
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

"I am Totally Unique!"


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 2/5/11

In this way the tendency to think that we are exceptions, the tendency to think that our situation is different is there in all of us. After all, we are unique! Well... Not that unique, you know?
We're actually not so unique at all if you really look at it, we pretty much have the same, the very same feelings as everybody else, as people have had for so many, for thousands and millions of years.
They had the same feelings as we are having now, and we're just like… Going through it all, and they went through it all… and it is just like that!
But we are having this strong feeling that, "No! I am unique! I am totally unique! Never before was there someone like me, on this planet Earth!"
Well… "No, but not exactly like me!" Well, you know… Okay:
maybe a little bit of Socrates, a little bit of Plato, and a pinch of Bach, and a pinch of Gandhi, and a pinch of… Right? But at best we are a cocktail! Just some sort of mix.

A mix of a few prototypes, and that's us. Not so unique at all and therefore we're quite predictable.

Transcribed by Bhakta Frederick
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden 2010)


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Taj Mahal: Was it a Vedic Temple?

Taj Mahal: Was it a Vedic Temple?

The Photographic Evidence

Other interesting articles of archeology


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Killing some one,rewards or punishes?

When a soldier kills som1 out of his own idea,he'll be put behind d
bars.Whereas when he kills som1 in d war as per d order of
commander,he'll b rewarded.Likewise,when v act as per d will of God(as
given in vedic lit.) v'll not b bound by it's reactions but when v act
against d will of God,v'll b punished


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The ultimate well-wisher in us

None in this world is our real well-wisher.It's more of mutual
give&take.When1party stops giving or d other1 is unable2give,then d
relationship breaks.It's d case with even d most intimate so-called
lovers.D SupremeLord seated within d heart of every1 is our ultimate
well-wisher,tho v only take from Him!


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Failure in the beginning is quite natural.

In d beginning there may b some failures which is quite natural.Just a
child is trying2stand,he may fall down but dat doesnt mean he shud
give up d idea.There'll come a time wen v'll become perfect in serving
d Supreme which is our real position.So v shud try2serve d Supreme
Lord immaterial of d failures.

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Surrendering to Krsna


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 1/25/11

Surrendering to Krishna means that Krishna has given many directions. Surrendering to Krishna doesn't just mean: thinking of Krishna, remembering Krishna…. Krishna…. Krishna. Seeing someone with a flute and a peacock feather – and you think - Krishna. No it means Krishna in total - Krishna with the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna with the instructions, Krishna who tells you what to do and what not to do – that's the problem with Krishna – He's not only sweet and playing the flute, but He tells you what to do and what not to do. That's why people rather have an impersonal God, which would be much easier because he doesn't give any instructions – but Krishna He tells you;

"Do this and don't do that. You can offer this to me, but you cannot offer that to me!"

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Radhadesh, January 2011)


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Violence is also necessary,at times!

In d Battle of Kurukshetra,d Lord wanted2teach people in general dat
violence is also necessary in a situation where good arguments
fail.There were many attempts2avoid d war by d Lord Himself yet d
opposite party was determined2fight.It was necessary4d Lord2establish
religious principles,which was lost.


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Killing brother is a sin&a punishable offence.

A father doesnt allow a smart child2kill an ignorant/foolish
child.Likewise,d poor animals r also children of God.Animal killing is
also terrorism.Some1may b talking abt stopping terrorism while eating
chicken.Killing them4their ignorance&our taste wont please God.Acting
against d will of God is a sin.


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Surrender to Krishna is individual

Surrender to Krishna is individual

In class this morning, Prabhupada emphasized that no one can become Krsna conscious except by their own choice. "It is all individual; I have to surrender to Krsna individually. Just like when you go to the sky on airplane, it is all individual. If one airplane is in danger, other airplane cannot save him. That is not possible. Similarly, it is all individual. It is all paratah svato va. One has to take it seriously, personally, that 'Krsna wants, so I'll surrender. Krsna said, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja, so I'll do it.' Not that 'When my father will do, then I shall do,' or 'My husband will do, then I shall do,' or 'My wife will do.' No, it is all individual. And there is no restraint, ahaituky apratihata. If you want to surrender to Krsna, nobody can check you. Collectively, if it is done, it is good; but it has to be done individually."

He said the problem is that we want everything except Krsna. Like a small child who doesn't know what he actually needs, we don't know that our actual want is Krsna. To illustrate this, he narrated a story from chapter six of the Ninth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam which he is currently translating. "Even an animal, a small insect, everyone is interested in sense enjoyment. This morning I was reading in the Bhagavatam, one Saubhari Muni, he was a great yogi, and within the water he was executing the yoga, mystic, and he saw that the two fishes are enjoying sex. So he became sexually inclined-old man, yogi. So he went to Mandhata King, that 'You give me one daughter, your daughter.' So he was within the water, old man, and old man's bodily feature is not very good. The king knew that 'This is a useless person, but he is a yogi. He has come to ask me for a daughter.' So he said, 'Yes, you are welcome. I have got my fifty daughters. So any one will like you. You can accept. I have no objection.'

