Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
My devotee never perishes, declare that boldly Arjuna!!!
Ekadasi Prasadam - Moraya upma, Steamed peanuts, Cantaloupe, Beetroot halwa, potato, zucchini sabji
Posted by dinesh
Jun 20
With Krishna, There is No SeparationIf we make our friendship with Krishna, it will never break. If we make our master Krishna, we will never be cheated. If we love Krishna as our son, He will never die. If we love Krishna as our lover, He will be the best of all, and there will be no separation.--His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami PrabhupadaRaja Vidya,Chapter 8
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With Krishna, There is No Separation
Prasadam-Saturday: Rice, Sambhar, Bitter gourd chips(for the first time ever)
Posted by dinesh
Jun 17
[granthraj] Change the Vision
Dwijamani Das 7:01am Jun 14 Montreal
14 June, 1968
My Dear Himavati,
Please accept my blessings. And offer the same to your good husband. I was so glad to receive the two caps which are very nicely made fitting to my skull, and I am enjoying it everyday in the morning, and when I walk on the street they all look at me due to your cap. Not only your cap but also I am enjoying the shirt made by you. And Lord Jagannatha is also enjoying similarly with cap and ghagara. So Krishna has given you a very good talent and you are sewing expert.
Regarding Kirtana party, I find that the Montreal temple is very suitable for training. So I am trying in Canada for visa, and if it is successful then I shall call you both, husband and wife, for beginning a training class of Kirtana. In the meantime ask your husband to accumulate some money on this account because my next program is to proceed to London with a Kirtana party. It is my duty to help you always in the matter of understanding Krishna Consciousness and whatever I am trying to bestow upon you all is the gift of Lord Krishna directly -- I am just doing the work of a bearer. There is nothing of my personal contribution and I ask all your mercy so that I may be able to distribute Krishna's message as it is without any deviation. That will make Krishna, myself, and all others eternally happy. It is so nice, sublime and easy to perform.
Teaching the girls to sew nicely is also a very good idea. Take some Indian samples from Purusottama and try to make exactly like that so that we may make very good profit for the society. Our society requires millions of dollars for propaganda work, but Krishna has made us financially poor. I think it is good to remain financially poor because always we shall be able to pray Krishna, asking His help to execute His service. If all of a sudden we become very strong financially, Maya may dictate us for sense enjoyment, and we may fall a prey to her tactics. Therefore to remain poor is one of the qualifications for advancing in Krishna Consciousness. Our predecessors, the Goswamis, they voluntarily gave up everything for advancement in Krishna Consciousness. We do not require any money for our personal account, we shall always be happy with anything Krishna is happy to supply us for maintenance, but for the preaching purposes, we can accommodate to receive all the riches of the world. So let us try with sincerity, and Krishna will help us in the matter of our advancing the cause of Krishna Consciousness.
Yes, you can teach the Brahmacarinis sewing very nicely, and it will be a great help to the society. Of course, if they can remain Brahmacarinis, it is nice. But it is difficult also. It is not good for the Brahmacarinis to associate with householders; similarly it is not good also for the Brahmacarinis to mix with Brahmacaris, but in your country the boys and girls are accustomed to mix freely. Therefore, we cannot put any deadline restriction. In my opinion, if the boys and girls get themselves married just like ideal Vaisnava householders, that is very good. But, if by the Grace of Krishna, both the girls and boys can live separately, that is still better, but it is not possible. If it is possible to divert the whole attention for Krishna's service it is quite possible to remain single even for the whole life. So you have got now good engagement so remain engaged in that work and train the Brahmacarinis also, chant Hare Krishna and pull on your sewing machine.
There is no need of separation. Live together and train up your mind, that is all. Artificial separation is never recommended. And when you see, living together, you have no desire for sense gratification, then that is the highest stage of perfection. Voluntary restraint is tapasya, austerity, and this is possible with advancement of Krishna Consciousness. Artificial separation is foolishness. We recommend voluntary restraint, not artificial separation. So you should understand that there is no objection to live together as husband and wife. The tendency is there, it is natural. But if one can check it, that is very good. But it is not compulsory. And not to be checked artificially, but with advancement of strength in Krishna Consciousness.
Yes, to call one another prabhu is all right, but not to become prabhu. To accept others as prabhu, and remain as servant is the idea. But because somebody is calling you prabhu, one should not become a prabhu, and treat others as servants. In other words, everyone should feel himself as servant, and not to think himself prabhu because he is being called prabhu. This will make the relationship congenial.
Hoping you are both well.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Himavati -- Montreal 14 June, 1968View Post on Facebook · Edit Email Settings · Reply to this email to add a comment.
[Letter From Srila Prabhupada] Montreal
In the material world, if we want favors from a political leader, we must carry the favor of those surrounding him.
Achieving the favor of the Lord's dear ones is also the easiest way to achieve the favor of the Lord, the perfection of life.
There is no one dearer to the Lord than His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani. Radharani is so dear, Her love is so confidential, that greatly learned rishis and munis sometimes hesitate even to mention Her Name. Her Name is so confidential and sacred that they fear they might offend It by using It inappropriately.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada intimates that participating in the glorious sankirtana movement of Caitanya Mahaprabhu is an intimate service to Srimati Radharani, a service She greatly appreciates."
