
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Intel Inside and Mental Outside!

Common Stress Symptoms

Chronic fatigue.

Anger at those making demands on you.

Self-criticism for putting up with the demands

Cynicism, negativism and irritability

A sense of being besieged

Hair-trigger display of emotion
The problem of stress has become so acute in our society that this year sees the launch of a "National Stress Day" on Wednesday, November 1st, 2000. In the first of its articles on Workplace Issues and Trends focuses on the modern scourge of stress and professional burnout which plagues IT professionals.
or an outsider, "IT" is it, a la Cinderella-like career, promising phenomenal salaries, e-sops, travel and vacation allowance and a host of other benefits to anyone who has climbed the bandwagon, a career where burgeoning demand and an acute lack of manpower has apparently transformed traditional employer-employee equations in the latter’s favour and finally flattened hierarchy-ridden organisations.

But there’s a flip side to earning 60 grand a month and being able to address the boss by his or her first name. The corporate goal of trim bottomlines and high productivity levels breeds work environments which demand super-heroic employees, who can plug away at the terminal day in and day out and machine-like jump from one project to the other. The unrelenting pressure of deadlines, the mouse potato existence in a five by five cubicle, can exact a heavy toll in the form of techno-stress and professional burnout, which if unchecked experts say can assume epidemic proportions.
Stress management tips

Become aware of your stressors

Notice your distress. Don't ignore it

Determine how your body responds to the stress. Do you become nervous or upset?

Recognise what you can change

Can you shorten your exposure to stress (take a break, leave the physical premises)?

Can you devote the time and energy necessary to making a change (goal setting, time management techniques, and delayed gratification strategies may be helpful here)?

Reduce the intensity of emotional reactions to stress

Are you expecting to please everyone?

Are you overreacting and viewing things as absolutely urgent?

Do you feel you must always prevail in every situation? 

Try to temper your excess emotions. Put the situation in perspective. Do not labor on the negative phpects and the " what if's."

Learn to moderate physical reactions to stress

Slow, deep breathing will bring your heart rate and respiration back to normal

Relaxation techniques can reduce muscle tension. Electronic biofeedback can help you gain voluntary control over such things as muscle tension, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Medications, when prescribed by a physician, can help in the short term in moderating your physical reactions. However, they alone are not the answer. Learning to moderate these reactions on your own is a preferable long-term solution.

Build physical reserves

Exercise for cardiovascular fitness three to four times a week (moderate, prolonged rhythmic exercise such as walking, swimming, cycling, or jogging is best).

Eat well-balanced, nutritious meals.

Maintain your ideal weight.

Avoid nicotine, excessive caffeine, and other stimulants.

Mix leisure with work. Take breaks and get away when you can.

Get enough sleep.

Maintain emotional reserves

Always be kind and gentle with yourself -- be a friend to yourself.

Develop supportive friendships/relationships.

Pursue realistic goals which are meaningful to you, rather than goals others have for you
that you do not share.

Expect some frustrations, failures, and sorrows.
Burnout, a reaction to work-related stress, is a medical psychological condition, characterised by prolonged physical and emotional exhaustion, boredom, lack of interest in one’s work loss of satisfaction, negative attitude, irritability, rage, depression, anxiety, inflexibility and sense of powerlessness. The condition is difficult to detect as unlike chicken pox or flu it has no visible symptoms. Burnout long in the making, often don't surface for years till the business professional feels physically exhausted and emotionally depleted, and all alone with his or her problems. Recently, a software engineer from Bangalore, unable to cope with intense work pressure committed suicide by jumping off a building. Although a stray incident, studies show that stress graphs of individuals are showing a worrying and dramatic upward trend. A recent study undertaken by students of the Columbia University found that sixty per cent of software employees are stressed and more than half are susceptible to professional burnout. According to Achala, a lecturer in psychology at the Bangalore University: "Previously, individuals pursuing service related professions such as social work, nursing and teaching were known to suffer from stress and burnout, but last month’s incident indicates that stress levels are rising".

Strangely, there is a general reluctance on the part of software professionals to name the problem. The word is taboo, a term of opporbium, not to be spoken loud. Most software professionals this writer spoke to admit that they work twelve to thirteen hours a day, and during critical hours of a project may clock eighteen hours. But mentioned the word stress in hushed tones. Stash, a software professional states: "Stress levels are high, but is quick to add, it depends on the individual, if you enjoy your work, you can work 20 hours a day without feeling stressed". Girlish, a twenty three-year-old software engineer, scoffs at the very mention of the word. The reports are exaggerated. "We get high salaries and I do not think one should complain if there are occasional deadlines".

If one reads between the lines (a disease which plagues most media persons) the individual and not the organisation is responsible if despite the fancy title and high salaries, one lets signs of stress surface. Fearing peer ridicule, demotion or even the organizational axe most employees deny or hide signs of stress. "Moreover organisations with the exception of three quarterly performance reviews rarely pay heed to individual variances and types". The employee is, usually, not competing against himself but against a standard and invariably the measuring rod is the employee who can withstand the maximum amount of stress, states a leading business consultant.

Carl Limpets president of the Trachoma Group in an article which appeared on Wired admitted "When we look for somebody and it does not matter whether it is at the executive level or the entry level, the personality we look for is pretty standard. They have to be innovative, confident in what they know and totally multi-task oriented. It’s not two or three ball that have to be in the air at one time. It is ten or twenty. It is a pace that is very incredible".

Stress, however, results not only from the organisational demands but due to the very nature of a software professional’s work. Each project is divided among various teams in charge of developing various consoles. The piecemeal nature of the work breeds alienation. Moreover, with rapid changes in technologies, there is no concrete sense of accomplishment. Technologies which software engineers drive themselves hard to develop become either uneconomical or redundant within less than twelve months. Unlike an architect or an artist, who can view their work even after years and derive a sense of satisfaction, software engineers are denied a similar sense of achievement. This coupled with long hours of work can trigger a sense of powerlessness, and loss of satisfaction, negative emotions which characterise burnout and stress.

