
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Greed Is Very Strong

Posted by Hina at 8:10 AM
When greed comes into business, then principles go out of the window, and then sooner or later it becomes worse and worse. One gets implicated in sinful activity, and the whole world is operating like that.

In India, if you buy fruits-that apple that you didn’t check is a rotten apple. That’s just how it is. If you buy each one, you just check it to make sure it is all right. In the West, they just pack four apples with cellophane on top, and two of them are rotten and there is nothing you can do about it! So the cheating is a pre-packed cheating - all pre-arranged. There’s no need anymore for any shopkeeper to do it on the go. In the supermarket it’s already built in the system.

So the cheating propensity is all over the world, because greed is very strong. Naturally greed is a predominating principle, because to enjoy at the expense of others- that is greed!


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Prayer to Sri Radha

Prayer to Sri Radha


There is a hope which is sustaining me and nurturing my existence. With that hope I am somehow passing my days. But my patience has reached its end. I can't endure it any longer. At this moment if You do not show Your grace to me, Sri Radha, I shall lose my prospect forever. I shall have no desire to continue my life. And Vrndavana, which is even dearer to me than my life itself - I am disgusted with it. And what to speak of anything else, I am even disgusted with Krsna. It is shameful to utter such words, but I can have no love even for Krsna unless and until You take me within Your confidential camp of service." Raghunatha Dasa Goswami


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Krsna's Permission

by Jyoti Pahuja on Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at 6:14pm
Krsna’s energy is working. Parasya brahmanah saktih. Without Krsna’s energy, how everything is taking place? Material nature is not working independently, not by accident. It is not accident that exactly at 6:30 or 6:15 the sun is rising.One day you may say, “The sun is rising at 6:30 by accident.” But daily?

The sun, moon, or anything material that is working, we see they are working very wonderfully, but don’t think that they are working automatically or independently. No. That is not possible.

Therefore, superior, inferior everything is systematically being done according to the desire. They say, “Not a blade of grass moves without the desire of Krsna.” That’s a fact. Without Krsna’s desire, every step we are going forward, it is guided by Krsna. It is not directly by Krsna but through the instrument of Krsna. This is nature. Nature is nothing but instrument.

We are packed up within this fort. You see the round sky. It is just like a football. And within, we are packed up. Just like the soldiers, they are within the fort or there are other persons also, similarly, this is a durga. Sristi-sthiti-pralaya-sadhana-saktir eka chayeva yasya bhuvanani vibharti durga [Bs. 5.44]

Duh means difficult, and ga means going. Dur-ga. So because the nature is feminine, therefore it is called Durga. So just like in the fort, in the jail, if you are put, it is dur-ga, very difficult to come out, very, very difficult. Therefore it is called dur-ga. You cannot enter in the fort or in the jail. Big, big walls, you cannot enter there without permission, and you cannot come out without permission.

So this Durga, or durga-sakti, material energy, very, very powerful. You cannot come out from this fort of material existence without superior permission. That is Krsna’s permission. Mayadhyaksena: [Bg. 9.10] “Under My vigilence, under My superintendence this material energy is working.” Therefore those who surrender unto Krsna, can easily cross over this inferior but divine material energy.

Srila Prabhupada.


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Power of Lust

1. Bhartrihari says: "For food, I have what begging brings and that too tasteless and once a day; for bed, the earth; and for attendant, the body itself; for dress, I have worn out blanket made up of hundred patches; still alas! lust does not leave me."

2. A gentleman who had given up smoking, drinking, though married, wants to practice Brahmacharya. His wife has no objection, but he himself finds hard this discipline, especially the trouble seems to be in the control of sight. "The street is my chief enemy," he said to me recently. This means that the eyes are attracted to well-dressed ladies. An aspirant says: "While I practiced vigorously Pranayama, Japa and meditation, my mind was not polluted even if I saw half-nude young ladies. But when I left the practice I was not able to control my sight and I was attracted by well-dressed ladies in the streets and half-nude pictures that are pasted in front of picture houses. The sea beach and Mall Road are my enemies."

3. Jerome writes to the virgin Eustochium about his struggle for abstinence and the power of lust: "Oh, how many times when in the desert, in the vast solitude which, burnt by heat of the sun, offers but a horrible dwelling to monks, I imagined among the delights of Rome: I was alone. My limbs were covered by a wretched sack, and my skin as black as an Ethiopian's. Every day I wept and groaned, and if I was unwillingly overcome by sleep, my lean body lay on the bare earth. I say nothing of my food and drink, for in the desert even invalids had no drink but cold water. Well, I who out of fear of hell had condemned myself to this prison, companion of scorpions and wild beasts, often seemed in imagination among a band of girls. My face was pale with fasting; my mind within my frigid body was burning with desire; the fire of lust would still flame up in a body that already seemed to be dead." Such is the power of lust.

