
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

ISKCON Time Bomb-Part-1



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SMS Updates of the fortnight!

Sun rises everyday in d east,it is d source of energy4all living
beings.Not even 1 day it rises from d west.Not by chance,this nature
functions.Our stomach digests all food,heart pumps blood thru out d
body."Mayadyaksena prakrti.. this material nature works under My
Supervision"-Krsna in BhagavadGita :)

A Deer&Doe in a BeautifulGarden enjoying grass in d melody of bees
buzzing around.Deers r FondOfMusic.D foolish animal fails2c d Tiger on
one side which is ready2pounce while hunter on d other side pointing
Deer-A family man
Bees' Buzz-Pleasing child's talk

When a man finds money on road,3 things he can do
1.Put it in his pocket
2.Leave it as it stays
3.Find its owner&hand over.
Both 1&2 r fools.3 is d intelligent.
1-Materialist(ExploitsNature2satisfy his own senses)
2-Impersonalist(Deny his own existence&d SupremeLord's)
3-Devotee(Tries2pls d Lord's Senses)

Happiness&Distress is a perception by senses&mind.1must
learn2tolerate&remain steady@both.Women cook@kitchen even during
summer.2d degree 1gets attached2a particular thing in this world,2that
degree 1gets disappointed&get Fear&anger when losing it,becoz this
world is temporary&FullOfMiseries-BhagavadGita.

Just fix ur mind upon Me(TheSupremePersonalityOfGodhead)&engage all ur
Intelligence in Me.Thus u will live in Me always,without a

Without being Self-Controlled, without being Disciplined and without
being fully Obedient,no one can become Successful in following the
instructions of the Spiritual Master,and without doing so,no one is
able to go back to Godhead(Spiritual World/Abode of God)-Srimad

Those who fix their minds on My personal form and are always engaged
in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith are considered by
Me to be d most perfect-Lord Sri Krsna in Bhagavad-Gita#12.2

1 who knows that MyBirth,MyActivities r transcendental/divine will not
take birth again in this world upon leaving their present

God is 1
So He's giving food2every1.
d birds
d beasts
d elephants
d Hindus
d Muslims
d Christians
He is protecting every1&equal2every1. But if u bcome His devotee,He
takes special care of u.He gives special protection2His pure
devotees(those with no personal/ulterior motives)-Bhagavad Gita As It
Is # 9.29

Religion means d law given by God.Just like d law given by d state,by
govt,u've2accept it. There's no question that d govt is muhammedian
govt/christian govt/hindu govt.Law given by govt,u must accept,u cant
deny.So God is neither HinduGod,nor MuslimGod,nor ChristianGod.God is
God.His laws r equal2all-BG

V act according2our mind&d resultant action is there
immediately.Nature's law,God's law,is there.It's not God's creation
that somebody is suffering from some painful condition&somebody is
enjoying.No,v infect ourselves with some contamination becoz this
material world is full of contamination.u must remain very
cautious.Otherwise you'll have2suffer-His Divine Grace A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
In his conversations in Mayapur,19th March,1976

The Lord accepts the least qualification of the living entity and
awards him the highest reward. That is the standard of His character.
Therefore, who but the Lord can be the ultimate shelter???
Srimad Bhagavatham#3.2.23

D occupational activities,a man performs according2his own position r
only so much useless labor if they do not provide attraction4d message
of d Personality of Godhead-SB#1.2.8

4my own pleasure,I never Fear2commit any sin.Im devoid of pity&Im full
of selfishness.Im Sorry@other's happiness.Im an inveterate liar.Indeed
I delight in others' miseries-Amara Jivana,Bhakti Vinoda Thakur.
"Having awakened faith in My narrations,being disgusted with all
material activities,knowing that all sense enjoyment leads2misery,but
still being unable2renounce sense enjoyment,My devotee shud remain
happy&worship Me with faith&conviction.Even tho sometimes he is
engaged in sense enjoyment,My devotee knows it gives miserable
results&he sincerely,repents such activities-SB#11.20.27-28

Those who fix their minds on My personal form and are always engaged
in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith are considered by
Me to be most perfect.
(Lord Sri Krsna - Bhagavad gita 12.2)

For one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me,I am never
lost, nor is he ever lost to Me-(Lord Sri Krsna - Bhagavad-Gita 6.30)

Ignorance is no xcuse.LawsOfNature r so strict that no 1 can escape d
reactions of their actions.A BurningFire is impartial2child/adult.Just
as a calf find his mother even in d midst of 1000s of cows,d reactions
of actions hit d doer without fail.Moment by moment,v r sowing seeds
by our thots,words,deeds.


