D foolish animal seeing mirage in d desert runs after it,thinking he
wud get water.But there is no point of time he's going2get
water.Searching4Water isnt wrong but at desert is.Same
way,searching4happiness isnt wrong but in this material world,it is.D
SupremeLord confirms this world2b a"TempleOfMiseries"
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Beyond birth and death for which science has no answer-Pandal Program in Chennai
Posted by dinesh
Apr 29
2day d human society is working very hard2lead their life,which is
nothing but a fraction between birth&death.But is this d Life? Will
everything finish with death? Or is there life after death? 2know
more,hear from d authorized sources in d programme "Beyond Birth&Death
for which Science Has No Answer" on May 2nd 2010,between
5.00-8.30pm,Sunday in Pachayappa's college grounds.Ur presence is
expected&greatly appreciated.Pls contact me4further details.
Beyond birth and death for which science has no answer-Pandal Program in Chennai
Fate Vs Effort In Time.When a farmer sows seed,chances r there that it
may grow.But if it doesnt rain,there is no crop.On d other hand,if d
farmer doesnt plant but there is rain,again there is no crop.So time
also plays a part.He has2plant at a proper time.Planting is
compared2Effort,Fate2Rain-Lord Matsya
Fate Vs Effort in Time frame!
Want2C God?Why put so much stress on Seeing?Why not HearOfHim(OfCourse
from AuthoritativeSources)? Hearing is no less important than
seeing.How do v accept something that v cant C?Experience d
presence?Cant C Air?But v feel&so accept its presence.Faith?Day in&day
out,all our activities r based on Faith!
Hearing is no less important than seeing!
To View the Enlarged ones inside every circle, go by clicking each circlular image in the below link for narration and larger picture.
Paintings by : H.G.Madhava Priya Devi Dasi
Website : http://www.glimpseofkrishna.com/
Used with permission!
Govardhan Hill inside and Outside
Some might not be aware of the pdf versions available online for download from BBT. Most important Books are here..
eBooks from BBT for download
It is not a fact that d Lord appears only on Indian soil.He can appear
anywhere&everywhere.Just becoz d Sun rises in d east doesnt mean it
belongs2d eastern country like Japan.D Lord sends His bonafide
representative(as mentioned in Vedic scriptures) in d form of His
Son(eg.Jesus) or Servant or Himself.
Sun belongs to only east?
There r 8400000 species of life described by d Vedic scriptures(Which
scientists can give such accurate description???)Among which only
400000 r human species.In that 4lacs,80% r uncivilized humans,only d
rest 15-20% r civilized people4whom economic problem exists.Others r
Living life without such crisis!
Economic crisis only for civilized humans???
There's no creation
Of d Lord's body since all His forms ever exist.But He just descends
from His spiritual world,appears&disappears in this material world at
His own will@schedules described in d Vedic scriptures.No 1 shud b
accepted as an Avatara unless he is referred by scriptures.
Avatar accepted only from Scriptures.
No1can bcome God by yoga practice or mystic yoga.God remains God@all
times.God cant b manufactured&is never Controlled by anything or
any1.He's completely free2do anything&everything.He's d source of
all.He has no beginning/middle/end.He has millions of names coz of His
unlimited qualities,forms,pastimes.
God cannot be manufactured!
April 16th, 2010
Trying to Escape?

How crazy this man is being held aloft over the city by a big bunch of balloons! What does he want to accomplish by it? He has put his life in a very precarious condition. He could slip from the grip on the balloons or they could carry him up into the skies or crash into the roof tops. He has nothing to gain except becoming famous for doing a zany aeronautic trick, or by killing himself in the process. He is not adding to the knowledge of science or flying or anything usable.
The Srimad-Bhagavatam states that karmis waste their time in the day by working hard and at night by sex and sleep. Apparently they find time for other time wasters like flying over a city in a balloon.
Another view of this picture reveals that the city is decrepit, grimy and ugly. The man may be trying to escape. But there is little chance he can escape to a more favorable environment by riding on balloons. It is like the Greek myth of Icarus who tried to fly to the sun on wings of wax. As the wax wings melted when Icarus got too near the sun, this man’s balloons will pop as he encounters rough weather or gets tangled in trees or mountains. There is no escape from the material world by flimsy man made vehicles. The body is not meant to survive a trip to another world. Only by giving up the body and transmigrating by the law of karma can one escape living in a decrepit world and enter a heavenly world in a heavenly body.
Trying to Escape?
How crazy this man is being held aloft over the city by a big bunch of balloons! What does he want to accomplish by it? He has put his life in a very precarious condition. He could slip from the grip on the balloons or they could carry him up into the skies or crash into the roof tops. He has nothing to gain except becoming famous for doing a zany aeronautic trick, or by killing himself in the process. He is not adding to the knowledge of science or flying or anything usable.
The Srimad-Bhagavatam states that karmis waste their time in the day by working hard and at night by sex and sleep. Apparently they find time for other time wasters like flying over a city in a balloon.
Another view of this picture reveals that the city is decrepit, grimy and ugly. The man may be trying to escape. But there is little chance he can escape to a more favorable environment by riding on balloons. It is like the Greek myth of Icarus who tried to fly to the sun on wings of wax. As the wax wings melted when Icarus got too near the sun, this man’s balloons will pop as he encounters rough weather or gets tangled in trees or mountains. There is no escape from the material world by flimsy man made vehicles. The body is not meant to survive a trip to another world. Only by giving up the body and transmigrating by the law of karma can one escape living in a decrepit world and enter a heavenly world in a heavenly body.
Trying to Escape?
1.D Lord appears by His own will¬ forced by material nature2take
birth in d womb of a mother.He chooses His mother.
2.D LivingEntities r forced2take birth in d womb of a
human/dog/hog/cat ..mother according2d consciousness1develops in this
Counter points in Avatar!
Arjuna:When will U come?.Krsna:Whenever&wherever there is a decline of
religious practice&predominant rise of irreligion,I descend
Myself.Arjuna:Why do U come?.Krsna:2protect My devotees,2destroy d
miscreants,2re-establish d principles of religion,I Myself
appear,Millenium after Millenium.BG#Chap4.txt.7-8
When & Why Do You come?