4. There is no hope for you to have Self-realisation or knowledge of the Self if you are not well established in Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya is the master-key to open the realms of eternal bliss. Brahmacharya is the very foundation of Yoga. Just as a house that is built on a rotten foundation will surely fall down, so also you will fall down from your meditation if you have laid no proper foundation, viz., the attainment of perfect Brahmacharya. You may meditate for a period of twelve years and yet you will have no success in Samadhi if you have not destroyed the subtle lust or the craving-seed that lingers in the innermost recess of your heart. You will have to search out carefully this dire enemy - lust, that lies hidden in the various corners of your heart. Just as the fox hides itself in the bush, so also this lust hides itself in the substratum and corners of the mind. You can detect its presence only if you are vigilant. Intense self-examination is very necessary. Just as powerful enemies can be conquered only if you attack them from all sides, so also you can keep the powerful senses under control if you attack them from all sides, from within and without, from above and from beneath.

5. You must not labour under the delusion that you have eradicated the lust completely by adjusting the diet a bit, by practicing Pranayama and by doing a little Japa, and that you have nothing more to do. Temptation or Mara may overcome you at any moment. Eternal vigilance and rigorous Sadhana are very essential. You cannot attain perfect Brahmacharya by limited effort. Just as a machine gun is necessary to kill a powerful enemy, so also constant, rigorous, powerful Sadhana is necessary to annihilate this powerful enemy, lust. You must not be puffed up with pride for your little achievement in celibacy. If you are put to test you will hopelessly fail. You must be ever conscious of your shortcomings and you must constantly strive to get rid of them. Highest effort is necessary. Then only you will have sanguine success in this direction.

6. It is easy to tame a wild tiger or a lion or an elephant. It is easy to play with the cobra. It is easy to walk over the fire. It is easy to devour fire and drink the waters of ocean. It is easy to uproot the Himalayas. It is easy to get victory in the battlefield. But it is difficult to eradicate lust. But you need not despair even a bit. Have faith in God, in His Name and in His grace. Lust cannot be completely rooted out of the mind except by the grace of the Lord. You are bound to succeed if you have faith in Him. You can destroy lust in the twinkling of an eye. The Lord makes a dumb man to speak and a lame man to ascend a steep hill. Mere human effort alone will not suffice. The Divine Grace is needed. God helps those who help themselves. If you do total self-surrender, Mother Herself does the Sadhana. Regular meditation and Japa of Mantra, Sattvic diet, Satsanga, practice of Pranayama, Sirsha and Sarvanga Asanas, study of religious books, Vichara or enquiry into the nature of Atman or 'who am I,' seclusion for three months on the banks of any holy river, will entirely annihilate lust, however powerful the old Samskaras and Vasanas may be. Positive always overcomes negative. You need not be discouraged at any rate. Plunge yourself seriously in meditation, kill Mara and come out victorious in the struggle. Shine as a brilliant Yogi. Thou art ever pure Atman. Feel this, O Visvaranjan!

From "Easy Steps to Yoga" by Sri Swami Sivananda


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DANGER - Microwaving water on it's own!

A 26-year old man decided to have a cup of coffee. He took a cup of water and put it in the microwave to heat it up (something that he had done numerous times before). I am not sure how long he set the timer for, but he wanted to bring the water to a boil. When the timer shut the oven off, he removed the cup from the oven. As he looked into the cup, he noted that the water was not boiling, but suddenly the water in the cup 'blew up' into his face. The cup remained intact until he threw it out of his hand, but all the water had flown out into his face due to the buildup of energy. His whole face is blistered and he has 1st and 2nd degree burns to his face which may leave scarring.

He also may have lost partial sight in his left eye. While at the hospital, the doctor who was attending to him stated that this is a fairly common occurrence and water (alone) should never be heated in a microwave oven. If water is heated in this manner, something should be placed in the cup to diffuse the energy such as a wooden stir stick, tea bag, etc...(nothing metal).

General Electric's Response:

Thanks for contacting us. I will be happy to assist you. The
e-mail that you received is correct. Microwaved water and other liquids do not always bubble when they reach the boiling point. They can actually get superheated and not bubble at all. The superheated liquid will bubble up out of the cup when it is moved or when something like a spoon or tea bag is put into it.

To prevent this from happening and causing injury, do not heat any liquid for more than two minutes per cup. After heating, let the cup stand in the microwave for thirty seconds! Before moving it or adding anything into it.

Here is what our local science teacher had to say on the matter: 'Thanks for the microwave warning. I have seen this happen before. It is caused by a phenomenon known as super heating.
It can occur anytime water is heated and will particularly occur if the vessel that the water is heated in is new or when heating a small amount of water (less than half a cup).

