
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Don't ever smell the food you cook for offering

By smelling we contaminate the food or any substance that we offer to The Lord. It's for this same reason we are not supposed to smell the flowers or the incense before offering.

After offering of course it is transcendental and we can pass on the flowers to be smelled by devotees.


Metallic objects are cleaned by earth(sand/clay)

Wollen cloth is cleaned by simply drying up in the air

Body is purified by taking bath.Mind/Soul is purified by Mantra/chanting the Holy names of The Lord.

Rain water is purified by stagnation for 10 days.

Large water bodies such as rivers or running Water are not contaminated.

Small water bodies or ponds are contaminated by regular usage.

Earthen pots and few other objects covered by dirt are purified over a period of time when exposed to sunlight.

Usually objects that are made of earth are cleaned by water or air.

All purification happens over a period of time and so time is also a major factor in the purification process.

By thinking of The Lord constantly, the mind and soul can be kept pure always.

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I am not this dream

From Śrīla Prabhupāda: "So here is the recommendation. Try to become Krsna conscious. And then you'll not be disturbed with all these external, ephemeral changes of the material world. Not only of this body, practically..., practically one who is advanced in spiritual life, he's not agitated by the so-called political upheavals or social disturbances. No. He knows these are simply external, ephe... Just like in the dream. It is also a dream. The... Our present existence, it is also dream, Exactly like we dream at night. In dreaming, we create so many things. So this material world is also a gross dreaming. Gross dreaming. That is subtle dreaming. And this is gross dreaming." "I am not this dream" 72/11/21 Hyderabad, Bhagavad-gita 2.15

Courtesy: Kalachandji Katha


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Krishna Prasadam -Rice, Spinach and Dhal, water melon


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Love or Hate?

When you love someone, you love everything about that person, whereas if you hate someone, you will hate everything about that person. This is how a mind influenced by 3 modes of material nature works.

A person who loves God does not hate anyone in the world but only love with compassion. By regularly contemplating on the words of God from scriptures like Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavatham, one can easily transcend the influence of material modes of nature.

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Krishna Prasadam-Green peas Pulav and Panneer Sabji


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