
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Monkey like men!

There are various archaeloigcal proofs to confirm that man did not
evolve from monkey. Monkey like men have this idea that their origin
is monkey. As already they are aping the apes in their activities,so
in one sense they are going to become monkeys in their next
lives,officially by the support of nature.
And this imaginary theory has been propounded by the athiestic man
Darwin whose ancestors and he himself is a monkey. But from Vedic
literature we have the understanding that all the living beings of
different species of life such as birds,beasts etc,all moving and
non-moving living beings are simultaneously created by our father
Manu. Manu is the father of all the species of life in this world.
And we know from Bhagavad Gita that Krishna saying, I am the seed
giving Father.
So Krishna is our real father in one sense. The living entities in
different species of life gradually evolve in their consciousness and
get to the higher levels or even get to lower levels. The main defect
of Darwin's theory is the evolution is based on body. But really
evolution takes place in the consciousness. It's based on our
consciousness, we take different bodies. Darwin's theory is purposely
meant to destroy the God consciousness and the religious principles.
And the poor children from their childhood in the public
schools(slaughter houses) study these athiestic theories and become
demons. From childhood they are not learning the science of self and
God and hence it's difficult to imbibe the values of life later on.
Finally they become like what they've been taught. To be like monkeys!


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Earth is not rotating but Sun is revolving around all planetary systems in the Universe.

Earth is not rotating every day and night, rather the sun is revolving
around all the planets in the Universe. When we are stationary and
when we see moving objects, it may appear we are also moving.This is
the information we get from the Vedic literature,which is word of God.
Creator knows the creation perfectly, than the created.
We are created beings.We never know exactly whats going on inside our
body,what to speak of the Universe.We can only desire but all that is
fulfilled by the Lord only. The Supreme Lord expands Himself as this
material world and even the gross elements, our mind, intelligence
etc. So in that Sense, everything is Krishna or God. But He still
remains aloof from all these things as a Person who has nothing to do
with this material world.
Our experimental knowledge is limited. Someone said earth is flat and
someone said it's round and somebody else said it's spherical.
Tomorrow it's no wonder someone else may observe that it's triangular.
The point is ascending method of acquiring perfect knowledge is
imperfect and takes many lifetimes for one to come to an
understanding. But the descending method which comes from our ancestry
in the Vedic tradition is perfect and easy to understand. The Vedic
literature has been handed down to the living beings by Srila Vyasa
Dev,an incarnation of Lord Vishnu who God Himself. He is the source of
everything and so He knows everything that moves and not moves within
the cosmic manifestation perfectly.


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Drops of Bhakti!

1. Bhakti surpasses all other process like karma,jnana and yoga.
Process of bhakti is superior and also includes all other process.
2. In bhakti chanting gives results of all , but Devotees consider
Material things and liberation as impediments to bhakti.
3. Result of bhakti gives the best of knowledge, best of wealth..if
one considers it to be an exaggeration it is an offense to the holy
4. Nature of bhakti is that one gives up everything and accepts only
which is favorable. A devotee definitly does not want moksa as when
one merges they cant serve the Lord
5. Lord gives mercy upon ganges and she gives blessings to jiva in the
material world. Eradication of sin is a byproduct while the higher
goal is development of bhakti. Here it is the glorification of water
associated with the lord and having great potentcy.
-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj(SB# 5.17.3)
Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Important and enthusing quotes for devotion!

We must be sincere and must be chaste in the line of Krishna consciousness. That means faith must be strong. 'I must get, today or tomorrow.' When the result is not coming, I must try to search within me: 'Where is my fault?' If we try to understand: 'Where is my fault?', mercifully by the grace of Krishna it will appear to me: 'This, is my fault.'
- B.S. Govinda Maharaj

You were born in nectar. You were born to taste nectar. You must not allow yourselves to be satisfied by anything but nectar. Awake! Arise! And search for that nectar.
- B.R. Sridhar Maharaj

Krsna will appear of His own accord. He will descend upon your tongue, and then your tongue will be able to chant the name of Krsna. A gun that has no bullet, but only a blank, may make some sound, but no bullet is actually fired. Similarly, chanting the name of Krsna without an attitude of service produces sound, but that is only tongue deep.
- B.R. Sridhar Maharaj

