
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

The cloud of illusion

The cloud of illusion

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 03 May 2016, Vrndavana, India, Bhagavad-gita 3.34)


We may not be fully Krsna conscious, our love for Krsna may not be so deep and there may be other desires. But this is just restlessness. How much faith do we have in these other desires? Which devotee can claim to have full faith in sex life? We may be attracted to sex life but do we have full faith that it will make us happy? After having heard transcendental knowledge, it is hard to have full faith in material enjoyment. Still, we may have a flirtation with these desires here and there sometimes. For a moment we may be in the pink cloud of illusion, but then we come back to the hard reality of suffering and again, we endeavour more seriously to get out of the material world.

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A father administering candy to his son to induce the child to take medicine

A father administering candy to his son to induce the child to take medicine. 

If the child rejects the father's offer, thinking that the candy is unnecessary, the child also misses the opportunity to take the medicine that will cure him. Similarly, if a materialistic person rejects the Vedic injunctions that administer prescribed sense gratification, he will not be purified but instead will be further degraded. Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī has described a materialistic person as one whose mind and intelligence are not faithfully fixed in the message of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In Bhagavad-gītā Śrī Bhagavān, Lord Kṛṣṇa, gives wonderful explanations to the conditioned souls, represented by Arjuna, concerning the actual goal of life. One who cannot fix his mind on these instructions is to be considered a materialistic person who is inclined toward sinful activities and who must therefore submit himself to the standard Vedic injunctions. Such Vedic injunctions, even though fruitive, are considered puṇya, or pious, according to Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī, and thus one who strictly performs them will not go to hell. 

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She can't become a guru

Anything powerful should be handled carefully. If we don't handle them properly it would create havoc and disaster. For instance, if we get a flammable substance we wouldn't put it anywhere carelessly. We would put it in a safe place unlike a rock which can be put anywhere without problem. Men are of neutral energy like a rock and doesn't have special needs and care.

But, women are of high energy and they should be handled with proper care and attention. If we put them in the position of a diksha guru, the kind of atmosphere it creates is difficult for most of the men to handle. 

For instance, a man at workplace has to just do the work mechanically under a male boss and if it's a female boss he has to handle it differently. Men get confused if they are put under a female boss who has different needs. 

References from Bhakti Vidyapurna Swami Maharaj class on she can't become a guru.

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Three kinds of happinesses

Prabhupada: Yes. Three kinds of happinesses, bhoga, tyaga, and bhakti, seva. Bhoga tyaga seva. The karmis, they are after bhoga, sense enjoyment. And the jnanis, they are after another side of negation of sense enjoyment. When one is fed up with sense enjoyment... Just like in your country, the young boys, they are practically fed up with the way of sense enjoyment as their fathers and grandfathers had done. So in the name of tyaga, renunciation, they have taken another kind of sense enjoyment -- intoxication, unrestricted sex. So this is also another sense enjoyment. Bhoga and tyaga. Real enjoyment is devotion. There is a very practical example. Just like if you get all of a sudden a certain amount of money, say, one hundred rupees note lying on the street, if you get... Or lying here. So if you take it, your conscience will beat, because that does not belong to you. You have picked up. You'll always think, "Oh, I am taking somebody's money. Whose money it was? I'm doing some sinful." In this way, your mind will disturb. So that is the taking. And similarly, if you don't take, if you leave it there, then you'll also be disturbed. You'll think, "Somebody has left this money here. So I did not collect it. Somebody will collect it, and he'll take it away. This is not nice." The best thing is that you pick it up and, if you deliver to the person who has lost the money or who has left that money. Three things. The one thing is bhoga, if you take yourself. And if you don't take, that is tyaga. And if you pick it up and deliver to the right person, that is devotion.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => The Nectar of Devotion -- Calcutta, January 29, 1973 

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Six Symptoms of Surrender to Sri Hari

Six Symptoms of Surrender to Sri Hari
(Jaiva Dharma, Ch. 6, pp. 121-22)

1) anukulyasya sankalpa – doing only what is favorable for unalloyed bhakti.
2) pratikulyasya varjanam – rejecting everything unfavorable for unalloyed bhakti.
3) raksisyatiti visvaso – having faith that only Bhagavan is one's protector.
4) goptrtve varjanam – accepting Bhagavan as one's only maintainer.
5) atma-niksepa – complete submission of oneself.
6) karpanye – feeling meek, humble, insignificant, wretched, materially destitute, etc.