Ur enemies will describe u in many unkind words,they'll think u have
left d battle field out of fear only.They dont think that u've left
out of compassion4relatives&friends.Either u'll b killed on d
battlefield&attain heaven or u'll conquer&enjoy earthly
kingdom.There4get up with determination&fight!-BG#2
No loss in fighting as a warrior,even if seen thru karmic reactions!
From: Bhakti Vikasa Swami <Bhakti.Vikasa.Swami@pamho.net>
Prabhupada: Actually there is no problem. Why there should be problem? There
are 8,400,000 species of life. Out of that, human being are 400... Out of
that, 80%, they are uncivilized. So all these living entities have no
problem for eating. This 20% or 15% people who are called as civilized, they
have problem. They have created problem. At least in India, say, hundred
years before, there was no problem for eating, even for the sudra class or
any... No, there was no... The society was so made, there was no problem.
Why fifty years? In 1933 or '36 in Vrndavana somebody wanted milk, some
pilgrimage amongst ourselves. So went to a house. So, "Can you supply us
some milk?" "Ah, how much you want?" So it was about ten pounds. So she
supplied immediately, one woman, and when she was offered price, "Oh, why
shall I take a price for ten or twenty pounds of milk? Oh, you can take it."
That is my practical experience. Milk was so freely available. So simply we
are creating problems by godless civilization. That is a fact.
Hamsaduta: Once you said we are making solutions to self-created problems,
and we think it's advancement.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Hamsaduta: We've created a big thing and then make so many solutions.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Room Conversation -- December 21, 1970, Surat
~No problems except self-created ones
"If u dont perform ur religious duty(as prescribed in Vedic
scriptures) of fighting u'll certainly get sins4neglecting ur
duties&Lose ur reputation as a fighter.People will always speak of ur
infamy&4a respectable person dishonor is worse than death.So It's
better2die in d battle¬ withdraw",BG#2.33-34
Dishonor is worse than death!
WithoutSacrifice,1can never live happily on this planet or in this
life:what then in d next? Existence in this world is due2multiple
reactions2our SinfulLives.Ignorance is d coz of SinfulLife,birth after
birth.Only in HumanLife can1understand
Religion,EconomicDevelopmnt,Ctrld Enjoyment,Liberation:BG#4.31
Sacrifice makes one happy!
Warning: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous to Your Health
Earlier this winter, I met an investment banker who was diagnosed with a brain tumor five years ago. He's a managing director at a top Wall Street firm, and I was put in touch with him through a colleague who knew I was writing a story about the potential dangers of cell-phone radiation. He agreed to talk with me only if his name wasn't used, so I'll call him Jim. He explained that the tumor was located just behind his right ear and was not immediately fatal—the five-year survival rate is about 70 percent. He was 35 years old at the time of his diagnosis and immediately suspected it was the result of his intense cell-phone usage. "Not for nothing," he said, "but in investment banking we've been using cell phones since 1992, back when they were the Gordon-Gekko-on-the-beach kind of phone." When Jim asked his neurosurgeon, who was on the staff of a major medical center in Manhattan, about the possibility of a cell-phone-induced tumor, the doctor responded that in fact he was seeing more and more of such cases—young, relatively healthy businessmen who had long used their phones obsessively. He said he believed the industry had discredited studies showing there is a risk from cell phones. "I got a sense that he was pissed off," Jim told me. A handful of Jim's colleagues had already died from brain cancer; the more reports he encountered of young finance guys developing tumors, the more certain he felt that it wasn't a coincidence. "I knew four or five people just at my firm who got tumors," Jim says. "Each time, people ask the question. I hear it in the hallways."
It's hard to talk about the dangers of cell-phone radiation without sounding like a conspiracy theorist. This is especially true in the United States, where non-industry-funded studies are rare, where legislation protecting the wireless industry from legal challenges has long been in place, and where our lives have been so thoroughly integrated with wireless technology that to suggest it might be a problem—maybe, eventually, a very big public-health problem—is like saying our shoes might be killing us.
Except our shoes don't send microwaves directly into our brains. And cell phones do—a fact that has increasingly alarmed the rest of the world. Consider, for instance, the following headlines that have appeared in highly reputable international newspapers and journals over the past few years. From summer 2006, in the Hamburg Morgenpost: are we telephoning ourselves to death? That fall, in the Danish journal Dagens Medicin: mobile phones affect the brain's metabolism. December 2007, from Agence France-Presse: israeli study says regular mobile use increases tumour risk. January 2008, in London's Independent: mobile phone radiation wrecks your sleep. September 2008, in Australia's The Age: scientists warn of mobile phone cancer risk.
Though the scientific debate is heated and far from resolved, there are multiple reports, mostly out of Europe's premier research institutions, of cell-phone and PDA use being linked to "brain aging," brain damage, early-onset Alzheimer's, senility, DNA damage, and even sperm die-offs (many men, after all, keep their cell phones in their pants pockets or attached at the hip). In September 2007, the European Union's environmental watchdog, the European Environment Agency, warned that cell-phone technology "could lead to a health crisis similar to those caused by asbestos, smoking, and lead in petrol."
Perhaps most worrisome, though, are the preliminary results of the multinational Interphone study sponsored by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, in Lyon, France. (Scientists from thirteen countries took part in the study, the United States conspicuously not among them.) Interphone researchers reported in 2008 that after a decade of cell-phone use, the chance of getting a brain tumor—specifically on the side of the head where you use the phone—goes up as much as 40 percent for adults. Interphone researchers in Israel have found that cell phones can cause tumors of the parotid gland (the salivary gland in the cheek), and an independent study in Sweden last year concluded that people who started using a cell phone before the age of 20 were five times as likely to develop a brain tumor. Another Interphone study reported a nearly 300 percent increased risk of acoustic neuroma, a tumor of the acoustic nerve.
As more results of the Interphone study trickled out, I called Louis Slesin, who has a doctorate in environmental policy from MIT and in 1980 founded an investigative newsletter called Microwave News. "No one in this country cared!" Slesin said of the findings. "It wasn't news!" He suggested that much of the comfort of our modern lives depends on not caring, on refusing to recognize the dangers of microwave radiation. "We love our cell phones. The paradigm that there's no danger here is part of a worldview that had to be put into place," he said. "Americans are not asking the questions, maybe because they don't want the answers. So what will it take?"
