
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Never there's a time2separate desire from the soul!

When v trace our past life actions&act accordingly that is also not
sufficient becoz there r countless lives in which v had varieties of
desires2exploit d matter.So when v come across similar things now in
this life,our mind dictates2engage in those sinful actions&again v get
bound2its reactions.D Only way2counteract d past sins is engaging in
devotional service2d Lord.It doesnt necessarily mean v give up our
occupational duties,but just dovetailing our desires inline with that
of d Lord's as it's never possible2remove d desires from d soul but
only purify it.Desire is the constant companion of d soul.


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Passing the final test


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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 1/5/11

If we have developed proper attitude, if we have cleansed or purified our heart, if we have considerably detached ourselves from material attachments and detached ourselves from the propensity for sense gratification and if we have considerably maintained or advanced ourselves in spiritual lives, then at the time of death we will pass the exam, just like a good student who has prepared through out the year will pass the exam with flying colours. But a student who has gone to school but who doesn't study properly, what happens to him?


Bhaktivinoda Thakura is saying, at the final moment he will be completely bewildered about how to face it as he didn't prepare himself.


This Krsna Consciousness movement is meant to prepare ourselves for that final moment.


- HH Bhakti Charu Swami


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Passing the final test


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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 1/5/11

If we have developed proper attitude, if we have cleansed or purified our heart, if we have considerably detached ourselves from material attachments and detached ourselves from the propensity for sense gratification and if we have considerably maintained or advanced ourselves in spiritual lives, then at the time of death we will pass the exam, just like a good student who has prepared through out the year will pass the exam with flying colours. But a student who has gone to school but who doesn't study properly, what happens to him?


Bhaktivinoda Thakura is saying, at the final moment he will be completely bewildered about how to face it as he didn't prepare himself.


This Krsna Consciousness movement is meant to prepare ourselves for that final moment.


- HH Bhakti Charu Swami


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Free From Guilt


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 1/6/11

Once there are four regulative principles then one can purely serve Krsna. One can begin to purely serve Krsna and life become very nice because all guilt begins to disappear.
As long as there are no four regulative principles there is guilt in life -darkness.
Guilt will destroy our sense of happiness, guilt will cause fear.
When we are free from all that, actually after some time after the initial struggle is over, we begin to realize, this is wonderful. This is very nice, this is actually great liberation -and one really experiences how the regulative principles are freedom and liberate us from anxiety.

Transcribed by Yamuna Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami 2008)


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When color filter is used to see,Everything appears of that colour!

Flies take pleasure in garbage/waste materials while Bees r interested
only in sweet honey.Likewise,1who sees only d fault in others is a
fly&1who's able2c very little good in others&appreciate it is a
Bee.After all v see d world as a reflection of our own mind.Also good
in 1's eye may b evil in other 1's


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If punishment doesnt reform?

God is merciful so he excuses. But if excuses are used as a means to
commit sin,Punishment comes to picture.Further disobedience leads to
severe punishment. If the thieves dont get reformed after punishment
what can govt do? Again punishment until Realization. So does goddess
Durga to the conditioned souls.


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via Gita Coaching by on 1/3/11

Just like externally, behavior makes internal inclinations.

If you associate with some bad company, the internally also you develop bad propensities.

And if you associate with good company, then internally you develop good propensities.

So internally, externally, they are interrelated.

By external behavior we influence our internal energy.

And by internal atmosphere we get the external body.

- Prabhupada Interview with Newsday Newspaper -- July 14, 1976, New York


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When There Is A Strong Desire


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 1/4/11

So in this way sometimes we feel that spiritual life is all about sacrifice. Sometimes we feel that the sacrifice is too great! Greater than we can make it. Hare and Krsna, we cannot look right – we cannot look left. It's only chanting…only Krsna…regulated principles on all sides are boxing us in. We cannot go forward, backward, left or right. In all directions there are prohibitions. It seems that the sacrifice is too great. Can we realistically do it? It's attractive. (Sanskrit) Krsna is definitely attractive. We feel like worshiping Him, but then the sacrifice appears to be too great - greater than maybe what we can make. Is this so? - That question does arise.

