
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

We have to endeavour again and again

True that I didnt Shave too!! ;)


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via KKS Blog by (Jan) on 3/03/11

One has to say no. No! - to the lower nature and:
Yes! - to spiritual activity.
Every time - again. Never is there a time when we've done it, when we are successful.
"Now I've done it, now I've conquered my lower nature. Now I've conquered the material energy."
No! Again and again one has to conquer. Again and again.
And as soon as we stop, the material energy takes over again.

Just like the jungle: The plants, they just take over and you have to cut and to trim again and again, and they then grow back.

Or like the beard, or like the hair, every time again you have to shave – didn't shave this morning... It just never stops. It never stops. It keeps on growing'
"It's too much, this shaving."
Again and again - that's the nature of spiritual life!

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sydney, Australia, March 2011)


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Who is d proprietor?

Whose property is dis vast ocean,vast land?How d sky exists,How d
countless no of stars&planets r set in d sky?Who has made dis
Universe&Whose property is it?Certainly,there's a
proprietor4everything.How v became proprietors?D land was there b4our
birth,it'll exist even after our death.Who's d proprietor?


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Searching4Water is not wrong but@desert is!

D great ocean of MaterialNature is tossing wid d waves of time&d
living condns r like foam bubbles which appear as bodily
self,wife,children,society etc.Due2ignorance of our real self as
soul,v search after permanent living condns in dis world which is
impossible.Searching4water isnt
Wrong but@desert is


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Realization means you should write, every one of you, what is your realization

"Realization means you should write, every one of you, what is your realization. .. You write your realization, what you have realized about Krishna. That is required. It is not passive. Always you should be active. Whenever you find time, you write. Never mind, two lines, four lines, but you write your realization. Sravanam kirtanam, writing or offering prayers, glories. This is one of the function of the Vaishnava. You are hearing, but you have to write also. Then write means smaranam, remembering what you have heard from your spiritual master, from the scripture."

(Srila Prabhupada, Los Angeles, August 14th, 1972)


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Wake up from sleeping state...even tho wide awake,u r sleeping in spiritual life

Wake up sleeping soul,wake up.So long u've been sleeping in the laps
of the witch,maya-illusion.Dont u c dat u r trapped by ur
desires2serve ur senses? No matter how much u serve them,they never
become kind upon u.4eons u served but never was there a time d senses
satisfied u but dragged in2pitch dark well filled with
scorpions&poisonous snakes.Now Lord Gaura Sundara has come2rescue u
with Harinam.


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