"So Saubhari Muni understood that 'The king has tactfully avoided to give his daughter.' So he was a yogi. So he made himself very beautiful young man. That yogi can do that. They can change. Because we are not this body, so body is old, it can be younger; younger body can be older. Nowadays in medical science, they are also doing. A man is woman, woman is man. So body can be changed. There is no difficulty if you know the process. So he changed to be a very nice, beautiful young man. So all the fifty daughters, they became attracted. They began to fight, 'Oh, he is for me. He is not for you.' So anyway, he accepted all the fifty daughters. In this way he became very elevated householder. But at some time he began to think, 'What is my, this enjoyment? Simply by seeing the sex affairs of the fish ... I was a yogi, I was a tapasvi, I've lost everything. Now I am a householder and pet husband of these women.' So he came to his senses. Again he went to the forest for tapasya."

Prabhupada concluded that material life, however opulent it may be, has no value. He contrasted this with spiritual life. "In the material conditioned life your aim is how to satisfy your senses. And Krsna consciousness means you have to work in the same spirit, same vigor, but you have to satisfy Krsna. That is spiritual life. Not that to become lazy fellow. Kama means when one desires to satisfy his own senses. Prema means when you engage yourself for satisfying Krsna's senses. Why gopis are exalted? Because their only endeavor was to satisfy Krsna's senses. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommended, ramya kacid upasana vraja-vadhu-vargena ya kalpita [There is no better mode of worship than that which was conceived by the vraja-vadhus, the damsels of Vrndavana]. They had no other business. Those who are in Vrndavana, if they actually want to live in Vrndavana, their business should be how to satisfy the senses of Krsna. That is Vrndavana. Not that 'I am living in Vrndavana and trying to satisfy my senses.' That is not vrndavana-vasi. That kind of living, there are so many monkeys, dogs and hogs also; they are in Vrndavana. Do you mean to say that they are living in Vrndavana? No. Anyone who wants to satisfy senses in Vrndavana, their next life is dogs, hogs, and monkeys; you must know that. So one should not try to sense gratify in Vrndavana. That is a great sin. Simply try to satisfy Krsna's senses. That is bhakti. Hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam.

"So in order to teach this lesson to us, the conditioned souls, jiva-loka, Krsna, vidhatse svena viryena, by His own potency ... Own potency means, if you surrender to Krsna, He has got such potency He can deliver you from this conditioned life, jiva-loka. He can make you purified. That is called mukti. When you are free from this conditioned stage, this bodily conception of life, then you become free -- simply by understanding Krsna. After giving up this body, he does not get any more this material body. Then what happens to him? Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti. Krsna comes to call you back. So he comes back. If you take Krsna's instruction, you go back to Krsna. And again you become happy. Otherwise, maya-mohita-cetasah. You'll have to suffer life after life."

- From "A Transcendental Diary Vol 4" by HG Hari Sauri Prabhu


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Dealings of a devotee


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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 1/27/11



1.Treat each person with the bhakti and care as if the success or failure of your own spiritual life depends on this. Do not take into concern how they treat you.The manner in which you treat people is the same way you treat Guru and Krishna.


2.Anytime that there is a problem in a relationship, you should first see it as your own fault. Even if others are to blame, you will only add to the problem by considering them to be at fault.


3.You should treat every person with whom you come in contact with the same care as the person you love the most.


4.As we associate with others in our spiritiual communities, we should do so in a mood that these are the people that I am living with and they will probably also be the people that I will leave this body with.


- His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaj


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Symptom of love


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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 1/29/11

What is the symptom of love? The symptom, the prime symptom, most important symptom of love is that the devotee wants to see that his Lord's name, fame,etc. become widespread. He wants to see that "My Lord's name be known everywhere." This is love. If I love somebody, I want to see that hisglories are spread all over the world. And Krsna also says in the Bhagavad-gita, na ca tasmat manusyesu kascit me priya-krttamah, anyone who preaches His glory, nobody is dearer to Him than that person.


Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.6 -- New Vrindaban, September 5,1972



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Live by Krsna’s desire


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via KKS Blog by beheer on 1/20/11

Taking shelter of Krsna means more than just putting tilak and it means more than putting neck beads. Initiation means more than 16 rounds and 4 regulative principles. It means to obey the rules of Krsna, to live by Krsna's desire.
The Spiritual Master is the representative of Krsna and part of initiation is that one must follow the order of the Spiritual Master and that order is absolute. The order of the Spiritual Master cannot be different from the desire of Krsna. He may translate it into time, place and circumstance but he is simply repeating whatever standard Krsna has set.