One of the biggest PBO threats executives face is, ironically, not on their climb up the ladder but in their leadership roles. According to Sativa who has worked in various companies as a Human resource specialist, "Stress is not generic in nature but increases as one scales up the ladder". Being a decision-maker exacts a price, as one is expected to know the answers. In an industry faced with an acute shortage of info-tech workers, many software engineers with limited experience find themselves in managerial roles and the strain begins to tell if they cannot scale the learning graph quickly. The new managers simply try to do much because they feel they must live up to their fancy designations organisations expect of them.

Although work-related stress is the single largest factor contributing to PBO, individual psychology also plays a critical role in determining the stress levels one can withstand. Most neo managers who suffer burnout are unable to come to terms with alternative periods of peaks and crests in a career. Possessing inflated egos and obsessed with their organisation and market value, in a low performance phase, employees may drive themselves hard and may touch a low emotional nadir when they are unable to fulfil expectations, says Savita.

While one cannot deny that stress does not act in the same manner on every employee, many organisations see this as a convenient scapegoat to ward blame of foisting oppressive unfeasible and unrealistic demands on employees. Admits a business consultant, "Many software companies in a bid to earn dollars promise to complete work within unrealistic time spans, and it’s the employees who feel the brunt".

Hence, it is imperative to sensitise organisations to the problems of stress. Last year, in the US around 800 stress law suits were filed in 1999*, almost all were judged in favour of the employee. IT industry. In India organisations are sheltered by law, as there is no legal provision under which mid-level executives can sue employers for stressing them out. This can only be done by making corporates conscious of its fallout in monetary terms. According to, premature 'burnout' of professionals and an estimated lost of 40 million working days each year, no small consideration in an industry so prone to skills shortages. Another study conducted by students of the Columbia University purports that stress related disorders cause US corporates $150 billion annually. Are organisations in India listening? Are they willing to drop the mask of being flexible organisations and shed the we know best attitude and become real proactive organisations receptive to communication from bottom down.



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dinesh sent you an article

Dear dinesh,

dinesh ( has sent you an article from The
Economist online

The threat from the internet

It is time for countries to start talking about arms control on the internet

Jun 29th 2010

THROUGHOUT history new technologies have revolutionised warfare, sometimes
abruptly, sometimes only gradually: think of the chariot, gunpowder,
aircraft, radar and nuclear fission. So it has been with information
technology. Computers and the internet have transformed economies and given
Western armies great advantages, such as the ability to send remotely piloted
aircraft across the world to gather intelligence and attack targets. But the
spread of digital technology comes at a cost: it exposes armies and societies
to digital attack.

See the full article

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The Economist.

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Accept reversals gratefully

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From: Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das) <>

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From: Langaganesa dasa <>

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Jul 18, 2010 10:59 am
Subject: (no subject)

"When something is arranged by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one should not be disturbed by it, even if it appears to be a reverse according to  one's calculations. For example, sometimes we see that a powerful preacher is killed, or sometimes he is put into difficulty, just as Haridasa Thakura
was. He was a great devotee who came into this material world to execute the  will of the Lord by preaching the Lord's glories. But Haridasa was punished  at the hands of the Kazi by being beaten in twenty-two marketplaces.
Similarly, Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, and Prahlada Maharaja was put through so many tribulations. The Pandavas, who were direct friends of Krsna, lost their kingdom, their wife was insulted, and they had to undergo many severe tribulations. Seeing all these reverses affect devotees, one  should not be disturbed; one should simply understand that in these matters  there must be some plan of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Bhagavatam's conclusion is that a devotee is never disturbed by such
reverses. He accepts even reverse conditions as the grace of the Lord. One who continues to serve the Lord even in reverse conditions is assured that  he will go back to Godhead, back to the Vaikuntha planets."

[ Srimad Bhagavatam 3.16.37, purport by Srila Prabhupada ]

Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das
(Dr Satish Gosain MBBS DNB i Med)
Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
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[granthraj] Importance of Tolerance

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From: Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das) <>

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Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Mathajis,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Gurudeva.

As per instructions of our beloved spiritual master HDG Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj, I am trying to recite Srimad Bhagavatam in order to glorify the Supreme Lord Krishna and by his mercy, I found a very important quality of Vaishnava in verse 4.8.17. Sage Maitreya, while discussing the pastimes of Dhruva Maharaj with the great devotee Vidura, explains a very important Vaishnava quality found in Mother Suniti.

deergham shvasantee vrjinasya paaram
apashyati baalakam aaha baalaa
maamangalam taata pareshu mamsthaa
bhunkte jano yat para-duhkhadas tat

"She also was breathing very heavily, and she did not know the factual remedy for the painful situation. Not finding any remedy, she said to her son: My dear son, don't wish for anything inauspicious for others. Anyone who inflicts pains upon others suffers himself from that pain."

To understand Suniti's position clearly we need to read the translation of verse 4.8.16 also where in Maitreya muni says - "Usually people in general will try to get some remedy for the painful situation. Still they won't find any peace since the remedy itself is material which is under the control of three material modes of nature."

If someone insults us, immediately we will get anger and out of anger we will do harm to others and justify that our activity is correct. But here even though Queen Suniti and Dhruva Maharaj have full rights, they haven't taken any action against other Queen Suruchi. Queen Suniti tried to solve this without harming Queen Suruchi or the king. But we will first try to harm others first for their activities and falsely think that we have solved the problem by taking revenge against them. Also she advised her son "Don't wish for anything inauspicious for others." This is very important quality of Vaishnava.

Why this is very important? People will have different characters and those who have less strength will try to scold others by words. If we don't find any remedy then we will scold in mind which is very powerful and painful to others. Thats why she asked her son not to wish inauspiciousness to others. This is very difficult to follow but we should follow this. One can ask question why I should tolerate insults when we are not at fault. The answer is if we are not ready to tolerate then we will try to insult others which we think as remedy for our insult caused by others. But the truth is, at least out of selfishness we should follow. Otherwise we must be ready to face another practical instruction - "Anyone who inflicts pains upon others suffers himself from that pain."