To understand how radiation from cell phones and wireless transmitters affects the human brain, and to get some sense of why the concerns raised in so many studies outside the U.S. are not being seriously raised here, it's necessary to go back fifty years, long before the advent of the cell phone, to the research of a young neuroscientist named Allan Frey.
In 1960, Frey, then 25, was working at General Electric's Advanced Electronics Center at Cornell University when he was contacted by a technician whose job was to measure the signals emitted by radar stations. At the time, Frey had taken an interest in the electrical nature of the human body, specifically in how electric fields affect neural functioning. The technician claimed something incredible: He said he could "hear" radar at one of the sites where he worked.
Frey traveled to the facility and stood in the radar field. "And sure enough, I could hear it, too," he said, describing the persistent low-level hum. Frey went on to establish that the effect was real—electromagnetic (EM) radiation from radar could somehow be heard by human beings. The "hearing," however, didn't happen via normal sound waves perceived through the ear. It occurred somewhere in the brain itself, as EM waves interacted with the brain's cells, which generate tiny electrical fields. This idea came to be known as the Frey effect, and it caused an uproar in the neuroscience community.
The waves that Frey was concerned with were those emitted from the nonionizing part of the EM spectrum—the part that scientists always assumed could do no outright biological damage. When Frey began his research, it was assumed that the only way microwaves could have a damaging biological effect was if you increased the power of their signals and concentrated them like sword points—to the level where they could cook flesh. In 1967, this resulted in the first popular microwave oven, which employed microwave frequencies at very high power, concentrated and contained in a metal box. Aside from this engineered thermal effect, the signals were assumed to be safe.
Allan Frey would help pioneer the science that suggested otherwise. At the vanguard of a new field of study that came to be known as bioelectromagnetics, he found what appeared to be grave nonthermal effects from microwave frequencies—the part of the spectrum that belongs not just to radar signals and microwave ovens but also, in the past fifteen years, to cell phones. (The only honest way to think of our cell phones is that they are tiny, low-power microwave ovens, without walls, that we hold against the sides of our heads.) Frey tested microwave radiation on frogs and other lab animals, targeting the eyes, the heart, and the brain, and in each case he found troubling results. In one study, he triggered heart arrhythmias. Then, using the right modulations of the frequency, he even stopped frog hearts with microwaves—stopped the hearts dead.
Frey observed two factors in how microwaves at low power could affect living systems. First, there was the carrier wave: a frequency of 1,900 megahertz, for example, the same frequency of many cell phones today. Then there was the data placed on the carrier wave—in the case of cell phones, this would be the sounds, words, and pictures that travel along it. When you add information to a carrier wave, it embeds a second signal—a second frequency—within the carrier wave. This is known as modulation. A carrier wave can support any number of modulations, even those that match the extra-low frequencies at which the brain operates (between eight and twenty hertz). It was modulation, Frey discovered, that induced the widest variety of biological effects. But how this happened, on a neuronal level, he didn't yet understand.
In a study published in 1975 in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Frey reported that microwaves pulsed at certain modulations could induce "leakage" in the barrier between the circulatory system and the brain. Breaching the blood-brain barrier is a serious matter: It means the brain's environment, which needs to be extremely stable for nerve cells to function properly, can be perturbed in all kinds of dangerous ways. Frey's method was rather simple: He injected a fluorescent dye into the circulatory system of white rats, then swept the microwave frequencies across their bodies. In a matter of minutes, the dye had leached into the confines of the rats' brains.
Frey says his work on radar microwaves and the blood-brain barrier soon came under assault from the government. Scientists hired and funded by the Pentagon claimed they'd failed to replicate his findings, yet they also refused to share the data or methodology behind their research ("a most unusual action in science," Frey wrote at the time). For more than fifteen years, Frey had received almost unrestricted funding from the Office of Naval Research. Now he was told to conceal his blood-brain-barrier work or his contract would be canceled.
Since then, no meaningful research into the effect of microwaves on the blood-brain barrier has been pursued in the United States. But a Swedish neurosurgeon, Leif Salford, recently expanded on Frey's work, confirming much of what Frey revealed decades ago. Salford found that microwave exposure killed rodents' brain cells and stimulated neurons associated with Alzheimer's. "A rat's brain is very much the same as a human's," he said in a 2003 interview with the BBC. "They have the same blood-brain barrier and neurons. We have good reason to believe that what happens in rats' brains also happens in humans'. " His research, he said, suggests that "a whole generation of [cell-phone] users may suffer negative effects in middle age."
The potential complications don't end there. In the mid-1990s, a biophysicist at the University of Washington named Henry Lai began to make profound discoveries about the effects of such frequencies not only on the blood-brain barrier but also on the actual structure of rat DNA. Lai found that modulated EM radiation could cause breaks in DNA strands—breaks that could then lead to genetic damage and mutations that would be passed on for generations. What surprised Lai was that the damage was accomplished in a single two-hour exposure.
"This was explosive news," Slesin said. "The reason it was so important was at the time you had all these allegations of brain tumors and cell phones being connected"—specifically the 1992 lawsuit brought by a Florida man, David Reynard, against a number of companies that manufactured phones and provided cell service, following the death of his wife from a brain tumor. "If you can break up DNA with cell-phone radiation, suddenly it's not such a stretch to think of brain tumors developing from this radiation."
Galvanized by the Reynard case, Motorola frantically mobilized to reassure its investors. Then, in 1994, the company went on the attack to discredit Lai, issuing a memo, later obtained by Slesin, stating it had "war-gamed" Lai's work. "We do not believe that Motorola should put anyone on-camera," the memo said. "We must limit our corporate visibility." It further stated that the "key question" was whether "this experiment [can] be replicated."
The cell-phone industry funds lots of risk studies, and many of them show no effect from cell-phone-related radiation. The industry pointed to those favorable studies when countering Lai's DNA findings. (In 2004, it should be pointed out, a European Union–funded study carried out by twelve research groups in seven countries found evidence of genotoxic effects resulting from cell-phone radiation—the same kind of DNA damage that Henry Lai uncovered in the 1990s.) But when Jerry Phillips, a scientist with the Veterans Administration whose work was funded by Motorola, replicated Lai's findings, the company put him under so much pressure not to publish that Phillips abruptly quit microwave research altogether.
