Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Damodarastakam in a peaceful tune
Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.14.8
tat te 'nukampāḿ su-samīkṣamāṇo
bhuñjāna evātma-kṛtaḿ vipākam
hṛd-vāg-vapurbhir vidadhan namas te
jīveta yo mukti-pade sa dāya-bhāk
tat — therefore; te — Your; anukampām — compassion; su-samīkṣamāṇaḥ — earnestly hoping for; bhuñjānaḥ — enduring; eva — certainly; ātma-kṛtam — done by himself;vipākam — the fruitive results; hṛt — with his heart; vāk — words; vapurbhiḥ — and body; vidadhan — offering; namaḥ — obeisances; te — unto You; jīveta — lives; yaḥ — anyone who; mukti-pade — to the position of liberation; saḥ — he; dāya-bhāk — the rightful heir.
My dear Lord, one who earnestly waits for You to bestow Your causeless mercy upon him, all the while patiently suffering the reactions of his past misdeeds and offering You respectful obeisances with his heart, words and body, is surely eligible for liberation, for it has become his rightful claim.
Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī explains in his commentary that just as a legitimate son has to simply remain alive to gain an inheritance from his father, one who simply remains alive inKṛṣṇa consciousness, following the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga, automatically becomes eligible to receive the mercy of the Personality of Godhead. In other words, he will be promoted to the kingdom of God.
The word su-samīkṣamāṇa indicates that a devotee earnestly awaits the mercy of the Supreme Lord even while suffering the painful effects of previous sinful activities. LordKṛṣṇa explains in the Bhagavad-gītā that a devotee who fully surrenders unto Him is no longer liable to suffer the reactions of his previous karma. However, because in his mind a devotee may still maintain the remnants of his previous sinful mentality, the Lord removes the last vestiges of the enjoying spirit by giving His devotee punishments that may sometimes resemble sinful reactions. The purpose of the entire creation of God is to rectify the living entity's tendency to enjoy without the Lord, and therefore the particular punishment given for a sinful activity is specifically designed to curtail the mentality that produced the activity. Although a devotee has surrendered to the Lord's devotional service, until he is completely perfect in Kṛṣṇa consciousness he may maintain a slight inclination to enjoy the false happiness of this world. The Lord therefore creates a particular situation to eradicate this remaining enjoying spirit. This unhappiness suffered by a sincere devotee is not technically a karmic reaction; it is rather the Lord's special mercy for inducing His devotee to completely let go of the material world and return home, back to Godhead.
A sincere devotee earnestly desires to go back to the Lord's abode. Therefore he willingly accepts the Lord's merciful punishment and continues offering respects and obeisances to the Lord with his heart, words and body. Such a bona fide servant of the Lord, considering all hardship a small price to pay for gaining the personal association of the Lord, certainly becomes a legitimate son of God, as indicated here by the words dāya-bhāk. Just as one cannot approach the sun without becoming fire, one cannot approach the supreme pure, Lord Kṛṣṇa, without undergoing a rigid purificatory process, which may appear like suffering but which is in fact a curative treatment administered by the personal hand of the Lord.
nice verse from bhagavatam
Song Name: Ar Keno Maya Jale
Official Name: Sreyo-Nirnaya Song 2
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Gitavali
Language: Bengali
ār keno māyā-jāle poḍitecho, jīva-mīn
nāhi jāno baddha ho'ye ro'be tumi ciro-din
ati tuccha bhoga-āśe, bandī ho'ye māyā-pāśe
rohile vikṛta-bhāve daṇḍya jathā parādhīn
ekhona bhakati-bale, kṛṣṇa-prema-sindhu-jale
krīḍā kori' anāyāse thāko tumi kṛṣṇaādhīna
1) O fish like soul, why have you fallen into the entangling nets of Maya? You have not understood that being bound up by those nets you will have to remain in this material world for a long, long time.
2) After becoming captive in Maya's snare due to your desires for insignificant enjoyments, you remain transformed in a spiritually diseased condition, punishable just like a disobedient servant.
3) Now, by the power of devotional service, always remain subservient to Lord Krsna, swimming and frolicking freely in the nectarine ocean of Krsna-prema.
O fish like soul, why have you fallen into the entangling nets of Maya?
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