What happens is that the water heats faster than the vapour bubbles can form. If the cup is very new then it is unlikely to have small surface scratches inside it that provide a place for the bubbles to form. As the bubbles cannot form and release some of the heat has built up, the liquid does not boil and the liquid continues to heat up well past its boiling point.

What then usually happens is that the liquid is bumped or jarred, which is just enough of a shock to cause the bubbles to rapidly form and expel the hot liquid. The rapid formation of bubbles is also why a carbonated beverage spews when opened after having been shaken.'

If you pass this on
you could very well save someone from a lot of pain and suffering.


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  • Technorati - Struggling In Devotional Service

Struggling In Devotional Service

Posted: 27 Jun 2011 01:05 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm, June 2011)

Devotee: Could you explain a little more about the differences between the struggles in the material and the struggles in the spiritual world?

Swamiji: Yes in the material world the struggle is difficult and burdensome, but then if you go through the austerity of doing it, then at the end it becomes blissful. The result can become very nice and that is very blissful. In the spiritual world it is blissful through every step. There is also a lot of endeavour being made to please Krishna. Big arrangements are being made….a lot of energy is put into pleasing Krishna. Every little inch of it is blissful!

One who is already in consciousness of the consciousness in the spiritual world, will also here in this world experience everything as blissful – a liberated soul.

But otherwise we conditioned souls are finding that we are struggling and struggling in devotional service. It's like:

And then finally some success:


And then again it becomes a struggle, which is our normal kind of level of the struggle at this stage. In the spiritual world whatever endeavour we make for Krishna is opulent…. it's opulent – that's the difference!


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O Lord, there is no other protection but You in this world of birth and death

Click here to Listen Online

Song Name: Ekhona Bujhinu
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Saranagati (Section: Avasya Raksibe Krsna Visvasa Palana Song 1)
ekhona bujhinu prabhu! tomāra caraṇa
aśokābhoyāmṛta-pūrna sarva-khana
sakala chāḍiyā tuwā caraṇa-kamale
poḍiyāchi āmi nātha! tava pada-tale

tava pāda-padma nāth! rokhibe āmāre
ār rakhā-kartā nāhi e bhava-saṁsāre
āmi tava nitya-dāsa-jāninu e-bāra
āmāra pālana-bhāra ekhona tomāra
baḍo duḥkha pāiyāchi swatantra jīvane
duḥkha dūre gelo o pada-varaṇe
je-pada lāgiyā ramā tapasya korilā
je-pada pāiyā śiva śivatwa lobhilā
je-pada labhiyā brahmā kṛtārtha hoilā
je-pada nārada muni hṛdoye dhorilā
sei se abhoya pada śirete dhoriyā
parama-ānande nāci pada-guna gāiyā
saṁsāra-vipada ho’te avaśya uddhār
bhakativinoda, o-pada koribe tomār
1) I know now Your divine feet are a refuge free from all sorrow and fear, eternally full of sweet nectar.
2) At the soles of those lotus feet I surrender myself and all I possess.
3) O Lord, there is no other protection but You in this world of birth and death.
4) At last I know myself to be Your eternal servant, whose maintenance You have assured.
5) Life before, without You, held nothing but sorrow. Now I live free from all misery
6) Laksmi, desiring such a place at Your lotus feet, executed austerities. Only after securing a place by Your lotus feet did Lord Siva attain his sivatva, or quality of auspiciousness.
7) Upon obtaining those feet Lord Brahma became successful in life, and the great sage Narada Muni held those two feet to his heart.
8) Your lotus feet drive away all fear. Having held them to my head, I dance in great ecstasy, singing their glories.
9) Your lotus feet will deliver Bhaktivinoda from the perils of worldly journey.


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Economic problems are only4humans,not4animals.Who's better animals or humans?

Animals have no economic problem why humans create it?
The birds they dont worry about their food for the next day.Because
they know well that they will get their food by the arrangement of
God. So they dont amass huge volumes&not disturb the natural resources
getting distributed equally.
Humans have become lower than animals today.All economic problems will
be solved at once by changing the oil-based civilization to Agri-based
civilization. There's no need of industries. Plastic, iron, buckets,
rods are not essentials for our survival,only food grains,vegetables
will do. No need to travel so long everyday. Everyone can have their
own land,use bulls to plough the fields and work only for 2months in a
year&enjoy life rest of the year in understanding the self&supreme. If
the governments realize this,there'll be real change in the economy
and the citizens will become happy.The leaders are blind,out of
self-interest.All they want is fill their pockets full of money and
plan strategies to create vote banks only to win the elections.


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Highest no hits in the blog goes to Cow protection post.

Following is the most widely read post of my blog which accounts to more than 60% of blog visits from across the world everyday. Thanks to HH.Kadamba Kanana Swami Maharaj and the transcribers.