We should be careful to follow this quality of tolerance according to time, place and circumstance. We should not take any actions against others when they insult us. We should tolerate the insult caused by others. Its very difficult but still by the mercy of Gurudev, acaryas and Lord Krishna we can try to implement it in our life. On the other hand we should not be idle when others insult Vaishnavas or Lord Krishna or Vedic literatures. Hanumanji is the great example and we should try to follow his footsteps.

Our beloved Gurudev has practically shown such instances of tolerance so many times in his lives. One such instance was when a person acted very cunningly and stealthily stole away money from the temple. All the devotees were devastated and Maharaj was all the more upset that Krishna's money was stolen away. But instead of cursing the person who took away the money, Maharaj was very much worried about how this great sin committed by that person would destroy his whole family. He knew that the family was innocent and so he was praying to Krishna not to punish his family and asked all the devotees to pray for the family's welfare. Such is the mercy of Gurudev. All those who have met Gurudev can say from our hearts how he has mercifully been tolerating so many offences committed by us and still whenever he meets, never keeps the pain/offence in mind - but lovingly inquires our well-being and as a perfect well-wisher extends himself to somehow push in the nectarean message of Srimad Bhagavatam into our steel-framed hearts.

I pray to the lotus feet of our beloved Gurudev HDG Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj, Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna so that I follow Their instructions always.

Thank you very much.
Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada and Gurudeva,
Hrishikesha Krishna Dasa,

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Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das
(Dr Satish Gosain MBBS DNB i Med)
Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
ISKCON-learn Bhagavad-gita Community on orkut:

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Srila Prabhupada speaks on June 24

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From: Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das) <>

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From: neha -shri krishan dasi <>

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From: Saci Gaurasundara Das <>

Today's Event: Cida Dahi Mahotsava of Srila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami at Panihati

"If the wife is helpful in the spiritual progress of life, she is the best friend and philosopher. So in Krsna Consciousness the wife is never a burden, but she is completely a counterpart."

Letter to Vrndavana Candra, 24 June, 1970

Your Servant In Service Of Srila Prabhupada and Gurudev,
Saci Gaurasundara Das
Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.& be Happy

yours in service of Srila Prabhupada

Neha-Shri Krishan Dasi
iss vyakul man me,1 pyaas ajeeb si samayi hai,main bhi ban jau 1 din,tere priytam ki pyaari,hey RADHARANI  ye tujhse meri duhaai hai

Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.& be Happy

Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das
(Dr Satish Gosain MBBS DNB i Med)
Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
ISKCON-learn Bhagavad-gita Community on orkut:

My Bhagavad-gita Lecture Videos on Youtube

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[granthraj] How to Overcome Distractions ?

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From: Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das) <>

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From: Abirami Nagalingam <>

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Mathajis,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

We are living in this world wherein we have so many distractions. Internet, TV, gossips, news-papers, criticisms, cheating, politics, social-pressures and the list is endless. How to save ourselves from these things ? In Srimad Bhagavatam verse 1.8.42,  Kunti Maharani very nicely prays to Lord Krishna to help her to remember Him always without any deviation. She says,

                                           tvayi me 'nanya-vishayaa / matir madhu-pate 'sakrt
                                          ratim udvahataad addhaa  / gangevaugham udanvati

"O Lord of Madhu, as the Ganges forever flows to the sea without hindrance, let my attraction be constantly drawn unto You without being diverted to anyone else."

This indeed is a very important verse which we need to pray to Lord all the time as our mind always gets distracted to other things very easily. Lord Krishna declares in Bhagavad Gita verse 9.18

                                            gatir bhartaa prabhuh saakshi / nivaasah sharanam suhrt
                                         prabhavah pralayah sthaanam  / nidhaanam beejam avyayam

"I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the witness, the abode, the refuge, and the most dear friend. I am the creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting place and the eternal seed."

If only we sincerely hear and understand the truth behind Lord's statement, we will never get deviated or distracted by any other thing in our lives. In his purport to the above verse Srila Prabhupada very nicely explains what gati means.  He says - "Gati means the destination where we want to go. But the ultimate goal is Krishna, although people do not know it. One who does not know Krishna is misled, and his so-called progressive march is either partial or hallucinatory..And since Krishna is the source of our generation, or the supreme father, no one can be a better friend than Krishna, nor can anyone be a better well-wisher. Krishna is the original source of creation and the ultimate rest after annihilation. Krishna is therefore the eternal cause of all causes."  So our only goal in this life is to reach our destination - Krishna. Even in this material world when we want to go to some destination, we need to purchase ticket, go to the station and board the right train. If in the above process, we get distracted by some frivolous talks and as a result, miss any of the above process, then we will miss the train. Similalry to reach the supreme destination - Krishna, we need to meticulously  follow the process  prescribed by the Lord and His dear devotees, without getting deviated.  Unfortunately instead of taking shelter of  Supreme Lord Krishna, we take shelter of every thing else other than Him and voluntarily drown ourselves into a whirl-pool of miseries and land up in undesirable destinations birth after birth.

In one of the Bhagavatam classes our beloved spiritual master, HDG Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj was says that inorder to overcome the influence of bad thoughts and behaviour we need to take shelter of Krishna's names, Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. Even if we fail, we need to repetitively endeavor to chant/recite shlokas and by doing so our consciousness will definitely be purified. But the problem in our case is that we do this for few days and then one day we miss it. We very lovingly excuse ourself for that and over a period of time, slowly that good habit slips out of our life and we start meditating on other things. Recently I came across an article wherein it was mentioned about how frog reacts to boiling water. If the temperature of the water is suddenly increased, the frog realises it and jumps out of the water. But if the temperature is very slowly increased, one degree at a time, the frog does not realise it till it boils to death. Bad habits also creep into our life, like the slow increase of temperature and boils us to death even before we realise it. So it is very important for us to be alert and introspect ourselves regularly and pray for the mercy of Guru and Krishna to remain focussed in devotional service to the Lord. The key is determination to serve Guru and Krishna under all circumstances. If we have this intense desire - then no matter how weak we are physically or economically, no matter whether we have any other support or not, Guru and Krishna arranges all the conditions required for our progress. In the purport to verse 6.24 of Bhagavad Gita, Srila Prabhupada quotes the very nice story on power of determination wherein the sparrow in her attempt to get back her eggs that were washed away by the ocean attempted to dry up the ocean by picking out water in her beaks. Even the ocean who made fun of her, atlast gave back the eggs as Garuda, the bird carrier of Lord Vishnu ordered him to do so. So when our determination to serve Guru and Krishna is intense, nothing can be an impediment in the path of devotional service.