We have heard from Guru Maharaj that Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur would often chant on the roof of his house and every morning at 4 o'clock a great wind would pass over his roof in the direction of Mayapur. Srila Bhaktivind Thakur expressed his understanding of this miraculous wind as being Sri Nrsimhadev every day going to see the arati of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu. So, although ordinarily it may be difficult to conceive, we can conclude that Nrsimhadev is also very eager to see the worship of Sriman Mahaprabhu.
- B.S. Govinda Maharaj

From here we cannot conceive the divine love of all the entities in that transcendental abode of Krsna. But one day, by the grace of Gurudev, it may be possible for it to be revealed in our hearts. Still, we are always hopeful, and we will not be satisified with anything else
- B.S. Govinda Maharaj

What others will do, that is not such a big question for me. The big question for me is, what I am doing and what I am giving. Every day the sun is rising and the sun is setting, and within that period what I am doing, what I am giving from my side.
- B.S. Govinda Maharaj

"Oh Lord, give me what is good. I am an imperfect being, I do not know what is good and what is bad. Please provide whatever You consider to be good for me." This is an improvement over praying to Him for mundane things.
But best is to accept the creed of unalloyed service to the Highest: "I want You, my Lord, nothing else." And what will be our connection with Him? Service. "I want only Your service."
- B.R. Sridhar Maharaj

Everything is true only by having connection with the Absolute Truth. Everything is there in the absolute. So the finite cannot produce anything which is not in the infinite. The finite world, therefore, is rather a shadow or a perverted reflection of the whole truth.
- B.R. Sridhar Maharaj

O Arjuna, as ignorant persons work with attachment, the wise, too, must work, but without attachment, in order to guide the general people who exist in the plane of worldly action. (They differ not in their work but in their attitudes of attachment and detachment.)
- Srimad Bhagavad-Gita Ch. 13 Verse 25


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Unbelievables Real Facts

Unbelievables Real Facts
When Krsna Gives U can't count.

But fools don't understand that when krsna gives u can't count ,krsna
 can very easily solve our material desires but that is not lords mercy in fact that is the punishment for his polluted, material desires.we should not abroach lord with material desires

Dhruva Maharaja desires to rule the world so he performed very severe austerities, up to the point of not even breathing air so many days.

when Lord Narayana appeared to him, Lord Narayana told him, "I am now giving you the kingdom of the whole earth to rule for 36,000 years."after that u will rule the polestar(druva lok). which will continue to exist even after the dissolution that takes place at the end of Brahma's day. . No one has ever ruled this planet, which is surrounded by all the solar systems, planets and stars. All the luminaries in the sky circumambulate this planet, just as bulls tread around a central pole for the purpose of crushing grains. Keeping the polestar to their right, all the stars inhabited by the great sages like Dharma, Agni, Kaśyapa and Śukra circumambulate this planet, which continues to exist even after the dissolution of all others.

But Dhruva Maharaja Speaks to Lord Narayana"I was searching for a broken piece of glass and I was fortunate to attain a cintamani stone instead"

Foolish person like myself, who worship You for gratifying the senses of this bag of skin, are certainly influenced by Your illusory energy. In spite of having You, who are like a desire tree, and are the giver of liberation from birth and death, we ask You for benedictions of sense gratification, which is available even in a hellish condition of life."

After being worshiped by Dhruva, Lord Vishnu departed for His own abode, riding upon the back of Garuda. After watching with wonder, until the Lord was out of sight, Dhruva started for home. And yet, in spite of having achieved his desired goal, Dhruva did not feel very pleased. Having understood the position of unalloyed devotional service, Dhruva very much lamented that he had approached the Lord hoping to gain revenge against his step-mother and achieve a kingdom greater than that of Brahma. Of course, the Lord fulfilled these desires, but Dhruva was ashamed, knowing that such aspirations are not at all befitting a genuine devotee.

While going along, Dhruva condemned himself as follows: "Oh! Just see what I have done! I approached the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can award His loving service to liberate one from the cycle of birth and death, but out of foolishness, I prayed for things that are perishable. Thus, even though I came face to face with the Lord after only six months of austerity, whereas others attain this goal only after many, many births, due to thinking differently from the Lord, I have fallen down."

Dhruva knew that the Lord could have immediately taken him back to Vaikuntha. Therefore, he considered that the Lord gave him dominion over the earth for 36,000 years as a kind of punishment for his polluted, material desires.


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