Industry-funded studies seem to reflect the result of corporate strong-arming. Lai reviewed 350 studies and found that about half showed bioeffects from EM radiation emitted by cell phones. But when he took into consideration the funding sources for those 350 studies, the results changed dramatically. Only 25 percent of the studies paid for by the industry showed effects, compared with 75 percent of those studies that were independently funded.
The cell-phone industry has managed to exert its influence in other ways, too. In the United States, the organization most influential in the government's setting of standards for microwave exposure is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which bills itself as "a leading authority on areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers, and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power, and consumer electronics." According to Slesin, "The committees setting the EM safety levels at the IEEE historically have been dominated by representatives from the military, companies like Raytheon and GE, the telecom companies, and now the cell-phone industry. It is basically a Trojan horse for the private sector to dictate public policy." The IEEE's "safe limits" for microwave exposure are considerably higher than what they should be, says Allan Frey, who was a member of the organization in the '70s. "When it comes to this matter, the IEEE is a charade," Frey told me.
There have been attempts over the years to set exposure limits based on something other than industry and military preference. In the '70s and '80s, the Environmental Protection Agency was foremost in this effort. But with Ronald Reagan in office, antiregulatory sentiment crested and the EPA's research and standards programs were gutted.
Among the EPA's most talented bioelectromagnetics experts at the time was Carl Blackman, who has worked at the agency since its inception in 1970. Blackman's research at the EPA would advance much of what Allan Frey and others had discovered: The effects from EM fields were many and troubling, though far from fully understood. In 1986 the EPA killed Blackman's research entirely. Carl Blackman believes "a decision was made to stop the civilian agencies from looking too deeply into the nonthermal health effects from exposure to EM fields. Scientists who have shown such effects over the years have been silenced, had funding taken away, been laughed at, been called charlatans and con men. The goal was to only let in scientists who would say, 'We know that microwave ovens can cook meat, and that's all we need to know.' " One veteran EPA physicist, speaking anonymously, told me, "The Department of Defense didn't like our research because the exposure limits that we might recommend would curtail their activities."
Industry influence appears to have permeated even the purest international watchdogs, such as the World Health Organization. Slesin unearthed a hoard of documents showing that hundreds of thousands of dollars from the cell-phone industry was doled out to WHO personnel working on wireless health effects. Some of the heaviest pressure falls on the Federal Communications Commission, for obvious reasons. In 2005 the specially appointed thirty-member Technological Advisory Council to the FCC sought to look into EM effects on human beings. According to one member of the TAC who spoke anonymously, officials at the FCC "told us we couldn't talk about that. They would not give us any reason. The FCC people were embarrassed and terrified."
If all this sounds like some abandoned X-Files script, consider the history of suppression of evidence in the major issues of consumer health over the past half century. Big Tobacco hid the dangers of smoking and the addictiveness of nicotine, supporting its position with countless deceptive studies. Asbestos manufacturers hid evidence that the mineral was dangerous even as tens of thousands of workers died from exposure; the makers of DDT and Agent Orange stood behind their products even as it became clear that the herbicides caused cancer. That the cell-phone industry, which last year posted revenues in the hundreds of billions of dollars, has an incentive to shut down research showing the dangers of cell-phone use is not a radical notion.
Cell towers, as you'd imagine, also emit EM radiation in the microwave spectrum, and while the science is much less exhaustive than that associated with handsets, the installations have nonetheless incited violence in various places around the globe. In Spain and Ireland, saboteurs have taken to destroying cell towers, cheered on by the communities living in their shadows. In Sydney, Australia, a retired telecom worker, convinced that cell towers had sickened him, hijacked a tank in the summer of 2007 and rammed six towers to the ground before police were able to leap into the vehicle and subdue him. In Israel, which has the seventh-highest per capita use of mobile phones in the world, attacks on towers have become a regular occurrence in recent years in both Jewish and Arab communities. Two years ago in Galilee, a Druze community protested the erection of a new tower, claiming that the towers already in their midst had caused cancer rates to skyrocket. The tower was built anyway; soon after, local teenagers burned it down. When the police came for them, the Druze rioted, injuring more than twenty-five officers.
Here, in the U.S., there's been very little resistance to the march of the cell towers. In fact, in Congress there's been almost nothing but support. The Telecommunications Act of 1996—a watershed for the cell-phone industry—was the result, in part, of nearly $50 million in political contributions and lobbying largesse from the telecom industry. The prize in the TCA for telecom companies branching into wireless was a rider known as Section 704, which specifically prohibits citizens and local governments from stopping placement of a cell tower due to health concerns. Section 704 was clear: There could be no litigation to oppose cell towers because the signals make you sick.
When President Bill Clinton signed the TCA into law in February 1996, the rollout of "personal communication services," marketed as PCS, was in full swing. By the end of the year, telecom companies had paid the federal government more than $8 billion to purchase portions of the microwave-frequency sequence. (According to the FCC, fees paid for allocation of spectrum as of 2009 amounted to $52 billion.) Almost immediately, cell-phone antennas sprang up across the country, appearing on church steeples and apartment buildings, in parks and along highways, on streetlights and clock towers and flagpoles. One industry estimate tallied 19,850 such installations in the U.S. in 1995. Today there are 247,000, most hosting multiple antennas.
In a study by researchers associated with the venerable Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, which hands out the Nobel Prize for medicine, the massive expansion of digital PCS in Sweden during 1997 was found to have coincided with a marked but subtle decline in the overall health of the population. Might it be, the Karolinska researchers asked, that Swedes fell victim to the march of the first big microwave PCS systems? The number of Swedish workers on sick leave, after declining for years, began to rise abruptly in late 1997, according to the study, doubling during the next five years. Sales of antidepressant drugs doubles during the same period. The number of deaths from Alzheimer's disease rose sharply in 1999 and had nearly doubled by 2001. The authors of the study—Olle Johansson, a neuroscientist, and Örjan Hallberg, a former environmental manager for Ericsson, the Swedish telecommunications company—"found that for all individual counties in Sweden there was a similar precise time" when health worsened. It occured, they said, almost simultaneously with the rollout of the new digital service. Correlation does not mean causation, but epidemiologists I spoke with say the data are strongly suggestive and need to be followed up. (In other studies at the Karolinska Institute, Johansson has posited that adverse reactions to cell-phone radiation may develop only after long periods of exposure, as the immune system fails, much in the way that allergies develop.)
