
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

If we keep jumping about something to everyone without considering the situation, it's fanaticism

Sometimes it becomes a habit for devotees to just keep making statements from the sastras and always saying contradictory things without the ability to see how it can be applied in practice in the current situation. They simply repeat the statements from their leaders and not be independently thoughtful like the story of horse with boil at neck. It's actually escaping from taking responsibility. It's a habit for men to say whatever they want to say. But the point is they don't consider the consequences. If we have to criticize someone or something positively, We have to be very careful about the audience and make sure that it really helps them and those around without creating scars in their hearts <3. Otherwise we are just doing more harm to the society and ourselves as well.



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Panca Tattva Deity Installation - Sri Dham Mayapur 2004



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Who is uncivilized?

Business plot 

India is well known for its rich cultural
heritage, spirituality and philosophy. The British eased the transportation system in India by bridges, railways and other means and the Indians liked this part of British. The British  were also freely distributing free tasty tea drinks all over to promote the business of tea manufacturing within India and abroad. They imported tea plants and started growing tea plants within India to export and make local business. There's no history of people in India drinking tea before that.

Internal civil wars:

After all these, the British called Indians as uncivilized and saying that they are making Indians civilized. Actually it is a masterplan for the British to plunder the natural resources and the surplus wealth in India by creating internal riots and using politics. Foolish Indians didn't understand the rich spiritual culture and its value by then and even now. 

People in India were self sufficient and leading simple happy lives. To break the culture, the British introduced the English language and their educational system which all of us now pursue and suffer. They made people think vedic literature, the scriptures and the cultural  things of India as useless. Earlier people were simply reading scriptures and performing dance, drama and other arts as their main profession.

Spread of Christianity

Some of the vedic literature were manipulated, edited reprinted by the British to give the Indians a false understanding that Jesus as part of the vedic writings and so they urged and used certain tactics to spread Christianity. Even today poverty is used as a means to spread Christianity. There are many monster leaders  around the world that create groups of people with a particular identity and at appropriate times provoke the group to create civil wars and internal inflexibilities in the country.


People in India need not work like asses in factories and industries for making plastic, iron products which are not really required. Agriculture has been the backbone of India for millions of years. Ask everyone in the major cities that majority of the people don't like the stressful life in the big cities. If we do farming we can grow our own food and no need to even travel long. So food will not be dependent on oil prices then. And the economy was not based on oil as like now. It was based on food grains, gold and gems and other precious stones and ornaments.
The paper based economy has no real value in it if the government fails. 

Who is civilized?

People in India who predominantly followed the vedic literature or sanatana dharma were highly civilized for millions of years in the history and ruled the whole world. 

Running like asses everyday to factories to work, what civilization is this? It's merely animal civilization that's all. 



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A clear indication


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via KKS Blog by hina on 2/7/13

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 31 December 2012, Cape Town, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.7.4)

Jai_JagannathaThere is a story which describes a man who got hit by a vehicle. It was a mini-bus with twenty-five people in the bus and due to the impact, his head rolled-off! Somehow such things happen karmically. In his last life, he was a king who executed twenty-five innocent people and now the same people got him! So karma creates these kinds of situations.

Somehow this family all left. Of course, that devotee family, they had a very auspicious day because they had all been involved in the Ratha Yatra and the driver – he was the pujari of Lord Jagannatha on the chariot. So the whole day, he had seen those eyes of Lord Jagannatha. As he went home, he came off the highway and went on the exit and someone came in the opposite direction. And I think when those headlights were coming at him, shining in his eyes, it must have been the big round eyes of Lord Jagannatha! I think so, there is a good chance because they were doing a lot of service regularly in the temple. So in that way, they may have driven on to the spiritual world. We can't always see what happens.

I have one disciple from South Africa who stays in Vrndavan. His father passed away of cancer and then within a day or two, one of the pujaris in the ashrama had a dream. In this dream, a man comes on a bullock cart and he comes to the Krsna Balarama temple, goes up to the brahmacari ashrama, wakes up the pujari who is sleeping – he is still really sleeping but in the dream he wakes up – and he tells him, 'Tell so and so that I'm all right.' And he leaves. The pujari sees him going and sees him jump on the bullock cart and drives out of the gate.

The pujari didn't know him but because he (the father) gave the name, the pujari went to that devotee and said, 'I just had a dream tonight and it was your father.' And pujari described how he looked and the devotee said, 'That is my father.' And he just laughed.

So sometimes, you get these messages with these things. Krsna looks after - that is a clear indication – Krsna is looking after them so he has them already on his bullock cart in Vrndavan. No problem, everything is fine!



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