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****Advantages of Being a Krishna Devotee

****Advantages of Being a Krishna Devotee**** (^_^) Devotee of god

1. You will always be sure more confident that Krishna will protect you
2. No matter how much fallen you are, Spiritual master will never leave you
3. Don't worry about depression, Krishna kirtans are immediate reliefs
4. you don't need to get scared of anyone or anything, our superhero is in
always charge to rescue us by just one call in return for love.
5. You are never ever gonna be alone.24/7 365/366days he is in charge of
taking care of us perfectly any time anywhere.Eternal Companion
6. We are servants of the lord, But Krishna treats you as VIPS.He will
never bear an insult against his surrendered souls. He used his sudarshana(
DISC) weapon most powerful just for his devotee who was tested by a sage.
7.The most beautiful part is knowing you have an eternal mother and father.
that's sounds great isn't it?
8.Krishna is your True eternal Husband, Friend, Father, Child. Mother and
Everything you need him to be.
9. He crosses limits just for your love.
10. He has everything still accepts one handful of Flattened rice.
11. You will never be Disappointed.
12. You do a little service he considers it has the greatest of all
13. The one who always want you be happy.
14. You don't need a net, mobile, currency, Satellite, or not even you need
to walk along for a temple .you can speak to him at any instance. He
resides inside of your heart, Before you think he is there within you and
within everyone even The animals bees ants all the species.
15. The merciful mother.
23. You have a magic world, you can fly play with Krishna.
24. You will never lose any of you friends in that magical world
25. All are equally highly intelligent. Even trees grants your wishes
26. Knowing you are a soul, a soul cant be burnt, killed, hurt, No discrimination, no religion, no fights, all are beautiful. The only differentiation you can make out is Knowledge. Whoa!
27. Your Father is the creator, King of scientist. Lord of Brahma, Lord of Shiva, Father of jesus, father of 32crores of demigods. King of Scientist,
he makes no discoveries but creates. Your father has all magical powers.True hero of all the time.
28. You can know the truth behind your birth, Secret behind the death
That's a surprise.
29. All you need to do is chant his names sing, eat delicious prasadham
(food offered to him with love)roam around all the temple Around the globe
enjoy the nature,Dance.
Swim in Rivers. Spend a happy life finally love him more Enter the magical
eternal World called Vaikunta.
30. The one who accepts Leaf, flower, fruits, Pure water, As an offering
filled with true love.
31. You will be never bored.
32. Lord of death will be scared to come near you, Krishna will send his
personal managers to bring you back home
33.Good news is you will be never betrayed, cheated for trusting him loving
him more.
34. You will lose Many things by chanting his name! Anger, ego, lust, bad
habits, Selfishness, Loneliness, Fear Etc etc.
35. He promises to give you Knowledge about him if you just will for it.
36. He is ready to accept you the way you are.
37. You don't need to a hindu, muslim , christian, rich, powerful,
beautiful. All you need is love for him a will to understand Him.
38. Krishna is always thinking about you. Just turn back to Lord
39. He Protected Gajendra an Elephant. So he is merciful accepts devotion
in any case. You dont need human too. He is impartial excepts no money gold
valuables, The one quality is Chant call his name with love!
40. Give him love get back Unlimited.

There is countless happiness. These are Just a trailer. Welcome to our happy world you will be never sad for being a devotee surrendered soul.

Courtesy : Shyam Dasi

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Falling into a blind well full of snakes

By associating with material desires one after another, I was following the general populace by falling into a blind well full of snakes.

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Instant gratification & instant suffering

Instant noodles, instant coffee everything we need instantly in today's fast moving world. And finally what's the end result? Instant karmic reaction which is only multiplying the pain that we already have. People who are thoughtful can understand the defect of material sense gratification. We want to enjoy our senses right now & get pleasure. But the material nature won't allow us to do so beyond a limit. The more we try to enjoy the senses, the more we suffer. That's how this world is designed. 

A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires-that enter like rivers into the ocean which is ever being filled but is always still-can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires.

Bhagavad Gita#2.7

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