Sometimes we think that:

"Yes I have full faith in Krishna Consciousness. I have full faith that the Bhagavad Gita is the truth. I have full faith that Krsna is the Supreme Lord, but I do not have full faith in myself. Can I do it?"

Sometimes this doubt arises:

"I have no doubt in Krsna, no doubt in the process, but I have doubt in myself."

There is also a doubt in the process because then we think that:

" Krsna doesn't have the power to change us as he likes – even by magic".

Simply by magic that Krsna can change our hearts. Today we cannot do it - tomorrow we are flying.

Lord Caitanya said to Vakresvar Pandit:

"My dear Vakresvar your dancing is so extraordinary. You are like my wing. If I would have two of you, than I would fly".

It means that the dancing of Vakresvar Pandit was so extraordinary that Lord Caitanya Himself was swept up in it, and felt lifted up by it, and just Himself felt lifted way up into the sky. In this way Vakresvar's dancing was such a nature that it captured the Lord's heart. So everything becomes possible when it touches the heart. What is difficult becomes easy, as soon as there is a taste. What is a sacrifice, is not a sacrifice at all if one has a strong desire! When there is a strong desire, 'sacrifice, what sacrifice are you talking about?' Climbing over mountains, climbing over canyons, swimming over wild rivers – if you have a desire – no problem at all! In this way it is the taste in devotional service that makes everything magic!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 11th December 2010)


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via Gita Coaching by on 1/1/11

Most people need encouragement, at least in the beginning.

Later on, when they become strong and more intelligent, they need challenge.


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via Gita Coaching by on 1/1/11

Everything belongs to Krsna. Why you are claiming yourself, as nation or individual or community? That's not proper.

Just like pickpocket and a gang, gangsters, organized rogues, thieves. It does not change the quality.

There was some talk, you know, between Alexander the Great and the robber. The robber proved that "You are a greater robber. That's all. Why you are trying to punish me?"

Alexander the Great arrested one robber, and he was going to punish him. So the robber explained that "Why you are punishing me? You are also a robber. You are going under the name of conqueror, and because I am not as great as you are, therefore you are trying to punish me. So why you are...?" So Alexander the Great, he was very, mean, highly advanced in... He immediately released him. "Yes. I am also a robber. Why shall I punish you?"

Stenayor sa ucyate. Everyone in this material world, one who has no Krsna consciousness, he's a thief, he's a rogue, he's a robber. Everyone.

Just like the Americans. They occupied the land of America by killing the Red Indians, and now they are claiming proprietor, and there is immigration department: "Nobody can come here. It is our land." This is going on.

- Srila Prabhupada


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My New Year's message to you


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via Sacinandana Swami's Facebook Notes by Sacinandana Swami on 1/2/11

With More Strength than a Million Suns ....

A New Year's Message of Hope


 Night is falling quickly this winter evening, and it is snowing again. I am sitting in our little Gaura Bhavan Ashram, on the shore of Lake Wannensee, and thinking about each of you whom I met during the past year. I want to send you a message of hope - realistic hope.


 Throughout my pilgrimage to Vrindavan, India, a sweet realization entered my awareness again and again. That is, Krishna is unlimitedly merciful. We simply need to be willing to accept His mercy and turn to Him.


 The problem is, though, that often His mercy is not easy for us to recognize, and that's especially true when we're overburdened by challenging life situations or plain, old doubts. I learned something about doubt on

this trip to India, because while sitting under a tree at Govinda-kunda I met one practitioner of bhakti who expressed his doubt to me. He said, "I have been practicing bhakti-yoga now for more than ten years, but I cannot even control my agitated and self-centered mind what to speak of develop love for Krishna. There seems to be obstacles on my path as tall as the Himalayan Mountains, and both the darkness of material consciousness and the general atmosphere of Kali-yuga are overwhelming. On some days I feel



 Fortunately, I was well equipped to answer his doubt since just that morning I found a message of hope in the eighteenth chapter (text 56) of the Bhagavad-gita. There Krishna says, "Under My protection My devotee reaches My eternal abode."


 Srila Prabhupada writes in his purport to this verse: "To a devotee who is engaged in Krishna consciousness, the Lord is very, very kind. In spite of all difficulties, he is eventually placed in the transcendental abode, or Krishnaloka."