The material world in this age is not secure or stable. Marriages are not stable like they used to be. They say that the fight between husband and wife is compared to a fight between two goats. You may wonder why two goats – because when two goats are fighting in the village, you will see this, a little girl will just take the goat by the ear and take the goat away home. Srila Prabhupada said that it's compared to two goats because it doesn't change anything in their situation; they are married for better or for worse.
But a marriage in Krsna consciousness is not an ordinary thing. An ordinary marriage is for the sake of enjoyment in this world – but a spiritual marriage is something completely different because it is actually an attempt, with the support of someone else, to go on the path towards Krsna. That's what it should be!
In the pastimes of Lord Caitanya, there is also an interesting story on the topic of marriage. Its about Lord Caitanya after He had taken sannyasa – it had caused some distress in His village in Navadipa. Lord Nityananda had brought Him back to the house of Advaita Archarya and at the house, there was a big meeting. All the residents of Navadipa came and there was a big reunion – so Ganga devi came to her husband the ocean and Ganga devi was completely in anxiety and said: Lord Caitanya has gone.
The ocean said: Calm down, you are getting all worked up over nothing. There is no need to be so upset. Calm down! Lord Chaitanya went to Santipur and Santipur is on your banks and everything is fine.
Ganga devi said: Don't you ever know what's going on. He is GONE! He has left Santipur and the house of Advaita Archarya.
Ocean asked: Then where did he go?
Ganga devi said: He went to Puri.
Ocean said: Puri! That's very good – there he will bathe in my waters!
And it's said that a wife shares in 50% of the benefits of the husband so you have nothing to complain about.
These dynamics are there. There is agitation also in the Vedic society. There wasn't always peace, love and Jaya Shri Krsna! …but there was just no room in society to separate, because if one were to separate, one would not only separate from the wife, one would be virtually a social outcaste and no-one would speak to such a person therefore one would think twice, so separation didn't happen.
Kadamba Kanana Swami
20 December 2010
Cape Town, South Africa
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Adventures In Iran - (too good to miss!!)


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 1/28/11

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty 2010

We think that we are in control but at one point when it gets very difficult we have to accept whatever the Lord desires.

I was in Iran and we were driving in a bus …well my visa for India was finished - I went to Nepal and at that time Maha Vishnu Swami was the temple president of the Kathmandu temple and he said "We have this bus and it has to be driven to Europe, would you mind going in the bus?"
"Yes I could go, I have done it before, and I know the way. Okay I will be part of the crew."
Then we were supposed to take some passengers, some young westerners and try to make them into devotees on the way - that was the plan so we did it.

So, when we were in Iran, it was time when the Government had changed, there was a revolutionary army and when we drove through, there was a man with a beard, military uniform and a machine gun standing at the side of the road and he said: "Stop!"
So we stopped, he got on the bus and said we are going to the revolutionary head quarters - we said "Yes sir."
We came there, there was a huge crowd, all with black cloths and turbans and it looked very uncomfortable and our friend with the machine gun said: "Get off the bus!"

We looked at the machine gun, we looked at the crowd and decided to get off!
We got off the bus and then the people made a path way into an army barracks and as we walked pass the crowd, the people started to hit us on the back and we ran in the courtyard and the solders were waiting for us and they said, "Line up against the wall!"

There my Krishna consciousness was tested, there I was chanting very carefully because they were Muslims and I didn't want to agitate them.
So, with the mouth sort of closed I chanted but at the same time I didn't have full faith in the Holy Name because I was slowly, very slowly, but surely going behind my neighbour…. So, I was chanting and going for material security. So, I did not become free from fear for four hours and I was in anxiety.

I was not just relying on Krishna - but one has to simply at one point when one comes in such a situation say: 'Okay Krishna it is up to you whatever you want, whether I live or die it doesn't really matter because I know that you are Bhakta Vatsala that you are always protecting your devotees and therefore there is nothing to fear, I know that the destiny of a devotee is always auspicious and that therefore no anxiety no cause for any anxiety because at one point this body has to be given up but then, the destination of a devotees will be a better destination so why worry about giving up the body why make such a issue about it?"
That is the understanding. Because ultimately the fear of death is always emerging again and again. But a devotee must gradually rise above…..

Devotee: what happened in Iran, how you all were released?

Maharaja : Well! We were standing against the wall with the machine guns on us in the hot sun and sweating for several reasons. Then at on point the solders started to take some people out of the line and inside the room ….and then they came for me!
They brought me inside a room were there was a chair, a table and a bright light and I knew what was coming, so as the interrogation started I forgot all my English and I spoke fluent Dutch, "very Dutch from Holland no English!"
I was very Dutch so after a few minutes they said "He is Dutch and he is from Holland"

That was good because they thought we were American spies so being Dutch was helpful, so they didn't interrogate me but they sent me back ….in the line in front of the machine guns!
There was this German with us and I don't know why he did it but he ran out of the line towards the solders and kicked a football that was lying in the courtyard and I thought that was it and we are dead now! - but as you can see I survived it.
The soldiers they became totally confused and started screaming and then the officers came from the office and then a big discussion and finally the officers said: "Get out! okay you can go!"