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Prabhupada's Appearance Day (part 2)-2 impress others means, 2 use our false ego


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 9/8/10

(Kadamba Kanana Swami ,Croatia Sep 2010)

So again we see how Prabhupada is glorious and we also see that Prabhupada is also made of mercy and that he was not a self made man, a self made acharya – he was also made of mercy of others, that the mercy of Srila Visvanatha Cakravati Thakur made a huge part in his life and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saravati Thakur became the lord of his life.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupada was everything to him, whatever his spiritual master said, that was important. And when we are reading about Srila Bhaktisiddhanta and how he did things then we see how Prabhupada also did.

Like for example Prabhupada used to say my spiritual master used to like diorama exhibitions by making dolls of various personalities, Krishna's pastimes and depicting the pastimes in that way, and Prabhupada asked several of his devotees to make such kind of dioramas…
… in the early days in Mayapur there was a sign to make such diorama exhibitions and Prabhupada wanted in Mayapur a wonderful exhibition, he wanted an exhibition of all the preaching of the world and show what was going on. Srila Prabhupada was exactly following in the footsteps of his spiritual master because it was actually Srila Bhakti Siddhananta Sarasvati Thakur who organised this theistic exhibition – which was a huge thing in Calcutta….big field near the Victoria memorial.
And there Srila Bhakti Siddhanta..for example he had one acre land, that's a huge area of land- he had a map made of concrete in 3 D, a relief map, and this map was showing, the whole path that Lord Chaitanya went to south india in all the holy places and it was also showing all the temple s of the Gaudiya Matha in all of India. And people could walk into this map which was coloured and very beautiful, they could see little temples in all these holy places, and they could also see many dioramas depicting different aspects of the philosophy. Prabhupada used the same tool of preaching from his spiritual master.
His false ego did not get in the way, that is the one thing that we see in Srila Prabhupada, abscence of false ego – when he first went to preach in Ameriaca one person tried to understood what he had to say, - this newcomer described it:
'Here I saw this elderly Indian gentleman, he looked scholarly with his glasses, book…he had this big book that he was reading from like a really old looking Indian book and he looked very scholarly and he was very serious about what he was saying, and it was difficult to understand because he had such a heavy Bengali accent, but he was definitely really trying, really trying to communicate something and therefore I really wanted to hear what he had to say because I thought.. "it might be important" the fact that he had took so much trouble and was so serious about communicating his message, so I listened very carefully. And as I began to listen , I began to understand him better and I realised here is someone with no pretence, there is no show, he is not trying to impress anybody…this person is not trying to impress anybody – he is simply trying to give the truth'
and that was the point that struck that person. He later on became a leading devotee in Prabhupada's movement. And that was a very good observation, a very interesting observation, which I always remember - that Prabhupada didn't try to impress anybody. That means he didn't have any false ego – that is what false ego is to impress somebody:
Look at me- false ego – to add something to what we are, we all try and make an impression and we are very concerened with the impression that we make – any maybe if we are not making the good impression we are all disturbed... or if someone says something that damages our reputation – big thing!
'Oh how can you say this about me!"
So it is so nice that Srila Prabhupada had no desire to impress anyone…but he could impress people for Krishna! Oh yes! Oh yes he could, he could! He could also dress in silks, he could also say that the spiritual master should be offered the best – and when they picked him up in a Rolls Royce and the press jumped on it … They asked him 'Oh so you came in a Rolls Royce'
And Prabhupada said: 'Yes the spiritual master should be offered the best, in fact an ordinary Rolls Royce will not do, it should be a golden Rolls Royce!'
So you can imagine the press! They were making notes!! They sure were:
"Swami wants Golden Rolls Royce" … big headlines!
Absoluteley , so Prabhupada was ready, ready too impress but still Prabhupada had this unique aloof mentality of not caring about public opinion!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami ,Croatia Sep 2010)