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  • Technorati - The Perfect Destination

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 01:23 PM PDT
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm, June 2011)

I sometimes refer to the temple as a station. The place where we board. The vehicle…the place where we board the vehicle that takes us to the perfect destination.
In that way we can see that place. Of course it's very important! You can only get on board on the train – in a station. When the train is moving in between stations you can't dive in through the window. You have to board from the station. So in the same way within the process of bhakti, one cannot on his own just take up devotional service and fabricate it! It is not possible, even if one has a devotional inclination!
Sometimes we see how intelligent mundane philosophers are speculating. Sometimes its surprising how close they get and how they got a point…. and they really got it – one point, and they missed about a thousand of others! But even the fact that they had the one point is amazing! How did they figure it out? I don't know:
'panthās tu koṭi-śata-vatsara-sampragamyo
vāyor athāpi manaso muni-puṅgavānām
so 'py asti yat-prapada-sīmny avicintya-tattve
govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi' (Bs5.34)

One cannot approach Krishna through a speculative process, though it will not be possible. One must go through the station….one must go through the authorised residence of Krishna, which is bound by the rules and regulations of the scriptures. Where there are sadhus that uphold these standards and that will create the entrance into the spiritual world!
Posted: 25 Jun 2011 11:07 AM PDT
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm, June 2011)

Friendship ultimately means commitment. To make a commitment to another person, not just giving a gift, but to make a commitment that:
"Yes, I accept you. Yes, I am interested in your benefit".
These things have to be there:
"I'm open to hear you. I'm open to respect you."
All these things friendship requires:
"I take you seriously."
So many thing are there in friendship!
Posted: 25 Jun 2011 09:43 AM PDT
Here is a wonderful class given by Kadamba Kanana Swami during the Panihati Festival in the Manor in England. Take this opportunity to get some inspiration.
If you can't see this video then watch it on Vimeo.
Click here to view the embedded video.


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krishna-varnam tvishakrishnam

krishna-varnam -- repeating the syllables krish-na; tvisha -- with a luster; akrishnam -- not black (golden); sa-anga -- along with associates; upa-anga -- servitors; astra -- weapons; parshadam -- confidential companions; yajnaih -- by sacrifice; sankirtana-prayaih -- consisting chiefly of congregational chanting; yajanti -- they worship; hi -- certainly; su-medhasah -- intelligent persons.
In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the names of Krishna. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krishna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions.
This same verse is quoted by Krishnadasa Kaviraja in the Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila, Chapter Three, verse 52. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada has given the following commentary on this verse. "This text is from Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.32). Srila Jiva Gosvami has explained this verse in his commentary on the Bhagavatam known as the Krama-sandarbha, wherein he says that Lord Krishna also appears with a golden complexion. That golden Lord Krishna is Lord Caitanya, who is worshiped by intelligent men in this age. That is confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam by Garga Muni, who said that although the child Krishna was blackish, He also appears in three other colors -- red, white and yellow. He exhibited His white and red complexions in the Satya and Treta ages respectively. He did not exhibit the remaining color, yellow-gold, until He appeared as Lord Caitanya, who is known as Gaurahari.
"Srila Jiva Gosvami explains that krishna-varnam means Sri Krishna Caitanya. Krishna-varnam and Krishna Caitanya are equivalent. The name Krishna appears with both Lord Krishna and Lord Caitanya Krishna. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but He always engages in describing Krishna and thus enjoying transcendental bliss by chanting and remembering His name and form. Lord Krishna Himself appears as Lord Caitanya to preach the highest gospel. Varnayati means 'utters' or 'describes.' Lord Caitanya always chants the holy name of Krishna and describes it also, and because He is Krishna Himself, whoever meets Him will automatically chant the holy name of Krishna and later describe it to others. He injects one with transcendental Krishna consciousness, which merges the chanter in transcendental bliss. In all respects, therefore, He appears before everyone as Krishna, either by personality or by sound. Simply by seeing Lord Caitanya one at once remembers Lord Krishna. One may therefore accept Him as vishnu-tattva. In other words, Lord Caitanya is Lord Krishna Himself.
"Sangopangastra-parshadam further indicates that Lord Caitanya is Lord Krishna. His body is always decorated with ornaments of sandalwood and with sandalwood paste. By His superexcellent beauty He subdues all the people of the age. In other descents the Lord sometimes used weapons to defeat the demoniac, but in this age the Lord subdues them with His all-attractive figure as Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Srila Jiva Gosvami explains that His beauty is His astra, or weapon, to subdue the demons. Because He is all-attractive, it is to be understood that all the demigods lived with Him as His companions. His acts were uncommon and His associates wonderful. When He propagated the sankirtana movement, He attracted many great scholars and acaryas, especially in Bengal and Orissa. Lord Caitanya is always accompanied by His best associates like Lord Nityananda, Advaita, Gadadhara and Srivasa.
"Srila Jiva Gosvami cites a verse from the Vedic literature that says that there is no necessity of performing sacrificial demonstrations or ceremonial functions. He comments that instead of engaging in such external, pompous exhibitions, all people, regardless of caste, color or creed, can assemble together and chant Hare Krishna to worship Lord Caitanya. Krishna-varnam tvishakrishnam [SB 11.5.32] indicates that prominence should be given to the name Krishna. Lord Caitanya taught Krishna consciousness and chanted the name of Krishna. Therefore, to worship Lord Caitanya, everyone should together chant the maha-mantra -- Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. To propagate worship in churches, temples or mosques is not possible because people have lost interest in that. But anywhere and everywhere, people can chant Hare Krishna. Thus worshiping Lord Caitanya, they can perform the highest activity and fulfill the highest religious purpose of satisfying the Supreme Lord.
"Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, a famous disciple of Lord Caitanya, said: 'The principle of transcendental devotional service having been lost, Sri Krishna Caitanya has appeared to deliver again the process of devotion. He is so kind that He is distributing love of Krishna. Everyone should be attracted more and more to His lotus feet, as humming bees are attracted to a lotus flower.' "
The incarnation of Caitanya Mahaprabhu is also described in the Sri Vishnu-sahasra-nama, which appears in Chapter 189 of the Dana-dharma-parva of Mahabharata. Srila Jiva Gosvami has quoted this reference as follows: suvarna-varno hemango varangas candanangadi. "In His early pastimes He appears as a householder with a golden complexion. His limbs are beautiful, and His body, smeared with the pulp of sandalwood, seems like molten gold." He has also quoted, sannyasa-kric chamah santo nishtha-santi-parayanah: "In His later pastimes He accepts the sannyasa order, and He is equipoised and peaceful. He is the highest abode of peace and devotion, for He silences the impersonalist nondevotees."


