
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Using memory of your flash storage device to speed up your computer


This is about using your external USB memory or memory cards as RAM for your computer when you are having low RAM such as 1 or 2 GB. The following option helps to enable the system to use external flash memory as RAM to speed up the  applications run on the system.

I just started testing and over a period of time we might feel the difference :)



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Ready to approach anyone and everyone


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via by Aatish on 30/03/11

Devotional service works for everybody, it always works and it never fails to act.
As soon as one somehow or the other connects to devotional service one becomes purified.
Srila Prabhupada has this great conviction and on the strength of that he was ready to approach anyone and everyone - he wasn't considering who is qualified and who is not qualified because he had this strong faith.

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm 2011)


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No Doubt


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via by Aatish on 6/04/11

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm 2011)

The material activities that interfere in our devotional service in a way blocks our absorption in pure devotional service to some extent – but devotional service is so powerful that it will always act and therefore gradually that devotional service will take over – There is no doubt about it…..

That is the illusory energy where we think that our Maya is so strong that it cannot be overcomed


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Time is beyond the understanding of animals!

1day,Seeing a cat,I thot,cud give her a cup of milk,I took frm
cafe.But was hot&I cudnt help her by saying take it after sometime wen
it gets cold.D idea of time is beyond d understanding of animals.So d
time v've in human life is so precious2understand our existence&gain
victory over repeated birth&death


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What if my mind is in cyber world?

 What if my mind is in cyber world? Often this is a dangerous state of mind I thought about. Even while sleeping I feel my mind running programs.. Kind of machine my mind has become!!! lol :) Mental state of Software engineers is precarious!!


Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.8.06]








yam yam vapi smaran bhavam

tyajaty ante kalevaram

tam tam evaiti kaunteya

sada tad-bhava-bhavitah



Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail.



The process of changing one's nature at the critical moment of death is here explained. How can one die in the proper state of mind? Maharaja Bharata thought of a deer at the time of death and so was transferred to that form of life. However, as a deer, Maharaja Bharata could remember his past activities. Of course the cumulative effect of the thoughts and actions of one's life influences one's thoughts at the moment of death; therefore the actions of this life determine one's future state of being. If one is transcendentally absorbed in Krishna's service,then his next body will be transcendental (spiritual), not physical. Therefore the chanting of Hare Krishna is the best process for successfully changing one's state of being to transcendental life.

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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Bigger Picture!


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via by Aatish on 3/29/11

Transcribed by Annie
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, March 2011)

When we look at all the devastation in the world and all the pain and suffering, then we become, "It's too much! It is! It really is!"
The only way to rise above it is to look at the bigger reality – how there's eternity and how these temporary ups and downs are not so important. The bigger picture!
We should go up from this reality. We should not allow ourselves to become so involved in this reality.
So again and again we have to remind ourselves, because through our being embodied, we are inclined to become involved in this reality.
It is difficult, you know. We cannot see the whole picture. We are like a small piece in a chess board – all we see is our own square. We don't see the whole board.

But we have to always remember. No, No! It's part of a bigger plan and Krsna is simply purifying the living beings and bringing them back to Him.
The living being is going through this cycle of birth and death and then he gets a chance to express independent desire and then it will be taken away.
In this way, slowly, the living being is being cured from this particular conditioning so that he can return back to Krsna in the eternal spiritual world, and once he returns there, it's like he's been away only for a moment. Only for a moment! All this time in the material world .. only a moment in eternity. So we have to practise again and again to see the bigger picture!


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Fish on the sand?

Material bodies generally pass thru 6stages,'s born
3.growth stops
4.produce by-products
Dis is common4all living beings(souls) en-caged wid material body in
dis world.These changes r painful4d souls who r like fish on d sand in
dis world.Souls r meant2b in SpiritualWorld!


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A Miracle at ISKCON Temple (chowpatty)

From: Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)
From: Saci Gaurasundara Das .

Hare Krsna Prabhujis and Matajis,
Please accept my humble obeisances!
All glories to HDG Srila Prabhupada!!
All glories to Sri Sri Guru & Gauranga!!
A miracle happened at ISKCON chowpatty, this incident proves that Deities are not just stone, marble or brass etc. But they are non different than Lord Himself.
This will definitely increase our faith in Krsna.
Hare Krsna.
Yours useless servant,



It's a real miracle that happened yesterday on 17.03.2011 at Radha Gopinath Temple of ISKCON (at Mumbai, Chowpatty near Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan)


Attached are two pictures of Lord Gaurang -Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (An incarnation of Lord Krishna) (right) and Nityanand Prabhu (An incarnation of Lord Balaram) (left)


In one picture you will notice that both are looking at the camera when their picture is being clicked.


In another photograph when their Aarti is being done, their eyes have are looking down at the Aarti. Its also noticed that Lord Gaurang has bent a little.


We can notice that these Deities are not only Statues……...


Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,

Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare…..


Thanks & regards,


Chetan Gandhi 

keep Smiling:)

To serve the feet of the acaryas in association of the devotees is my desire birth after birth

Your Humble Servent :-Saci Gaurasundara Das

Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.& be Happy


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You believe it or not you get affected!

