Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.
This is in continuation of the previous offering titled, "Come to Your Senses", the transcription of a powerful class, given by our beloved spiritual master H H Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj, in Sri Sri Radhaneelmadhav dham, Rajkot on 6th December 2005. In the previous offering we heard from Maharaj that
1. We should never neglect the scriptures.
2. Engaging the mind in Krishna's service and not in concoctions.
Now let us continue to hear more nectar from Maharaj.
3. Clean and Chant: Clean the temple and when you are tired, you won't have idea of sex at all. Once you are tired, then nothing is there. Clean the temple and then show me whether you are running after the girl. The girl may pass near you and you will never notice because you are tired. Because you are not working, that is why you are running after here and there. Man, every time the girl smiles and you think, "She likes me." "Arre man, she doesn't like you at all." Smiling doesn't mean anything. But we are mad. Because we don't see the soul in the girl, we are just running after the body. Why we are mad like this, I don't know! How else should Bhagavatam insist? Is this very difficult to understand? Does it require much intelligence? It is common sense. If you read Bhagavatam, you will see your own life and you will see the life around. This does not require much intelligence. (Maharaj humbly says) I am the dunce and even then I can see because I have gone through the whole thing in my life. I was also 20 years old. I was also 25 years old. Don't you think I was 25? So I know what was the thing. Please, scriptures are very particular. And unless you keep yourself busy, you will never get rid of these bad ideas. And busy in the sense of manual work. Two things we must always have: one is bead bag, another one is duster. So go and clean everywhere and chant. Clean and chant, clean and chant! That is it. Nothing doing. But we don't do that. Chant and eat, chant and eat! Man, stop this madness. The more you eat, the more you run after, because the outlet is not there. Please, stop. Chant and work hard. C-W is alright. C-E is wrong (laughter).
4. Come to your senses: Regarding eating, we should be very sane about it. Anything you eat, eventually it is stool. If you eat rasagulla, rasagulla doesn't come out. So you should behave alright. And you should propagate these things. Don't you want to live comfortably? Why we are not following this 'celibate' word correctly? Celibate is not that you don't have sex. No. Even if you are not having sex, if the idea is continuous, then you are having more sex. Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita 3.6
karmendriyaani samyamya / ya aaste manasaa smaran
indriyaarthan vimudhaatma / mithyaacaarah sa ucyate
How clear it is! Study Bhagavad Gita. You are stopping your sense gratification by controlling your senses. But manasaa smaran always you are thinking about it in the mind. indriyaarthaan vimudhaatma He is vimudha, fool. mithyaacaarah sa ucyate - he is a pretender. Please stop this. And how to do it? Continuous engagement in this study of scriptures. Even while sitting your mind runs after sex. So manual labor must be there. Get up at 4 o' clock, run to the temple. Do some productive labor. We are very happy in unproductive labor. We cannot afford unproductive labor. We can only afford productive labor. No need of going to gym or running around. You sit down here and clean the floor. No need of going anywhere. Unproductive labor will always kill you. Unnecessary palpitation is there. We call it, 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness'. Please, this is the point to be understood. Unless the celibacy is followed very seriously, don't think that you will progress an inch on this path. And when you don't progress, you lose faith in the process. There is nothing wrong in the process. Everything is wrong with you. Why you are not coming to the senses? Please, why, why this madness! Because we are not following any principles and we pretend that we are following - mityaacaarah sa ucyate - this is our position. And celibacy cannot be there. Not marrying is not a brahmachari. Staying with one wife is brahmachari. dharmaviruddho bhuteshu kamo 'smi bharatarshabha. We have to control anyway. The controlled life only gives us the safety.
Krishna willing, we will continue to hear more nectar from Maharaj in the subsequent offerings.
Thank you very much.
Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva,
Bhupati Krishna das.
New York