
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

No Limits


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via by (Jan) on 7/03/11

Everything simply should be offered to Krishna; and in that way we are a member of this movement.
Some people didn't realise, what they were becoming part of.
They liked the enthusiasm of this movement, but they didn't realise the level of commitment, that Srila Prabhupada came to ask for.

"Well, isn't that a bit too much?"
No, it's not much! It's not enough. We can do still more.

And if we do, then there is no limit - no limit to what we can experience in Bhakti. No limit!

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sydney, Australia, March 2011)


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Choosing our influences for our sacred space


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via by (aatish) on 8/03/11

We can choose what influences we allow to enter into our consciousness.
We can declare our consciousness as a sacred space:

"This consciousness is something that I declare a sacred space and within this consciousness I'll try and bring in influences that are uplifting, that are giving me strength and that are adding to my happiness"

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sydney 2010)


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Bird goes out and then straight back in the cage


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via by (aatish) on 20/03/11

The only thing that has meaning is service to Krishna and everything else is totally empty and totally leads to nothing, no progress - Like Prabhupada when he was in New York he was imitating the sound of the cars and saying that they are travelling at neck breaking speed but they are not making any progress, they are not going anywhere.
So the whole world going so fast but not really going anywhere - just staying in the material energy, staying in the cage but not going anywhere.
Prabhupada said: we have a bird in the cage we take the cage and we put it out in the field and the bird goes out and straight back into the cage - that's also us- we have that opportunity to engage in devotional service but we don't really want it as we know this cage and it is a comfortable cage and there are nice things to eat and different levels to sit in the cage so we like to stay in our cage -

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm 2011)


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The spiritual master is always with us


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via by (Jan) on 19/03/11

Srila Prabhupada said that: "Now my spiritual master is no longer present on this planet."
He said: "But my spiritual master is always with me. Always - just like Krishna is always with me."
Because Krishna is always with us, residing in the heart.

But Krishna when residing in the heart, is not alone.
No, because Krishna is never alone. Krishna is always there with his associates. Therefore when Krishna is present in the heart it means all his associates are also present in the heart and therefore it means that even the spiritual master is also present in the heart.
He said: "And therefore my spiritual master is always present with me."

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Brisbane, Australia, March 2011)


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Never Stop Doing Devotional Service.


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via by (aatish) on 18/03/11

If we have bad qualities, what can we do? We can work on it, but they don't go away automatically. We will try and develop better personal qualities, but whatever we are, however fallen we are, at least do devotional service. That's the key!
Never stop doing devotional service. As much as possible, engage in devotional service, because that service will purify us. It is that by the process of bhakti, all the anarthas will be erased from the heart.
There are two ways to rectify fallen qualities. One is by making a conscious endeavour and trying to rectify ourselves, and the other is simply by engaging in devotional service and that devotional service will purify us. And of the two, engaging in devotional service is the most potent - That's the powerful way of transformation of rising above fallen qualities.
So let's just do a lots of devotional service.

Transcribed by Anisha
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, March 2011)


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Even Krsna cannot break it


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via by (Yadurani dd) on 27/03/11

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura said, "I will hear from that person, who has bound Krsna with such a strong bond of love in his heart, that even Krsna Himself cannot break it."  Let's fix ourselves in commitment to a principle, let's fix ourselves is some service, let's fix ourselves in commitment to chanting Hare Krsna and then maintain it..... and then fix ourselves in more of the same and more and more...and never take a step backwards. Just follow in the footsteps of the great devotees, gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasanudasah (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Padyavali 74). Then one day, we will obtain that unbreakable love...

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, March 2011, South Africa)


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No Doubt


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via by Aatish on 6/04/11

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm 2011)

The material activities that interfere in our devotional service in a way blocks our absorption in pure devotional service to some extent – but devotional service is so powerful that it will always act and therefore gradually that devotional service will take over – There is no doubt about it…..

That is the illusory energy where we think that our Maya is so strong that it cannot be overcomed


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No Doubt


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via by Aatish on 6/04/11

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm 2011)

The material activities that interfere in our devotional service in a way blocks our absorption in pure devotional service to some extent – but devotional service is so powerful that it will always act and therefore gradually that devotional service will take over – There is no doubt about it…..

That is the illusory energy where we think that our Maya is so strong that it cannot be overcomed


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Free for worshipping Krsna


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via by Yadurani on 12/05/11

(Transcribed by Bhakta Cameel)

Vasudeva is the ultimate goal in life.  There is no other goal in life.  The greatest
benefit is Krsna because nothing else is so beneficial.  There is nothing in this world
that we can possess that can match Krsna.  So why would we waste our time with
possessions of this material world?  Okay, while we are here we need to use
some things.  Some days are hot and some days are cold – and you never know. 
So we need to adjust.  Today a little more clothes for most of us than a few days
ago.  It's amazing how things can change so quickly.  And naturally we need
facilities in this world to deal with the material energy.  But beyond that why would
we get involved with the material energy?  What is the benefit?  It will simply make
us forget Krsna.   The more one becomes involved with the material energy the
more the risk is there that one forgets Krsna.  Of course if one uses the material
energy in the service of Krsna then it will not cover our remembrance of Krsna.
Then it will help us to remember Krsna.  And then one can use everything in the
material world.  But in our own private life why would we?  For service, yes.  But for
ourselves?  Simple, means freedom, it means free for worshipping Krsna.
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Feb 2009, Melbourne, Australia)


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The Supreme Lord Appears!!