All of these concerns—the danger of microwaves issuing from the phones we place next to our skulls, the danger of waves emitted by the cell towers that dot our landscapes—also apply to the Wi-Fi networks in our homes and libraries and offices and cafés and parks and neighborhoods. Wi-Fi operates typically at a frequency of 2.4 gigahertz (the same frequency as microwave ovens) but is embedded with a wider range of modulations than cell phones, because we need it to carry more data. "It never ceases to surprise me that people will fight a cell tower going up in their neighborhoods," Blake Levitt, author of Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer's Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves, told me. "They they'll install a Wi-Fi system in their homes. That's like inviting a cell tower indoors."
In the summer of 2006, a super-Wi-Fi system known as WiMAX was tested in rural Sweden. Bombarded with signals, the residents of the village of Götene—who had no knowledge that the transmitter had come online—were overcome by headaches, difficulty breathing, and blurred vision, according to a Swedish news report. Two residents reported to the hospital with heart arrhythmias, similar to those that, more than thirty years ago, Allen Frey induced in frog hearts. This happened only hours after the system was turned on, and as soon as it was powered down, the symptoms disappeared.
Today, Sprint Nextel and Clearwire are set to establish similar technology across the U.S., with a $7.2 billion government broadband stimulus speeding the rollout. A single WiMAX system would provide Internet coverage for an area of up to 75 square miles. "This means an even denser layer of radio-frequency pollution on top of what has developed over the last two decades," Blake Levitt says. "WiMAX will require many new antennas."
The concern about Wi-Fi is being taken seriously in Europe. In April 2008, the national library of France, citing possible "genotoxic effects," announced it would shut down its Wi-Fi system, and the staff of the storied Library of Sainte-Geneviève in Paris followed up with a petition demanding the disconnection of Wi-Fi antennas and their replacement by wired connections. Several European governments are already moving to prohibit Wi-Fi in government buildings and on campuses, and the Austrian Medical Association is lobbying for a ban of all Wi-Fi systems in schools, citing the danger to children's thinner skulls and developing nervous systems.
I drove down to Annapolis, Maryland, recently to visit with Allan Frey. He was preparing to set out on his forty-foot sailboat for a month at sea, so we talked at a restaurant near the marina. After retiring from full-time research in 1985, Frey, now 75, took up the philosophy of science as an avocation, looking at the question of how science progresses, how it fails to progress, how new ideas are birthed or aborted, how a shift in paradigm is a rare thing. The failure to look squarely at the dangers of microwave radiation is a case study in frozen paradigms, he said, a worldview that can't keep pace with reality.
To illustrate what he meant, Frey held up a glass of water. "We're all just big teacups, bags of water that you can heat up—that's the paradigm," he said. It's the engineer's paradigm, the mind-set of people who had no training in the complexity of living systems. The branches of the military, the major defense contractors, the manufacturers of microwave ovens, the telecom companies, were happy to embrace the engineer's paradigm. The thinking was simple and easy to understand, and most important, it indemnified their operations from liability.
"It's a very primitive mind-set," said Frey. "Plato said we don't see the reality; we see shadows on the cave walls. We've got a lot of people who are seeing shadows and saying this is the reality." He nodded at his water glass. "We now know a human being isn't a bag of water. A human being is a complex organization of electrical fields. Electroencephalograms and electrocardiograms, for example, measure these fields. Every cell has an electrical field across the cell membrane, which is a regulatory interface and controls what goes into and out of the cell. All nerve signals are electric. And between the nucleus and the membrane there is an electrical field, you can measure voltages of individual cells! Electricity drives biology. We evolved in a particular electromagnetic environment"—the magnetic fields from the earth's iron core, the terrestrial magnetism from lodestones, visible light, ultraviolet frequencies, lightning—"and if we change that environment as we have, we either adapt or we have trouble."
Later, after Frey and I parted, I walked around Annapolis and took note of the number of cell towers poised atop the buildings, the number of people who talked on their cell phones. They were everywhere, and after a while I stopped counting. At one point, I watched two women pacing in a parking lot, heads bent against their microwave transmitters. They talked and talked and aimlessly circled. When I got home, I looked up a line from Orwell that I couldn't quite remember as I watched them, about the power that machine technology would exert over mankind. "The machine has got to be accepted, but it is probably better to accept it rather as one accepts a drug—that is, grudgingly and suspiciously," Orwell wrote. "Like a drug, the machine is useful, dangerous and habit-forming. The oftener one surrenders to it the tighter its grip becomes."
Modern society, needless to say, is in the grip of wireless technology. All you have to do to understand this is step outside your door. "It just so happens," Frey had told me, "that the frequencies and modulations of our cell phones seem to be the frequencies that humans are particularly sensitive to. If we had looked into it a little more, if we had done the real science, we could have allocated spectrums that the body can't feel. The public should know if they are taking a risk with cell phones. What we're doing is a grand world experiment without informed consent." As for Louis Slesin's question—what will it take to change the paradigm?—Frey shook his head. "Until there are bodies in the streets," he said, "I don't think anything is going to change."
Read more: http://news.iskcon.org/node/2689/2010-04-08/warning_your_cell_phone_may_be_hazardous_to_your_health#ixzz0klXHgFRq
Warning: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous to Your Health
Song: All Those Years Ago
Duration: 4.23
Track No.: 2-4
Composer: Harrison
Vocals: George Harrison
Year: 1991
I'm shouting all about love
While they treated you like a dog
When you were the one who had made it so clear
All those years ago.
I'm talking all about how to give
They don't act with much honesty
But you point the way to the truth when you say
All you need is love.
Living with good and bad
I always looked up to you
Now we're left cold and sad
By someone the devil's best friend
Someone who offended all.
We're living in a bad dream
They've forgotten all about mankind
And you were the one they backed up to the wall
All those years ago
Yeah, you were the one who Imagined it all
All those years ago.
