
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Dvadasi offerings- rice, sambhar, cauliflower peas sabji


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Ekadasi Prasadam - Moraya upma, Tasty baked pepper sprinkled potatoes, baked sabudana cutlet


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Offerings on Friday 22 march 2013-Rice, Dhal, Pappad, Potato chips


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Going to Murali wala, the one who plays the flute named Murali


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Alert: Pride is a warning sign before fall down

This guy is taking pride in his bodily beauty and mocking at the deformed body of a sage. See the result for yourself in the video. The sage reveals that it is an offense not to him as he is a realized soul but to the laws of nature created by The Lord. Nature's laws are strictly acting upon the living entities and the living entities reap the reactions of their good or bad actions. The guy asks who has given the sage such a lean hip like heavenly damsels in a sarcastic way. The sage says it's the Prakriti/nature. Everyone is rewarded or punished according to what they deserve. The sage points out that the guy is offending the laws of nature and not him and so the guy is a sinner.


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