
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Kirtan -the Yoga Bliss tour-2010 with Amala Kirtan das


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Lyrics:Surrender-Gauravani Das
Twenty-five years of doing it my way, has brought me here.
The road behind me is littered with the ruins,
Decisions made in fear.
“But don’t be afraid,”
The Lord has so sweetly said,
And depending on his word,
I will surrender, surrender, surrender, surrender
(da da da da da da…)

My habitual desire to control, I now abandon.
And from my schemes so carefully conceived,
I release everyone.
And in humility,
Set you free from me.
My playing God is over.
Now I surrender, surrender, surrender, surrender
(da da da da da da…)

I pray to be a bow, upon my life, affix an arrow,
A dazzling weapon of Your will.
Like the poet says, “Let that string that sings be mine.”
And as a simple tool of your design.
Remember, remember
Pretender, pretender
Surrender, surrender


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it is your desire and not mine


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 2/8/11

A devotee has to practise to take distance from his feelings. We have to become an observer of our own feelings and judge them from a distance and we practise this. Not just, every time some impulse comes up, then we have to do it - No, we just have to look at it from a distance.
"Look at this, what this mind is doing now"
as if you are a spectator and see what this mind wants from us today. It is amazing what the mind comes up with.
Like that one must be able to observe his own thinking, willing and feeling, the functions of the mind.
So, as a matter of practice, that's what it means that we are not this body, we start becoming a observer of the body, we can start to think that's not me.
Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur wrote an article:
'The real and the apparent self ' - and there is a section where he says that he is no longer going to entertain the body and the mind, only as much as it requires to keep the body and the soul together and for the rest he is not going to listen to it he is not going to take it seriously.
He says "For so long I have taken whatever you have presented as my own interest , but no longer I will accept whatever you dictate as I my own, I will clearly see that:
'it is your desire and not mine'"

Transcribed By Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sydney October 2010)


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Stay Strong - Official Music Video


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Art of Living or Dying? Which is worthy?

This world is a temple of miseries&all things here r temporary.Yet
there's another world(Spiritual) where there's life full of
bliss,everexisting&full knowledge-LordKrsna.D creator Himself says
it's miserable here but some fools adjust2bcome happy by
ArtOfLiving.Krsna says learn d ArtOf Dying2Live forever


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