Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
This is the origin of Universe according to the Vedic scriptures. Not big bang theory which speculates that the hot gases becoming cold after million yearand suddenly all wonderful universes and people are there. These are childish thoughts from so called scientists.
Intelligent people can ask a question like where did the hot gases initially come from? There is no starting point for these bluffers to begin with. We are fooled right from our school days in text books with these speculations.
Best Regards,
Matter comes from spirit - life comes from life not from void
The cycle of sacrifice
My Dear Spiritual Children, Siksa Disciples, well-wishers and other devotees who are helping me and are being helped by me,
Please accept my best wishes and blessings. All glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
I have been wanting to send out a letter to all of you every month, but somehow this has always been delayed. As such, some months have gone by. I will try to catch up.
This year we went on safari to North Bengal, Assam and Tripura. Then we went back to Mayapur for Ram Navami festival after which some devotees observed my Vyasa-Puja. Then I went to the Indian National Meetings, ICC, Advisory Council and Bureau.
From the start of this Gaurabda or our Gaudiya Vaisnava new year, we have been looking ahead at next year's Gaura Purnima Festival 2014 in Sri Mayapur. We are scheduled to have the ILS or ISKCON Leadership Sanga at the beginning of the 2014 festival. We then have the Sankirtan Mela. As usual every five years, there is a Maha Abhiseka of Panchatattva Deities and that is also set for 2014. Thereafter, there is our Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama, but 2014 is special because it would be the 25th year anniversary of the Parikrama. I am thinking of several special additions for the parikrama. One is visiting a new place. Others are surprises! All this culminates at the Gaura Purnima of 2014, after which, for the safari goers, we intend to visit Bangladesh, which is always very ecstatic because the Bangladesh people always receive the devotees with great enthusiasm. To accomplish all this we have to make many preparations and so from the beginning of this Gaurabda we are busy preparing Sri Mayapur for the influx of new devotees.There are some special plans
I would like to see all you devotees, but it is not possible for me to travel all of the places I used to. I can only visit some places. We intend to plan that in the future, devotees would be able to see me either in Mayapur, or in the different continents. The preoccupation I now have is how all of you can go back to Godhead in this lifetime. If I can get you all back to Srila Prabhupada, then I am sure you will all reach the spiritual world. Disciples of other gurus, if I can help them to get back to Srila Prabhupada, I am sure you will all reach the spiritual world. There are two factors. One is to maintain spiritual life by chanting, by following regulative principles and by doing sadhana bhakti. The second is to gradually increase and improve our devotional service. It means each devotee has to be very responsible to perform their Krsna Consciousness in a very regulated and progressive way. I hope that you will all be chanting and increasing your devotional service in a responsible way. Those who are grihasthas, should along with their spouses engage in devotional service and see that their children also become Krsna Conscious. Those who are brahmacaris, vanaprasthas or sannyasis should think how they can utilize every thought, every word and every deed in Krsna's service.
I am keeping this short. My best wishes to all of you.
Your well wisher always,
Jayapataka Swami
Message from Srila Gurumaharaj
Prasadam Breakfast&Lunch - Bread sandwich (Cheese, bell pepper, cucumber, salted butter, peanut butter), water melons, Orange juice
Posted by dinesh
Jul 28
Bhagavad Gita#10.8
ahaà sarvasya prabhavo
mattaù sarvam pravartate
iti matvä bhajante mäm
budhä bhäva-samanvitäh
I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me.
The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.
Krishna is banging the big bang theory!!!
The lost beauty
The Health Benefits of Drinking Water
Steps to becoming brave
Steps to becoming brave
Many gurus
Many gurus
The path of progress
dehinām iha dehiṣu
prāṇair arthair dhiyā vācā
śreya-ācaraṇaṁ sadā, (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.22.35; CC Adi-Lila 9.42)
Changing ashram
Very sorrowful news.Hare Krsna,PAMHO.All Glories To Srila Gurudeva and Srila Prabupada. Pls kindly pray for the Moscow devotees.Moscow ISKCON Temple now Ordered Closed
by Court OrderBY: MOSCOW CORRESPONDENTJul 14, 2013 — MOSCOW, RUSSIA (SUN) — Moscow ISKCON Temple now ordered closed in ten days by Moscow City Government's final court decision.After many so many past close calls and demands for closure, with many previous demands for closure delayed, the final decision was made by the Moscow government, city officials and the courts, ordering the ISKCON Moscow temple closed in a brief ten's days time. An impossible feat.The Moscow devotees are ordered to immediately vacate the original Moscow land given to them by the Moscow government to build their temple. It was a gift to them, but was revoked/canceled by them). Now, four days ago, the final court decision has brought this drama to a sad end for ISKCON Moscow. The ISKCON Moscow temple must leave its current, formally donated location.This has come as a complete unexpected surprise to the Moscow ISKCON devotees, who were not at all given enough time to move from there by officials. There are many temporary structures and Temple altar/kitchens there. Moving is a costly and time consuming task, which will take many weeks to do. Ten days is not enough time warning time given to ISKCON Moscow. This is tragic, inconsiderate and awful.Suddenly, an unannounced government official came to the temple to deliver the final irrevocable court decision to