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Travelling at Neck Braking Speed


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 9/8/10

We cannot say that the four regulative principles in themselves constitutes bhakti or constitutes devotional service to Krsna. They are preliminary activities. The preliminary activities of renunciation and austerity. But we rise above and when we become attracted to Krsna, and absorbed in devotional service, and naturally the regulative principles will be followed. It says that a pure devotee naturally will not engage in sinful activities. Although, he is not consciously thinking I should not engage in these things because they're sinful. It has nothing to do with pleasing Krsna. Then his entire life is absorbed in pleasing Krsna. Pleasing Krsna in this way. Pleasing Krsna in that way.

Like the tortoise - the limbs are inside the shield and only come out if you serve Krsna. Then there is no question of any sinful activity or material activity. It has no meaning. What is the meaning of something that is not transcendental? What is the meaning?

In this way, the only thing that has meaning is the service to Krsna, and everything else is totally empty! And leads to lying- no progress. Prabuphada also mentions that how he was in New York he was imitating the sounds of the cars: "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh they are. " Travelling at neck braking speed but they are not making any progress. They're not going anywhere.

So the whole world is moving around so fast but not going anywhere. Not really going anywhere - just staying in the material energy – just staying in the cage, going around - but not going anywhere. And Prabhupada says; "But then we take the cage. We have a bird in the cage. We take the cage: We put it out in the field : We open the door : And the bird goes out and straight back into the cage! Because he doesn't want to".
So Prabhupada says; "That's also us." We have the opportunity to engage in devotional service, but we don't really want it because we know this cage – and it's a comfortable cage. And there's nice things to eat and so many things, and different levels where you can sit – it's a good cage! So we like to stay in our cage – in our material activities. That interferes with our devotional service. That in a way blocks our absorption in pure devotional service to some extent.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami August 2010)


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Why Krishna Puts Devotees in Trouble?

Answers According to the Vedic Version:
Question: Why Krishna Puts Devotees in Trouble?

 It just came through the news that there was explosion On 3rd September at the ISKCON Hare Krishna temple on Thoresby Street, in Leicester, England. The cause of the explosion has now been confirmed to be a gas leak in the kitchen area.

Why did Krishna let such a thing happen?  This is really shaking my faith. How can Krishna put his devotees in such precarious condition when He says that he protects his devotees?  Why does he put his devotees in such trouble in the first place?

Answer:  We Put Ourselves in Trouble

 It's not Krishna's fault that we are in such a dangerous situation here in this material world. It was our own foolishness to come here to begin with. It was we who decided to try to enjoy separately from the Lord instead of remaining as His servants in the spiritual world. So whatever difficulties we undergo here are simply our fault.

That Krishna has so kindly agreed to take us back to His eternal kingdom does not give us license to be negligent of the inherent dangers of this material world. No. We must always exercise due caution  as long as we remain in this dangerous place.

This is a good lesson for us to be more cautious about LP (propane) gas. According to the National Fire Incident Reporting System, there are about 2,500  propane fires and explosions annually in the US, killing about 20 people and injuring about 330 others.

We should take it as Krishna's special blessing that no one was killed or seriously injured.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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One should know properly what action is, what forbidden action is, and what inaction is. eBook Club | Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.CH4.24]

