
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

The seed within me & you is ever existing!

The seed within me, within you, everyone,the seed is there. And as soon as the seed takes place in the mother's womb, the seed begins to fructify, little by little. Then it comes out. When it is properly developed with hands and legs and eyes, it comes out from the mother's womb. Then again develops, again develops. He becomes a boy, he becomes a youth,he becomes a... So many things, changes everything. But that seed is permanent. The body is changing, but the seed is there. Therefore it is sanatana. It is very easy to understand how we change our body. We are changing our body every moment, imperceptibly. Imperceptibly, we are changing our body every, every moment, every second. So change of body is a fact. Therefore that bijam, that small particle, spark of spirit, that is sanatana. This body is changing. Now, when it is changed to another body, that means transmigration of the soul from one body to another. This is a fact, and it is not very difficult to understand. We are changing our body every moment-Srila Prabhupada


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As tolerant as earth!


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via Mayapur TV Archives by ashok on 24/05/11

H.G. Yajna Murti prabhu got his initiation from H.H. Hridayananda Das Goswami. He was born in Porto Alegre, Brasil. He visits Mayapur frequently. Prabhu came in contact with the Hare Krishna Movement in 1995 in Nova Gokula.
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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.16.7
titikṣaty akramaḿ vainya
upary ākramatām api
bhūtānāḿ karuṇaḥ śaśvad
ārtānāḿ kṣiti-vṛttimān

titikṣati — tolerates; akramam — offense; vainyaḥ — the son of King Vena; upari — on his head; ākramatām — of those who are trampling; api — also; bhūtānām — to all living entities; karuṇaḥ — very kindhearted; śaśvat — always; ārtānām — to the aggrieved; kṣiti-vṛtti-mān — accepting the profession of the earth.

This King Pṛthu will be very, very kind to all citizens. Even though a poor person may trample over the King's head by violating the rules and regulations, the King, out of his causeless mercy, will be forgetful and forgiving. As a protector of the world, he will be as tolerant as the earth itself.

King Pṛthu is herein compared to the earthly planet as far as his tolerance is concerned. Although the earth is always trampled upon by men and animals, it still gives food to them by producing grains, fruits and vegetables. As an ideal king, Mahārāja Pṛthu is compared to the earthly planet, for even though some citizens might violate the rules and regulations of the state, he would still be tolerant and maintain them with fruits and grains. In other words, it is the duty of the king to look after the comforts of the citizens, even at the cost of his own personal convenience. This is not the case, however, in Kali-yuga, for in Kali-yuga the kings and heads of state enjoy life at the cost of taxes exacted from the citizens. Such unfair taxation makes the people dishonest, and the people try to hide their income in so many ways. Eventually the state will not be able to collect taxes and consequently will not be able to meet its huge military and administrative expenses. Everything will collapse, and there will be chaos and disturbance all over the state.


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H.G, Yajna Murti prabhu speaks on S.B.4.16.7
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Symptoms of Kali Yuga (part 8)


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via by Aatish on 23/05/11

Transcribed by Dips Prabhu

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2011)

In my time in Europe, we used to do hospitals with Prabhupada's books and they used to just send us into a hospital, no permission – nothing!

We just walked into the hospital with the books.

Imagine, during the visiting hour, the ward is full of people – Two devotees go and one goes and stands on a chair and gives a speech,

"Today, we are a wonderful charity action and everyone is welcome to help out"

The other one gives everyone a book and waits to accept a donation – and then one person feels generous and walks up and the devotee says,

"This gentleman gave, look people see what you can do"

and in hospital everyone is in a charitable mood, but then suddenly in the middle of it all the main nurse would walk in and say:

"What are you doing here!!?"..

and then we would have to be very relaxed and say "The charity action"

She goes: "The charity action?"

"Yeah, the charity action"

and then she goes "huh?"..

…very suspicious but bewildered at the same time – meanwhile we would collect the last bit of cash, smile to all the people and "Thank you so much, very much appreciate it"

and we came out and sometimes the nurse is standing there and then we have to talk again with the nurse – sometimes if you talk fast you could escape – and then we would go one floor down and we would do it all over again!

I was almost a patient in this hospital!


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via Gita Coaching by on 23/05/11

Ljubljana, Slovenia

The starting point of all significant change is mindset.

If there is any one secret to effectiveness, it is concentration. Effective leaders do first things first … and they do one thing at a time.

To me, shooting for the rhinoceros in our Krsna conscious Society means not so much building big temples or distributing millions of books but building a goodwill, unity and trust in our devotional communities.

In the Age of Quarrel it is very difficult to cooperate and to agree and so this is the greatest challenge.

Organization and intelligence or intelligently managed organization cannot be made without unity and trust.

These are some of the most important pillars of our leadership strategy. These are some of our top priorities.

We must work in the service of Krsna but also on the service. It means to be clear what we are doing and why. And what we are trying to achieve.

Another task is to be able to challenge people without hurting them or insulting them. One way to do that is to ask hard questions in a soft way.

The leader of the past knew how to tell. The leader of the future will know how to ask.


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via Gita Coaching by on 24/05/11

Ljubljana, Slovenia

If you don't care about devotee care you are not a leader or a preacher. You are only a manager.

Both leadership and management are important but you cannot manage people. We manage things, but we lead people.

People are more important than projects. Without people there are no projects.


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