
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Fear of material existence is required

Akñayänanda: I think most of the devotees became by fear. I think most of the devotees have become devotees because of fear.
Prabhupäda: Fear must be. If he's a gentleman he must be afraid of this material world. That is very good qualification. If one is afraid of this material existence, it is very good symptom.
Akñayänanda: Just about every devotee, before coming to you, has thought about suicide.
Prabhupäda: Suicide? Oh.
Akñayänanda: So many, I know I have spoken with them. And myself included.
Prabhupäda: Yes, there was no hope. What is the use.
Akñayänanda: Yes. Just about every devotee, they have thought of suicide.
Prabhupäda: Yes, they commit suicide. I have seen. Fall from the...
Hari-çauri: Skyscraper.
Prabhupäda: Yes. Tower. From the bridge.
Hari-çauri: They have to put big wire screens up to stop people from jumping off.
Prabhupäda: Yes, I have seen.
Harikeça: Berkeley.
Prabhupäda: Berkeley, yes.
Hari-çauri: Everywhere. Sydney has bridges like that. These big towers like Eiffel Tower in Paris, they have big fences along the top so that no one can...
Prabhupäda: This practice is there in Vedic system. Not Vedic system, (indistinct), fall down. There is technical name. Fall down from the mountain. This is easier than other type of suicide. Because you simply once jump, but as soon as you fall, you forget everything. Suicide itself is very bad. This fall down, serotan (?) it is called.

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Salt mine

Salt mine

This material world is a place like salt mine, wherever you turn it's salt only.  In this material world wherever you turn it's just miseries in one way or the other.

- Srila Bhakti Vinoda Thakur


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Krishna and cow


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Householder life is a big responsibility

A householder has to make sure he cares for elderly people as well as young children nicely. In Mahabharata, Yudhistra maharaja would everyday goto Dhritarashtra in the morning after he wakes up to check how he is doing and talks to him for sometime to make him feel good&ensured he got enough care personally.

Being a householder means being very responsible. Not that because I am chanting I have no duties to perform. We heard enough of these from even some senior devotees. Madhavendra Puri's state of consciousness was completely different and he was not even begging as that's one of the duties of renounced order of life to maintain the self. He was totally dependent on Krishna and he ate only when someone came forward to give something as directed by Supersoul. We are not on that level to be irresponsible or without care for ourself or our family members. Of course the Lord is the ultimate maintainer but he is not our servant.

Your Servant,

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