
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna



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via Gita Coaching by on 1/17/11

The highest pleasure of this material world is sex life. Even in the spiritual world there is sex pleasure in Krsna. But this is not something like sex life in the material world.

Here in the material world the energy is sex, and in the spiritual world the energy is love. Here the love is misrepresented in sex. That is not love, but lust. Love is only possible with Krsna, nowhere else.

In the spiritual life there is no sex life. In the spiritual world there is no sex intercourse. Although there is man and woman, there is no sex intercourse. By chanting the glories of God there in the spiritual world, they get so much great pleasure that is far beyond this pleasure of sex life.

If you have something best then you forget low grade pleasure. So this sex pleasure is lower grade pleasure. It is not pleasure, it is illusion, but in material world this is the greatest pleasure.

Therefore everyone they are coming back to this sex pleasure, everyone. Even so-called religionists and swamis, they are coming down to the sex pleasure. Because in this material world that is the only highest pleasure. So, so long one will be attracted by the sex pleasure it is still in the material world.

In the spiritual world there are very, very beautiful women, thousand, thousands times. Here, in the heavenly planets, they are calculated the best perfectional body of the woman. But in the spiritual world, still further. But there is no attraction of sex.

They are working together, serving together, everything. But the sex attraction, there is no. They are elevated so much in the service of the Lord.

Sex attraction is a kind of pleasure. So there are different types of pleasure.

Here, if somebody, good foodstuff is there, and.... That is also another sense pleasure, and by the time one beautiful woman is canvassing, "Now, come and let us enjoy," he will give up this good food. He'll go for sex. Because he will think this is better than that. So one pleasure is rejected if one is engaged in better pleasure.

Param drstva nivartate [Bg. 9.59]. So in the spiritual world the service of the Lord is so pleasing, that they can neglect this sex pleasure. That is spiritual world. They have no attachment for sex pleasure.

The sex attraction is very great in the material world. But in the spiritual world it is different. From Srimad-Bhagavatam we know that the opposite sex namely the female members of Vaikuntha are many many times more beautiful than they are in the heavenly planets. Their hips and attractive smiles cannot stimulate sex urge passion of the man or male devotees.

I never discourage marriage, providing it is for Krsna's service and not for simply sex life. It is always meant for a higher purpose. In God's creation there is male and female even in the spiritual world and there is purpose for such creation. This purpose is so that male and female may join together, not for sex-life, but to glorify the Lord.

From Srimad-Bhagavatam we learn that in Vaikuntha the women are much more beautiful in their figure, smiling, dressing, etc., but the men and women there are so much attracted by the chanting of Hare Krsna that they do not get any sex impulse even by intimate mingling.

Here also we sometimes get very good example, because when our nice boys and girls are dancing together in chanting Hare Krsna at least for that time they forget all about the sex impulse. This is perfection of life, to be so much attracted to Krsna that all insignificant pleasures are utterly forgotten.

In spiritual life also there are men and women. They are very beautiful and attractive, but they are all so much absorbed in thought of Krishna that in the spiritual world there is no sex life. That means that Krishna consciousness is so sublime and happy that it surpasses the pleasure of sex life.

- Srila Prabhupada


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via Gita Coaching by on 1/19/11

Q: What would you like people to say at your funeral?

A: He ruined my illusion. He ruined my sense gratification. I hated him but later I understood - he is my well-wisher.


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Ajamila goes back to Godhead


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He might even kiss you!


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 1/18/11

One can focus on the meeting and pastimes of Radha and Krishna in Vrindavan, and there are of course many scriptures describing these pastimes, but because these pastimes resemble the love affairs between male and female in this world, they are not recommended for those who are affected by lust. The exchanges between Radha and Krishna, or Krishna and the gopis, are of that nature. But there's no lust, it is all full, selfless dedication.
How can we understand that?
How can we even discuss it in too much detail publicly?
A little bit we understand that it is there; we cannot go too deep.