 And two verses later, Krishna emphatically declares: "If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all obstacles of conditioned life by My grace."


 Please note: It is not by our own strength that we can conquer the darkness that surrounds us but by the strength of Krishna, which is more powerful than the power of one million suns.



Coming to the Turning Point


 Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami expresses the same point in this famous verse from the Chaitanya-charitamrita, (Madhya-lila 22.33): "One is immediately freed from the clutches of maya if he seriously and sincerely says, 'My dear Lord Krishna, although I have forgotten You for so many long years in the material world, today I am surrendering unto You. I am Your sincere and serious servant. Please engage me in Your service.'"


 So it seems the only requirement for being accepted and protected by Krishna is that one comes to the turning point and sincerely surrenders to Krishna, renouncing all other shelters.


 Someone who has found Krishna's shelter is not inconvenienced by adverse circumstances. The Sanskrit word ashraya, or shelter, comes from the root word sri, which means "to be brilliant and dazzling." For a devotee who surrenders to Krishna's direction the cloud of anxiety enveloping an un-surrendered soul lifts, and he begins to shine with Krishna conscious happiness. Krishna has personally fortified and empowered such a devotee with His own spiritual energy - more brilliant than the sun. Srila Prabhupada writes: "The foolish cannot understand this great freedom from anxiety."


 Another feature in the life of a devotee who has given himself into Krishna's hands is that he is not so easily exhausted. When I visited Srila Prabhupada in 1974 in his room in Germany, he gave me several personal

instructions, one of which was to become a water-carrier. I used to wonder exactly what he meant by that until one day I came upon an old well in Serbia and watched how it served many people. I remembered my spiritual master's instruction and then wrote this small poem:


Never Exhausted


An old well gave water to all -

the young, the old, the happy, the sad -

every day without hesitation or delay.


When I first came to him thirsty, I was amazed:

Did giving water again and again

not exhaust him?

So I decided to ask.

"No problem," he said, "I am only the well,

not the spring, which supplies me

as long as the connection is there."


Let's live like the well -

live in the higher connection.

You will be happy to pass on

what the source gives you,

never to be exhausted.


 Why am I writing this? Simply to encourage you. There is good reason to be hopeful. Krishna is very, very kind to and supportive of His devotees. He waits patiently for them to turn to Him, and then He responds immediately. Often He Himself takes the first step toward them. "He is so kind, so very

kind," as Srila Prabhupada used to say.


 We have only to accept that Krishna's kindness follows His own mind and not always our expectations. This means He gives us exactly what we need at any given time.


 So now my question these days is, How can I live in relationship with Him? As I ponder this question I look out at the winter night. The stars blink in the distance. Is the Lord as far away as those stars or is He closer? How can I connect with Him?


 During the last year I learned some things that help me make that connection. I'd like to share them with you:


1. Become aware that Krishna is the goal of your life.


2. Offer as many acts as you can in His service. Activate your relationship with Him and ask for guidance how to further activate it from those who have an active relationship with Him, like Srila Prabhupada and your other spiritual masters.


3. Train your mind to connect with Krishna through devotional thoughts. Convince your intelligence of the truth of Krishna consciousness.


4. Take full and unreserved shelter in the processes of bhakti - the hearing and chanting and reading the scriptures under the guidance of great devotees.


5. Most importantly, pray, pray, pray. Bring your spiritual heart into your prayer. Pray like the bird who sits in the nest waiting fervently for its mother to bring it food.


 Pray like the thirsty calf who tugs at the rope binding it to a stake so it can run forward to its mother's udder. Pray like the morose wife who yearns for her husband when he is away from home.


 You will soon find that Krishna is only a prayer away. He is not like the stars in the winter sky, which are distant, cold, and unapproachable. When you reach Him in devotion, Krishna will respond to you in ways beyond your boldest imagination. Yes, the Lord is only a prayer away!



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Failure is also success in Your service!

O Govinda,Anything in this world other than Your service is full of
anxiety,fear,distress.There4,all I need is service2U birth after
birth.When in Ur service even if d results fail,I am rest assured
becoz I've seen Jatayu who failed in his mission but attempted in
serving U has attained all perfection in life


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Happiness is a state of heart

Happiness is a state of heart. If you have a peaceful mind ... even if your body is causing you some pain - you deal with it, but you are happy because you have a peaceful mind. But if you don't have a peaceful mind, even if your body is perfect, you are miserable.