Chapter 4

Transcendental Knowledge

TEXT 17:
karmano hy api boddhavyam
boddhavyam ca vikarmanah
akarmanas ca boddhavyam
gahana karmano gatih
The intricacies of action are very hard to understand. Therefore one should know properly what action is, what forbidden action is, and what inaction is.
If one is serious about liberation from material bondage, one has to understand the distinctions between action, inaction and unauthorized actions. One has to apply oneself to such an analysis of action, reaction and perverted actions because it is a very difficult subject matter. To understand Krishna consciousness and action according to its modes, one has to learn one's relationship with the Supreme; i.e., one who has learned perfectly knows that every living entity is an eternal servitor of the Lord and that consequently one has to act in Krishna consciousness. The entire Bhagavad-gita is directed toward this conclusion. Any other conclusions, against this consciousness and its attendant actions, are vikarmas, or prohibited actions. To understand all this one has to associate with authorities in Krishna consciousness and learn the secret from them; this is as good as learning from the Lord directly. Otherwise, even the most intelligent persons will be bewildered.
Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



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Prabhupada's Appearance Day Talk (part1)


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 9/7/10

(Kadamba Kanana Swami ,Croatia Sep 2010)

So on this day of Nanda Mahatsova, The day when Nanda Maharaja celebrated the festival, the birth of Krishna- Srila Prabhupada appeared in this world – therefore they also gave him the name Nandu, nickname Nandu -because he appeared on that day, but otherwise his parents called him Abhay. And that name stayed with him because his spiritual master later named him Abhay Caranaravinda. He specified it more, his father had called him Abhay , which means to be fearless, but his spiritual master called him Abhay Caranaravinda (one who is fearless because he is taken shelter under the Lotus Feet of the Lord) - and that he showed throughout.
Sometime I have thought that one could glorify Srila Prabhupada and say he was a pure devotee and he gave his whole life to Krishna and in the end he went back home to Godhead – but I would not be satisfied with such glorification because I thought that if you were to glorify Prabhupada for going back to Godhead, then something is missing namely..that Prabhupada had never left Godhead! ...

He never left Godhead for a moment, he's always with Krishna..always – and therefore we understand that Srila Prabhupada was an extraordinary devotee.
Bhavananda told us once Srila Prabhupada mentioned to him, that while in the spiritual world Krishna came to him and said that I want you to go to the material world and Prabhupada said:
" 'Oh no, I don't like austerity'
And Krishna: 'No, no problem, you don't have to do much, all you have to do is write books and I will do the rest, of course we also know that Prabhupada had also told that in his previous life he was a doctor and he was sinless.'"
Ok maybe he came from the spiritual world and first was a doctor and then came here but by his own words Prabhupada came from the spiritual world.
Still we are not emphasising that as the main point of Prabhupada's glory, certainly we will do so, but the main point of Prabhupada's glory is his connection with the spiritual master – because he himself stated that if there is any reason to why this miracle happened to him, that he was successful and others were not, was because he cent per cent followed the orders of his spiritual master. So Prabhupada clearly gave all credit to his spiritual master.
Sometimes when he was glorified he would say that the moon is reflecting the light of the sun and it looks like an illuminary in the sky, in the same way if you see any qualities in me – know them to be the good qualities of my spritual master. And we can understand that that was not just some hollow phrase, some empty words…rather that Prabhupada felt like that. He felt that:
All I did was try , try and fulfil the orders of my spiritual master, that's all I tried to do.'
Prabhupada, ofcourse it is also said, that he was seen by the pujari in Adavaita Acharya's house in Shantipur and he would come there as a grhasta before going o the west- and he would sometimes sit there and chant, and during the chanting would cry. So this pujari noted that that this man came several times and was chanting there for a long long time and that sometime s he would cry. So oneday he asked him, why are you crying and then he said:
'My spiritual master has gave, me an impossible order…I don't know how to execute it! So we can see that Srila Prabhupada who by the influence of his friend went to meet a a sadhu. At that time Abhay was not to inclined to the sadhus because his father used to maintain many sadhus and they were not so serious sadhus - therefore he thought that these sadhus are wearing saffron clothes but where is their dedication, so therefore I have no desire to see such sadhus. But his friend was forcing him to come. When he met Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarsvati Thakur he immediately got that order:
"Preach Krishna consciousness in the English language, you are an educated young man and you should preach Krishna in the English language. "
And that was the order, and that was the order that made him cry – I'm also giving an lecture in English one might say, give a few lectures in English and order is fulfilled – any other one?!…but we can see how Prabhupada took that order and how serious he took that order.
Of course in the Gauday math it was commonly understood that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta desired that preaching in English would go on, and he wanted to the preach to the western world and that he had already sent disciples to the western world - they had some success but not something deep and something lasting to transform the western world. But Prabhupada took this mission and embraced it I his heart.
It is said that in the commentaries of the Bhagavad Gita, Srila Vishvanatha Cakravati Thakur, there is a reference to surrendering to spiritual master – and there one truly must become an instrument of the spiritual master. Srila Prabhupada said that that was a life changning experience from him- when he read that it struck him like a thunder bolt! And it also stayed with him and from that day on he was completely fixed: "Yes I must fulfil the order of my spiritual master!"

