
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Air Hostess who ate Prabhupada's Maha Prasadam

Air Hostess who ate Prabhupada's Maha Prasadam

......of the many wonderful pastimes of Srila Prabhupad I heard a  wonderful story that I'd never heard the second part of until now. First  part was with Prabhupad travelling to South America with his two  servants, the temple where they'd been gave them a packed lunch for the  plane, so in the air Srutakirti Prabhupad's servant opened Prabhupad's  lunch pack and served him his prasadam of puffed rice and peanuts.  Prabhupad had his fill and handed over the remnants to Srutakirti who'd  just began eating when the lady air hostess comes over and in one motion  says that looks tasty and grabs a handful throws it in her mouth.  Prabhupad smiled, Srutakirti was somewhat shocked. She then asked why  bring your own food. Srutakirti informed her  that they are vegetarians etc etc. She immediately said is there  anything else I can get you, fruit milk? Prabhupad said "Hot milk". Five  minutes later she returned with three cups of hot milk she got from  First class. Prabhupad thanked her and the devotees discussed among  themselves Prabhupad remarking that it is a natural nature of a pious  woman to serve....... Anyway over the years this had become one of  Srutakirti's favourite Prabhupad pastime stories to tell.
Anyway  now part two, he was recently again in South America doing a preaching  tour enlivening devotees there (and selling his book "What is the  difficulty?") and he told that story in Brazil. Afterward one devotee  came up to him and asked would Srutakirti prabhu like to hear an amazing  story? This devotee was out in some remote village going door to door  selling books when he knocked on a door a lady opened the door wearing  tilak. She then invited the devotee in and her house was like a  little temple,an altar with Deities, pictures on the walls and all of  Prabhupad's books in Portuguese in her bookshelf. The devotee just had  to ask her how she became a devotee....... She said she used to be an  airline hostess some years ago and she met the author of these books, he  was so saintly and gentle and kind that she looked up who he was and  what he did from his boarding pass name. She then got some of his books  and began to read, they said to chant so she chanted and offer her food  to Krishna, so she did all that an became a devotee from that small  contact.......... Srutakirti was gob smacked, while at the same time  understood the potency of Prasadam and even a moments association with a  pure devotee like Srila Prabhupad. Now that has become one of  Srutakirti's favourite stories to tell also.



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Maya is marketing herself in a vibrant way....and finally you are cheated!!!

Marketing is, making you buy what you really dont want. Maya is also marketing with her illusory beauty of this body and all that is associated with the body. We really dont need this body to be happy. It's actually this body which is the cause of all suffering and if used properly the same body can help us get liberated.

There are two kinds of things..Needs and Wants

1.Needs are like basic things without which survival itself is not possible Eg: Eating, Sleeping, Mating, Defending
2.Wants are those that are really not necessary but may be used part of Luxury or comfort. Eg: Unwanted luxury which binds one further

Senses are pulled by the sense objects,therefore mind is pulled by the senses and then the intelligence and finally the soul himself is dragged down helplessly to experience the miserable existence of binding oneself further. 

Cannot even think properly without goodness, nothing works without passion and we cannot sleep without ignorance and all this is required in the material world when in material body.

When we start using the products that are marketed we will understand it's unworthiness. Without even using the product we would have been hassle free but it's too late by the time we have the product with us :) And it's the same case with our body and all that is associated with that. In the beginning it may appear there's some pleasure but that is the cause of the suffering ahead. It's all the passion that brings all the suffering. Honour, Prestige, Fame, House, Children, Wife, Cars are all products of passion. Goodness is better than passion and passion is better than Ignorance but Pure Goodness is above all these three. When one is situated in Devotional Service then one is said to be in pure goodness.



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Complete Purification by Devotional service


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/26/11

Another example given in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam concerns the elephant who enters into a lake and takes a bath very seriously, cleansing his body thoroughly. Then as soon as he comes onto shore he again takes some dust from the earth and throws it over his body. Similarly, a person who is not trained in Kṛṣṇa consciousness cannot become completely free from the desire for sinful activities. Neither the yoga process nor philosophical speculations nor fruitive activities can save one from the seeds of sinful desires.
Only by being engaged in devotional service to Krishna can this be done.
- Srila Prabhupada (Nectar of Devotion)


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Attainig Krishna Prema by Chanting Offenselessly


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/26/11

"One should never lose hope in spite of being attacked by wicked thoughts while chanting the holy name. All these thoughts will gradually disappear as one becomes fixed in chanting. But if one does not chant with enthusiasm how will such materialistic thoughts disappear?"

The best way to overcome the material energy is to associate with pure devotees and to chant the holy name of Krsna. A devotee's advancement can be measured by how much he is attracted to chanting the holy name.

"The end of all study and knowledge is the chanting of Krsna's holy names. Devotion to the Lord means faithfully chanting the holy name of Krsna. One who chants the holy name without offenses will very quickly attain Krsna prema."

- HH Mahanidhi Swami
Art of Chanting Hare Krishna


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'Krishna will never forget His devotee'


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/24/11

If a devotee takes to Krsna Consciousness very seriously and sincerely but if he falls down due to some reason, Krishna never forgets that sincere service rendered. If we have pleased Him or His devotee, Krishna will never forget that and He will intervene and give us the chance again and again may be in this birth or some future birth. It depends on us whether we use our free will to surrender to the Lord or to surrender to our material desires. But once we establish the relationship, He will never let us go for long.

There was once a devotee who left Krsna Consciousness and wanted to enjoy material life. He flew to another country and as soon as he came out of the airport, one devotee came and asked him to buy a book. He just ignored and thought to himself that why is Krishna doing this. When he entered His hotel room and switched on the television, on some news channel He saw devotees chanting the Lord's blissful names. Whatever He did, wherever he went somehow Krsna kept reminding Him of the transcendental life he had given up for the poisonous nectar of this world.

That's when He understood that Krishna is so merciful and kind that He is never going to let me go irrespective of my foolishness and disobedience. At that same point, that devotee returned back to the temple and dedicated himself whole-heartedly in the service of the Lord.

Hare Krishna.

(HH Radhanath Swami)


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