So the subtler the happiness, the more powerful it is in affecting our state of consciousness. And the subtle-most form of happiness - which is the essence of happiness - is to connect to the eternal PEACE, the eternal LOVE, the eternal BLISS of the soul. ....

We are all looking for pleasure, we are all looking for happiness, but the only real happiness that can satisfy the heart is within ourselves. And what is that happiness? If we understand theoretically, and gradually through spiritual practice, we get experience, realisation, revelation, that WE ARE ETERNAL, then all the different transformations and changes that happen on the surface of life - we deal with it, but it's not really all that important. It can't faze us. ...

... this ecstatic love - for Krishna, for the All-Attractive Lord - is within the heart of every living being - it's our nature. ... When we have this understanding, then the stress that comes upon us helps us to go deeper instead of being frustrated by what's happening externally. - HHRNS

Added by Nirmala Bhakti dd on September 24, 2010


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60 quotes from HH Radhanath Swami - an offering for his 60th birthday.

60 quotes from HH Radhanath Swami - an offering for his 60th birthday.


2. Every situation is a friendly situation.
4. Don't waste time.
6. Essential to read Srila Prabhupada's books daily.
8. The only thing to fear is forgetfulness of Krishna.
10. Association of devotees is the most valuable thing in all creation.
11. Krishna Consciousness will not wait - it is an emergency.
12. Make people fortunate.
13. By Lord Caitanya's mercy, we could overcome all obstacles, within & without.
14. Every human being is meant to do good for others.

16. You cannot give happiness to another unless you are happy.
17. This world is a place of disappointment.
18. Only the ocean of devotion can satisfy the heart.
19. Do not hear idle gossip.
20. What you look for, you find.
22. Always acknowledge the good in every devotee.
23. Along with the instruction comes the power to follow it.
25. Envy of a devotee can turn all of your good qualities bad.
26. A Vaisnava forgives before you offend him. 
27. A preacher cannot live without preaching.
29. A grateful heart is a humble heart. 
30. If you surrender to Krishna, you are never the loser.

31. Changing yourself is the beginning of changing the world.
32. If you are humble, there is no question of offences.
33. If a devotee is happy, that devotee can do anything, practically.
34. Only when we become fearless are we free from suffering & anxiety.
35. The mercy of Krishna & the Vaisnavas is all we have to sustain our lives.
36. Devotional service is such a sacred privilege - it is so rare.
37. There is no failure for one who pleases Krishna.
38. Become instruments of God's mercy to this world.
39. The reason we are weak is our lack of desire.
40. Nothing is impossible for one who receives the mercy of guru & Gauranga.
42. If you are not serving Krishna, you are serving Maya.
43. Any moment used in Krishna's service has unlimited eternal value.
44. Human life is meant for responsibility.

47. The dust of the feet of the devotees is in the form of the instructions that they give.
49. A devotee is ready, willing, to do anything.
50. The association of devotees is the most precious valuable thing in all of creation.
51. We came to this movement to become pure devotees.
53. Be kind and a good example.
54. Every human being is meant to do good for others.
55. Mercy means to receive something that you do not deserve.
56. Without forgiveness there can be no unity.
57. We can't wait for other people to do the will of God.
59. Never think oneself better than anyone.
60. What Srila Prabhupada has given us is perfect, pure, unchanging & eternal.


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Good one!

From: Dhruva Maharaja Dasa

Hare Krsna everyone,

This email is being sent from the Moodle Educational Software database at to those interested in our eCourses. If you no longer want to receive these notices, please reply with "delete" in the Subject for this software doesn't have facility for unsubscribe for users. I will then manually delete your name from the database.

On the other hand, if you are interested in studying Srila Prabhupada's books with us I want to share some of my realizations after designing our upcoming one month Sri Isopanisad eCourse. We've spend the last several months studying the book, and therefore became quite familiar with it:

Sri Isopanisad is a conceptual text, rather than a description of the Lord's pastimes. Reading it is meant to change one's view of life; to teach us how to spiritualize our every endeavor rather than speculating and guessing how attain God consciousness. Here's an analogy to help clarify:

In mathematics one must first learn whole numbers, 0-9, then how to add and subtract, and then one may gradually progress to more complex methods of using numbers. If one hasn't even correctly learned how to add, then while adding a simple list of numbers one may add the first two or three additions wrong, and thus his or her entire calculation will come to an incorrect total....what to speak of more complex calculations.

