
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Being a devotee of the Lord is the most successful thing

1. Avataras are expansions of the Lord and they show some other
qualities of the Lord.
2. Certain jivas are given power by the Lord.devathas-demigods,
sages,manus are all posts, where new set of the above come and replace
the old.
3. Kings rule over the citizens and all is arranged by the Supreme
Lord and the Kings allow them to enjoy but also regulate them.
4. Thus simultaneously satisfying the jiva and also offering them a
stage so that they can get out.
5. Kings were ruling very nicely, they were able to maintain all
principles , did all sacrifices, beyond that one should be a devotee
of Lord Krishna and that is the most successful thing.
-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj(SB#5.15.1)
Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Being most attached to Him&His devotion is really the most detached(from false identification)

1. One of the qualities of bhakti is, liberation will be considered to
be insignificant.
2. Renunciation is associated with desire for liberation. When one is
not interested in liberation it is difficult to give up.
3. In Bhakti, attachment to the Lord is so wonderful that one is saved
from bondage in material world.
4. Bhakti destroys karma, ahankar, avidhya and so on..liberation is
already achieved and these are secondary results and not the goal of
5. Goal of bhakti is to attain more attraction for the Lord and more
Devotional Service.
6. At the stage of prema, the Lord becomes most attracted to His devotees.
-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj (SB#5.14.44)

Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Bhakti creeper is destroyed only by the elephant of offences!

1. One of the Qualities of bhakthi is,it is very rare. To attain
bhava stage one has to go through sadhu sanga, bhajana kriya ..and so
on,it cant be attained by any other process.
2. Even though the Lord reveals himself in the bhava stage there may
be a slight tinge of maya.
3. Effect of our sinful activities are destroyed but the effects of
aparadha(offences will remain even during bhava stage.
4. But even when there is a fall in bhava stage we should not
criticize just like how we dont talk ill of the moon even though there
are spots.
5. Process of bhakthi alone leads one,to the stage of bhava and then
to prema. One destroys punya-piety by enjoyment but the effect of
bhakthi is not destroyed unless one commits aparadha-offences.
-HH.Bhanu Swami (SB# 5.14.42)
Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Spiritual life is not bound by rules/rituals but whatever works for devotion is just the priority

1. Kings were expert in dharma but they are materialistic leaders
they conquer regions, get wealth but they end up in death.They dont
strive for eternal happiness.
2. Kings follow the varnashrama system, even in ideal varnashrama
system people are predominantly interested in material life.
3. To perform jnana and yoga one should be brahminical for which most
people are not qualified.
4. Even if one is in the varnashrama system or not one can strive for
success by the process of bhakthi.
5. One should surrender to the devotees of the Lord and through them
they surrender to Krsna.
6. One can try to bring good qualities but overemphasis on good
qualities is not an anga of bhakthi.Ultimately spiritual life is not
bound by Rules
-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj(SB#5.14.40)

Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Eternal Happiness!

1. In the whole material world suffering is never completely
extinguished, but it is designed in such a way so that one cannot give
it up.
2. There is necessity that we have to take shelter of devotees
through them ultimately we take shelter of krsna. Through devotees we
get knowledge of the supreme lord , inspiration to serve and leave the
material world. 3. The idea of leaving the material world should not
only be because of miseries , if the suffering aspect is more
prominent it becomes mixed devotion.
4. In pure bhakthi the motivation is to simply please the supreme lord.
5. When we tell chant and be happy our promise is for their eternal happiness.
-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj(SB# 5.14.36)

Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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