(Kadamba Kanana Swami ,Croatia Sep 2010)


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“Lose Your Mind And Come To Your Senses!”


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 9/4/10

The fact is that transcendental knowledge has to enter within the heart, and one has to accept it. One has to embrace it. One has to give up all inner resistance. Because we hear this message of the Gita and something in us is not in agreement. We are still struggling. Struggling with the material senses. To simply give up the senses, that is not so simple.

I was reading yesterday, an article of a Californian Psychologist who said, "Lose your mind and come to your senses"(laughter). That was his philosophy. So this is not Krishna Consciousness. But this is indeed the problem 'come to your sense'. So the senses are not satisfied, even with high philosophy and still the senses are not satisfied and are going in all directions, and that is the difficulty.

So therefore, in a conditioned state of devotional service, it is our intelligence that is situated in transcendental knowledge. And it is our intelligence that is our anchor. It is our intelligence that we rely on. And that intelligence has to be very strong - strongly rooted in transcendental knowledge, and then the intelligence will dictate to the mind and senses. But that is not the platform of perfection. That is the stage of the sādhaka. In the beginning, the sādhaka or the one who is engaging in devotional service in practise. In the beginning they will be struggling.

Later, he will become more situated in transcendental knowledge. He will become purified (Sanskrit). By the transcendental knowledge that will enter into the heart and it will remove impurities from the heart. Then they become fixed. Then one becomes fixed in this devotional service and he comes to the platform of niskāma. Niskāma is the stage where we are not so much distracted anymore by the material energy. Niskāma is the stage where we can fix ourselves. The energy is there but it is not so overwhelming, that we cannot think of Krsna, and that we cannot focus on the words of Krsna, then on worshiping Krsna.

That is the more advanced platform. But it is still on the platform where we rely on our intelligence on being in control. When one becomes still more absorbed in Krishna Consciousness then the intelligence begins to follow the mind and senses which will naturally be drawn to Krsna. In the advanced stages the senses are controlled by Krsna. They will automatically be drawn to Krsna, and automatically the mind will be absorbed in Krsna. And always will be in Krishna Consciousness, Then the intelligence will follow that.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami Sweden August 2010)


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There is no work that affects Me!

Chapter 4

Transcendental Knowledge

TEXT 14:
na mam karmani limpanti
na me karma-phale spriha
ti mam yo 'bhijanati
karmabhir na sa badhyate

There is no work that affects Me; nor do I aspire for the fruits of action. One who understands this truth about Me also does not become entangled in the fruitive reactions of work.

As there are constitutional laws in the material world stating that the king can do no wrong, or that the king is not subject to the state laws, similarly the Lord, although He is the creator of this material world, is not affected by the activities of the material world. He creates and remains aloof from the creation, whereas the living entities are entangled in the fruitive results of material activities because of their propensity for lording it over material resources. The proprietor of an establishment is not responsible for the right and wrong activities of the workers, but the workers are themselves responsible. The living entities are engaged in their respective activities of sense gratification, and these activities are not ordained by the Lord. For advancement of sense gratification, the living entities are engaged in the work of this world, and they aspire to heavenly happiness after death. The Lord, being full in Himself, has no attraction for so-called heavenly happiness. The heavenly demigods are only His engaged servants. The proprietor never desires the low-grade happiness such as the workers may desire. He is aloof from the material actions and reactions. For example, the rains are not responsible for different types of vegetation that appear on the earth, although without such rains there is no possibility of vegetative growth. Vedic smriti confirms this fact as follows:

nimitta-matram evasau
srijyanam sarga-karmani
yato vai srijya-saktayah

"In the material creations, the Lord is only the supreme cause. The immediate cause is material nature, by which the cosmic manifestation is made visible." The created beings are of many varieties, such as the demigods, human beings and lower animals, and all of them are subject to the reactions of their past good or bad activities. The Lord only gives them the proper facilities for such activities and the regulations of the modes of nature, but He is never responsible for their past and present activities. In the Vedanta-sutra (2.1.34) it is confirmed, vaishamya-nairghrinye na sapekshatvat: the Lord is never partial to any living entity. The living entity is responsible for his own acts. The Lord only gives him facilities, through the agency of material nature, the external energy. Anyone who is fully conversant with all the intricacies of this law of karma, or fruitive activities, does not become affected by the results of his activities. In other words, the person who understands this transcendental nature of the Lord is an experienced man in Krishna consciousness, and thus he is never subjected to the laws of karma. One who does not know the transcendental nature of the Lord and who thinks that the activities of the Lord are aimed at fruitive results, as are the activities of the ordinary living entities, certainly becomes entangled himself in fruitive reactions. But one who knows the Supreme Truth is a liberated soul fixed in Krishna consciousness.

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Good or bad, habits always deliver results!-Good one..

Have you ever heard that, good or bad, habits always
deliver results? It's true.

Your habits determine your outcomes -- from the amount of
money you make to the health and wellness you enjoy to the
kind of relationships you're involved in.

Habits determine how your future will unfold.

This is Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer with today's important
Mentorship message.

Psychologists say that 90% of all our behavior is habitual.
Habits help us operate on 'auto-pilot' with mundane tasks,
allowing our mind to be free for thinking and planning while
we're taking a shower or driving to work, for example.

The challenge is that some of our habits lock us into
unconscious self-defeating behavior that can severely limit
our success.

To create higher levels of success, you're going to have to
drop your bad habits and replace them with more positive ones.

What's the easiest way to do this?

1.) Make a list of those habits that are unproductive or that
negatively impact your future.

2.) Choose better, more productive success habits and develop
systems that will help support the establishment of those habits.


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Taste The Nectar...Even Now!


Taste The Nectar...Even Now!


"To awaken conditioned souls to their eternal position as a servitor of the Lord, preachers meet with many adventures and challenges. Five hundred years ago, Lord Caitanya's movement went through similar trials. To become an 'employee' of ISKCON's Nama Hatta program means to assume a role in the Lord's transcendental pastimes. That part, however humble it may be, is directly linked to Caitanya Mahaprabhu's eternal sankirtana movement.

Participating in these activities is preparation for being transferred to the Lord's pastimes in Goloka Vrindavana. By Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy, we do not have to wait until we reach the spiritual world before getting the sublime nectar of the sankirtana movement. We can taste the nectar even while living in this world, simply by following the principles given by Lord Caitanya and thoroughly explained by Srila Prabhupada. The marketplace of the Holy Name is there as a service for everyone."

HH Jayapataka Swami
From the book: Godruma Kalpatavi
Courtesy: ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry



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Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via Gita Coaching by on 8/30/10

Regarding your question about thinking about sex, is that also one form of illicit sex or against our four principles? Yes, even thinking sex is the same as illicit sex, but one who is not advanced cannot avoid it. But that does not disturb our regular procedure.

We should strongly follow all the regulations and principles and chant and these thoughts will come and go away. Thinking will come; even great saintly persons like Lord Siva are not free of thoughts that come, so what to speak of you. So we must say that such thinking is no offense because you are accustomed to this habit.

But beyond thinking are feeling and willing, so even thoughts of sex connection may come, that is difficult even for saintly persons to avoid, still, in the further stages of feeling and willing we can easily conquer over this sex urge. Willing should be avoided and acting stopped, or else there is offense of breaking this basic prohibition of illicit sex-life.