Similarly, the first concepts on the Vedic path must be learned properly to actually develop love of God. If one doesn't understand these basic foundational concepts properly, then one's "total" or sentiments toward the Lord will be defective and incorrect (technically called sahajiya or rasabhasa) - just as the total in our mathematic analogy would be incorrect.

Sri Isopanisad establishes a very solid foundation of understanding the Lord and our relationship with Him. In Sanskrit this is called sambandha-jnana - knowledge of the relationship. Another analogy is when two people meet, they don't fall in love takes time. By doing things and going places together, learning about one another's nature, gradually they begin to appreciate the attractive qualities in one another and affection slowly and naturally blossoms and matures.

The curriculum we developed in our eCourses includes many tasks; reading, writing, answering questions, participating in forums, interacting live, etc., and the more one becomes absorbed in these tasks the more one will benefit and elevate one's consciousness. Understanding Srila Prabhupada's commentaries on various books reveals their true, inner meaning and leads one to this love of God. Srila Prabhupada is a member of the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya, stemming from Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and therefore his commentaries strictly follow this authorized scientific method of developing our love for the Lord.

Our next Sri Isopanisad eCourse will run from Jan. 17 - Feb. 14, and we'd like invite to you to participate. Whether you've been looking for a place to better understand the Hare Krsna movement, or an environment to take your learning from from Srila Prabhupada to the next level, this is a great opportunity. For more information please visit:

Or to enroll:

If you have any questions, please send me an email.

Yours in the service of studying Srila Prabhupada's books,
Dhruva Maharaja dasa
"O my Lord, as powerful as fire, O omnipotent one, now I offer You all obeisances, falling on the ground at Your feet. O my Lord, please lead me on the right path to reach You, and since You know all that I have done in the past, please free me from the reactions to my past sins so that there will be no hindrance to my progress." (Sri Iso Mantra 18)


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My Treasure!

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My Treasure!




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via Gita Coaching by on 12/31/10

In the Tenth Canto, Fourteenth Chapter, verse 8, it is said,

"My dear Lord, any person who is constantly awaiting Your causeless mercy to be bestowed upon him, and who goes on suffering the resultant actions of his past misdeeds, offering You respectful obeisances from the core of his heart, is surely eligible to become liberated, for it has become his rightful claim."

This statement of Srimad-Bhagavatam should be the guide of all devotees.

A devotee should not expect immediate relief from the reactions of his past misdeeds. No conditioned soul is free from such reactionary experiences, because material existence means continued suffering or enjoying of past activities.

If one has finished his material activities then there is no more birth. This is possible only when one begins Krsna conscious activities, because such activities do not produce reaction.

Therefore, as soon as one becomes perfect in Krsna conscious activities, he is not going to take birth again in this material world.

A devotee who is not perfectly freed from the resultant actions should therefore continue to act in Krsna consciousness seriously, even though there may be so many impediments.

When such impediments arise he should simply think of Krsna and expect His mercy. That is the only solace. If the devotee passes his days in that spirit, it is certain that he is going to be promoted to the abode of the Lord.

By such activities, he earns his claim to enter into the kingdom of God. The exact word used in this verse is daya-bhak. Daya-bhak refers to a son's becoming the lawful inheritor of the property of the father.

In a similar way, a pure devotee who is prepared to undergo all kinds of tribulations in executing Krsna conscious duties becomes lawfully qualified to enter into the transcendental abode.

- Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 10


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Am I God/Dog?

Aham Brahmasmi means I am spirit soul (of the same spiritual nature as
God,in quality,not in quantity) doesnt mean I am God.No it is false
propaganda.God means Supreme Controller,not ctrld by anything.Wat is
our position,v cant ctrl our own body's pain,oldage,death.wat kind of
God r v? dis is common sense.
2day,Dogs claim themselves as God.Foolish dogs accept them as God.


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