When it rains heavily,people used to pray to God that their rooftops be spared. But today when it rains people are going in cars,put on their wipers on the windshield. So modern world people have expelled God out of God's own creation. Problem is people think that this creation is meant for our enjoyment but it's really meant for the enjoyment of God. By co-operating or serving to please God we the servants of God will also become happy.

People used to pray to God for the want of rain. Now in modern world people put on switch to get water from pumpsets.

The concept of over population is another non-sense. Mother Nature can support all necessities for even 100 times the number of population in the world provided the population is God conscious. Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita that,This material nature is working under My supervision. By My will it's created and destroyed again and again. So when God or Krishna is pleased,the material nature produces all necessities in abundance. It's true that this world is temporary and miserable. But still if one wants to be happy or peaceful to a relatively higher level, one has to perform sacrifices to please the Lord and His agents carrying out the cosmic arrangements.Without sacrifice no one can be happy in this life nor in the next!

Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone

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