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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 2/10/11

Maharaja : You cannot write a hand book about that, we have to be personal. We just have to be sensitive. Preaching doesn't mean we are preaching at people:
"Okay I am going to preach to this person, Hare Krishna Hare Rama"
That's one approach - the burn out approach, the vacuum cleaner approach is not the best approach. It is putting two hands around the neck and saying "Chant, Chant, Chant!"
but there is also a subtler approach. In the subtler approach try and attempt to find the spark. Prabhupada said:
"Find the spark and fan it."
Find the spark of interest, find something in them that attracts them to Krishna, so find a connection and then feed that. That is the approach. It is personal.
You cannot say how much?:
"Okay five minutes give indirect and then do like this"
And also different people have different tactics
Transcribed By Madhumati Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sydney October 2010)
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