All those years ago
All those years ago
Deep in the darkest night
I send out a prayer to you
Now in the world of light
Where the spirit free of the lies
And all else that we despised.
They've forgotten all about God
He's the only reason we exist
Yet you were the one that they said was so weird
All those years ago
You said it all though not many had ears
All those years ago
You had control of our smiles and our tears
All those years ago
All those years ago
All those years ago
All those years ago
All those years ago
Yeah, you were the one who Imagined it all
All those years ago
All those years ago!
D combination of 5Senses,Mind,Intelligence,Soul of a person is
compared2a Chariot.5Senses-5Strong
horses,Mind-Rope/Reins,Intelligence-Driver,Soul-Passenger.D horses
pull d chariot in 5 different directions,d driver shud b strong
enuf2ctrl d horses thru d rope,
failing2do so makes d passenger helpless-BG
It is enjoined in isopanishad that the killer of the Soul whoever he
may be shall enter into the darkest region.
The helpless passenger driven by inexperienced driver!
Due2d divine consciousness developed in 1s PastLife,1 automatically
bcomes attracted2d YogicPrinciples even without seeking them.Such a
person is always above d
Ritualistic(do's&dont's)PrinciplesOfScriptures(They r far far advanced
in spiritual life even if born in families of
Today's message
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From: The Secret <scrolls@thesecret.tv>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 18:09:39 -0400
Subject: The Secret Scrolls - From The Secret Daily Teachings
To: dinesh mahesh kumar <dineshkrishna108@gmail.com>
A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret
Excerpt from The Secret Daily Teachings
Remember, if you are criticizing, you are not being grateful. If
you are blaming, you are not being grateful. If you are
complaining, you are not being grateful. If you are feeling
tension, you are not being grateful. If you are rushing, you are
not being grateful. If you are in a bad mood, you are not being
Gratitude can transform your life. Are you allowing minor things to
get in the way of your transformation and the life you deserve?
May the joy be with you,
Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions
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A good article on being grateful not grate..full ;)
KingBharata is a very good example4 BG#6.43.He was d emperor of this
world&since then this planet is known as Bhàrata-varsa.He retired@an
early age4spiritual perfection but failed2succeed.In his next life he
took birth in d family of a good Brahmana&was known as Jada
Bharata,becoz he didnt talk2any1.
Today's message
Bhagavad Gita 6.43:If unsuccessful after long yogic practice,he takes
birth in a family of exalted persons,who r surely great in
Wisdom.Certainly such a birth is very rare.On taking such a birth,he
continues his yogic practice from where he left off in prev life&again
tries2make further progress2achieve Complete Success6.43
Today's message!
A Yogi engaged in DevotionalService2dLord is never destroyed either in
this World or in d SpiritualWorld;1 who does Good MyFriend is never
overcome by evil.D UnsuccessfulYogi is born in2a FamilyOfRighteous
people or in2a FamilyOfRich in Earth,after many many yrs of enjoyment
on pious planets-BG#6.40-41
Today's message!
From BhagavadGita,1.V must learn Wat God is,2.Wat d Living
Entities(we) r,3.Wat nature is,4.How it is ctrld by Time,5.Wat d
activities of d Living Entities r.
What is God? God by definition must've d qualities such as 1.Knowledge
All4 100%.God cant b manufactured.God remains God@all times.Not that,a
man by yoga practice becomes God.God is d
SupremeController&NeverControlled.Nature&d LivingEntities r ctrld by
Wat is Nature?
There is no reason not2believe in God.But there is every reason2do
so.Everything is created by some1.V never heard of any machine coming
by chance.If so,is it not foolish2think that D Stars,d Sky,d Sun,d
Moon,d Earth came in2existence by chance.BigBang theory is
BlindFaith,not Belief in God
Wat r Living Entities
1.Souls In quality1with God but not in quantity.
2.Individually conscious(eg.I cant feel d pain in ur body but only in
mine).But God is supremely conscious.
3.Influenced by 3modes Goodness,Passion,Ignorance.
4.Bound by d reactions of his actions birth after birth in different bodies.
Wat r d activities of Living Entity? Primarily engaged in d animal pursuits of
Without inquiring what d purpose of Human Life is? Humanity begins
with this inquiry,Where I came from? Why am I suffering? Where will I
go after death.How2make solution2all suffering?
Wat is Time?
The actions r performed by d Living Entity with reference2d time.The
Living Entity does not know d time factor in which he is carried away
in life,just as clouds getting carried away by strong winds. D
reactions of actions r time framed,some r in Fructifying stage,while
others r yet2come.
"My Body" means Im different from this body.So There's some1who
possess d body.(Soul)He's d real self."Some look on d Soul as
amazing,some describe him as amazing,some hear of him as amazing,while
others even after hearing abt him cant understand him@all.Soul can
never b killed.So Not2grieve4any1"-BG:2.29
"Being desirous of sense enjoyment&opulent(rich) life they say that
there is nothing more than this! In d minds of those who r too
attached2sense enjoyment&wealth,d resolute determination4devotional
service2d SupremeLord doesnt take place"-Lord Sri Krsna in
According2Vedic injunctions there r 6kinds of Aggressors who can b
killed@once without incurring sin.
1.A poison giver 2.One who sets fire2dHouse 3.One who attacks with
deadly weapons. 4.One who plunders riches 5.One who occupies another's
land 6.One who kidnaps another's wife.