So we got into the bus and we drove away to the west and we came to Tapirs which is the most western part of Iran and there we had two flat tyres and we had to go to a workshop to get it fixed and again big trouble with an angry crowd who wanted to throw stones - that's what they do in middle east!
It got really bad but somehow or other a soldier came this time and he escorted us out and we got into Turkey early in the morning and we were washing our hands at the side of the street and suddenly all the people started to run in the street and I also started to run in the street!

Then we went into a side lane and we heard a machine gun and bullets were flying everywhere and it turned out that some deserters from the army were living in the mountains and they had come to plunder the city! Lots of fun!
So, that's the last time I drove through Iran, Turkey and all those countries!
I would do it again if Krishna really would want me to go or if the senior Vaishnavas would want me to, - otherwise I so decided these days that instead of going over land I go by flight….

So, there is the thing that we are relying on Krishna but there is the thing that we are not unnecessarily looking for difficulties and go swimming across a river filled with piranhas or something like that - that's not Krishna Consciousness.
Krishna Consciousness does not mean that we close your eyes and cross the street, so we must use our brains. So, ten o'clock has come and I think that's an auspicious time to take a late breakfast, I myself I am hungry and I don't know about you - we meet again later for the Sunday programme. Thank you very much. Srila Prabhupada ki Jai!

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty 2010


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The Six Enemies Of The Mind


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 1/31/11

Throughout the world in literature about religious topics, we are finding that people are being tested. Recently I was watching a movie about Islam, which was particularly a national geographic production. It showed the Hajj. The Hajj means the pilgrimage to Mecca. One of the details in Hajj is that they stay there for quite a number of days, and at one point they go into the desert and camp out there, and remember that God than ordered Abraham that he should sacrifice his son. Three times he was tested by the devil, and he had moments of doubt, and they are reliving that testing by the devil. Then Abraham threw stones at the devil, and he chased him away with the stones.

So they all go - a millions of pilgrims, - 2 millions at a time, or more and they have these stone columns and they throw stones. They really get into it, I mean they get wild in throwing – it's quite an occasion, and these pillars are quite large and there is a large open area of ring around them to catch all the stones. I guess they keep on using the same stones. So these pillars are also quite high and there are now modern walkways on different levels – so that people can go on 3 levels all at once and throw stones, so that the crowds can really get into it by chasing away the devil 3 times.

So we also experience something like that. We have the six enemies of the mind: kāma, krodha, mada, moha, bhaya, mātsarya and – these attacks of lust, greed, anger, madness, illusion and envy – these are the six enemies which reappear again and again – and attack the mind! At a time like that, it is more difficult to experience everything as inspiring and ever fresh. When one is under attack, then one experiences a little difficulty - spiritual life at that time becomes a struggle.

So that maybe the case if one is still to some extent a conditioned soul. One cannot say a fully conditioned soul but still a little bit influenced by the material energy, and then that material energy comes in the forms of these six enemies – and that is the case. So that maybe there, but one still has a deeper philosophical level, and a devotee at least must live within the philosophy – he must firmly fix himself in that philosophical understanding, and time and time again remind oneself that:
"Actually there is no cause, no cause for lamentation, and actually everything is surcharged with the mercy of Krishna and therefore everything is full of positive meaning – everything is really part of a wonderful scheme and we are constantly seeing. We can constantly recognise how things are going on by the wonderful arrangement of Krishna!"

So it's very important to see everything as Krishna's arrangement, and to recognise not only philosophically but also to actually see in practical circumstances - Krishna's hand – and that meditation is required to kind of try to see Krishna in the circumstances!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Radhadesh, January 2011)


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What you are feeling for another, you are bringing to you - Good one

From The Secret Daily Teachings

If you find yourself in a negative situation with someone in your life, take a few minutes each day to feel love within your heart for that person, and then send it out into the Universe. Just doing this one thing helps to remove any resentment, anger, or negativity towards that person.
Remember that feeling resentment, anger, or any negative emotion attracts it back to you. Feeling love attracts love back to you. What you are feeling for another, you are bringing to you.
May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret and The Power... bringing joy to billions


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Lord Madhava

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Madhava-Sri Dham Mayapur


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Selfish or Sensish?

V dont know wat is good4d self.So v r not even selfish but
sensish,serving d senses which r like poisonous snakes.4 one with
Uncontrld senses,d doors of hell r wide open.Not dat he experiences
hell after death but now itself.1who ctrls d senses like a snake
charmer is really a man of steady intelligence.


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