end Moscow ISKCON Temple's right to exist there. It is an extreme order for them to vacate the temple within the next ten days time, or to face certain extreme actions from the city officials against them.To make matters even worse and insulting for the Russian devotees, Moscow ISKCON will now sadly face a 7 million ruble fine, and also bulldozers to knock down the temple building and its brahamacari ashrams and temple offices. There is also a huge, expensive pandal adjacent to the temple, a professional tent used year round for many visiting gurus and seniors devotees as well as important huge festivals, now also in danger of being destroyed by the city officials.This comes at the same time when, in just a short time, the biggest festival of the Moscow Russian Yatra is to be held: Sri Krsna Janmastami and Srila Prabhupada's Appearance day programs will be crippled severely, as there will be no place now to hold it.The ten day ultimatum to vacate the temple and move out is an impossible deadline, as more time will be needed to dissemble the massive tent and buildings, what to speak of relocating the presiding Deities, Sri Sri Dayal Nitai Sachi Suta, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Dieties Who will be rendered homeless soon by this heavy action, suddenly and ruthlessly enforced by the Moscow City government officials.At this time, I ask ALL ISKCON Temples and devotees to search their hearts and souls and understand how serious this is, and how Srila Prabhupada would have expected actions and help from our entire ISKCON Society for Moscow ISKCON. Please understand the very great need now of coming forward and helping Srila Prabhupada's Russian devotees in their time of grave danger and need. It's a sincere call to rescue the ISKCON Moscow Temple project.This is an URGENT appeal to all GBC members, and I humbly ask all ISKCON Temples, all over the world to come forward with help for Moscow ISKCON in this grave crisis situation.Thank YouAll Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to the Russian devotees--
Moscow Temple Ordered to Close
Song Name: Jaya Madhava Madana Murari
Official Name: None
Author: Anonymous
Book Name: None
Language: Braja Bhasa
jaya mādhava madana murārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma
jaya keśava kali-mala-hārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma
sundara kuṇḍala naina viśāla, gale sohe vaijantī-mālā
yā chavi kī balihārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma
kabahūń luṭa luṭa dadhi khāyo, kabahūń madhu-vana rāsa racāyo
nācata vipina-vihārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma
gvāla-bāla sańga dhenu carāi, vana-vana brahmata phire yadu-rāi
kāńdhe kāmara kārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma
curā curā nava-nīta jo khāyo, vraja-vanitana pai nāma dharāyo
mākhana-cora murārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma
eka-dina māna indra ko māryo, nakha upara govardhana dhāryo
nama paḍayo giridhārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma
duryodhana ko bhoga na khāyo, rūkho sāga vidura ghara khāyo
aise prema pujārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma
karuṇā kara draupadī pukārī, paṭa lipaṭa gaye vana-vārī
nirakha rahe nara nārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma
bhakta-bhakta saba tumane tāre, binā bhakti hama ṭhāḍe dvāre
lījo khabara hamārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma
arjuna ke ratha hāńkana hāre, gītā ke upadeśa tumhāre
cakra-sudarśana-dhārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma
(Refrain) Glories to the husband of the goddess of fortune, who is the transcendental Cupid and the enemy of the demon Mura. Glories to the divine couple Radhe Syama, also known as Syama Syama! Glories to Lord Kesava, who has fine hair, who removes the miseries of the age of Kali—Radhe Syama Syama Syama!
1) O Krsna, You wear beautiful earrings, and You have lovely widened eyes. Around Your neck hangs the splendrous vaijanti flower garland. Your complexion is most excellent—Radhe Syama Syama Syama!
2) Sometimes You secretly plunder yogurt and eat it, and sometimes You design a rasa-dance performance with the young gopis in the forest of Madhuvana. There dances Vipina-Vihari, You who love to sport in the forest— Radhe Syama Syama Syama!
3) You herd the cows in the company of the cowherd boys. You, the monarch of the Yadu dynasty, thus wander from forest to forest, carrying a blanket draped over Your shoulder— Radhe Syama Syama Syama!
4) Because You, O Murari, repeatedly steal fresh butter from the homes of the women of Vraja and secretly eat it, they have named You 'Makhan-Chor' (the butter thief)— Radhe Syama Syama Syama!
5) One day You curbed the pride of Indra by lifting the great mountain Govardhana upon the tip of Your fingernail, thus winning for Yourself the name Giridhari— Radhe Syama Syama Syama!
6) You did not accept the sumptuous feast of the wicked Duryodhana, but took the coarse food offered by Your devotee Vidura. Therefore You are worshipped by love and not by mere rituals—Rädhe Radhe Syama Syama Syama!
7) To bestow mercy upon Draupadi, You, the Lord of the forest, supplied unlimited cloth to protect her from shame, while the assembly of men and women looked on— Radhe Syama Syama Syama!
8) You deliver each of Your devotees in unique ways. Alas, we who are bereft of devotion are standing here outside Your door. Please favorably receive the news of our presence— Radhe Syama Syama Syama!
9) You were the driver of Arjuna's chariot, and on the battlefield You gave Arjuna the instructions of the Bhagavad-Gita. During the fight You exhibited Your form as the wielder of the discus Sudarsana— Radhe Syama Syama Syama!
Remarks/ Extra Information:
This song can be sung in Raga Jhinjhoti in Sitarkhani Tala (as Jagjit and Chitra Singh sang it in Samarpan), or Raga Yaman Kalyana (as Acyutananda Swami introduced it) in Kaherva Tala.
Jay Jay Madhava Madhan Murari by dineshkrishna108 - SoundCloud
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