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Maha Mantra performed by Agnideva dasa


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It works :) give it a try, Hare Krsna...Volume 11, Chapter 15

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Indradyumna Swami <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2011 16:51 +0200
Subject: Volume 11, Chapter 15
To: "IDS Diary (of a Traveling Monk)" <>

Diary of a Traveling Monk

Volume 11, Chapter 15

April 7, 2011

By Indradyumna Swami

The Atheist and the Wind

I spent most of the winter chanting and studying in Vrindavan. Then, in the
early spring, I headed for South Africa for a number of preaching programs,
including the Ratha-yatra festival in Durban.

I was also looking forward to writing again. In Vrindavan I had been sitting
in one place, so there had been little material for new chapters. Several
devotees had written to ask if I'd stopped writing.

"As much as I love to write," I replied, "I have to wait for something to

After leaving India, I didn't have to wait long.

As soon as I arrived in Johannesburg I caught a connecting flight to Durban.
On the plane I was struck by the diversity of the passengers. "Muslims,
Hindus, Christians, and Jews," I thought as I made my way to my seat.
"People of African, European, and Chinese descent. It's all here. I'm happy
to be back in the Rainbow Nation."

The weather was perfect, typical of South Africa in April, and we enjoyed a
smooth one-hour flight down to the coast. But as we circled to land at
Durban's new airport, twenty kilometers north of the city, a strong wind
shook the plane.

"Wow!" I thought. "That's unsettling."

I heard some people gasp. I looked around. The other passengers were talking
excitedly to each other or sitting up tensely. A man was wiping his

"They're unsettled too," I thought.

Moments later we were on our final approach, but the closer we got, the
stronger the wind became. At one point the plane shook violently. I took my
japa beads and began chanting softly, and then louder as the wind became
even stronger. Suddenly the man sitting next to me spoke up.

"You really think praying is going to save you?" he said.

I turned toward him. "Yes sir," I said. "I do."

He turned his nose up a little bit. "Hmm," he said. "So, there's a God
somewhere up here in the sky listening to you, right?"

"Yes there is," I replied.

"Has he ever saved you before?" he asked.

"A number of times," I said. "Twice in the Amazon jungle, once in Sarajevo,
and several times on the streets of Poland, to name only a few."

"That's ridiculous!" he shot back. "It was just good luck. God's a figment
of your imagination."

As we neared the ground the wind picked up and the plane trembled so
strongly that a number of passengers grabbed their armrests. Suddenly the
wind hit the plane with terrible force.

"Hare Krsna!" I shouted.

"Jesus!" screamed the man across the aisle.

"Allahu Akbar!" shouted the woman behind me.

"Oh God! Oh God Almighty!" shouted people in the back of the plane.

"Goddamn son of a bitch!" the man next to me shouted and started screaming
dirty words.

The pilot turned the plane sharply to the right and upward. Within moments
we were above the wind. Obviously, it was too dangerous to land.