We might have heard about the story of farmer and the donkey. One day the farmer's donkey fell into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old and the well needed to be covered up anyway - it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbours to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to scoop dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realising what was happening, cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he became quiet. A few shovels later, the farmer finally looked down the well and was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that fell on his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He shook it off and took a step up. As the farmer's neighbours continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he shook it off and took a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and totted off!

The lesson to be learnt from the above story is that when we understand our real "gati" is to go back to Krishna, then no matter how many ever shovels of dirt are thrown upon us, we will not get bogged down by it. As Gurudev has advised we should never give up and simply continue with our endeavours in serving the Lord. When we shake off the distractions and criticism and take a step up, then all merciful Lord definitely help us as it is said that Lord takes 10 steps towards us if we just endeavour sincerely to take one step towards Him.

I pray at the lotus feet of Vaishnavas, Srila Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada so that I understand my gati and restrain from wasting the remaining precious time available in this lifetime and use it in a manner pleasing to Them.
Hare Krishna.
Thank you very much.
Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva,
Sudarshana devi dasi.


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SMS Updates of the week!

B4 giving up d present body if 1 is able2tolerate d urges of material
senses&check d force of desire&anger,he is well situated&is happy :)
in this world.BG#5.23

There r 2ClassesOfPeople
1.Sober 2.Debaucher&2types of Sastra4them.
1.Sastra-LawCodes 2.Sastra-Weapons like sword,guns.
Sober 1s r ruled by Law Codes&Law breakers r ruled by Weapons.Both r
required.Govt has2depts 1.Civil-Ctrld by Law Codes
2.Criminal-Ctrld by Weapons.Sometimes police r reqd4unruly persons

After attaining Me(in My abode-SpiritualWorld which is beyond d
material vision&also called avyakta,akshara,parama gati) d great souls
who r yogis in devotion,never return2this temporary world,which is
full of miseries(Birth,Disease,Oldage,Death) bcoz they've attained d
highest perfection-Krsna.In.BG#8.15

An intelligent person doesnt take part in d sources of misery which r
due2contact of senses with sense objects.Such pleasures have a
beginning&an end,so wise men doesnt delight in them.D more1 is
addicted2material pleasures,d more 1 suffers material miseries-BG#5.22

Both by rising&setting,d sun decreases d duration of life of every1
except1 who utilizes time4discussing d topics of d all-good
personality of Godhead-SB2.3.17

A spiritual aspirant shud avoid worldly
literature(novels,newspaper,magazines,dramas) which agitates d
mind.1must reject such lit.4 spiritual advancement.Such lit. is a
place of enjoyment4crows&not4swan like people.Also1shud not indulge in
arguments/counter-arguments,it's a useless waste of time-SB#7.13.7

In d forest of material existence,there's constant sound of crickets
which is compared2d non-stop criticism of people around us,no matter
how hard v try.With d idea of selling some wood,other items,a person
enters forest but he has2meet dangerous animals&adventures&he may even
b lost.Similarly,d spirit soul enters d material world2enjoy
separately from God&gets lost with his identity&his way back2d place
of God&goes thru d adventures of pain&pleasure-SB

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A Powerful Meditation!

from HH Sacinandana Swami's Newsletter Amrta-vani

The Divine Encounter

For your personal advancement I would like to suggest a powerful
meditation with which you can establish a conscious connection with Sri Sri Radha
and Krishna. In this world there are many things that divert us from our
relationship with God - things that focus us on other relationships with other
people,our job, society, our dreams, etc. All these relationships are like
smoke;one day they will simply float away into the air. At that time we will
beleft with the only one, eternal relationship. We may even know this
now, butour worldly relationships continue to demand our time and attention,
and we often allow them to take up almost all of our energy.

So here is a powerful meditation to help you connect with the Divine Couple:

When you can be undisturbed for a little while, sit somewhere comfortably
and imagine you are completely alone. Let everything around you slowly
and gently disappear. Your relationship with what is going on in your life
- let it slip away. Your relationships with your relatives - let them go as
well. Job, important responsibilities, future desires - all gone.

You are now absolutely alone. There is no one and nothing in your
environment. It is as if you have been given anesthesia - a state that
induces you to forget everything about your life, including who you
think you are. Or imagine you are alone in the midst of a forest or desert
or out on the ocean, with no memories of your life or yourself. Best if you
can picture yourself sitting in a holy place, where you can feel
absolutely safe and spiritually linked.

Become aware that in your truest being being you are really an eternal
spiritual soul, an eternal servant of Radha and Krishna. It is only due to some
misfortune that you have been absent from that relationship and instead have
been wandering in the cycle of birth and death, helplessly identifying with
one material body after another.

But your fortune has turned. You have finally met a spiritual master
and learned about your real identity as a pure spirit soul, a resident of
the kingdom of love, completely separate from the gross and subtle body.
You have been inspired to take up the path of eternal loving service to
Their Lordships Radha and Krishna.

Now think that there is only Radha and Krishna. No one else. You now
have the opportunity to speak to Them - to chant, offer puja, pray to Them,
reveal your heart in confidence. Choose any other expression to which
you feel drawn. Wrap yourself up in this one relationship and feel bhakti
rise in your heart.

You can end your meeting with the Divine Couple with five simple
affirmations from an ancient Vedic text:

I surrender to You Sri Sri Radha Krishna.
Whatever is mine is in truth Your property.
Everything is for Your sake.
Everything is for Your enjoyment.
Nothing is meant for my enjoyment.
(Sanat-Kumara Samhita (text 83))

Pay your obeisances in your mind and take your leave.