HH Jayapataka SwamiFrom the book "Vaisnava Ke"Attracting the Lord’s Favor!
Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis,Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.This is in continuation of the transcription of the nectarean Bhagavad Gita class given by our beloved spiritual master H H Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj on verse 13.26. So far we heard 7 points from Maharaj. Now let us continue to hear the other points.8. Effect of hearing Harinam: I will tell you an experience. It is a truth you know. We were in London. Every day Srila Prabhupada had instructed the devotees there that everyday in the morning and evening, there must be Harinam. So devotees were going through the Oxford street. There, the main street is Oxford street. So they were going up and down the Oxford street. And there are big stores on that road. And one such store was Marks and Spencers store. It is a muliti-storeyed store. So what happened by Krishna's will, one parliamentarian from Mauritius was shopping upstairs in that store. And he heard this vibration, "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare", and kirtans and kartals. He saw the devotees dancing and going with mrdanga sound and everything. So he came down immediately. He was surprised to hear about Krishna's names in London that time. So he came down and asked them where is the temple. So he visited the temple and Prabhupada was there. Then he requested Prabhupada to come to Mauritius, you know. So Prabhupada said, "I will come, if you donate some land to temple." (laughter)Naturally this parliamentarian was rich man and he donated 6 acres of land for us that time. See the effect of Harinam vibration. They were just performing Harinam and we don't know really where Harinam infiltrates. And then he again went back to Prabhupada and placed the invitation saying that 'I have finished the deal as per what you said and now it is yours." Now, we have one of the biggest temple and farm community there on that 6 acre there. That temple is an effect of the Harinam in London. It grew in Mauritius. It is a big effect. It is not that Harinam will have effect only on this planet, it will have effect on spiritual planets also. Because it is not an ordinary vibration. It is a transcendental vibration. It reaches anywhere. It is close to Krishna and non-different from Krishna. Since it is non-different from Krishna, the more you hear, the more you sing, it is beneficial for you. And the bhakti is increasing. Easiest way in Kali yuga. In Srimad Bhagavatam verse 12.3.51, Sukadev Goswami says to Maharaj Parikshitkaler dosha-nidhe raajann / asti hy eko mahaan gunahkirtanaad eva krsnasya / mukta sangah param vrajet"My dear King, although Kali-yuga is an ocean of faults, there is still one good quality about this age: Simply by chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, one can become free from material bondage and be promoted to the transcendental kingdom."kaler dosha-nidhe - It is an ocean of faults, this Kali yuga. There are so many bad things. But asti hy eko - one, mahaan gunah - there is one good thing in Kaliyuga and that is kirtanaad eva krsnasya mukta sangah param vrajet. This is the effect of hearing. Please don't undermine this effect. You please hear. And wherever you stay, call some neighbours or you sit alone, or with your family and try to vibrate this transcendental mantra. (Maharaj lovingly starts chanting the Mahamantra and devotees follow) And you can go on non-stop, the whole of life time and you will not be fed-up. In America, here you are eating nice, staying nice and say, "I am fed up." You have everything here and why are you saying, 'I am fed up'? Because this is the thing, you are missing in life.(Pointing to one devotee in the group Maharaj says in an appreciative tone) I like your hearing. Very nice quality. See your health. You look younger day by day. You are not ageing at all. Which medicine are you taking? (Devotee says Harinam) Jai ! Jai ! Jai ! Give me your youth. Yayaati (Maharaj laughs heartily). This is the medicine you know. This is the medicine we have to take.Krishna willing we shall continue to hear more nectar from Maharaj in the subsequent offerings.Thank you very much.Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva,Sudarshana devi dasi.__._,_.___
[granthraj] Hearing is Important - Part 7
Three fold miseries don't exist for the self controlled devotees of The Lord
Posted by dinesh
Jun 13
What does this mean actually? Three folds in a paper? No.
1. Adhi atmika- miseries arising due to one's own self. How? When the senses and mind are in control one doesn't get agitated by them and therefore one doesn't get entangled in the reactions that otherwise arise from doing forbidden actions.
2. Adhi bautika- miseries due to other living entities. How? For the ones who are self controlled, he doesn't have to compete with other living entities for the satisfaction of his own senses beyond limit. And also the paramatma in the hearts of the other living entities helps to direct the other living beings in such a way it doesn't harm the self controlled bhakti yogi.
3. Adhi daivika- miseries due to natural calamities and nature. The devas or the agents of material nature are all very happy to see the devotees who are self controlled and surrendered to the Supreme Lord and so the natural calamities don't cause any disturbance to the devotees of The Lord.
Three fold miseries don't exist for the self controlled devotees of The Lord
001-Sri_Radha_Close_up_-_2560x1600.jpg 2,560×1,600 pixels
Even those who are devotees of My devotee are very dear to Me - my only hope
Posted by dinesh
Jun 07
Even those who are devotees of My devotee are very dear to Me - my only hope
Jaya Jaya Sundar Nanda Kumar by Srila Rupa Goswami
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