But sometimes, Prabhupada said surprising things. In Mayapur, there's this young girl in the early days, and Prabhupada said,
"So, are you attracted to Krishna?"
She said, "Yeah! Yeah!"
Prabhupada said, "Krishna is a young boy,"
he then said:
"He might even kiss you!"
He just said it like that! She went all red and everything!
But these things are very difficult to understand, Krishna's loving affairs. So one has to be pure from lust to really understand.

Transcribed by Bhakta Frederick
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm, Jhulana-yatra, August 2010)


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Krishna never leaves us!


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 1/18/11

Of course in the beginning we can hardly preceive Krishna. Where is Krishna? We are in the material world, we are adding Krishna to our life and little by little some Krishna is there. And then we are again caught up in the pushings of the senses. Our senses are pushing, our bodies are requiring and we are responding. We are making the arrangements. But then still Krishna is there. Even if sometimes we become so overwhelmed by the material energy, Krishna is there. He doesn't go away. And then, even if temporarly He goes into the backround afterwards He is back, again and again.

Transcribed by Bhakta Jan
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Amsterdam 2010)


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Wealth,Influence are fallible soldiers

Duryodhana-Our strength is immeasurable.V r carefully protected by all
d gr8 warriors Bhisma,Drona etc.but D army of pandavas is ltd.He's
unable2c d presence of d SupremeLordKrsna(who's d abode of
GoodFortune) by d side of pandavas.Likewise v feel powerful by
wealth/influence but is checked by Time(Krsna)


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Knowledge is light, Ignorance is darkness

There's nothing new v can do in this MaterialWorld however great d
MaterialAdvancements b.V can do only d same old
eating.sleeping,mating,fearing in various bodies.This MaterialWorld is
Dark-Ignorance,without sun.Actually it's pitch dark.God/His servants
only gives Light-Knowledge dat DeliversFallenSouls!


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These kirtans are in my mind for will like it.

These kirtans are in my mind for years..hope you will like it too.

You can download by right clicking and choose the option "save link as" to save the mp3 to the pc.


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Death is fear personified!

Death is like Kitten in d mouth of cat4devotees of Lord Krsna(In
BG,Krsna says those who worship Me&always think of Me will surely
come2Me(2Spiritual world,upon leaving this body) while4others(misers)
it's like rat in d mouth of cat(becoz 1has2repeatedly take birth&die
in diff bodies which is miserable)


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Sri Jagannath Ratha Yatra Chennai - 2011-Part 2

Dear Devotees,

This is some my collection during this Ratha Yatra festival in Chennai held on 14-Jan- 2011. 

Jayo Jagannath Balabadhra Subhatra Mayi!

Your Servant


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Sri Jagannath Ratha Yatra Chennai - 2011-Part-1

Dear Devotees,

This is my collection during this Ratha Yatra festival in Chennai held on 14-Jan- 2011. 

Jayo Jagannath Balabadhra Subhatra Mayi!

Your Servant


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O fish like soul, why have you fallen into the entangling nets of Maya?

Song Name: Ar Keno Maya Jale
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Gitavali (Section: Sreyo-Nirnaya Song 2)

ār keno māyā-jāle poḍitecho, jīva-mīn
nāhi jāno baddha ho'ye ro'be tumi ciro-din
ati tuccha bhoga-āśe, bandī ho'ye māyā-pāśe
rohile vikṛta-bhāve danḍya jathā parādhīn
ekhona bhakati-bale, kṛṣṇa-prema-sindhu-jale
krīḍā kori' anāyāse thāko tumi kṛṣṇaādhīna


1) O fish like soul, why have you fallen into the entangling nets of Maya? You have not understood that being bound up by those nets you will have to remain in this material world for a long, long time.
2) After becoming captive in Maya's snare due to your desires for insignificant enjoyments, you remain transformed in a spiritually diseased condition, punishable just like a disobedient servant.
3) Now, by the power of devotional service, always remain subservient to Lord Krsna, swimming and frolicking freely in the nectarine ocean of Krsna-prema.


