
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

The Lord Forgets!

From: Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)

The domestic scene in the majority of households in the morning time when children are getting ready to leave for the school and the adults are about to leave for their offices is one of frantic searching for things. Right from the young ones to the old ones, everybody forgets where they placed their things and this results in the morning time being the most stressful one, searching for things.

We see that children after putting in long hours of study forget the whole thing when they see the question paper. We even hear so many doctors operating the right side of the body instead of the left side out of forgetfulness. On top of all this, we conveniently forget all the favors we have received from others and thus become ungrateful personalities who are condemned everywhere. Thus forgetfulness plays havoc in the lives of everyone without exception.

This makes us feel that forgetfulness is a great curse and we start wondering as to how to get relieved of this curse. If we look deep into the matter, we will understand that even though forgetfulness leads to a lot of troubles, chaos and confusion, there are still certain advantages and merits associated with it.

Suppose we start remembering all our activities in all our previous births or for that matter if we remember everything that happens in our lives minute by minute, how can we survive without being insane? Forgetfulness is the healing agent that makes us forget the so many untoward things happening in our lives, the loss of near and dear ones, the insults and injuries meted out to us and if they keep on lodging themselves in our heart, how can we lead a normal life? So in these cases, our forgetfulness is a real boon.

All said and done, we have to accept that a good memory power is indeed essential for successful running of a household or an enterprise or a country. Then what to talk of the running the whole cosmic show? The Supreme Lord and controller must be having a prodigious memory power in order to manage the whole thing meticulously and perfectly. Srila Prabhupada says in his purport to Bhagvad Gita 15.15 "antah-pravishtah shaastaa janaanaam."The living entity forgets as soon as he quits his present body, but he begins his work again, initiated by the Supreme Lord. Although he forgets, the Lord gives him the intelligence to renew his work where he ended his last life.

Thus our greatest good fortune is that our Lord has an exceptional memory power as we see again from the following verse. In Adi purana the Lord Krishna says to Arjuna,

shraddhayaa helayaa naama ratanti mama jantavah
teshaam naama sadaa partha vartate hrdaye mama

"O Arjuna, listen attentively! When the living entity chants My name, whether out of devotion or indifference, then his name will remain forever in My heart, I will never forget such a soul."

We insignificant mortals are so much dependent upon this memory power of the Lord to remember the good things done by us that in Ishopanishad text 17 there is a fervent appeal to the memory of the Lord.

vaayur anilam amrtam / athedam bhasmaantam shariram
om krato smara krtam smara / krato smara krtam smara

"Let this temporary body be burnt to ashes, and let the air of life be merged with the totality of air. Now, O my Lord, please remember all my sacrifices, and because You are the ultimate beneficiary, please remember all that I have done for You."

Fearing the worst that we will be overwhelmed by our forgetfulness of the Lord at the time of death, Shri Kulasekhara Alwar prays in his famous prayer "My Lord Krishna, I pray that the swan of my mind may immediately sink down to the stems of the lotus feet of Your Lordship and be locked in their network; otherwise at the time of my final breath, when my throat is choked up with cough, how will it be possible to think of You?"

The magnanimous Lord replies in Varaha purana carama sloka that all that a devotee has to do is to surrender to Him, when in full possession of his faculties. At the moment of death, even if the devotee were to lie unconscious and senseless as a stone, the Lord with the long memory remembers what the devotee did when he was well, takes the person under His wings and bestows on Him the best of all worlds. Lord assures - "aham smaraami mad bhaktam", telling us that not a single good thing we do to Him (!) is forgotten.

As we relax ourselves that the Lord indeed remembers, we shudder at the thought of what would be our position if the Lord starts remembering all our offences so meticulously. Here comes Lord Ramachandra (whose glorious appearance day was celebrated yesterday), pacifying us and assuring us with His magnificent attribute as extolled in Srimad Ramayana

kathanchit upakaarena krtena ekena tushyati
na smarati apakaaraanaam satamapi aatmavattayaa

"Lord Ram is eternally pleased by even a single small favor done at some point of time, whereas He forgets in a jiffy all the bad turns done to Him however grave and numerous they are. "

Thus this attribute is of paramount importance for the sinful living entities like us. That is why the Lord is glorified as Hari medhase, whose brain works only for the deliverance of the conditioned soul. (SB 4.30.24 )

Source: An extract from an email addressed to Grantraj Yahoo Groups by H G Vaijayanti Mala mataji, disciple of H H Maha Vishnu Goswami Maharaj.

Your unworthy servant,


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Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das
(Dr Satish Gosain MBBS DNB i Med)
Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
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Getting Juice?

What will you get from the cane if it's crushed again and again and again???
There'll be no more juice...That's the same case with Sense enjoyment.
Initially it may appear to have some juice but in due course of time
it becomes more and more miserable.


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Why do we feel emptiness in heart even tho in the midst of all facilities?

God is the source of all that is moving and not moving in the
Universe.Everything is owned and controlled by Him.But v act so
intelligently to remove God from everything and put ourselves in
everything.This is the reason for the complete chaos&dissatisfaction
all around the world.
It's simply a child's play for our claim of false proprietorship. Of
course We can make use of the resources provided by Him but with
gratitude&proper knowledge for His satisfaction. If He's satisfied by
our activities then our life becomes perfect. Just like in a family
also we can see the man works so hard for the satisfaction of the
family members but in the end the gift he gets in return is oldage and
disease only. All the love everyone had on him will be lost&he'll be
considered invalid for his inability to do anything himself.