In d MaterialWorld,1 who is unaffected by whatever good r evil he may
obtain,neither praising it nor despising it,is firmly fixed in
PerfectKnowledge.1 who is able2withdraw his Senses from d
SenseObjects,just as d tortoise draws its limbs within d shell,is
firmly fixed in PerfectConsciousness.-BG:2.57-58
Daily BG sms in Jan 10
1.Action,2.Food,3.Sacrifices,4.Austerity,5.Charity,all these fall
under different modes such as goodness,passion,ignorance. Action in
1.Goodness-appears like poison in d beginning but nectar in d
end.eg.studying4exams 2.Passion appears nectar initially but poison
later.3.Ignorance-miserable@all times-BG
"The non-permanent appearance of happiness&distress&their
disappearance in due course is like d summer&winter seasons.They arise
from sense perception.1 must learn2tolerate them without being
disturbed.A person who isnt disturbed by
happiness&distress&steady@both is certainly eligible4liberation"-BG2
As a person puts on new garments giving up older1s d Soul similarly
accepts new material body,giving up old&useless1s.d Soul can never b
cut in2pieces by any weapon,nor burnt by fire,nor moistened by
water,nor withered by d wind.Soul is
unbreakable&insoluble,unchangeable,immovable&eternally d same-BG2.13
"How've these impurities come upon u. They r not@all befitting a man
who knows d valueOfLife. They lead not2higher planets but2infamy.Do
not yield2this degrading impotence.It doesnt bcome u. Give up such
petty weakness&arise O chastiser of enemy"-Krsna2Arjuna in
BhagavadGita:Chapter 2
While speaking learned words u r mourning4what is not worthy of
grief.Those who r wise lament,neither4d Living nor4d dead.Never was
there a time v didnt exist nor in d future shall any of us cease2be.As
d embodied Soul passes from boyhood2youth2old age,d Soul similarly
passes in2another body@death",BG2.11
A Person who is not disturbed by d incessant flow of desires that
enter like Rivers in2d Ocean which is ever being filled but always
remain still(Ocean unagitated even during rainy reason),can alone
achieve LastingPeace¬ he who Strives2Satisfy such
Desires-LordSriKrsna In BhagavadGita (SongOfGod) 2.70
"Now I am confused abt my duty&ve lost all composure bcoz of this
miserly weakness.In this condition I am asking U2tell me4certain what
is best4me.Now I am Ur disciple&a Soul surrendered unto You.Pls
instruct me! I can find no means2drive away this grief which is drying
up my senses"-Arjuna2Krsna,BG:2.7
When d embodied living being ctrls his nature&mentally renounces all
actions,he happily resides in the City Of Nine Gates(d material
body)&he is free from bodily activities-Bhagavad Gita
Daily BG sms earlier in feb 10
ThoseWhoseMinds r nt developed&who isnt situated in SelfRealization
cant c how d body is changing.2day,There r many so-called yogìs doing
some GymnasticExercise&r satisfied if d body is WellBuilt&Healthy.They
r nt SelfRealized.Only those who realized Self,World,d SupremeLord can
c things as they r-BG15.11
D Foolish cant understand how a LivingEntity quits his Body,What form
of Body he's going2take in next Life,not even why is he living in d
PresentBody.But1who is trained in SpiritualKnowledge can c all this&is
Fortunate.Those that r always fooled by lust&desire lose all
power2understand this Truth-BG:15.10
D LivingEntity in d MaterialWorld carries his different conception of
life frm1body2another,just as d air carries aromas.Thus he
takes1kindOfBody&again quits it2take another kind of body(not
necessarily human)&obtains a certain type of
Ear,Eye,Tongue,Nose&SenseOfTouch which r grouped abt d Mind-BG:15.8-9
Other than our uncontrolled&misguided mind,there is no Greater Enemy
within d World. But d best of friends when in control-Bhagavad Gita
He who sees everything in relation2dSupremeLord&who sees all
LivingEntities as His parts&parcels&who sees d SupremeLord within
everything never hates anything or any being.But1cannot c properly
unless1has heard frm a SuperiorSource&d HighestSource is d VedicWisdom
which is spoken by d LordHimself-Isopshd
ActualPeaceFormula:2day every1 is after Lasting peace.LordSriKrishna
says,"D sages knowing Me as d ultimate Beneficiary of all
Sacrifices&Austerities,d Supreme Lord of all d Planets&Demigods& d
Benefactor&Well-Wisher of all d Living Entities attain Peace from d
great pain of material miseries"-BG:5.29
Whatever state of being one remembers when 1 quits d body,that state 1
will attain without fail-BG:8.6.Those that learn the art of dying
conquer death&attain immortality by reunion with God in His world
while others defying d supremacy of d Lord check their lives birth
after birth in different bodies.
A prayer2dLord,I know no one but You as my Lord&U shall remain so even
if u handle me roughly by Ur embrace or make me broken hearted by not
being present before me. U r completely free2do anything&everything
becoz U r always my worshipful Lord
unconditionally-LordChaitanya,Sikshastakam Verse 8.
When one is consumed by the sorrows of life,3 things give him
relief;offspring,a wife and the company of Lord's
Charity performed expecting some return or with desire4fruitive
results(such as heaven) or in a grudging mood is Charity in d mode of
passion.Charity @ impure place,@improper time,2 unworthy
persons,without proper attention&respect is Charity in
Ignorance.Charity in Goodness is recommended-BG.17.22-23
A person who sees action in inaction&inaction in action is really in
knowledge.Even d learned r confused abt what action is&what inaction
is.There r 3 types of action.1.Karma-prescribed duties as given in d
Vedas 2.Vikarma-wrong actions(against
VedicCommands)3.Akarma-actions4which there is no reaction-BG
Austerity of d body consists in d worship of d SupremeLord,d
Brahmanas,d SpiritualMaster&superiors like d father&mother&in
speaking words dat r truthful,pleasing,beneficial&nt
agitating2others&also in regularly reciting vedas-BG:17.14-15
Out of fear of the Supreme Lord, the wind blows, the sun distributes
its heat, and death chases everyone.(Taittiriya Upanisad 2.8)
Food prepared >3hrs before being eaten,food that is
tasteless,decomposed&putrid & food consisting of remnants&untouchable
things is dear2those in d mode of darkness (ignorance) BG.17.10. At
times it is foolish2b wise where ignorance is bliss!
Foods dear2those in Goodness increaz longevity,purify1s existence&give
strength,health,happiness&satisfaction.Such foods r
juicy,fatty,wholesome&pleasing2d heart.Foods that r too bitter,too
sour,salty,hot,pungent,dry&burning r dear2those in d
ModeOfPassion.Such foods cause distress,misery&disease-BG17.8-9
Fear is a dominating force in life. Fear of disease, failure,
disappointing others or economic ruin. Fear of enemies, thieves,
cheaters, or a multitude of other possibilities include doubt in one's
direction of life. But faith is the supreme personality of Godhead is
only way out.~The Journey Home, Radhanath Swami.. Hare Krsna..hav a
blessed day..