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New Website Discovered

Hope this is authentic/authorized one of ISKCON. Do let me know if any deviations noticed

Hare Krishna
Your Servant


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Do or Die!

Dishonor is worse than death.4a person with reputation,dishonor is
worse than dying.Arjuna was a great military general:MahaRatha means
1who can fight with 1000s of men alone.If Arjuna leaves d battle,all
other generals will consider he left d battle field out of Fear
only&not on compassion4d opponents.So LordKrsna said it was
better4Arjuna2die than2Run away from fighting.Arjuna once defeated
Lord Shiva&having pleased Him,LordShiva gave pasupata astra-a weapon.
So Arjuna was so famous4his victory.LordKrsna advised2engage in
violence4d right cause.Violence is also required@times2set


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Which Work Works?

Work done as a sacrifice2Lord Vishnu has2b performed,otherwise work
causes bondage(by its reactions).1 cannot maintain 1's physical body
without work.If u r unable2Think of Me,then try2work4Me.If u r
unable2work4Me offer d results of ur work2Me,by doing so u'll attain
Peace-LordSriKrishna in BhagavadGita


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A Great Leader,Gandhi started non-violence movement & used BhagavadGita 2 support it. How contrasting it is?

Sometimes fighting is sinful&sometimes it's punyam-pious,based on d
time,circumstance&on whose order it's done.1great leader started
non-violence movement,he
wanted2prove non-violence from BG.Every1takes advantage of BG2Support
their own views.But Krsna wanted Arjuna2fight(violence) or better die
if not.


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Srila Prabhupada speaks on: "Dishonor Is Worse Than Death"

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From: Praghosa dasa <>
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 12:01:32 +0100
Subject: Srila Prabhupada speaks on: "Dishonor Is Worse Than Death"

"Dishonor Is Worse Than Death"

73/09/03 London, Bhagavad-gita 2.33-35


Take a test


Pradyumna: (leads chanting, etc.) Translation: "If, however, you do
not fight this religious war, then you will certainly incur sins for
neglecting your duties and thus lose your reputation as a fighter."


atha cet tvam imam dharmyam
sangramam na karisyasi
tatah sva-dharmam kirtim ca
hitva papam avapsyasi
[Bg. 2.33]

So imam dharmyam, religious fight. Just like even nowadays also, if
the soldier disobeys the order of the commander, that soldier is shot
down by martial law. Because to disobey the order of the commander is
sinful. So Krsna says, atha cet tvam imam dharmyam sangramam na
karisyasi. This fight is not ordinary fight. It is not the
politician's fight. "For the sake of religion, you must fight. And if
you do not, then sva-dharmam... You are a ksatriya. Not only ksatriya,
you are a very well known fighter. You have been recognized by so many
demigods." Arjuna got the pasupata-astra. To test Arjuna's fighting
capacity, sometimes Lord Siva, when Arjuna was hunting in the forest,
so Lord Siva also, as a hunter, he appeared before him, and when a
boar was killed by hunting, Lord Siva claimed that "I have done this
killing." Arjuna said, "No, I have done this." So there was
controversy, who will claim that hunt, I mean to say, killed animal.
So Arjuna was claiming, and Lord Siva as a hunter, he was also
claiming. Then there was fight between Lord Siva and Arjuna. So Lord
Siva was defeated. So he then disclosed his identity that "I am very
much pleased that you (are) such a nice fighter." So he presented him
one arrow which is called pasupata-astra. Similarly, he sometimes
fought with Indra. He gave him some astra, weapon. This was the
system, that a ksatriya is presented with a kind of weapon, a brahmana
is presented with Vedas, and so far vaisyas and sudras are concerned,
they are not very important.