You are ready to reenter your life in this world. Gradually, as
required,take on the responsibilities and social roles that are waiting for
you. Each time you do this meditation you will see how you return with new
perspectives and plenty of additional spiritual strength for everyday
situations. More than anything, this meditation will clarify for you
where you stand in your relationship with Radha and Krishna; it will act as
a powerful inspiration to improve whatever needs improving. Most of all,
the meditation will help transform your daily life and make it very
spiritual.You might even find that your so-called problems disappear. Please try
it.It works.

P.S. If you like you can use the following picture for your

The Arati of Radha and Krishna
(Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Gitavali)

1.All glories to the meeting of the divine young couple, Sri Sri Radha-
Krsna.The gopis, headed by Sri Lalita, perform the arati ceremony for Their

2.The three-fold bending form of Krsna attracts even the mind of Cupid.
He is dressed in yellow silk garments, and His enchanting crown is
decorated with peacock feathers.

3.On the left of charming Lord Madhava, Sri Radha, the daughter of
Vrsabhanu,is seated.She is dressed in blue garments. Her beauty and qualities are simply glorious.

4.She is decorated with various brightly shining ornaments.Her charming bright face attracts the mind of Lord Hari.

5.The gopis, headed by Visakha, sing the glories of Their Lordships in
various tunes, as the priya narma gopis offer Them camaras.

6.With a desire to attain the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava,Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura floats on waves of ecstasy at the lotus feet of
the gopis.

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Spiritual Warrior!!-Must See

"Bhakti Tirtha Swami" Tribute to a Spiritual Warrior

Krishna Consciousness

Swami Krishnapada, Holy Man, World Advisor1

Swami Krishnapada, Holy Man, World Advisor2

Swami Krishnapada, Holy Man, World Advisor3


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Bhakti Tirtha Swami speaks!


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"Bhakti Tirtha Swami" Tribute to a Spiritual Warrior


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The Way Of Death -Must Read!!! Many Subtle points to be noted!!

THE WAY OF DEATH by HH Jayadvaita Swami
by Divya on Sat 30 Jan 2010 12:51 PM LKT  |  Permanent Link  |  Cosmos

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 3.31.40 given in Sridham Mayapur on 7.01.2010


"The woman, created by the Lord, is the representation of maya, and one who associates with such maya by accepting services must certainly know that this is the way of death, just like a blind well covered with grass."


Sometimes it happens that a rejected well is covered by grass, and an unwary traveler who does not know of the existence of the well falls down, and his death is assured. Similarly, association with a woman begins when one accepts service from her, because woman is especially created by the Lord to give service to man. By accepting her service, a man is entrapped. If he is not intelligent enough to know that she is the gateway to hellish life, he may indulge in her association very liberally. This is restricted for those who aspire to ascend to the transcendental platform. Even fifty years ago in Hindu society, such association was restricted. A wife could not see her husband during the daytime. Householders even had different residential quarters. The internal quarters of a residential house were for the woman, and the external quarters were for the man. Acceptance of service rendered by a woman may appear very pleasing, but one should be very cautious in accepting such service because it is clearly said that woman is the gateway to death, or forgetfulness of one's self. She blocks the path of spiritual realization.

Jayadvaita Swami:  Yopayati means "she", the woman described in the previous verse, the attractive woman who is described as "pramadha", "pramadha" means one who is creating craziness. One who drives a man mad. Beautiful women, attractive woman. Sanair, she approaches slowly. Sanair means slowly. It's not that she sees you, she throws her arms around you and she says, "let's have an affair, and then you can marry me and work for the rest of your life". Slowly, slowly. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says, "first she pretends she is not interested". According to an authoritative book on body language there is one device: you are not looking at her but while you are not looking at her she looks at you and keeps looking at you, and keeps looking at you until you get the creping feeling that someone is looking at you. Then, because you get this feeling that she is looking at you, you turn toward her. And that's when she turns away. And it is done with a certain gesture – what are you looking at me for??! And that of course creates further interest. Now, that she has turned away, he is totally confused, this is what is called in the hypnosis the "confusion technique". Now he is confused, was she looking at me, or was she not looking at me? I thought she was looking at me but now I was looking at her. He is completely bewildered and he does not know what's going on except that his mind is drown in thinking about the women – was she looking at me, or was she not looking at me? Was I looking at her?

So sanair, slowly the woman attracts the man. One of our ISKCON teachers of young ladies confided with me that at a certain age the girls discover that if they move in certain way, dress in certain way, they can melt the guy down. And that power becomes a kind of fascination for the girl, she has to use it.

So women all over the world would act in a way that's attractive, it's just their nature. They are constructed by the world's great expert, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He says, "mama maya durataya", my illusory energy is practically unsurpassable because I did really god job in constructing it. Particularly in the form of woman. Some place in the second canto, I think, it is said that Lord Brahma after creating so many things saw that the material energy was not sufficiently manifest, and therefore he created the form of the woman to finish the job.

So the woman is naturally made in such a way that she will be attractive to man and she will act in a way that will be attractive to man. Even if she is chaste and she is shy, that will be attractive to man. How chaste and shy that girl is! That will be attractive. Women are by nature attractive because Krsna made them in that way.
So sanair maya, maya means that what it's not what you think it is. Yopayati sanair maya yosid deva-vinirmita. The woman who slowly attracts one tam ikseta, one should see in this way – atmano mrtyum, as death.

And not just an ordinary death but ätmano måtyum, death for the soul. Death of this body, that's inevitable. For one who is born death is certain. But this is ätmano måtyum, death for the soul. The killer of the soul is mentioned in Isopanisad. How does one kill the soul? The soul is described as eternal, everlasting. So how do you kill the soul? You kill the soul by identifying it with material energy. You kill spirit by identifying with matter. Soul is sat cid ananda but matter is temporary. Matter is a source of misery and covers knowledge. So when the soul is identifying with matter then it is practically killing himself. Or if you get the soul to identify with matter you are killing the soul.

