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Bhakti Yoga - The Topmost Yogic Practice!
Download Aindra Prabhu's kirtans and lectures in MP3 format
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Download Aindra Prabhu's kirtans and lectures in MP3 format
If we have to fight an enemy on the outside, then that is one thing, but if the enemy is already within then you are already half defeated….and that's where we are.
(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Soho St Temple, London, England, 14th February 2012) Lecture: SB. 10.23.8
'kāmādīnāṁ kati na katidhā pālitā durnideśās
teṣāṁ jātā mayi na karuṇā na trapā nopaśāntiḥ,' (CC. Madhya 22.16)
The senses have no mercy….not good enough….they have no mercy! They will entangle us in the three fold miseries. Miseries of the body and the mind. Miseries caused by other living entities……and you cannot escape it. Therefore, if we do what the senses are saying, then one gets in trouble, and Srila Rupa Goswami also explains that:
'The senses are very ungrateful….very ungrateful.'
You bring them whatever they want….everything………………….the senses are pushing and what do we do?
'Oh we are obedient servants. Whatever you say….yes.'
You give the senses everything they want and what do you get?
'Is that all? Is that all you could bring? Bring more!!'
Imagine if you had a boss like that? Would you work for a boss like that ………………..It's just intolerable but when it comes to the senses, then oh no, we must (obediently for our whole life) just do whatever our senses dictate. And even at an old age we have to become a fool once again, because the senses are making us behave like a jumping dog into the hands of the opposite sex! – as the Bhagavatam describes. So therefore, bhakti yoga, like other forms of yoga offers a process by which we learn to control the senses through regulation.
But that process of regulation is only a temporary process, because the permanent way to really control the senses is through the higher taste….to fulfilment. The fulfilment in serving Krishna. So that is the only thing that will ever put us on the safe platform! That is the only time that we will be finally safe from maya! Because maya is everywhere…..maya is always there. We were talking about this the other day, that how maya is not only on the outside,
'Maya is also on the inside', which is Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's statement and that is the complication. If we have to fight an enemy on the outside, then that is one thing, but if the enemy is already within then you are already half defeated….and that's where we are.
Therefore it is difficult, but in association, in a good regulated process, and by taking shelter (on a daily basis) in the process of devotional service, we can be successful!
To really control the senses
jaya jaya rava bhela nadiya nagare janmilena sri-gauranga jagannatha ghare
jagan-mata saci-deva misra jagannatha mahanande gagana paola janu hata
The town of Nadia reverberated with the sounds of 'Jaya! Jaya!' It was the occasion of the birth of Sri Gauranga, who appeared at the home of Jagannath Misra. Mother Saci, who was like the mother of the entire world, and Jagannath Misra raised their hands in the sky in their great ecstasy.
grahana samaye pahun aila avani sankha-nada hari-dhvani cari bhite suni
nadiya nagari-gana deya jaya-kara ulu-dhvani hari-dhvani ananda apara
As the time for the lunar eclipse approached, loud sounds of conch shells and the chanting of the holy names of Lord Hari could be heard in all four directions. The residents of Nadia loudly chanted, "Jaya! Jaya!" along with making the traditional ulu sound accompanied by the names of Lord Hari. In this way, great joy was spread everywhere.
papa rahu avani kariyachila grasa purna-sasi gaura pahun te bhela prakasa
gauracanda-candra prema-amrta sincibe vrndavana-dasa kahe papatama yabe
When the sinful Rahu planet covered the moon in the sky, the full moon known as Gauracandra became manifest in this world. The moon known as Lord Gauracandra nourished the great nectar of love of Godhead in this world. Vrindavan Das says that this love of God has driven away all the sins of this world.
[ By Vrindavan das, translated by Hari Parshad Das from Vaisnava Padavali, fourth edition, April 2010. Compiled and edited by Hare Krishna Mukhopadhyay. Published by Shishu Sahitya Sansad Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata.]
The Moon Known as Gauracandra
Mar 02
Song Name: Suddha Bhakata Carana Renu
Official Name: Bhakti Anukula Matra Karyera Svikara Song 3
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Saranagati
Language: Bengali
bhakata-sevā, parama-siddhi,
prema-latikāra mūla
mādhava-tithi, bhakti-jananī,
jetane pālana kori
kṛṣṇa-basati, basati boli',
parama ādare bori
gaur āmāra, je-saba sthāne,
koralo bhramaṇa rańge
se-saba sthāna, heribo āmi,
mṛdańga-bādya, śunite mana,
abasara sadā jāce
gaura-bihita, kīrtana śuni',
ānande hṛdoya nāce
jugala-mūrti, dekhiyā mora,
parama-ānanda hoya
prasāda-sebā korite hoya,
sakala prapañca jaya
je-dina gṛhe, bhajana dekhi,
gṛhete goloka bhāya
caraṇa-sīdhu, dekhiyā gańgā,
sukha sā sīmā pāya
tulasī dekhi', jurāya prāṇa,
mādhava-toṣaṇī jāni'
gaura-priya, śāka-sevane,
jīvana sārthaka māni
bhakativinoda, kṛṣṇa-bhajane,
anakūla pāya jāhā
prati-dibase, parama-sukhe,
swīkāra koroye tāhā
1) The dust of the lotus feet of pure devotees, enthusiastic devotional service, and service to the pure devotees of the highest order are the roots of the creeper of devotion.
2) The holy days like Ekadasi and Janmastami are the mother of devotion for those devotees who respect them. Let the holy places of Krsna's pastimes be my places of worship, and bless me.
3) May I always visit all the holy places associated with the lila of Lord Caitanya and His devotees.
4) When I hear the sound of the mrdanga in my heart I always desire to join in kirtana; and when I hear the bonafide songs describing Lord Caitanya's pastimes, my heart dances in ecstasy.
5) Whenever I see the transcendental sri-vigrahas of Radha-Krsna I am in bliss, for by taking Their Lordships' prasada we can conquer over the material elements.
6) One day while performing devotional practices, I saw my house transformed into Goloka Vrndavana. When I take the caranamrta of the Deity, I see the holy Ganges waters that come from the feet of Lord Visnu, and my bliss knows no bounds.
7) By seeing the tulasi tree my heart feels joy and Lord Madhava (Krsna) is also satisfied. When I eat the prasada favored by Lord Caitanya it is a new life's experience. (Lord Caitanya was very fond of a green vegetable preparation called sak, and there is another song in this book that tells of the amazing effects of this type of prasada.)
8) Bhaktivinoda concludes by saying: "Whosoever attains the stage of enthusiasm for these devotional practices will be supremely blissful wherever he may be."
Whosoever attains the stage of enthusiasm for these devotional practices will be supremely blissful wherever he may be.
The celestial godly beings in the mortal world!