The man next to me heaved a sigh. "That was close," he said.

I smiled. "Yeah," I said. "Lady Luck saved us."

"Very funny," he said sarcastically.

As we circled the airport waiting for a chance to land, the man turned to me
again. "It's not prayer," he said. "It's science and medicine that save
people from disease and suffering."

"But eventually everyone dies," I said. "Science only prolongs the process.
Only by going back to the spiritual world can we rise above suffering

Minutes later, as the pilot maneuvered for another try at landing, I began
chanting japa again, this time even louder.

"Why waste your breath?" muttered the man.

As we came in for landing the wind suddenly picked up and began shaking the
plane again. I started to wonder if the pilot was taking too much risk.
Suddenly, a hundred feet above the tarmac another huge gust of wind hit the
plane, and people screamed again.

"Hare Krsna!" I yelled.

The pilot quickly turned the plane upwards again. I looked at the man next
to me. He was shaking and was as white as a ghost. He touched my arm. "Is
there a bag for vomit?" he asked in a trembling voice.

I took a bag from the seat-pocket and gave it to him. He remained silent,
holding on tight to the seat in front of him.

"This is the captain," came the voice over the loudspeakers. "Please remain
calm. There's nothing to worry about. We'll try to land one more time, but
if it doesn't work, we will have to return to Johannesburg."

People shifted uneasily in their seats. Ten minutes later the plane began
its descent again. The man was sweating and turning and rubbing his head.

"Okay!" he blurted out. "What name of God should I say?"

"Any one will do," I said. "They're all absolute."

"Yeah, yeah, okay," he said. "But what's the one you've been mumbling? I
mean it worked for you a bunch of times."

"Oh," I said. "It's Hare Krsna."

"Just Hare Krsna?" he said.

"Well, there's more to it," I said. "There are thirty-two syllables."

The wind started shaking the plane again.

"Hurry up," he said. "Tell me the whole thing."

"Here it is," I said. "Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - "

"Wait!" he interrupted. "How am I supposed to remember all that?"

"Then just say Hare Krsna," I said, "and try to - "

Before I could finish, another strong blast of wind hit us.

"Hare Krsna!" screamed the man.

Others screamed too, but suddenly we touched down and everything became
peaceful. Moments later we were taxiing to the terminal.

"Welcome to Durban," said the captain over the loudspeakers. "Sorry about
the rough ride."

I waited until we had almost arrived at the gate, then turned to the man.

"See?" I said with a smile. "It works."

He didn't say anything, just stared out the window. I remained silent for a

"Well?" I said. "Now do you believe there's a God out there?"

"Maybe," he said, still looking out the window.

"Well," I said, "a maybe is better than a no."

"I'll think about it some more," he said as we pulled up to the gate.

"Here's my card," I said. "Anytime you want to talk it over, just give me a

"Yes," he said. "Maybe I will. That was quite an experience."

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Remember," I said with a wink, "soldiers say
there are no atheists in foxholes."
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The goal of life is laziness-Worth reading!

Originally published in :

a morning walk with His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
(edited for clarity)
19 October 1975, Johannesburg, South Africa
Indian man: Don't you think the people (in South Africa) are lazy?
Prabhupada: Why aren't you lazy here? It is the government's policy or government's management. You see? To become lazy is the recommendation of the shastra. "Lazy" has become a bad word, but actually real life means to not work very hard. Working hard (only) for eating means animal life, not human life. Human life should be very peaceful - without any hard work - for cultivating spiritual knowledge. Not working hard like hogs and dogs all day just to find some stool. That isn't human life. People are being educated to work very hard. That isn't human life. Therefore those who have money build a nice bungalow in a secluded place to live peacefully - to become lazy. Is it not?
Indian man: Yes.
Prabhupada: Perfection of life means ultimately you become lazy; you haven't got to work. That is perfection, they say. Otherwise why live in a cottage in a secluded place? On weekends, Americans leave aside all working. They become tired from all their hard working, and they go. The intention is to live a peaceful life, and not work very hard. That is human life. Otherwise, why go outside the city on the weekend? Why?
Indian man: They want rest, I suppose. They want rest.
Prabhupada: That means lazy.
Indian man: No. . .
Prabhupada: Yes. Rest means lazy; you don't work.
Indian man: If one works five days a week, you rest for two...
Prabhupada: That is another thing. You have to work to become lazy. (laughter) That is another thing. But the goal is to become lazy. You work five days very hard just to become lazy for two days. That's all. But if you have the means to become lazy seven days a week, you'll prefer it.
Pusta Krishna: But I think most people would go crazy if they didn't have any work.
Prabhupada: No, that means their life is not properly conducted. Therefore the word "laziness" has come (into use). "Laziness" is not actually the word. Laziness means minimizing bodily labor and engaging in spiritual work. If you ask people, "Please come to our temple," who is coming? Most people say, "I have no time." But we're not working hard.
There are (four) classifications: "Lazy intelligent, busy intelligent, lazy fool, and busy fool." So at the present moment (laughs) the whole world is full of busy fools. But the first-class man is "lazy intelligent." The second-class man is "busy intelligent." Third class means "lazy fool" and fourth class means "busy fool."
Nowadays people are busy but they're fools - like monkeys. A monkey is very busy. You see? People prefer to be a generation of monkeys, busy fools. A fool, when he is busy, is simply creating havoc. A lazy fool is better because he will not create so much harm, but a busy fool will simply create harm. And a first class-man is lazy intelligent. He knows the value of life. He's thinking soberly. Just like, you will find, all our great saintly persons. They were living in the forest, (performing) meditation, tapasya (austerity), and writing books. All lazy intelligent. They are first-class men.
Indian man: Not like the monkey, jumping from one ...
Prabhupada: What is the value of a busy fool? He is a fool, and he is busy. Nowadays, education is for making busy fools. That's all.
Indian man: What about the busy intelligent? How does he behave?
Prabhupada: Busy intelligent means at least there is some meaning to whatever he is doing. Lazy intelligent means to be doing higher things. Lazy intelligent means brahmana, and busy intelligent means kshatriya.

