
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Please tolerate the wrongs I may have done You

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.11.29]


TEXT 44:

tasmat pranamya pranidhaya kayam
prasadaye tvam aham isam idyam
piteva putrasya sakheva sakhyuh
priyah priyayarhasi deva sodhum



You are the Supreme Lord, to be worshiped by every living being. Thus I fall down to offer You my respectful obeisances and ask Your mercy. As a father tolerates the impudence of his son, a friend the impertinence of a friend, or a husband the familiarity of his wife, please tolerate the wrongs I may have done You.



Krishna's devotees relate to Krishna in various relationships; one might treat Krishna as a son, or one might treat Krishna as a husband, as a friend, or as a master. Krishna and Arjuna are related in friendship. As the father tolerates, or the husband or a master tolerates, so Krishna tolerates. 


TEXT 45:

adrishta-purvam hrishito 'smi drishtva
bhayena ca pravyathitam mano me
tad eva me darsaya deva rupam
prasida devesa jagan-nivasa



After seeing this universal form, which I have never seen before, I am gladdened, but at the same time my mind is disturbed with fear. Therefore please bestow Your grace upon me and reveal again Your form as the Personality of Godhead, O Lord of lords, O abode of the universe.



Arjuna is always in confidence with Krishna because he is a very dear friend, and as a dear friend is gladdened by his friend's opulence, Arjuna is very joyful to see that his friend Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and can show such a wonderful universal form. But at the same time, after seeing that universal form, he is afraid that he has committed so many offenses to Krishna out of his unalloyed friendship. Thus his mind is disturbed out of fear, although he had no reason to fear. Arjuna therefore is asking Krishna to show His Narayana form, because He can assume any form. This universal form is material and temporary, as the material world is temporary. But in the Vaikuntha planets He has His transcendental form with four hands as Narayana. There are innumerable planets in the spiritual sky, and in each of them Krishna is present by His plenary manifestations of different names. Thus Arjuna desired to see one of the forms manifest in the Vaikuntha planets. Of course in each Vaikuntha planet the form of Narayana is four-handed, but the four hands hold different arrangements of symbols—the conchshell, mace, lotus and disc. According to the different hands these four things are held in, the Narayanas are variously named. All of these forms are one with Krishna; therefore Arjuna requests to see His four-handed feature. 

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



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Govardhan photos

From: Padmalochan (das) ACBSP (Mayapur - IN)

Hare Krishna,
This is mailing list for Mayapur photos. As promissed in the last posting
this time it is darsan of Govardhan (of Vraja). From next posting we will
reasume Mayapur darsan again, :-).

There are few photos in atatched zipped folder of Govardhan and places
around Govardhan, like Manasi Ganga, Radha-kunda and Shyama-kunda,
Govinda-kunda, Dhanaghati (where Padmalochan Das puspa samadhi is), also
couple of pictures from Archa-murti Mataji's transcendental Goshala, where
she looks after beautiful Surabhi cows as well as one deer, who's life she

There are too many photos to share via e-mail, so please do visit my on-line
galery to see the rest:

and for those on Face Book:

Hare Krishna,

your servant, Vrindavan Lila Dasi
 Home Page:



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Decision is yours! Love or Lust???

Those that misused their independence are covered by the densest part
of ignorance such as animal body,tree body,stone body etc. When alive
lets not degrade our consciousness by any means. Lets stay away from
Whatever that agitates our senses, mind and intelligence.Those who are
using much of the intelligence should also be cautious.Because corrupt
intelligence is dangerous. Even though we have intelligence,it's only
the mind which is making the decision. But mind is also influenced by
the past conditioning from countless number of lives. Associate only
with things that are favourable for devotion to Krishna.
One who checks the force of anger and the pull of senses in this life
is eligible for liberation.
When Arjuna asked, what impels one to commit sinful activities even
though one wants to stay away from that.
Lord Sri Krishna said,it's lust only Arjuna which is the all devouring
sinful enemy of the soul which burns like a fire.
Just like in a battle field the enemies are easily conquered by
positioning our troops at strategic points, lust captures the soul by
positioning itself in senses, mind, intelligence.

Therefore, in the very beginning, curb this symbol of sin which is
born of the material mode of passion(unlimited desires and longings)
Those who are covered by lust are blind to the reality and suffer much
from the material miseries.But the problem is that many times the soul
is distressed by the past conditioning of the lust and hence the soul
forgets and suffers from the same disease by fueling the fire.
The suffering increases manifold when the soul gets addicted to Lust
which is actually often in guise of Love.

Following are the 3 types of people cannot sleep,
1.Those who are covered by lust
2. Those who are diseased
3. Those who are hurt at heart by harsh words

But the good news to the conditioned souls is all these six enemies
can also be utilized in Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna&His
beloved devotees when one sticks to the religous principles&associates
with the saintly people.


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We don't want to miss the boat!

Posted: 03 Oct 2011 02:33 PM PDT

Kadamba Kanana Swami, Helsinki, Finland, 2011)

In preaching we should not throw Krishna Consciousness like a tonne of bricks on peoples' heads, and all at once tell them:

"You have to follow everything!"

And they runaway, and are never to be seen again. No, preaching means that we have to be sensitive, pending on what stage that person is at, and offer them the next step – that's preaching.

It's not that there is a stereotype lesson for everyone. No, each person is somewhere and the preacher has to check out partially by asking some questions and by being partially sensitive, towards this person and try to give the person the next step to take.

In book distribution, Vaisheshika was saying interesting things. He was saying:

"When we take members out of the congregation out to the book distribution for the first times. Usually I tell them that for the first three times they are not allowed to distribute any books, since they can only watch. Anybody who is a little bit of a natural – ignores those instructions and starts distributing the books. But the ones who are shy, they feel secure with them instructions. It's authorised now for them to watch three times and they don't feel pressurised".

So I thought it was intelligent………….give people the next step…….yes why not, but life is short and we don't want to also miss the boat!



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