So Arjuna was recognized by Lord Siva, by King Indra, and many others
also. So Krsna says that "You have got recognition from big
personalities. So if you don't fight, then not only you shall be
irreligious but also you'll lose your reputation." Tatah sva-dharmam
kirtim ca hitva papam avapsyasi. Papam means sin or sinful reaction.
So it has to be judged, when... Sometimes fighting is papam, means
sinful activity, and sometimes fighting is punyam, pious activities.
It requires the time, circumstances, on what ground the fighting was
going on, on whose order the fighting was going on. These are to be
studied. So violence and nonviolence. Our great leader, Mahatma
Gandhi, he wanted to prove from Bhagavad-gita, nonviolence. He started
the nonviolence movement, and he wanted to support... Everyone takes
advantage of Bhagavad-gita and tries to support his view on the
strength of Bhagavad-gita. Therefore you will find so many
interpretations. Everyone wants to utilize. There are more than six
hundred publication, commentaries, on Bhagavad-gita. One Dr. Rele in
Bombay, he has interpreted Bhagavad-gita as talks between a physician
and a patient.

So these things are going on, but that is not Bhagavad-gita. That is
namno balad yasya hi papa-buddhih. Nama-aparadha, ten kinds of
offenses... This is offense. Just like namno balad yasya hi
papa-buddhih. We say, the sastra says, that by chanting Hare Krsna
mantra, you become cleansed of your sinful activities. That's a fact.
But if somebody thinks that "I shall go on committing sinful activity
and chant Hare Krsna mantra so it will be adjusted, neutralized, this
is the most sinful activity, namno balat, by the strength of chanting,
committing sin. So similarly on the strength of Bhagavad-gita, if one
wants to prove his foolish philosophy, that is a great offense. That's
a great offense. Therefore Bhagavad-gita cannot be interpreted by
foolish commentators. It must be studied through the parampara system,
acarya upasanam. One must worship the acarya and learn from him what
is Bhagavad-gita. Acaryavan puruso veda. This is the Vedic injunction.
Who knows things as they are. Acaryam mam purusa, one who is under the
guidance of acarya. So you won't find this foolish nonviolence theory
from any acarya. Many acaryas have commented on Bhagavad-gita. There
is Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, even Sankaracarya. But never said that
Bhagavad-gita is proof of nonviolence. Nonviolence is good but when
there is dharma-yuddha, righteous fighting, there is no question of
nonviolence. Violence is approved.

Therefore Krsna says that tatah sva-dharmam kirtim ca: "You will, by
neglecting your sva-dharma, your professional or occupational duty,
and minimizing the importance of your recognition, kirti..." Kirtir
yasya sa jivati: "Anyone who is reputed for his good activities, he
lives forever." Kirtir yasya sa jivati. Bhaja sadhu-samagamam. Tyaja
durjana-samsargam bhaja sadhu-samagamam. Canakya Pandita also says
kirtih sa... Who lives forever? One who has got reputation for his,
one who is famous for his good activities. "So don't try to lose your
reputation. You are a great fighter, recognized by so many
authorities, and if you don't fight, then people will say, 'Now Arjuna
is finished. He cannot anymore fight.' So don't lose this reputation.
Don't be deviated from your occupational duty as a ksatriya. If you do
all these things, then papam avapsyasi. You don't think that it will
be pious. You will, on the other hand you will become impious." Papam
avapsyasi. Next verse.

Pradyumna: (leads chanting, etc.)

Translation: "People will always speak of your infamy, and for one who
has been honored, dishonor is worse than death."


akirtim capi bhutani
kathayisyanti te 'vyayam
sambhavitasya cakirtir
maranad atiricyate
[Bg. 2.34]