And how is the soul identifying with matter? By association, attraction between man and woman.

pumsah striya mithuna-bhavam etad
tayor mitho hrdaya-granthim ahuh
ato grha-ksetra-sutapta-vittair
janasya moho 'yam aham mameti

The attraction between male and female is the basic principle of material existence. On the basis of this misconception, which ties together the hearts of the male and female, one becomes attracted to his body, home, property, children, relatives and wealth. In this way one increases life's illusions and thinks in terms of "I and mine." (Bhagavatam 5.5.8)

Therefore in the "Transcendental teachings of Prahlad Maharaja" Prabhupada says that maya begins when you see a girl and you think – she is nice. Sex attraction. This sex attraction is the cause, or the binding force of this material existence. And therefore Lord Kapiladev is advising, see with this vision, when you see an attractive girl slowly coming forward to offer service, see your own death approaching you, your spiritual death. Ikseta, one should see in that way – maya is approaching me, trying to kill my spiritual life.

"Trsaih kupam ivavatam", the attractive woman is described as a blind well. A blind well is a well that is out there in the field and is covered with grass. An ordinary well is dangerous, you might fall into the well, but a blind well is super dangerous because you don't know it is there. You think that's just ground but actually it's a well. And real wells are deep. And if it's out in the field and you fell into it no one knows you fell in the well. They go looking for you hours late and you are gone by then. You cry for help but nobody is hearing you and you are lost. So this is the blind well, the unsuspecting person falls there, there is only grass, there is nothing substantial there, just little bit of grass.

So Lord Kapiladev very graphically and strongly says that this is what you are thinking you are going to enjoy. You are naive, you are fool. You are fool, you are naive, you think, here is something for my enjoyment. You don't know what's there. Here is it what is really there. You are totally in maya, you are thinking there is ground there, but it is a well. Just like Duryodhana became bewildered when he went to the palace of the Pandavas and he mistook the water for the land. So Kapiladev says you are naive, you think here is nice, attractive girl who is coming to do some service to me, how nice. And you don't see that it is your spiritual death that is approaching you.

Prabhupada explains, it is through service, this is a particular danger that the woman is made in such a way as to serve. And when she comes forward to do a little innocent service, the man becomes attracted but now there is a death. When there is a service offered or service rendered there is a debt incurred. I will do something for you, but now you feel, or I will make you feel, although you should not feel, that now you have to do something for me. Human relationships are full of this. There is a service account; I have done that much service for you and now you have a debt, you owe me a favor. I have done something for you, so it is understood, though might not be written down, that you should do something for me. The more favors I have done for you the more favors you owe me. And that's how it works in politics, in friendship. Anyone who receives service owes a debt to the person who rendered the service. That's natural and that's what makes human relationships.

So here the woman comes sanair sanair, slowly, slowly. Just to offer a little service. And the man thinks well, that's nice. But he does not put into account that by offering the service she is offering you the opportunity to become indebted to her. Just like the banks, they offer you credit cards, preauthorized, because by taking advantage of their service you become indebted to the point where eventually they take over your house, they take over your life. And it all started with a free offer of a preapproved credit card.

So the man unsuspectingly accepts the service. And now there is a debt, now he feels she did something for me. If it is slow and subtle enough he thinks, this is a nice girls, she did some nice service for me. He may not even think about it, but it's there, in his consciousness. Amongst so many girls, she is a nice girl because she did some service. And now he feels that he wants to reciprocate, or that he owes to reciprocate, in some small way. And now that he reciprocates in a small way she also reciprocates in a small but slightly bigger way. And then he reciprocates and she reciprocates and it builds on like that, gradually increasing the size and velocity until the relationship becomes active, or should we say, manifestly active.

So one should be very careful about that. Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura sais:
"Knowing the man's detachment the women shows her lack of desire and approaches him with the guise of service. She then becomes a source of trouble. The well is thinking: let the man fall into me. Therefore no one should go near that blind well."

If you know that out in the field there is a blind well you stay away from the whole field. You stay away from the whole area.

"No one should go near that blind well, whether one is completely indifferent, having bhakti, jnana or vairagya, whether one is unconscious because of eating or sleeping, or even death. One should avoid women completely."

This is the implication of the blind well. One should be so careful. Even in married life, Prabhupada mentions, that one should not liberally associate even with one's wife, so that life becomes only about you and your wife. This is one of the advantages of the join family system when several brothers are living together with their wives, 2-3 generations together. You get parallel societies – one male and one female, so that the men associate with men and the women with women. And it is not just about two people living in constant juncture, dealing all the time with their minds, their desires, counter desires, in relationship which is bewildering and entangling. It's restricted. The men had their section, the women had their section. And they did not spend all their time in association with one another, the family did not mean husband and wife and children, it meant a larger circle of people so that it was not just about the man and the woman.

So therefore the association between men and women in the Vedic system is restricted. Brahmacaty – no association, sannyasi – no association, vanaprastha – no sex, and grihasta life – restricted association. Not unlimited sex, not even unlimited association. Limited association. Because this association is such a cause of bewilderment. Prahlada Maharaja also uses the same example, the blind well which is killing one's spiritual life. One should be very careful about this.

I had practical experience. The first book that I edited was 3 canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. So before the book was published I had the opportunity to read the 3 canto and especially the instructions of Kapiladev. So I was little informed. While I was working at ISKCON press doing typing and editorial work, there was one, at that time young lady, who was also sometimes working at the press and sometimes doing pujari work at the New York temple. And every day she came in the afternoon, she would have come from doing the four o'clock offering to the deities and she would bring me little cup of fruit, every day. Krsna prasädam, Krsna's mercy.

Devotees: Ha-ha!!

Jayadvaita Swami: But because I was prepared from Lord Kapiladev, I graciously accepted that cup of fruit every day and gave it all away to the devotees and never touched it. Because if I have accepted it that meant accepting service. And accepting service means accepting indebtedness.

This is a practical, high-magnitude problem in our society, that sannyasis accept service from women, especially young women and they become indebted. There was one GBC man who wrote a letter to Srila Prabhupada concerned about some advanced ladies who were proposed to serve the sannyasis. And Prabhupada said no. Prabhupada said, "it is not possible, Sannyasis may have no connection with women." The sannyasis become leaders of the society or they become Gurus and then service is offered. We make spiritual advancement by serving the sannyasis or senior devotees, temple presidents, or Gurus. But one should be very careful when the service is offered by a woman because one becomes indebted.