chatur-varnyam maya srstam
[Bg. 4.13]. The society should be divided into four classes. The shudras are busy fools, therefore they are to be guided. For every hundred workers, one leader must be there to give the direction: "Why are you doing this? Why you don't do this?" Otherwise they'll create havoc - busy fools. Now the whole world is full of busy fools. That's all.
For brahmanas, the Bhagavad-gita doesn't recommend, "You work hard day and night." Brahminical qualifications are controlling the senses, controlling the mind, being truthful, clean, knowing everything nicely, practical applying the knowledge, and having full faith in shastra and Bhagavan (God). [Bg. 18.42]. These things are recommended, not that a brahmana should become very busy all day and night for getting food.
Shastra says, "There is no use of becoming busy for your food. Food is there already." Food is already there. He'll get his food. That is arranged by God. But (most people) are busy fools. They don't understand God's arrangement. They're busy, day and night, like cats and dogs, only for food.
So much land is there. Everyone, if he works for two months, can grow his whole year's foodstuff. There is so much land. But no, they'll not grow food. They will grow hammers. They will manufacture tire tubes, atom bombs, then this and that. They are busy fools. They are fools, and they are very busy. Everyone is busy. There are so many parts in the motorcar, three thousand parts, and they're busy manufacturing three thousand motorcar parts. Everyone is busy producing unwanted things, and they've created a society in such a way that they have to do that.
Indian man: Otherwise they think that they not economically progressing.
Prabhupada: What is that "economical progressing?" That means busy fool. Fools don't know how to satisfy the economic problem. That is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, annad bhavanti bhutani: [Bg. 3.14] "You grow food grains." Then all economic questions (are answered). But why aren't you producing food grains? Why you are producing iron stools and instruments and motors and tires and collecting petrol far away from Arabia? Krishna never says, "You do all this nonsense." He said, "Grow food grains." Why don't you do that? That means fools. After all, you have to eat. But you're not busy growing your food; you're busy producing tire tubes, motor cars, stools and instruments. So how you will get your food? Where is your "economic progressing?" Your first economic necessity is that you must eat.


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Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda. Oh fool! Rules of Grammar will not save you at the time of your death.

Bhaja Govinda by Sankaracarya


by Urmila Edith Best on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 5:26am
bhajagovindam bhajagovindam
govindam bhajamuudhamate
sampraapte sannihite kaale
nahi nahi rakshati dukrijnkarane

Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda. Oh fool! Rules of Grammar will not save you at the time of your death.

 mudha jahiihi dhanaagamatrishhnaam
kuru sadbuddhim manasi vitrishhnaam
yallabhase nijakarmopaattam
vittam tena vinodaya chittam

Oh fool! Give up your thrist to amass wealth, devote your mind to thoughts to the Real. Be content with what comes through actions already performed in the past.

yaavadvittopaarjana saktah
staavannija parivaaro raktah
pashchaajjiivati jarjara dehe
vaartaam koapi na prichchhati gehe

So long as a man is fit and able to support his family, see the affection all those around him show. But no one at home cares to even have a word with him when his body totters due to old age.

maa kuru dhana jana yauvana garvam
harati nimeshhaatkaalah sarvam
maayaamayamidamakhilaM hitvaa
brahmapadaM tvaM pravisha viditvaa

Do not boast of wealth, friends, and youth. Each one of these are destroyed within a minute. Free yourself from the illusion of the world of Maya and attain the timeless Truth.