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via by Anisha on 19/05/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sydney, March 2011)

Lord Caitanya became known to all the devotees as the Supreme Lord and it was not just a sentimental thing.  It is said that first Advaita Acarya recognised Nimai as the Supreme Lord.  Once Nimai came to his house and Advaita Acarya suddenly understood.  And then he just grabbed him, set him down and started offering arati and he said, "You will not escape me anymore!"  And he just began to chant (sanskrit), and he kept on repeating that mantra while worshiping Him.

Gadādhara Pandit walked in and said, "Acarya, what are you doing? Why are you worshipping Nimai Pandit?"
Advaita Acarya said, "Gadādhara, when will you understand? When will you understand? When will you see?"

Then Gadādhara started thinking and he said, "You mean that He is the one we are waiting for?"

So yes, He was the one!  And it is a fact – the devotees had long been waiting for an appearance of the Supreme Lord!  It wasn't that: 'Oh, here's an avatar, suddenly by accident!  Jeez, look at that! The Supreme Lord has appeared!'
That wasn't exactly how it was.  Advaita Acarya was worshiping, was worshiping daily in that mood to somehow or the other make the Lord appear!  And all the devotees were waiting!!


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To Become Internally Very Detached


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via by hina on 18/05/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Radhadesh, May 2011)

It is the nature of the material energy. It is the nature that things in this world will manifest and that they will cease to exist, but our internal connection in devotional service with Krishna is the essence, and that has to be strengthened and strengthened. Nothing can interfere with that. Not our nature! Who cares about our nature?

To hell with our nature (excuse me) if it comes to our connection with Krishna. If that nature comes in the way with our connection with Krishna, then what is the use of being natural, or being an individual of 'It's my way, or I have to do it this way'.

But why? Are we pre-programmed robots who have to act according to the configuration of our hormones? Or our genetic cults? Why? Why do we have to dance like puppets?

When we reach thirteen years of age or younger and sex desire suddenly emerges, and we have to from that day on just be controlled by it.

"It's my nature".

"Why is it our nature?"

It's the nature of your hormones – it's not your nature, or not our nature. So like this one has to become internally very detached. One has to become very detached from what is dictated by the body. We have to internally – thoroughly understand that this is not me…this is not me! This is actually imposed upon me by the three modes of material nature:

' prakrti te kusumakaranugai, gunaya kukarmani samagreneha,

hum karma Gundia kam, katha mithi muncainam theha'

Actually the three modes of material nature are the ones that are ' doer' and doing all these things and we are just going along. We are not the 'doer'. Through our body – the three modes of material nature are imposing so many things upon us, and therefore, we have to thoroughly detach. Every devotee has to stop identifying with all these dictates. Srila Bhaktisiddanta writes this essay called: 'The real and the apparent self', and in that essay he makes a statement:

"For so long I have served you". He is speaking to the body and the mind. Then he says:

"I will no longer identify….identify with all the things that you are dictating to me as my needs. I will no longer identify with them. I will simply only act for my one need…my need to deepen my relationship with Krishna".

To some this may smell like the resolve of a Sanyasi who has this focus, but the Sanyasi is described as the spiritual master of all the ashrams and is meant to remind everyone of his duty, and it is said:

'vyagra ninya ninya bhakti yogam'

That the sankirtan movement of Lord Caitanya is resting on this vyagra, and the vyagra is basically this vyagra – to stop identifying what is dictated to us through the material energy, through our body, mind, senses and so on.  Then we can take on the more important point, which is – 'What is good for Krishna!'



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Wake up!


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via by Yadurani on 19/05/11

(Transcribed by Bhakta Cameel)

In this age of Kali, when Krsna left for His transcendental abode, dharma and
knowledge left with Him and then the age of Kali began.  So it was at that point that
the age of Kali started and Srila Jiva Goswami was commenting and was explaining
that when Kali yuga entered, he entered the minds of the people whose intelligence
was asleep.  He said just like a thief goes into the places where people are asleep and
there he can enter and steal so many things.  But when you are awake then the thief
will give you a miss.  So I thought that was nice – that Kali entering in those who had
sleeping intelligence.  That was interesting.  So although the age of Kali is there,
Kali can only enter into the consciousness of those whose intelligence is sleeping. 
So if the intelligence is wide awake one can be saved from Kali. 

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, February 2009, Melbourne, Australia)


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