Because thinking comes I shall give it practical shape: that is nonsense, but because it is an old habit we are unable to check it unless we can understand the nature of feeling, willing and then action, and how by proper use of intelligence and prevent thoughts which must come from maturing into actions -- that is the practical application of Krishna Consciousness regulative principles.

Even Lord Caitanya Himself said that sometimes when I see a wooden form of a woman, my mind becomes agitated but that does not mean that we should give it practical shape, that is intelligence. One must be convinced that sex-life without exception means trouble, therefore he is able to stop it at the thinking stage by not allowing it to be felt, much less willed and acted.

- Srila Prabhupada's letter to Kirtiraja -- Mayapur 28 February, 1972


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Intelligence - Putting Things Into Practice


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 8/27/10

Bhakta Frederick was so much very enthused from Kadamba Kanana Swami's association in Sweden this month. He asked some very interesting questions, jumped up and down in all the Kirtans, came to drop Maharaja to the airport and then...sent us here at the KKS blog a wonderful transcript from Kadamba Kanana Swami's talk!

After Maharaja's talk at the Sweden Hare Krishna farm we had took some photos.
Here's one of me and our new friend Bhakta Frederick! Thank's for the nectar below!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden August 2010)

It is said when we become pure devotees of Krsna, then Krsna Himself will be seated within our heart. Then we will see Krsna directly, the Supreme Lord, within our heart. And then He will directly reveal so many things to us. Then one simply acts as the agent of the Lord -so that is another level of intelligence, and that is the desired level of intelligence. That is complete, when intelligence has really penetrated fully unto the level of the heart - Not just all very intellectual but, because we begin to put things into practice, that intellectual knowledge also becomes realized and when the knowledge is fully realized, then intelligence happens on the platform of the heart, and then Krsna is steering that intelligence!Anyway, then it is fully full intelligence. So like that we are gradually increasing our intelligence in devotional service - Not necessarily that we'll in the beginning will only be able to do simple mathematical formulas and if you chant Hare Krsna for 20 years you'll be doing quantum mechanics! It's not exactly like that. Not automatically, but one's intelligence becomes deeper and more complete and one will see everything in it's full perspective, because intelligence is meant to place things in a proper perspective, that is the essence. Otherwise one will take part in sources of misery which are in relation to the material senses.
So many sources of misery, and due to ignorance we take part in these sources of misery. That ignorance can be simply a lack of knowledge, total ignorance, that we have no idea what's going on, or it can be a more subtle type of ignorance where we know : we know it's bad, and still we do it, because we don't really , we don't know in full depth how bad it is. We think:
"Yes, it's bad, but it's also good, and it's a combination of two, and the good is not so bad, and I'll take the bad with the good, and after all the good looks a lot better than the bad!"
and then we go for it!
The good always looks good, but it's never as good as it looked, and the bad, when you get it, it's always worse than it looked before! That seems to be the nature of good and bad, so keep that in mind, when you're observing the situation. So in this way in intelligence we are seeing on a deeper level. We're seeing what is beneficial in my relationship with Krsna.
It says "preyas, sreyas," immediate and long-term, okay; the long term, the relationship with Krsna. Difficult to come to that point, hm.. Difficult. As we are going through life, so many times, we just choose the wrong thing. We just choose, knowingly we choose the wrong thing. We just choose something temporary in this world, and it's just:
'Love, this love and that love and so much love'
and then -- so much misery!
Yeah, it's amazing. It happens, it happens. So again and again, it happens, and we think:
"Oh, this time it's real. Absolutely. This time it's different. I tell you, this time it's different!"
It's not any different at all, okay! It's not. It's the same! It's the same as all the other times!
Exactly the same, again and again!
That's what Bhagavatam is telling us [we] say:
"No, no, no. The Bhagavatam doesn't know what it's talking about. That's a book, and this is life! You know? And, you know, everything in life can't be in a book!"
NO NO NO It is! It's all in the book! It really is, it's all there!
Everything that's there in life, is actually in Bhagavatam. It's not that something hasn't been included in the Bhagavatam. It's all there!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden August 2010)


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