And this is not theoretical; we have lost a lot of men. By this slow process, sanair sanair, it starts with little service, then little more service, then it becomes gratitude, then it becomes reciprocation, appreciation, then dependence, or feeling that if she is not there, why she is not there, if she is not serving me, why is she not serving me, and it grows and it grows and it becomes a disaster.

What intelligent person would say yes, I want to work hard my whole life so that we may buy curtains…and everything else. What person, seeing all the troubles that result of association of man and woman, would want to do that. What intelligent person who have done it once and burned himself, would want to do it again, and a third time?! This is called maya. As far as possible one should avoid this maya completely. If one can, one should avoid it completely. If one is serious about crossing the ocean of material existence one should be very careful about association with women and with men who are too attached to women, because they are contaminated. If we associate with such men we will catch their disease.
So Lord Kapila is very strong here, there is an empathic order for those who are serious about spiritual life and we should not minimize the value of His instructions. We should avoid this tendency to mingle, men and women "innocently" mingle, that should be cut down as far as possible. That association should be restricted. It should be as little as possible. And one should associate with Krsna by serving Krsna and by chanting the Holly Name of Krsna, being always engaged in Krsna's service.

Suresvara Prabhu: Maharaja, since elsewhere in Prabhupada's books it is said that the men form is also a form of maya for the women. A woman may think, where are the warnings for us? The men are being warned about us but where are the warnings for us about the men?

Jayadvaita Swami: Because men and women are different, the warning for the women is: "One man". For women to be without the association of a man would be more difficult because the woman is weaker and requires security and support. Men don't require anyone to support them. They can go independent. But women are designed in such a way that security is very important to them, protection is required for them, and that means a man. The father in childhood, the son in old age, and in youth - a qualified husband. So the Vedic literature, being very pragmatic and realistic, does not instruct women, "stay away from men". It says instead, "be married to one and then stay away from the rest". Women are advised to be chaste and that chastity is a form of protection for them also. A woman who is unchaste unnecessary attracts the attention of any man on the block and all sorts of trouble comes. So as the man is advised to avoid the association of women, the women are advised to be chaste and also avoid the association of men. I was just reading, when Krsna entered Dvaraka the women went up to the roof tops to see Him. They did not go down to the street to elbow out the men and mix. That means they maintained their dignity and chastity.
Women are attractive. This arouses the attention and aggressiveness of the men. Therefore in the modern way of life women dress super attractively and act super friendly and so on and it works against them. They are thinking we are free, we are equal, but what is that actually, they are setting themselves up to become victimized. The men become more attracted and more aggressive and then they file a complaint that this man sexually harassed me. But in their unrestricted position they become eligible to be victimized. I go to the Middle East every year and I see that the Muslim ladies always travel 2-3 on the street. They are covered and they maintain their dignity. And the western women come there also with their clothes and they basically announce to the world that "I am a prostitute and if you have the right amount of money I am available". No dignity. And they are simply used. And they don't become happy by being used; they go for therapy, for abortion, for this, for that, that's not happiness. And in the same time USA is making propaganda how the women in the Middle East are being oppressed. There may be some examples of oppression, but the basic principles are nondifferent from the Vedic principles, that the dignity of the women should be maintained. They themselves should maintain it and the men who are responsible for them should also take care of this.

Suresvara Prabhu: But it seems that if the men take these instructions of Kapiladev seriously there will be no men to protect the women…

Jayadvaita Swami: Everything will be over. If everyone takes this advice there will be no more marriage, there will be no more sex and no more humans, human civilization. But that's not going to happen.

Question: What should be our attitude when we see temple presidents and sannyasis accepting service from women?

Jayadvaita Swami: Well, your attitude might be - better them than me.

Devotees: Ha-ha-ha!!

Jayadvaita Swami: Those who are looking for spiritual master, for spiritual guidance, you might note it. You might note it that I like this person, he gives nice instructions, but he accepts a lot of service from women. You might take note of that. And you will not be unreasonable or foolish to take note of that. Before accepting a Guru one should observe him for one year, right? What do you observe? How he is dressing? One thing you should observe is is this person intimately associating with women. Is he accepting service from women, if he does, under what conditions, under which circumstances, to what extent? Some sannyasi he has got number one of his followers is a female, and a female is doing his laundry, and is his secretary… You might wonder and you might be justified. And if it really looks bad you might be justified to go to one of his friends and tell him I am concerned about this person. He is such an important person, responsible person, and looks like he is too close to Krsna dasi. You might be even concern to the point of raising the alarm which might be very kind think to do. What you should not do is to get to your computer and start typing messages on internet. Unless you really want to be uncultured person who does not know how to act, what to do and what not to do.
We see that even advanced people sometime accept service but with great care. Srila Prabhupada accepted service from ladies but he was very careful about it.


Jayadvaita Swami: First thing is she is attractive. May be she is chaste. But she is attractive. She is not lusty, she is not doing anything. She is just attractive. That's already a problem. That's what Kapiladev is saying, he does not say that the lusty woman is a problem; He says that the attractive woman is a problem. For someone who is trying to get out of the material energy, it's not anything wrong with her, it's him! He has a mind and the mind is attracted to that beautiful woman, that's a problem. It's not that she is evil, lusty, unchaste, acting improperly, it's just that she is attractive, that's the problem.

Question: I appreciate the class but it seems that our movement is going through phases were we have conservatives and liberals. So in some areas of the world this kind of thinking is seen as backwards…

Jayadvaita Swami: So you think that Lord Kapiladev is backwards? What does this says about your thinking?

Question: That may be correct but I just saying, in some areas of the world…
Jayadvaita Swami: But if they think there that Lord Kapiladeva is backwards, that area must be very much backwards…

Question: But these people say that since our movement is growing we have to become more liberal in order to attract new more people.