Sambhavitasya, one who is very reputed, famous man, if he does
something wrong, then it was better to die before such infamy is
grown. This is advised. Arjuna is famous as a great fighter. Not only
that, he is personal friend of Krsna, so much so that Krsna has agreed
to become his chariot driver. Just try to understand what is his
position. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, who is worshiped
by Lord Brahma, govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami **, He has
agreed to drive the chariot of Arjuna on account of friendship. Now,
we have to imagine how much famous he is. "Everyone will say, 'Oh,
Krsna is his so intimate friend that He has agreed to drive his
chariot!' This is your reputation all over the world." So
sambhavitasya cakirtih. "And if you don't fight now, what people will
say? Better you die." Krsna is advising that "Instead of becoming a
very good man, nonviolent, you lay down your life. That is My advice.
You die. I shall see that you have died. I will be very much pleased."
This is Krsna's advice. How much He has become, I mean to say,
dissatisfied with the decision of Arjuna, "Krsna, I am not going to
fight this battle." So Krsna's last advice is that if you don't fight,
better you die before him. I shall be very much pleased." Then?

Pradyumna: (leads chanting, etc.)

Translation: "The great generals who have highly esteemed your name
and fame will think that you have left the battlefield out of fear
only, and thus they will consider you a coward."


bhayad ranad uparatam
mamsyante tvam maha-rathah
yesam ca tvam bahu-mato
bhutva yasyasi laghavam
[Bg. 2.35]

This spirit of ksatriya was prevalent even, say, three hundred years
ago in India. There was a king, Yasomanta Sena. He was the
commander-in-chief of Emperor Aurangzeb. So in one fight, he was
defeated and came back to his home. So his wife heard that "My husband
has been defeated. He's coming back home." So she asked the caretaker
to close the door of the palace. So when Yasomanta Sena came there, he
saw that his palace door is closed. Then he sent message to the queen
that "Why you have closed the door? I have come home." So messenger
came and informed that "The king has come. So he is asking to open the
door." The queen replied, "Who is king? Yasomanta Sena. No, no.
Yasomanta Sena cannot come being defeated. Yasomanta Sena either he
conquers the battle or he lays down his body there dead. So the man
who has come, he must be somebody pretender. He is not King Yasomanta
Sena." So she refused to open the door. This is the spirit of ksatriya

So here also the same thing, five thousand years also ago, that Krsna
says that "You are so reputed a fighter, and if you stop fighting,
people will not consider... Especially other commander-in-chiefs like
Dronacarya, Bhisma, Karna... They are maha-rathas." Maha-ratha means
one fighter who can combat with thousands of men alone. He is called
maha-ratha. As nowadays the titles are "captain," "commander,"
"commander-in-chief," similarly, formerly "maha-ratha," "ati-ratha"
were the titles given to the soldiers, fighters. So maha-ratha, the
greatest commanders... So Krsna said that "You are recognized, one of
the maha-rathas. So what the other maha-rathas will think of you? They
will not consider that out of compassion you did not fight. They will
think that out of fear you have left the battlefield. They will take
the opposite." Bhayad ranad uparatam. "Out of fear you have stopped
fighting." Mamsyante tvam maha-rathah. "So now you are recognized as
one of the maha-rathah. Yesam ca tvam bahu-matah. "Oh, you are known
by various, I mean to say, commander-in-chiefs." Bhutva yasyasi
laghavam: "In their eyes you will be considered as degraded." Bhutva
yasyasi laghavam. "Why should you accept? Better fight and die."
That's all right. Thank you. (end)

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 2.33-35 -- London, September 3, 1973


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First words from Nammazhwar!

Questn#Sethadin vayitril siriyadu pirandaal adu,ethai thinru,engey kidakkum?

Ans#Athai thinru angey kidakkum!

This questn(Most important4all humans) was asked by MadhurakaviAzhwar
2Nammazhwar who is his Guru.
Sethadu-body,siriyadu-soul(which is smaller 1/10000 part of tip of our hair)
Here a distinction is made on d life(which is due2soul)&dead(body).If
d soul comes2d womb(dead matter) of a feminine body,wat does it
eat&where does it stay?
It eats d same dead matter(all that v eat is earth&our body also is
made of earth)&stays there(in the MaterialWorld with a


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