically it is explained that this suffering is also the mercy of the Lord, because the Supreme Lord gives us only token reactions for our previous sinful activities. Normally the suffering in this world is not without cause, but rather it is for the purpose of purifying us from our past sinful activities. Each sinful activities leaves a mark within our consciousness of a sinful mentality, and therefore that sinful mentality has to be rectified by some reaction, which will come in due course of time. However, that may bring so much suffering in our present condition that we just desire to be relieved. So then what to do?

We should know that Krishna is 'bhakti vatsena'. 'Bhakti vatsena' means that He is the protector of the devotee at all times…. a well wisher of the devotees, and that He will never give a devotee a test that he cannot pass…that He will never give the devotee more

difficulty for the sake of purification than he can handle.So we should trust that Krishna would not drive us over the edge and somehow or other we must endure that:

'Tat te 'nukampam susumiksamano bhunjana evatma-krtam vipakam'.

That somehow, or other we must tolerate the difficulties in this material world, as the mercy of the Lord, and always take responsibility for ourselves – knowing that we have created our own fate by our own previous sinful activities in this life, and in previous lives, which are of course karma and are now manifesting as such!


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Any road wil take you there


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Why Krsna descends in this material world

Why Krsna descends in this material world ….
“G u r u m u k h a p a d m a v a k y a"

Why Krsna descends in this material world …..………...... Nectarean Mellows

Prahlad Maharaj made things very simple, if you want to be happy in this world, then simply stop trying to be happy in this world; then you would be happy, but as long as you are trying to be happy in this world, you have to suffer because it a place of death. Krsna has declared it is a place of suffering, but at the same time, the soul is pleasure seeking, the soul is sac-cid-ananda,, the soul must have ananda, it must have pleasure, the soul is searching for ecstasy, but we are looking in the wrong place but Krsna is so kind, so merciful, He descends in this world out of love and affection, for those who have rejected Him, rebelled against Him, due to envy, to reveal His form, to reveal the science of devotion, to reveal His pastimes, to actually reveal the spiritual world to us and invite us, come back home back to Godhead. Krsna reveals His beautiful qualities and His divine pastimes just to attract our hearts and one who takes shelter of Krsna, one who understands His birth and activities, never has to suffer in this material world again, but attains Krsna’s abode.


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