Jayadvaita Swami: How many sannyasis we have lost because they were too strict in their dealings with women? Let be real open-doubted – name one. Name one sannyasi who has fallen down because he was overly restrictive in association with women. And if you wanted to go the other way, because we will go the other way, name those who have fallen down because they were careless. We will be up in the 30, 40, and 50 in about 10 minutes. Within 5 minutes. Right? So where is the problem then? Is the problem that we are too tight in association with women, we are avoiding them too much, we are not mixing enough with them, we are not free and liberal enough, is that why we have lost so many valuable men? Is that why many areas in the world have seen their book distribution going down from here to there? Because people were too restrictive about association with women? Or is it the other way?

Candramauli Swami: Is it true that if you accept service from anyone and if you don't give it back then you have to take birth again?

Jayadvaita Swami: I never read statement like this but service creates debt, no doubt. If you accept a service from anyone it creates debt. But if you are Krsna conschious all debts are paid. And if you keep the service that someone rendered to you for yourself not redirecting it to Krsna then you create debt for yourself. Because our job is to redirect all service we receive back to Krsna and we are not supposed to keep it for ourselves.

Question: The message of Lord Kapila is strong and transcendental, how the women can use it for their benefit?

Jayadvaita Swami: They can reverse the information and understand that the material attachment to a man is also a source of trouble. Ultimately men and women have to be attracted to Krsna.

We have to understand what the material illusion really is, what sex life really is, and then only we can understand what is Radha-Krsna.

Question: This verse is so discouraging for us, women; how to overcome this material platform of low birth and to think of ourselves as spirit souls?

Jayadvaita Swami: Women should not think I am a woman, she should think I am a servant of Krsna. This warning is given to men, it is not given to women so that they start thinking I am terrible, incompetent to serve Krsna, everyone should think I am a spirit soul, a servant of Krsna. But women should know that they can serve their society, community, family, by chastity. Women should know that this modern society is not good for them. Materialistic society encourages this, you are expressing yourself, you are expressing your femininity, your womanhood. We have different culture where women become exalted by self restrain, by dignity, in that way they help the men in the society and they help themselves. There is an article in a feminist Indian magazine called "Restrain as a feminine strategy" which is available on internet. And although we might not agree with everything the author says, she has pointed out that by sexual restrain women get power. Women should know that by self restrain they get a position of power. And the lady who wrote the article gives examples about the life in a community or in the family where women opted for self restrain and how they obtained a position of power. And you can think of Sita, how empowered she was that armies were mobilized for her. Chastity has power, it is a power position. And women don't want to be powerless; women want to be empowered. By sexual looseness one disempoweres himself whether you are a man or you are a woman. So if you want to be powerful, like the question, o, I don't want to be discouraged, no, take it as opportunity to become powerful. How do you become powerful? By serving the Supreme Powerful. Krsna says everybody is eligible for devotional service, it is not only the men, everybody. Take it as a power position.

Question: If I was a young lady interested in Krsna conschiousness and I came across to this verse as my introduction to Krsna conschiousness that would not be nice, I could only hope to take birth as a man. How would you present this verse to a newcomer, a female?

Jayadvaita Swami: Well, I just did. This might not be our introductory verse when we go out to preach, but everyone should understand the basic principles that we are not this body, that we are spirit soul, so if someone is discouraged that you are talking about me in this way, but no, I am not talking about you, I am talking about someone's body. The first point is that you are not this body, man or a woman. I have to act in certain manner because my body is there, I have to take it into account, but I don't think I am this body. And what it is said for the body does not pertain to me, I am spirit soul, part and parcel of Krsna, what's this have to do with me? So I am not a man, I am not a woman. And if the newcomer stays long enough around she will find out that actually the woman is more empowered first, on the platform of chastity, and second on the platform of Krsna consciousness. Women who are chaste are more powerful than those who are not chaste. A revolutionary concept for the West.

But even modern women who are not Krsna conscious, who are not Christian, who are not religious, this is another article, that in the best colleges of USA there are societies of women who want to be chaste. Because they see it as a power position. As a feminist platform. Not as a religious platform, not as a traditional platform, as a feminist platform. We are sick and tired of being exploited, and we are exploited because we are loose. And these guys want us to be loose so that they can victimize us. And we are sick and tired of it, we are going chaste. These are women who are not religious, who do not belong to a Muslim or Hindu culture, who are just smart. So for the women chastity is the power platform and the best chastity is Krsna consciousness, so if you are a woman and you want to be empowered, chant Hare Krsna.

Devotees: Jaya! Haribol!

Question: Prabhupada advised the devotees to see women as mothers and as mothers, can we serve Vaisnava men?

Jayadvaita Swami: The example is Sacidevi, the mother of Caintanya Mahaprabhu. When He took sannyasa she was grief-stricken, that now my Nimai will leave. But she thought that, for my own happiness I would like to keep you here, but I can't do that because I have to consider your happiness, your purpose in life. So she said you please stay in Puri. She did not say you please stay at home. So that means she considered what is the best for the spiritual advancement of her son. So if the mothers of the sannyasis and the brahmacharis think in this way, what would be the best for the spiritual advancement of my son, that will be good.

Question: On what stage in Krsna consciousness one can become free from the perverted love?

Jayadvaita Swami: On the stage of Krsna prema. Then one is immuned against the influence of the perverted love. Like Haridas Thakur, when the prostitute came, after same time she just fell on the ground because nothing worked. Because he was situated on the platform of perfection. Everyone who is situated on a lower platform should be careful. And even those who are situated on that platform are careful, to set a good example for others. We have the example of Srila Prabhupada who chastised his servant for allowing him to be alone with his 70 years old sister. Prabhupada was that careful. "Why did you leave me alone with that woman??" That very old sister of his. "Why did you allow me to be alone with that woman"? That's how careful Srila Prabhupada was; and we are not on the level of Srila Prabhupada, so how careful should we be if we are serious about spiritual life and going back to Godhead.
All right, thank you very much. All glories to Srila Prbhupada.

Devotees: Haribol! His Holiness Jayadvaita Swami Maharaja ki-Jaya!

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