Either pure or impure, or having passed through all conditions of
material life, if one can remember the lotus-eyed Krishna, he becomes
externally and internally clean.
-Garuda purana
Three M's while chanting 1.method of chanting. 2. Mood of japa.3.
Mellow of chanting.
If one takes charanamrita with clean heart he is protected from
untimely death n is protected from all kinds of diseases. Have a krsna
conscious day..
Daily SMS msgs earlier in March
If you find yourself struggling with chanting or the four regulative principles.
Posted by dinesh
Apr 02
Tips for the Struggle
If you find yourself struggling with chanting or the four regulative principles, don't be alarmed, it is natural and to be expected for any individual who makes sacrifices (mental or physical) in order to progress spiritually. In fact, expect challenges as you move forward, be prepared for them and gradually work through them rather than evade them, otherwise they will only come back again and again. Find your own level of manageable practice, even though initially it may appear to be a compromise, gradually work up to the ideal, it may take weeks……., months………, or even years! But, sincerely persevere and the Lord within the heart will reciprocate.
Whenever there is a human impulse, our tendency is to respond immediately without even contemplating the outcome. In reality there exists a short moment between an impulse and a response, catch yourself during this short moment, think first, then act. If this thinking is based on principled directions (or scripture), you will succeed in holding back the force of unwarranted impulses.
Remember, whilst striving for the highest spiritual principles, we still have responsibilities to our spouses, children and friends. We must be conscious of their needs before imposing our own.
In all cases of upholding any vows, the key principle is DESIRE, half of the battle is won if we ourselves make a conscious decision to follow a practice rather than feel obliged to do so – so desire it!
Things to do
· Pray to Krishna for strength and direction. · Learn to take shelter in chanting, this will help to transform your heart. · Find your own maintainable level of devotional practice, one which will gradually enable you to reach the ideal rather than an unrealistic and unachievable end which will only frustrate you. · Associate with those who have a slightly higher level of practice than you do (those who are also struggling but maintaining higher standards). · Practice some level of self discipline, it is the genuine path to higher enjoyment.
-- HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaj
If you find yourself struggling with chanting or the four regulative principles.
"Fools make fun of Me when I come here in d HumanForm,thinking I am1
among d conditioned souls.They dont know my Supreme Ctrl over all that
It looks as if d Lord is subjected2d laws of nature when He
appears&disappears here.Sun appears2rise&finish@nite.But is
there@nite,v r unable2c B-)
Even d learned r confused abt wat is action&inaction.Every action
gives either good/bad results.A person who sees action in
inaction&inaction in action is really in knowledge.Inaction isnt
possible&is condemned.Action in PerfectKnowledge(self,Supreme,nature)
is Akarma(no reactions2actions)&is recommended.
V r eternal(ever existing) but becoz v r Influenced by d
mind,senses,sense enjoyment,v r struggling&fatigued.When v become too
much fatigued, Krsna comes&gives us good counsel saying,u rascal,give
up all these desires&surrender to Me,I'll give u protection"-BG#15.7
"Moment by moment by moment,v r advertising ourselves by d way v
talk,by d way v dress,by d way v behave2show v r such&such.V bcome
what v think"-By a sannyasi
Humanity is divided in2 2Sections 1.Regulated
1.Those that follow d principles of prescribed duties in d scriptures
r never Lost.2.Life of an unregulated person,b it
civilized/uncivilized,educated/uneducated,strong/weak but with no idea
of next life/salvation like animals is Miserable-6.40
"It is undoubtedly very difficult2ctrl d mind,but is possible by
suitable Practice&Detachment.For1whose mind is unctrld,SelfRealization
is difficult work.But he whose mind is ctrld&who tries by proper means
is assured of success.That is My Opinion."-Lord Srì Krishna in
Bhagavad Gìtà Chapter#6 Verse#35-36
V have no experience seeing something coming out of Nothing.Which
means everything comes out of something.Creation has a Creator,not
Void.S v need qualification 2c d Creator,God.C thru eyes of Vedic
Scriptures.If d President doesnt come in front of my eyes,he doesnt
exist! Makes Sense?NonSense is nt it?
Who is that Supreme Person from whom everything comes? If it were
possible2trace our ancestry(who is d father of my grand father&his
father&his father....)V wud arrive@1 Person2Whom there's no Father.He
is d Supreme Lord.He is d coz of all causes but there's no
coz4Him.Such is d Supreme Lord I Worship :)
Just becoz v cant live in other planets doesnt mean no life exist in
other planets.If v dont want2accept things beyond our experience it's
our foolishness.V cant live in water :(,it doesnt mean no life exists
in water.Fishes live in water.V cant live in fire that doesnt mean no
life exists in fire :-o
If a dog with bread in mouth sees himself in d water,he thinks another
dog is trying2take bread so he'll lose even what he had.This is d
difference b/n human&animals.A Lion so powerful but saw another lion
in d well&jumped inside,he was finished.Becoz he's an
animal.Moral:Human Intelligence is Powerful.
ThoseWhoseMinds r nt developed&who isnt situated in SelfRealization
cant c how d body is changing.2day,There r many so-called yogìs doing
some GymnasticExercise&r satisfied if d body is WellBuilt&Healthy.They
r nt SelfRealized.Only those who realized Self,World,d SupremeLord can
c things as they r-BG15.11
B4giving up this present body if 1 is able2tolerate d urges of d
MaterialSenses&check d force of desire&anger,he's well situated&happy
in this world.1 who's able2ctrl d forces of
talk,anger,mind,stomach,genitals,tongue is called
Gosvämi/Svämi(Go-senses,Svämi-ctrler).Such is d SelfRealized&is
Wall,hand cuff,chain are used to keep the prisoners in jail. But
nature is so perfectly designed that keeps the prisoners here by
beautiful women-SP
Last week msgs back up-those who missed my sms can catch up here
"Wat is d position of an unsuccessful yogi who practices devotional
service2d Lord in d beginning&later deviates/gives up d practice
due2worldly mindedness? Will
he bcome like a scattered cloud with no position in any sphere,failing
in both material&spiritual life? ",Arjuna2Lord Sri Krsna in
Today's sloka
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