
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Nobody's innocent!

Nobody is innocent in this world. Each one of us is a culprit who tried to defy the authority of the Lord and desired to compete with Him. The same is happening with other fellow beings. This world is similar to a room full of dogs fighting for self-gratification and power.

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People who are in the military fighting to defend the country are recognized by the government. Similarly those who preach the message of Lord Caitanya are soldiers who are easily recognized by the Lord.

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I am right, and you are wrong!

Every person in the world thinks that he/she is right all the time and justifies his /her actions based on his/her relative perception with people and situations. But the reality is it may not be so for most of the times.

In the court of Yamaraja, the judgement of our actions will be presented and at that time we will be forced to understand the reality and our mistakes and sins if we can't humbly and gracefully accept our faults and mistakes now.

There's a famous story in Mahabharata in this regard. One time Duryodhana was asked to see who all are good around him. He went on searching but within his mind he couldn't perceive anyone else to be better than himself due to his false pride and arrogance. And finally came back saying there is none as good as himself. This is the sign of ignorant men.

When Yudhistra maharaja was asked to find someone who is the worst, he went all around and was seeing everyone else as better in qualities than himself due to his nature of finding faults within himself and magnifying even the minute faults of himself. So he finally came back saying that there is none so bad than himself. 

A person who really feels the presence of God and His supremacy always feel the self to be unqualified and humble in any situation. This is the sign of Godly men.

Best Regards


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Spirit/Matter - What are you made of?

Everything you see in this world is a combination of spirit(our real self) and matter. In other words it's a mixture of the field of activity and the knower of the field of activity(soul). When the knower comes in contact with the field of activity it is called Birth and when the knower separates from it, it's called Death.

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Varnashrama notes

Varna and ashrama should not be mixed. If we do so it will Make our life miserable. Modern society has this biggest flaw that people identify mostly themselves with the profession they are into even in their personal lives. Varna is something that helps to facilitate the ashrama. And all activities or the results should be directed towards the Supreme Lord.

The way a person responds to his wife or children will be the same whether he is Kshatriya or Brahmana or Vaisya or Sudra. If the Kshatriya brings his power into the family life then it becomes miserable.

For instance one may be a prime 
Minister but for his mother he is a son. When the mother calls him he should answer like a son, yes I am eating properly mother, taking medicines properly, I am good and sleeping well no health issues, like that. But in the office he is prime minister and people respect him as prime minister but to his mother it doesn't matter what he is at the office.

The brahmacari should practice studying the scriptures and then become qualified in the society. If he feels there's a need to understand the interaction of senses and sense objects he can enter the grihastha ashrama and then offer and engage the sense objects into the fire of senses. Once the next generation is capable of supporting the family, the man should restrain the senses from the sense objects and when during sannyasa he should completely restrain the senses from sense objects. Whatever that comes his way he should directly use only for the service of the lord.

Best Regards


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Fear of material existence is required

Akñayänanda: I think most of the devotees became by fear. I think most of the devotees have become devotees because of fear.
Prabhupäda: Fear must be. If he's a gentleman he must be afraid of this material world. That is very good qualification. If one is afraid of this material existence, it is very good symptom.
Akñayänanda: Just about every devotee, before coming to you, has thought about suicide.
Prabhupäda: Suicide? Oh.
Akñayänanda: So many, I know I have spoken with them. And myself included.
Prabhupäda: Yes, there was no hope. What is the use.
Akñayänanda: Yes. Just about every devotee, they have thought of suicide.
Prabhupäda: Yes, they commit suicide. I have seen. Fall from the...
Hari-çauri: Skyscraper.
Prabhupäda: Yes. Tower. From the bridge.
Hari-çauri: They have to put big wire screens up to stop people from jumping off.
Prabhupäda: Yes, I have seen.
Harikeça: Berkeley.
Prabhupäda: Berkeley, yes.
Hari-çauri: Everywhere. Sydney has bridges like that. These big towers like Eiffel Tower in Paris, they have big fences along the top so that no one can...
Prabhupäda: This practice is there in Vedic system. Not Vedic system, (indistinct), fall down. There is technical name. Fall down from the mountain. This is easier than other type of suicide. Because you simply once jump, but as soon as you fall, you forget everything. Suicide itself is very bad. This fall down, serotan (?) it is called.

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Today's prayer and meditations


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Salt mine

Salt mine

This material world is a place like salt mine, wherever you turn it's salt only.  In this material world wherever you turn it's just miseries in one way or the other.

- Srila Bhakti Vinoda Thakur


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