
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna


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What's the use?

What's the use of all facilities of householder life? What's the use of being a good husband or wife? What's the use of good children? What's the use of doing all occupational duties and household activities perfectly if all of these things doesn't invoke faith and devotion to Lord Krishna 



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these foods have acquired extraordinary tastes and uncommon fragrances. Just taste them and see the difference in the experience!

Lord Caitanya said of prasadam, "Everyone hastasted these foods before. However, now that they have been prepared for Krishna and offered to Him with devotion, these foods have acquired extraordinary tastes and uncommon fragrances. Just taste them and see the difference in the experience! Apart from thetaste, even the fragrance pleases the mind and makes one forget any other fragrance. Therefore one should know that the spiritual nectar of Krsna's lips must have touched these ordinary foods and imparted to them all their transcendental qualities."

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This Universe is Highly personal

Nature is not acting on it's own but under the supervision of the Supreme Lord and 33 billion administrative agents called Demi gods who are assisting in the execution of this material Universes.

Foolish men as we see in the west are unable to see this and think, under certain conditions of pressure and temperature things are changing in the world and they think they are very advanced and talk only of the immediate cause of a nature's wrath like tornado or tsunami.

Mother Nature is furious because of the misuse of resources and Violent killing of innocent animals. Her anger is expressed in the form of these various natural disasters.

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You do not know! Pujari must know how the Deities are feeling

I remember Srila Prabhupada one time he entered into the temple and he asked the pujari, "How are the Deities? How are the Deities feeling today?" And the pujari looked little bewildered. "You do not know! Pujari must know how the Deities are feeling" That the pujari should be so sincere that the Deity should reveal His mind. Since the pujari is revealing his mind to the Deity, the Deity will reveal His mind to the pujari. Just like when Sanatana Goswami was worshipping his Deity, he said. "Why don't you give me a little salt in the bread?" Because he was just making the wheat balls and throw them in the charcoal as they were. So very austere type of what do you call? Canon balls! So Deity was saying, "If I could just have a little salt. I know that you are very poor, butter is very difficult to come by, but a little salt!" Sanatana Goswami said, "If I start giving salt then the next thing will be butter, then You will want vegetable and then I will have to get a job. (Devotees laugh)There is no end to it. So You should just excuse otherwise it will end up that I won't be able to perform the other services, I have to write, I have to serve my Guru's orders, I have to excavate these holy places so many things! If I have to go out and get salt and everything then it will be very difficult." Of course then eventually Lord Krsna sent a salt merchant with a whole shipload of salt. So Sanatana Goswami could at least put a little salt in his bread. The salt merchant was stuck and by Sanatana Goswami's blessing he was able to be freed and he built one big temple for Madanamohan.

- HH.Jayapataka Swami



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