Just like Ratnakar he was chanting murder! Murder! Murder! Kill kill kill in Sanskrit which was Mara! Mara! Mara! Chanting a word which, he was a murderer, he was a robber. When you chant it in sequence mara mara mara it becomes Rama Rama Rama. Chanting Rama even when he was thinking something else it still worked. It is like fire. when you put your hand in the fire whether you believe it or not  you get affected,  somebody does chant somehow with an open mind if they just chant they will feel some diference from it,

Adapted from GuruVakya!


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You may be in this world but you are not of this world!

A SelfRealizedSoul laments neither4d living nor4d dead bcoz he knows
dat d soul(ActualPerson) is deathless&death is only4d external
body.Jesus said,u(soul) may b in dis world but u r not of dis world
but SpiritualWorld.D soul can never b cut in2pieces,nor burnt
ByFire,nor drowned ByWater,nor dried ByWind


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Fools adjust2problems,wise dont!-fools special in fools month :)

Only fools adjust2problems but wise finds d root cause2arrive@a
solution.D very presence of pain in d body infers dat something is
incompatible wid us.Some say pain&pleasure r part of life2hide their
ignorance.Our real self(soul) is beyond time,space but now is bound by


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via Gita Coaching by on 4/03/11

Devotee: What is recreation for a Krsna conscious person?

Prabhupada: Recreation? Dancing. (laughter) Come on, dance with us. Is it not recreation? And when you get tired take prasadam. Do you want more recreation than this? What is your answer. Is it not recreation?

Devotee: Yes. I think it is difficult for someone who comes from...

Prabhupada: Why difficult? Dancing is difficult? Chant and dance?

Devotee: It's easier for a devotee who lives in the temple.

Prabhupada: Oh, but as you come, anyone can come. Everyone is welcome. We don't charge anything for this dancing. You go to ball dance and so many other dances, you pay for it. But we don't charge. We simply, our, these students simply beg something because we have to maintain. We don't charge anything. So if you simply come and chant for recreation, it is very nice. Everything is there in Krsna consciousness. We want music, there is music. We want dancing, there is dancing. You can bring nice musical instruments, you can join. We distribute nice palatable dishes. So practically this is a system of recreation only. (laughter) Yes. If you seriously think, you'll find, this system, there is no labor at all. Simply recreation. Su-sukham [Bg. 9.2]. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita in the Ninth Chapter you'll find, su-sukham . Everything is pleasing and happy. Find out anything in our system, that this is troublesome. Tell me practically, anyone. "This point is very troublesome." Just put your counterargument. Simply pleasing. It is simply recreation. That's all.


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Jaya Srila Prabhupada!


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via KKS Blog by (Jan) on 31/03/11

Once in the spiritual world, Krishna went to his devotee and he said to his devotee: "I want you to go to the material world."

The devotee said: "Oh no, I don't want to go! Because I don't like austerity."

"That's all right," Krishna said, "you don't have to do anything! All you have to do is write books, and I will do the rest."

That devotee was Srila Prabhupada.

Transcribed by Bhakta Jan

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Pringle Bay, Western Cape, South Africa, March 2011)


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We see d world as a reflection of our mind!

V c d world as a reflection of our mind.V observe things&understand it
according2our ltd knowledge&experience.So our judgement isnt d reality
always.4Eg,wen v c wid a colored glass everything appears of dat color
but isnt real.Likewise,d ActivitiesOfSupremeLord&His devotees may
appear like ours but is not so


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via Gita Coaching by on 20/03/11

An ideal husband and wife are generally called Laksmi-Narayana to compare them to the Lord and the goddess of fortune, for it is significant that Laksmi-Narayana are forever happy as husband and wife.

A wife should always remain satisfied with her husband, and a husband should always remain satisfied with his wife.

In the Canakya-sloka, the moral instructions of Canakya Pandita, it is said that if a husband and wife are always satisfied with one another, then the goddess of fortune automatically comes.

In other words, where there is no disagreement between husband and wife, all material opulence is present, and good children are born.

Generally, according to Vedic civilization, the wife is trained to be satisfied in all conditions, and the husband, according to Vedic instruction, is required to please the wife with sufficient food, ornaments and clothing.

Then, if they are satisfied with their mutual dealings, good children are born.

In this way the entire world can become peaceful ...

- Srila Prabhupada


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via Gita Coaching by on 16/03/11

In the material world a so-called family is a combination of several persons in one home to fulfill the terms of their imprisonment. As criminal prisoners scatter as soon as their terms are over and they are released, all of us who have temporarily assembled as family members will continue to our respective destinations.

As water passes down a river, many straws and grasses are carried from the shore. These straws and grasses come together in the river's current, but when the waves toss this way and that, they are separated and carried somewhere else and float alone in the water.

Similarly, the innumerable living entities within this material world are being carried by the waves of material nature. Sometimes the waves bring them together, and they form friendships and relate to one another on a bodily basis of family, community or nationality. Eventually they are thrown out of association by the waves of material nature, and they are inevitably separated by the waves.


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via Gita Coaching by on 23/03/11


- We compromise what we know is right
- We are afraid to confront what we need to change
- We are afraid to desire
- We are afraid to love
- We are not ready to pay the price of success


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Ready to approach anyone and everyone


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 30/03/11

Devotional service works for everybody, it always works and it never fails to act.
As soon as one somehow or the other connects to devotional service one becomes purified.
Srila Prabhupada has this great conviction and on the strength of that he was ready to approach anyone and everyone - he wasn't considering who is qualified and who is not qualified because he had this strong faith.

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm 2011)


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