
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Kasturi Tilakam-An Offering by Bilvamangala Thakura!

kastUrI tilakam lalATa phalakE vakshasthalE kaustubham
nAsAgrE nava mauktikam karatalE vENum karE kankaNam
sarvAngE hari chandanam cha kalayam kaNThEcha muktAvali
gOpastrI parivEshTitO vijayatE gOpAla chUDAmani

Meaning of this beautiful Shloka which has a contrast between ornamented god and god as the supreme ornament:

O Sri Krishna ! The Kasturi (Musk) Tilak, a red ritual mark decorates your forehead and the Kaustubha jewel ornaments your chest

The Nava mouktika, a pearl ornament on your nose, your fingertips graced by a flute, while your wrist is ornamented with a bracelet.

O Sri Hari! Your entire body is bedecked with fragrant sandalwood paste, your neck has a beautiful garland

You gave Mukti (salvation) to the Gopis (lady-cowherds) who followed you, 

Victory be to that Lord who proved to be the choodamani (crest jewel - singular ornament of all ornaments) for even a commoner like a cowherd

"Kasturi Tilakam" is the 2.108 Slokam of Sri Krishna Karnamrutham, a string of Bhakthi laden poems offered at the sacred feet of the Lord . The author of Sri Krishna Karnamrutham is Bilva Mangalar (AD 1220-1300). He was a contemproary of Swami Desikan (AD 1268-1369). Since he described with great joy the leelas of Krishna like Sukha Brahmam, the author of Srimad Bhagavatham, he came to be known as Leela Sukhar. He belongs to the tradition of great devotees of Krishna of Kerala such as Narayana Bhattadhiri, the author of Sri NarayaNeeyam, Poonthaanma and Vasudeva Nambhhodhri and other great scholars of Dasama Skhandham of Srimad Bhagavatham.

(any sanskrit pandits, dont yell at me for any translation errors, sources are from internet so always cannot say it's authorized for its correctness..)


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Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 05:08:16 +0000
Subject: - Conquering Maya

Conquering Maya

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 09:23 PM PDT

If the whole day instead of Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, we chant no Maya, no
Maya, no Maya, no Maya then that would be difficult. So the more we are
busy in service to Krsna the less opportunity there is for Maya. That is
the way to conquer Maya. The only way to conquer Maya is by becoming
absorbed in service to Krsna. You cannot conquer Maya in any other way. Its
not, first Ill conquer Maya and then Ill serve Krsna., but it is serve
Krsna and Maya will be conquered.(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, June 2011, New
Ekachakra, Slovakia)

To see with a more sharp focus!

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 12:30 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2011)

We are trapped in birth, death, old age and disease. So these are the real
traps and no matter how you arrange the society…no matter where we live or
how comfortable one lives, no one can overcome these basic problems.

Birth, disease old age and death, will always re emerge no matter what and
there we are really trapped -trapped in suffering. So this understanding
comes gradually. In the beginning one thinks:

'That in the world there is happiness and distress….there is enjoyment and
suffering….and if only I could get all the enjoyment and avoid the
suffering then everything would be great! And that's all….and its just a
matter of figuring it out. Eventually somehow or other doctor it out. A
little suffering – alright we can take, but if it's mostly enjoyment then
my life is a success!'

Gradually we realise that whatever enjoyment there is in the material world
then it is very meagre…very limited and that basically it can never fulfil
our need for enjoyment! We may enjoy but there is no fulfilment…and between
the two there is a big difference. Yes enjoy but still unfulfilled. That is
the best we can get out of material enjoyment. So what to do! And that is
temporary also! Therefore, gradually we begin to see with a more sharp

Making advancement all the time

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 04:23 AM PDT

The real progress that you make is from the first little bit of service to
Krsna and it gets more real day by day. But we dont realise it yet. I
compare that to growing old. Growing old is such a thing that it happens
slowly, you dont notice it until one day you look in the mirror and you
think, my God! Do I have a lot of lines! I never had those before. Thats
how growing old is, you grow old everyday but you dont see it everyday. We
make spiritual advancement everyday but we dont see it but sometimes we
have a moment where we feel, Im actually getting something But we are
making advancement all the time.

(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, June 2011, New Ekachakra, Slovakia)

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Too much expectation is the cause of frustration!

Too much expectation is the cause of frustration. We have in our mind
that this and this should be such and such. And sometimes we may have
to tolerate by being flexible but not beyond our limit of tolerance.
When we stretch beyond our limits of tolerance we cannot continue that
for long and finally it becomes a disaster and depression of mind
resulting in madness. As far as comfort of the body is concerned,we
need to fulfill the basic offer of it in proper time at regular
intervals. It's very important that we care our body also very nicely
because only with that we can perform our services,be it material or
We are not meant to labour hard day and night like asses rather use
the body in realizing the self. The body also needs some physical
work. But in our modern offices, we sit for hours and hours and the
result is piles! We find our elders who worked for so many years this
way are suffering only with piles and other serious complications in
the body.
"To the degree we attach ourselves to a particular thing, to that
degree we will get frustrated when we lose that thing"-HH.Radhanath
And so we must be cautious in our dealings with this world. When we
get closer to something we'll have to remember and make up our mind
prepared to lose that any time.
"There'll come a time when all of us must leave here,when nothing
sister mary can do to keep me here with you. And things that seemed so
very plain become an awful pain. There comes a time when most of us
return here,backed by our desires to be a perfect entity"-George
Therefore it's essential to keep our expectation to the least possible
extent in our dealings in this world. By nature this world is meant
for giving us lessons.


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Residents of heaven&hell are so advanced materially than we are!

Actually the dwellers of heaven and hell are more advanced in
technology than we are. A speculation I make here is we find
UFOs-unidentified flying objects reported for so long in the sky since
world war times.
It could be possible that the dwellers of other planetary systems
travel in spaceships and that's not captured so well in our radars.
And their speed is more than that of sound Waves. So they know us well
but we dont know even ourselves so well what to speak of them and then
the Supreme Lord who maintains the heaven,hell and the whole cosmic


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Residents of heaven&hell are so advanced materially than we are!

Actually the dwellers of heaven and hell are more advanced in
technology than we are. A speculation I make here is we find
UFOs-unidentified flying objects reported for so long in the sky since
world war times.
It could be possible that the dwellers of other planetary systems
travel in spaceships and that's not capture so well in our radars. And
their speed is more than that of sound Waves. So they know us well but
we dont know even ourselves so well what to speak of them and then the
Supreme Lord who maintains the heaven,hell and the whole cosmic


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