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via Seed of Devotion by Bhakti lata on 15/05/11


My feet are adorned
with the anklebells
of a thousand roads.
Where to walk
where to run
where to dance?
I trust not
the illegible directions
I have scrawled upon my hand
with the ink of my mind.
The dust of uncertainty
rises from these roads
to sting my eyes.
I must close my eyes
I must raise my arms
I must spin and spin -
the music
of my anklebells
shall swirl around me
in golden ribbons.
The music of God
is my map.
If I only
the world shall open
in a divine symphony.



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KKSBlog - News

KKSBlog - News

Being Indebted

Posted: 22 May 2011 02:22 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2002)

Being indebted is a very natural feeling whenever some love is given. We experience this also in this world. If somebody in a very loving way goes out of his way for us, and really takes a lot of trouble for us – we can never forget it, and we always feel indebted. Later if that person needs our help – we'll help him – spontaneously we want to help him. We feel indebted to this person. We don't think:

" I have a debt to him, and I got to pay. I have to help him".

No! We want to because, he lovingly helped us so much in the past. So that is only material, so what to speak of the spiritual platform. The sense of feeling grateful for what one receives is so great that one wants to just always do whatever one can for that person, and that's how it worked with Prabhupada. The disciples at one point in the final days said to Prabhupada:

"Prabhupada you are driving us mad with love! You are driving us mad!"

And Prabhupada did. He gave so much mercy, and so much kindness in his teaching and he was just bringing his intimate disciples to a higher levels of Krishna Consciousness, which was driving them mad with love – he did. Therefore, the sense of how could you ever forget Prabhupada! So in the same way if we get krpā-siddha – that's is such a great thing – the wonderful love for Krishna, and we would naturally want to pay him back again and again!

Becoming His instrument

Posted: 22 May 2011 01:10 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sydney, March 2011)

The well-wisher of all – that's a noble thought.  And that is the mood of Krsna and the mood of Krsna's devotee.  Therefore those who chant the Holy Name of Krsna, they get into that mood.  Instead of thinking about themselves, 'me, I and mine, and as much as I can get!'  To please and see what one can manipulate and get out of people… instead of that, they think of the benefit of all.  The benefit of everyone, not only my happiness, not my happiness based on the suffering of others – no, our happiness to include the happiness of all!  That is something, and if we can take up that, then that's a very great goal.

One can find the inspiration to really take that up by chanting the Hare Krsna Maha-mantra, because when we chant the Hare Krsna Maha-mantra, we become purified from our lower nature and then we begin to develop an attraction to serving Krsna.  The more we serve Krsna, the more taste we get and the more we become dedicated to serving Krsna, to the point where we become His instrument.  And when we are so dedicated that we become His instrument, then we can be the well-wisher of all living beings and then that becomes our own meditation.  Then we are on fire!   Then we are so inspired!  Then our whole life becomes meaningful

Vyasa-puja 2011 Initiation video

Posted: 22 May 2011 12:06 PM PDT

An inspiring event took place on April 29th 2011, as the Radhadesh community witnessed five college students receive initiated from Kadamba Kanana Swami. He spoke of the importance of the vows and performed the fire sacrifice. Eight other devotees joined the students, including one seventy-year-old Dutchman, who became Jagannath Dasa. The students' spiritual names are listed here:

Bisvajit Chandra Dasa became Vrndavan Dasa.
Gabi became Gayatri Devi Dasi.
Kumari Dasi became Kumari Kunti Devi Dasi.
Nimai Chaitanya Dasa became Visvambar Chaitanya Dasa.
Sukumari took second initiation.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Symptoms of Kali Yuga (part 7)

Posted: 22 May 2011 12:00 PM PDT

Transcribed by Dips Prabhu

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2011)
I think there is one devotee in our movement who is really doing a significant service at the moment and his name is Vaisheshika. He is a disciple of Srila Prabhupada who also is a Spiritual Master in America, who is having a program for weekend warriors – He is the founder of the weekend warriors, and weekend warriors: Yes, men and woman, old and young are all going out on the weekends and distributing some books.

It is very well organised and taken care of. For example when they take a new person out on book distribution they say: 'For the first few times you can not distribute books you can only watch' – He said that if someone is a natural they will disobey their order and will start doing it! but if somebody is afraid then they'll watch for three times and they will then feel good.

It makes it supportive, it is going on, this program is slowly catching on in California where he works – it is catching on in England and it is catching on in South Africa – It is definitely going to catch on!

I will do whatever I can to help that, because otherwise if we don't do something about Kali Yuga then we will just sit here waiting for Kali Yuga to come through the door and gradually it grows over the doors, it goes through the windows, the mode of ignorance – and that is how it is – the business of this movement is to put out the transcendental sound vibration everywhere – and of course we do not want to pressurise ..I am proposing the gentle way, like Vaishaishika was saying: "We used to think that in Sankirtana and Book Distribution you had to climb over the wall, sneek in illegally, duck the security, distribute books and that was real Sankirtana"

He says "Nowadays, we just ask for permission and most of the times we get it!"…. so that was a good point….

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