sura mandira taru muula nivaasah
shayyaa bhuutala majinam vaasah
sarva parigraha bhoga tyaagah
kasya sukham na karoti viraagah

Take your residence in a temple or below a tree, wear the deerskin for the dress, and sleep with mother earth as your bed. Give up all attachments and renounce all comforts. Blessed with such vairagya, could any fail to be content?

bhagavad giitaa kijnchidadhiitaa
gangaa jalalava kanikaapiitaa
sakridapi yena muraari samarchaa
kriyate tasya yamena na charchaa

Let a man read but a little from the Gita, drink just a drop of water from the Ganga, worship Murari just once. He then will have no altercation with Yama.

punarapi jananam punarapi maranam
punarapi jananii jathare shayanam
iha samsaare bahudustaare
kripayaa apaare paahi muraare

Born again, death again, birth again to stay in the mother's womb ! It is indeed hard to cross this boundless ocean of samsara. Oh Murari ! Redeem me through Thy mercy.

geyam giitaa naama sahasram
dhyeyam shriipati ruupamajasram
neyam sajjana sange chittam
deyam diinajanaaya cha vittam

Regularly recite from the Gita, meditate on Vishnu in your heart, and chant His thousand glories. Take delight to be with the noble and the holy. Distribute your wealth in charity to the poor and the needy.

arthamanartham bhaavaya nityam
naastitatah sukhaleshah satyam
putraadapi dhana bhaajaam bhiitih
sarvatraishhaa vihiaa riitih

Wealth is not welfare, truly there is no joy in it. Reflect thus at all times. A rich man fears even his own son. This is the way of wealth everywhere.

gurucharanaambuja nirbhara bhakatah
samsaaraadachiraadbhava muktah
sendriyamaanasa niyamaadevam
drakshyasi nija hridayastham devam

Oh devotee of the lotus feet of the Guru! May thou be soon free from Samsara. Through disciplined senses and controlled mind, thou shalt come to experience the indwelling Lord of your heart!


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Establish varnashrama college

Vrindavana, March 12, 1974
Prabhupada: .it will be constituted, that. Their business will be to exploit the poor citizens. And they will be embarrassed and harassed so much: by one side, no sufficient rain, and therefore scarcity of food, and the other side, taxation by the government.

 In this way, the people will be so much harassed that they'll give up their home and go to the forest. Very piti... Unless they take to Krishna consciousness, they'll not be saved. The varnasrama college has to be established immediately. Everywhere, wherever we have got our center, a varnasrama college should be established to train four divisions: one class, brahmana; one class, ksatriya; one class, vaisya; and one class, sudra. But everyone will be elevated to the spiritual platform by the spiritual activities which we have prescribed. There is no inconvenience, even for the sudras

Source :


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  • Technorati - Friendship is important Part 2 - Friendship is important Part 2

Friendship is important Part 2

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 12:59 PM PDT


(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm, June 2011)

Prabhupada was careful to engage the gift in the service of Krsna, to respect the gift, and to respect the relationship.

So (sanskrit) giving gifts, receiving gifts, (sanskrit), yes, discussing about Krsna Consciousness, but involving our heart, just from where we are – what is real,  so revealing one's mind confidentially, (sanskrit) taking prasadum together….. Once we were taking prasadum together and Giriraj Maharaja was with us, and he said:

"It's a proven fact that when cows eat together, then they give more milk."

That's proof of the benefit of taking prasadum together. So, exchanging prasadum, giving prasadum, receiving prasadum, .. these things are the formula to create friendship.

Okay, let's begin and trust… (sanskrit) means trust to be trustworthy, to be favourable to another person, to accept someone, and to say:

"Okay, we'll help!"

Prabhupada and the Baby Blanket

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 12:46 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami)

Prabhupada sometimes got gifts and didn't know what to do with them. Like Upendra was a little eccentric and he brought Prabhupada his baby blanket . Don't ask me how, but he kept his baby blanket – the one from the cradle, he kept it throughout his whole life, and when he joined the Hare Krishna movement, he one day presented this baby blanket to Prabhupada, and Prabhupada looks at it and says:

"What is this?"

He said:

"Prabhupada this is my most treasured possession. This is my original baby blanket!"

And Prabhupada is like looking at it and thinking:

"Oh my God!"

Anyway, he got the baby blanket and thought:

"What am I going to do with this?"

The next day the baby blanket was somewhere on the floor like a seat for someone to sit on. So Prabhupada found a purpose, and he didn't just throw it away and used another useless gift:

"What am I going to do with this blanket – chuck it out".

No he found a purpose for it, and somehow used it. That was Prabhupada, because when a gift is given then it must also be received and valued, then that makes a relationship!

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College Conspiracy-All degree holders must watch this!

Coutesy: Mahat Tattva Das


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